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Does anyone else see a problem come the 20th?


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I only see a problem with community mental health. It too is possibly making the EGA unnecessary...


There have been server errors, during the stress test weekend for example, so I think from a purely technical perspective it helps to have room enough for the real launch. The show goes on after the 20th after all (i.e. all the people waiting for reviews before ordering etc.)

Edited by Grammarye
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Just a question people not a QQ thread.


Does anyone else see a problem with server stability come the 20th? Making this staggered EGA seem unnecessary?


Not really, when you think at it in terms that those who got EGA wont be in a need to really rush to get into the servers, they can, for the most part, play the game under their 'normal' gaming hours/habits.


I mean, how many people who got into Day 1 EGA are going to be up sharp at 8am to get on the servers when the next wave of emails are sent out?

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Just a question people not a QQ thread.


Does anyone else see a problem with server stability come the 20th? Making this staggered EGA seem unnecessary?


The fact they are staggering people between now and the 20th makes me think stability wont be a problem.

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Not really, when you think at it in terms that those who got EGA wont be in a need to really rush to get into the servers, they can, for the most part, play the game under their 'normal' gaming hours/habits.


I mean, how many people who got into Day 1 EGA are going to be up sharp at 8am to get on the servers when the next wave of emails are sent out?


Well most of them were up today at 8AM, so its kinda irrelevant. I think its going to be very unpredictable at this point.

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Not really.


I think majority of players who will play this game pre ordered it so will sooner or later join early acces. For me 20th December is useless date, cause almost everyone will be playing by then anyway...


Well remember alot of the pre-orders got screwed up via retailers (wal-mart, Amazon).

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I was saying it yesterday.


They are struggling to get people in the game when they have control.


How the hell are they going to cope when they have no control and the masses all start flooding in?


This staggered release is not preparing them for anything.


It shows them the servers will stay stable with a small percentage of it's playerbase using them but on the 20th they will be open to everyone and their dog.


I'm going to take a wild guess at lots of server crashes.

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Not really.


I think majority of players who will play this game pre ordered it so will sooner or later join early acces. For me 20th December is useless date, cause almost everyone will be playing by then anyway...


I think that there is going to be some issues on the 20th and 25th. 20th being official launch and 25 being Christmas.

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Just a question people not a QQ thread.


Does anyone else see a problem with server stability come the 20th? Making this staggered EGA seem unnecessary?




While they are staggering now that's out the door on the 20th. Further, with what appears to be a very low number of people invited on day 1 with a very early cut off (2pm CST) it seems they don't actually trust their servers to be scaleable. Sure there's not much lag but if a server is at 1% capacity there'd better not be.


Then there are the issues with logins/client downloads/installs/patches/graphics cards that are still (forgot to mention the sexist quest bug for the female bounty hunter) show stoppers that have been present a long while in Beta. I'm not sure how their already overstressed support system will deal with a deluge on the 20th. If they haven't been able to handle the small numbers let on day 1 of EGA, they're going to need a higher power or six come the 20th. I wish them the best but their tight lipped policy and seeming inability to figure out a decent server load combined with what appears to be zero effort to fix known issues has me not holding my breath.

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I was saying it yesterday.


They are struggling to get people in the game when they have control.


How the hell are they going to cope when they have no control and the masses all start flooding in?


They have control. They have limited the total amount of copies that can be sold.

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Even taking in account this issue I still think that it will be very small amount of players joining on 20th.


Well maybe I'll be wrong but, with all said and the way pre-orders were handled there is going to be a significant influx of players on the 20th. There will be alot of players buying the game that couldn't pre-order online and alot of players who are recieving the game for the holiday. With that being said I think we are looking at a real undecided future, and something alot of people are not taking into account.

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LOL at the people saying it won't crash on the 20th.


Bioware has severely limited who can play, hardly any people can get into game, of course the servers are fine so far. Doesn't the fact that they've so severely limited game access worry you a bit? When the 20th comes and they can't block people out anymore, what then.... This staggered launch will have been a total waste.

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I wouldn't worry that much. Majority of people interested in SW:TOR preordered thanks to early access deal, so I'm not expecting some huge flood on 20th.




I see someone posted exact thing already nvm then

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Just a question people not a QQ thread.


Does anyone else see a problem with server stability come the 20th? Making this staggered EGA seem unnecessary?


Nah I dont think so. All of the people who pre-ordered will be leveled otu of the starting zone. So there won't be as many people trying to get in the same place. Login servers might see an increased load right when midnight hits, since all the EGA gets cut off 2 hours prior, but I think it will be just fine.

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I didn't think there were any limits on how many digital copies could be bought? Just physical copies to retailers.


Thats is what was being said with the 2 fires of last week. 1) Gamestop was out of PO codes. BW replied that there are far more copies release then have been sold. They also implies that DO copies were exempt from the numbers


2) Amazon stated that it may take until Jan 9th (or 19th) to get all hard copies in hand.

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We already know few things, July was largest pre-order spike until November / December. They have also informed us that they will slip double the amount of people today (second stage of waves).


So yesterday, orders up to 27th of July got EGA , by following this structure my guess that they will have to slip two months of orders during the second wave stage.


When they get to November / December orders it will get messy! Since the number are quite high and stability of the server might go down with it.


I ordered in December after beta weekend so I do not expect to get inn until 18th of December.

Edited by edvardgj
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We already know few things, July was largest pre-order spike until November / December. They have also informed us that they will slip double the amount of people today (second stage of waves).


So yesterday, orders up to 27th of July got EGA , by following this structure my guess that they will have to slip two months of orders during the second wave stage.


When they get to November / December orders it will get messy! Since the number are quite high and stability of the server might go down with it.


I ordered in December after beta weekend so I do not expect to get inn until 18th of December.


So you would say that a Sept 8 purchase and entering should be in game tomorrow?

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So you would say that a Sept 8 purchase and entering should be in game tomorrow?


What does it matter if he says that, or if he says the clouds are really candy floss. Is that going to make you feel better. He doesn't know, and nobody is expecting him to. It's simply a decent estimate which, if correct, is fine by me, but if not, I'm not going to blame him for postulating it.

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What does it matter if he says that, or if he says the clouds are really candy floss. Is that going to make you feel better. He doesn't know, and nobody is expecting him to. It's simply a decent estimate which, if correct, is fine by me, but if not, I'm not going to blame him for postulating it.


I believe that I was asking him and not you. Please reserve any further comments for when/if they are wanted.

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