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Wipe all servers, launch on dec 15h as planned open to ALL players


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As a driver i've always hated austin because of the traffic and now bioware has given me another reason. bioware is only getting away with this because its star wars. i hope they're not fooling them selves into beliving that any other IP would've save them face. i'll be honest in saying that my friends wanted me to play this game and i made that choice. i'll never pre-order another bioware game (this is my first bioware game) or buy one again. bioware anger me before the release and they will anger me after the release. i hope my friends understand how lucky they are for my loyality to them; but bioware deserves none of that. as a pure hater toward blizzard i give them something... so far they seem to manager a game better.


so my friends (all of them but 3 others) are complaining about how caruscant has 31 players right now.. rest of us can set out on the side lines and palm slap our face. those of us that enjoy the rush of a newly release mmo where we ALL have a chance at server firsts and other bragging rights... can palm slap our face. only because this is star wars, bioware. here on out i consider you a shady company no better than blizzard. looks like EA knows how to pick them... discarded and rotted fruits lying next to a dying tree.


i can only hope come the 20th after you all get done working on the servers... everyone, all pre orders and folks that just got back from the store buying it, will storm your servers and bring them to their knees. i will save my game code for a few days and LOL at you austin folks that cuts off my 80,000 lb semi in the morning and evening; while preparing my paperwork for the new tax year. perhaps for christmas i'll finally buy my self a fully loaded kenworth and save my self on some taxes. at the very least i work for my self now and never have to visit austin again.

Edited by Awarain
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Funny thing is it's only a train wreck to those that are not in yet. Once someone gets in you don't hear from them anymore.


Your idea is ludicrous.


I just wonder why all of these people did not start complaining when they first announced they would do EA this way back in what July ????

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1.75 million people all log in on 15th of december, nice.


servers would crash and can break them which did on occassions, happen during the BETA stress testing.

queues would be insane.

everybody who got in to the game, would be fighting for mobs with thousands of people being in the starter zones.


The same amount of people will be logging onto the servers on the 15th regardless of a rollback/wipe. Server crashes have nothing to do with what the OP is suggesting. The OP is suggesting that everyone get a fair and equal start to the game.


I totally understand your point though you want to be able to get ahead of everyone else, so therefor don't care about anyone else but yourself.


Do you follow the game at all, have you played the game and realize that it is heavily instanced. So no matter if their are 100 or 5000 players in the starting area you will only have x number of people in any 1 instance; this is to reduce lag/increase server stability and avoid what you said about everyone going after the same mob. I hate instancing, but that's why it's in the game.

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"Fair" does not mean "the same thing for everyone".


Doctors make more money than garbage men. Is that fair? Yes it is.


People who line up for hours get better tickets than those who don't. Still fair.


People who pre-ordered earlier get a couple days more play time. Yup, still fair.

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Yes but people who are not in game right now have an unfair advantage on the boards. While others are playing the non-invitees can post thread after thread. I DEMAND THAT ON THE 20th all the boards be wiped so I can post like the other people.


I demand a level posting field.


lol I agree! I believe this needs its own thread and petition. ;)


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@OP, Hellz no !


I dont have access, and i enjoy reading what currently playing players are doing / their experience etc.


Beats the hell out of complaining all day, atleast i got some interesting things to read,

things to look forward too & what not.


And no...im not White Knight'ing, i got tired of complaining after 2 days now.

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The guy who wrote this posts is either a really dumb jelous kid or just someone trying to get responces out of people. I would not want to waste others hard earned time they invested in the game just because I want to be on the same level as them. Well to bad you big baby, i think its totally fair because bioware stated for a long time that the sonner you redeem your code, the sooner you get to play. Quit whinning and being a baby just because your two days behind them. If your that nuts about it, just stay up for 24 hours for 2 days and you'll be at the same level. Im sure the people who started first are not going to do that because they dont give a F (like myself who started first day). Its a game just play it and quit worrying about everyone elses buisness. Its people like you that ruin a good experiance for us all
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I decided to cancel my order and go play something else. as really TOR is just game and I have decided that really having to check my email every couple hours to find out if I am able to play a game is not really the way I want to play games. I don't mind waiting, but its unknown that I am might have wait 1 day or even up to 20th before I get to play with my friends. not really the MMO experience I was looking for sadly.


Hahahahaha. Riiiiight, ok. So you quit because you have no patience and you really expect your friends to quit to? Quit to be with you? I bet you got one hell of a surprise, didn't you.

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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.


Dec 15th servers open as planned, except all preorders are given access. This is the best way to solve this trainwreck of an early access.


This is the ONLY chance Bioware has to redeem itself, else go down in gaming history among the epic fails, and this one is true darwin launch. In order to prevent a situation where a lot of players are unable to play due being in server queues, they created a system that left the vast majority of players STUCK IN QUEUES with unknown wait times, waiting for their game access to be turned on. They've chosen by far the greater of two evils.


And when dec 20th comes around, with the current system they're probably going to end up with queues and server crashing anyway. How dumb.


What you mean is, for you it is the only way for Bioware to redeem itself. Nobody is stuck in a queue. You have stuck yourself in an imaginary queue and are now getting carried away. Relax, look forward to the game and enjoy it when it comes.

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No, I must leverage my foresight in pre-ordering hours after availability to level up. This way I will have more skills than you when you eventually roll into the game... allowing me to murder you in a warzone for like a week.
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Because every single person who ordered the game will all log in at the exact same time, right? You never get more than about 20% of players on even at peak times, 10% of subscribers online at a time is the average for mmorpgs.


Maybe 6-8 months after launch when the bloom has died down a bit. But the first month or so, especially for a brand new game as opposed to an expansion, I would expect a significantly larger percentage.

Edited by cjohnk
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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.


You mean as YOU originally planned. BioWare has stated from day one that early access would be granted on a first come first serve basis based on the order pre-order codes were registered. The only thing different from the original plan is they started earlier and thusly actually giving you a chance to get in early.

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