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Graphics test. SWTOR, RIFT and WoW


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Well another thing that video shows, is how clunky, laggy and unresponsive combat in SWTOR is compared to RIFT.


RIFT the hotbars were in sync with the attacks and it looked very smooth. Too bad the same can't be said for SWTOR.


RIFT wasn't as fluid upon release as it is today.

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Here is a closer shot. I have since uninstalled the game so these screenshots are old and I only have a few.




I guess I'm not really impressed with these graphics because it's just your standard JRPG visual fare. I don't see anything particularly breathtaking, just something that looks like a scene from a Final Fantasy game.

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Innovation? The one thing that Rift really "innovated" was the ability for players to create entirely different specs using the soul system. All that did was to make the game boring faster, since it meant that players could explore all the different roles of the trinity on fewer characters. Big deal.


rift never created the different specs for your character. they copied it from guild wars so that was not their innovation

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Cool post. Yeah it's kinda hard to pick, they all three have their own stylistic graphic themes so they will all stand the test of time, rift might be less stylistic and more realistic so might get out done sometime in the future. But yeah wow and SWTOR have very unique artistic approaches and that really helps with the longevity of a games appeal. I like swtors animations better for sure tho. Ability wise.
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How I look at it.




I think WOW looks charming, it's colorful and cartoonish and has a great atmosphere.

It isn't pretty mind you though I must admit some areas look well done for such an old game.

If I am perfectly honest if Blizzard would update the graphics of the characters,armor and such WOW would be my favorite when it comes to artistic style.




The moment Bioware adds an ultra setting and fixes some issues (like no high setting) SWTOR will look very nice.

It feels like Star Wars, just like WOW it isn't a pretty game but it has charm.

With the fixes added SWTOR will look the best out of the three.




It's realism and well I don't like it in MMO's.

Still Rift looks pretty good and has some beautiful area's.

The game it self is good as well, just that you can see they didn't had that much recourses.

The world has some dull places, I think out of the three mmo's rift has the most fun gameplay.

Some how it never managed to grow on me.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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WoW looks better and more importantly than anything else plays better than both Rift and SWTOR by a country mile. I am bewildered that a game that is 7 years old trounces anything released in the past 2 years. How does that happen?
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Funny thing is, Age of Conan blows SWTOR, WoW, and Rift right out of the water in both terms of graphics AND aesthetics, but for a price. You need a monster of a PC to max it out.

It is always important to find the balance. If the developers set the hardware requirements too high (like, arguably, AoC) you automatically limit your potential subscriber base.


I think SWTOR does it just right.

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Over LOTRO, Conan, WoW, Rift, Warhammer, SW:TOR (all the "latest" mainstream MMOs since WoW's release), I'd still vote for WoW and SW:TOR for graphics, with LOTRO at the third place. The engine is not the only element, the talent of the art team plays a much bigger role. There are people doing crap with top notch engines while talented artists can do wonders with supposed "lesser" engines.
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There is a difference between graphics and aesthetics. Sure Rift may have the most detailed graphics, but from 1-50, I did not feel immersed in my character.



And I did.


I love the graphics in RIFT. Go look at ember isle, its stunning.


Not that I mind SWTOR's graphics, but the are a tadge lifeless and sterile.

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And I did.


I love the graphics in RIFT. Go look at ember isle, its stunning.


Not that I mind SWTOR's graphics, but the are a tadge lifeless and sterile.


Also agree, Rift had far more "ambiance" over SWTOR it wasnt even close. Rift was better overall in everyway (graphics, ambiance wise), shame it really was WoW 2.0, but w/e

Edited by Ishikur
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It was cause they offered innovation. People do not like change, yet they do not want to admit it


so true.


Peopple just want the same over and over again. Which is why SWTOR will do well, its catering to its audience very well indeed. Same pulls over and over again, same gameplay as wow, same content, same boss fights.....

Personally I like things new, but same old same old appeals to the majority of players, no matter what they claim.

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WoW looks better and more importantly than anything else plays better than both Rift and SWTOR by a country mile. I am bewildered that a game that is 7 years old trounces anything released in the past 2 years. How does that happen?


Indeed. Shows how awesome Blizzard's programmers are at updating and maintaining their game-engine.

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Ill be honest I don`t like the style of graphics used in SWTOR its strange because it works well in WOW but all the different races and area where much more interesting to look at.


Rift had the best graphics for me then WOW and SWTOR I really don`t like the character models there just stupid and plain. The Level designs look boring and I have no desire to explore them like i did in wow and rift. Some of the ships and building in SWTOR look like a 12 year kid drew them.

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"SWTOR's graphics are stylistic and not realistic, therefore they will not be outdated in the future."


Why have I read this utterly ridiculous statement more than once in my life time?


The graphics are already outdated.


Even if they weren't that is silly, outdated is outdated is outdated. Since they aren't realistic graphics they will never get old...? Right.


Sorry but stupidity is annoying.

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As stated early and what TB said:


There's Graphics and there's Aesthetics.


You can have the best graphics ever but the aesthetics are boring, dull, and doesn't match the overall theme. (EX: Few F2P Games out there. Decent graphics...but every zone looks the same. Same color pallet.)


For example: Terraria. The "Graphics" are down right awful compared to BF3. But the aesthetics of the game is wonderful. It's pleasing, the colors match, it's vibrant, and overall great.


WoW's graphics are outdated. But, the aesthetics are outstanding. The shadows draw you in, the lush environment. It's colorful, yet it can be deep and dark at the same time. Also, it's very fluid and graceful.


Same goes with SWTOR. The graphics aren't that great compared to BF3 (again, but making a point) or say Rift or TERA. That doesn't matter though, because the aesthetics are pleasing. Colors in the game are rich, fluid, and lush. One planet can be bright, colorful, vibrant where as another can be extremely gloomy, dark, and dangerous. Amazing color pallet per zone.


Just a very brief and not detailed post. I'm sure I can go on and on.


You don't need the best graphics for a pleasing to look at game.


Requoting what I wrote because it needs to be read :p

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