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Why do people consider TOR a single player experience? I don't understand.


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I meet people all day when I lvl, I invite them or they invite me. Yes there is not that much talking so far, I guess many people are still somehow "lost" in that typical wow attitute - go in, and quickly out, but I hope this will soon change. Still people seem friendly and help out if they see you in danger, people buff etc.


Not sure how it will be on 50, I also didnt find a nice guild yet - seems like nobody does want members, but there are guilds on my server. Its kinda weird, like they all met somewhere else... and made guilds allready pre release. Not even 1 guild advertisment yet in chat, strange.



I know it of MMO´s that you play with people and then either make a guild yourself or they invite you or that people offer a spot in their guild, by writing up a little story - posting it at the forum or game chat. But somehow this didnt happen yet at Tor, maybe just bad luck.


But we have an LFG channel allready, works well :)

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I meet people all day when I lvl, I invite them or they invite me. Yes there is not that much talking so far, I guess many people are still somehow "lost" in that typical wow attitute - go in, and quickly out, but I hope this will soon change. Still people seem friendly and help out if they see you in danger, people buff etc.


Not sure how it will be on 50, I also didnt find a nice guild yet - seems like nobody does want members, but there are guilds on my server. Its kinda weird, like they all met somewhere else... and made guilds allready pre release. Not even 1 guild advertisment yet in chat, strange.



I know it of MMO´s that you play with people and then either make a guild yourself or they invite you or that people offer a spot in their guild, by writing up a little story - posting it at the forum or game chat. But somehow this didnt happen yet at Tor, maybe just bad luck.


But we have an LFG channel allready, works well :)


ive seen lots of advertisements from guilds usually at ones respective fleet.

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this thread is filled with lies -.^ on multiple occations i have bumped into the same person i have seen since lvl 5 all the way to lvl 40 this is by no stretch of the imagination a solo game,m every planets also forces you to team up for the hc quests and iv never had any problems finding peeps for the quests.
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The game doesn't force you to group. You can level solo, playing this like KoTOR3, turning off all your chat channels, and roll a PVE realm.




You can get groups and do your heroic quests, run flash points, and find groups to quest with for social points and world PvP.


I've found it is what you make it. Bioware gave you choice.


If you're finding you're playing a solo adventure, it's your own fault. And, before you say "but why would I?! I don't have to!" You're right. You don't. But don't complain when you choose it.

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this thread is filled with lies -.^ on multiple occations i have bumped into the same person i have seen since lvl 5 all the way to lvl 40 this is by no stretch of the imagination a solo game,m every planets also forces you to team up for the hc quests and iv never had any problems finding peeps for the quests.


It doesn't force you to, you don't have to do them to level, I think I have done 2 because I got sick of waiting 45 minutes to try and get a group only to give up.

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Most of the things which got mentioned from other players or posters is pure bs.

I have people which ive added since i were low lvl that i still play with i have about 3 full group of people which i am doing flash points with all the time.

And aswell ive met players from other MMORPGS that ask me is that you from this game and so on.

Also ive found out that a few guilds from other mmorpgs have moved here so i defently dont consider this an single player game.


I rushed to lvl 50 and yes it were not many people that were 50 so it was a hardtime to get a group for doing flash points, and if you tried to get one after 8clock you could forget it.

But if you managed to get a group together it were a really good group cause it were mostly hardcore people which power leveld and are generally good in MMORPGS.

Ive added alot of them and nowdays they are my friends which i continue doing flashpoints with.


I will defently stick around and see what bioware adds i think its way to early to start ***** and moan about how good the game is what you do have to understand is you will never ever get the same feeling that you got for the first 3D MMORPG you started to play which was World of warcraft for most people yes it was a very good 3D MMORPG and it were a big change for people who came from 2D ones such as myself i used to play Ultima Online and i were defently enjoying wow but its not the same game anymore and i do think this game is diffrent to wow and brought in diffrent stuffs which other MMORPGS dont offer.


I do like companions i hope they bring in more story and quests for them cause i do like to talk to them and build up a relation ship and get to know them etc.


Aswell i like the pvp bgs funny to play when you are not doing any Flash point or raiding or doing proffessions for earning some money.


There is plenty of stuffs to keep you enterteined until some new content patches and bugfixes will come and yes i am lvl 50 and full pve tier geared and full "epic" geared and done all hardmodes.


Sorry for my bad grammar.


Best Regards


Edited by Smokaren
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It's considered single player as solo playing the game is more convinient than having people with you. Running around alone gives you more xp per kill, more gold, more loot for yourself etc. This is horrible MMO design and proves they have learned nothing from previous games. Atleast Rift improved on WoW by having public groups that merge very easily so you don't have to watch a guy kil what you need and then wait for respawn. A lesson in how it's done proper can be viewed in some of the Guild Wars 2 Alpha videos.


Having an MMO encourage people to not want to group with people they don't know doesn't make any sense. WoW was like this from the start and since the game is very old people just live with it, but in a 2011(12) triple A title this is not acceptable.

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So if the main objective is to gain levels the multiple ways you have to do so makes the game more open ended...

Any game that has you gaining levels as a measurement of progression will be linier... Saying there is loading screens between planets and saying you can't walk there is kinda...stupid.


Thats the problem right there. the point of sandbox MMOs is NOT to gain levels, but to gain character, reputation, and satisfaction from being unique and taking on the challenge of competing with other players to not have better gear, but to have a better experience. Can you gain reputation by being the best armorsmith in the galaxy in TOR? No, because everything you make is pre-determined and can be made by absolutely everyone else. Can you gain satisfaction in having an entertainer band and knowing that people get online for the sheer reasons of you having a scheduled performance that night and give the best dang buffs on the server? AND you got to maxl lvl by playing in that band and never fighting a single NPC or player? this is what encourages community. TOR doesn't have anything like this.

Every story is linear, yes, but in a true sandbox MMO, YOU make the story. In MMOs like SWG you can get to max lvl without stepping foot outside of a cantina. I made a Jedi and after getting max lvl, I still had yet to do a quarter of the quests and stories available. Why? Because There was no pre-designated path. I chose my path and that is the point of a Sandbox MMO; to make your own path and change the virtual world within the game by doing so. You have no choice in the matter of path or direction in SWTOR. BW has created this path for you and you can either follow it to 50 without skipping EVERY side quest the game has to offer you, do flashpoints over and over, or you can PVP your way up. That's it in a nutshell. No choices outside of Main Story, Instances, and PVP.

As for loading screens, I think he speaks of the fact that there is a loading screen for almost everything. In SWG dungeons and instances were real-world. You literally walked into them from the existing setting. You didn't load them from simulated doorway. TOR is plagued with loaded dungeons and instances. It does take away from any little bit of the immersion the game is striving for.


I could be wrong though. :)

Edited by Kajar
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There is no social framework in this game at all except general chat.


Having no chat bubbles mean the main hubs seem completely dead even if there are people around because nobody 'says' anything because it would just be lost in the chat tab.


I had someone wave at me while I was on my speeder and I tried to wave back but apparently you can't wave at someone from your speeder.


New MMORPG's like Rift have twitter, youtube and facebook interfaces built right into the game. In fact almost ALL multiplayer games including the new shooters have extensive social networking systems.


SWTOR has nothing. Zero except for guilds. That's why the world feels so dead even when there is a smattering of people on a planet. It feels dead because it IS dead, socially.


Edit: Oh, I forgot about the forums. We don't even have server forums. Not even a chance of community without this extremely basic feature that ALL MMORPG's have had for 10 years.


I don't think Bioware is aware of the fact that many people play MMOs for the community because they certainly are not encouraging it.

Edited by monjiay
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P.S. I still have yet to see anyone talk about class restrictions adding to the discouragement of groups. You want people to group together, don't restrict them from following the story together because they are the same class. My best friend and I bought this game specifically to play together. We hardly do because we both chose to be knights and can't experience anything but side quests together. Don't come back and say, "Well make a different class so you can play together." I shouldn't have to. In a REAL MMO, I should be able to be whatever the hell I want and not have to be denied co-op with my best friend. THAT'S why it's a single player game.
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Because they play it like a single player game, they dont socialize, they dont group up(Probably because of an elitist attitude), they race to lvl up, they troll.






Let's be honest some of you play the game with your head ducked down running around oblivious to the social game world around you. Next thing you know you level max then come on to the forums and cry about how there is no game world. It's sad.

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Let's be honest some of you play the game with your head ducked down running around oblivious to the social game world around you. Next thing you know you level max then come on to the forums and cry about how there is no game world. It's sad.


No what's sad is that people fail to understand that what most of the concern is over, is the minimal application of the social game. Don't be arrogant. Yes, it takes a lot more effort to be social in this game, but not because people can't be social, but because there's hardly any way or REASON to do it outside of grouping up for flashpoints and raids. People are complaining more about the fact that there was no concentration during development for a total social world outside of instances. I shouldn't have to group with someone on a quest I can do alone, in my sleep, to have social investment. It should be separate and immersing. TOR is lacking in that fundamental, giving most seasoned MMO players a sense of disconnect among the community. But you keep having fun teaming up with your friends for instances and simple quests...

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Let's be honest some of you play the game with your head ducked down running around oblivious to the social game world around you. Next thing you know you level max then come on to the forums and cry about how there is no game world. It's sad.



My highest level is 29, I tried to get a group for a flashpoint yesterday, I spent 45 minutes (no exaggeration either) in general chat looking for a group before I gave up and signed off, it's the same way with heroics, it is a huge pain in the butt to try and get groups and I am on a Heavy populated server!

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Yep... Been on Taris all day, only a handful of people TOTAL, even said anything in chat. joined a group for heroics and needed a healer. Waited around 20 min... nothing; disbanded group. It seems so depressingly absent of people. I'm in a heavy server too; on a SUNDAY! Edited by Kajar
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P.S. I still have yet to see anyone talk about class restrictions adding to the discouragement of groups. You want people to group together, don't restrict them from following the story together because they are the same class. My best friend and I bought this game specifically to play together. We hardly do because we both chose to be knights and can't experience anything but side quests together. Don't come back and say, "Well make a different class so you can play together." I shouldn't have to. In a REAL MMO, I should be able to be whatever the hell I want and not have to be denied co-op with my best friend. THAT'S why it's a single player game.


In option you can toggle it off, so you can enter your mates story area

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Most people dont....


The people that do say it, are typically just repeating something that have heard in an attempt to just be awesome. Then there are people that think because you are so heavily into a story that you arent really playing an MMO...is that a problem? no way.


Its no more a single player game than any MMO i have ever played...Sure its solo friendly as MMO's should be, but its also a very social game that rewards grouping and requires it for certain challenges.

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There is no social framework in this game at all except general chat.


Having no chat bubbles mean the main hubs seem completely dead even if there are people around because nobody 'says' anything because it would just be lost in the chat tab.


I had someone wave at me while I was on my speeder and I tried to wave back but apparently you can't wave at someone from your speeder.


New MMORPG's like Rift have twitter, youtube and facebook interfaces built right into the game. In fact almost ALL multiplayer games including the new shooters have extensive social networking systems.


SWTOR has nothing. Zero except for guilds. That's why the world feels so dead even when there is a smattering of people on a planet. It feels dead because it IS dead, socially.


Edit: Oh, I forgot about the forums. We don't even have server forums. Not even a chance of community without this extremely basic feature that ALL MMORPG's have had for 10 years.


I don't think Bioware is aware of the fact that many people play MMOs for the community because they certainly are not encouraging it.


lol it doesnt have twitter so its single player...


That is the type of idiotic response i am getting used to from people that are critical of this game.

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Because some of us play on a full server, with a wait time to log in, then while questing, see maybe 1 other person, and the chat channel is completely dead on planets for the most part.


Because you go to a quest hub, and your on a full server with a que time to log on, and you see maybe 1-2 other people, and the chat channel is dead on planets for the most part.


Because you spend a lot of time zoning into your ship hanger, then running for 2 minutes to your ship, then zoning into your ship, then watching a cutscene of your ship flying off, then loading into your ship, then walking to a star map to find a place you want to travel, then flying there, then watching a cutscene, then loading into the hanger, then walking 2 minutes to the hanger exit, then loading onto the planet. All done in an "instance" only you can access.


Because the only way to find groups, is to ask in general chat. Which you pretty much need to be in the main social hub (fleet for example) to do, because planets don't have a general, server wide chat channel, or any type of lfg tool (doesn't have to be cross server, maybe just a "i'm looking to do this" way to flag yourself).


Because just about every single quest you do, will send you into a room/corrodor instanced for only you, yes you can let part members join in it, but you won't see any random people there.


Seeing other people you don't know, is what gives an mmo "ambience" and "life" imo. The people you run by while questing, you don't talk to them, but they're there. Or sitting at the auction house. Any of these make the game feel alive.


Yes there is a lot of ways to group up , with flashpoints/ect to do as a team.


Questing with your friends doesn't exactly mean its "a massive multiplayer game. A friend and I are going to play mario brothers together on the nes, I guess that's a mmo?

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Honestly, Neither do I.


I wish all the above was the case, then I wouldn't have to wait for a quest item to respawn because someone else ninja's it out from under me, I wouldn't have to worry about security boxes being ninja'd as I attack the mobs around it. I wouldn't get stuck waiting for a mob to respawn because the one that someone raced to when they saw me heading towards it is probably the only one on the planet with a 20 minute respawn timer


I can't go more than 5 seconds without having a screen full of people going every which direction and that has been going on for almost 42 levels now on every single planet.


As for End Game content being Non-Existent... game has been out for 3 weeks, in this time you have achieved level 50, gotten fully geared, and fully experienced ALL end game content there is? People who complain about there not being any End Game content less than a month after release probably aren't looked at in much of a serious manner.

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Honestly, Neither do I.


I wish all the above was the case, then I wouldn't have to wait for a quest item to respawn because someone else ninja's it out from under me, I wouldn't have to worry about security boxes being ninja'd as I attack the mobs around it. I wouldn't get stuck waiting for a mob to respawn because the one that someone raced to when they saw me heading towards it is probably the only one on the planet with a 20 minute respawn timer


I can't go more than 5 seconds without having a screen full of people going every which direction and that has been going on for almost 42 levels now on every single planet.


As for End Game content being Non-Existent... game has been out for 3 weeks, in this time you have achieved level 50, gotten fully geared, and fully experienced ALL end game content there is? People who complain about there not being any End Game content less than a month after release probably aren't looked at in much of a serious manner.


General chat works for me, even if i'm in a instance or watching a cutscene, still the same people i talk with

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As the title suggests, I don't really understand. I'm a little new to MMOs, but certainly not single players. Am I missing something?


I understand that people are considering it a single player because the game I guess, is linear? But, I don't really think that. If you do every quest in an area, your space missions and a pvp daily, you'll out level your planet, letting you hop to different ones.


I guess it's because the planets are one after another though?


The questing doesn't feel single player, either... Take Skyrim. Skyrim is an awesome single player game, I love it. When I compare that to TOR, I don't see a comparison.


I've never seen a single player game where you're given a quest to kill 20 guys, or collect 20 things... for every single quest as the side quests go.


The main story quests are really cool and interesting, but otherwise - the side quests feel like, aside from the voice acting lore, repetitive and redundant. This makes me think of a normal MMO grind that doesn't give it a single player feel.


Could some one explain it to me, please?


because its not like wow

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