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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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1. Voidstar and Civil War are pretty good Warzones, but I`m sick of Huttball. And thats only 3 WZs. Oh! I`ve forgot about the ONE you are planning to add when people will be sick of Void and CW in March, yes?


2. Ilum. Whole Ilum idea is pointless after 1.1: farm their base or let them farm ours, oh! and take points to farm even more, but its not necessary. And those framedrops (and even DCs/CTDs) during mass PvP, especially when "quests" are being updated. Here we go with next another nail in the coffin: objectives marked on map by quest marks? Are you kidding me? Was it really so hard to at least do something similar to WAR when you have Gabe Amatangelo as "Principal Lead PvP"? Come on! Did I already mention BIG RED GLOWING intel info in the middle of the screen when someone is crossing one of the "objectives"? You know, giving just class, nick and position info is not enough - you should add at least Valor rank, Dark/Light points, items and so on. No needs for players to think and place scouts!


3. Stunlocks and consta CC. Okay. As I mentioned ealier you have Gabe Amatangelo in team. SO WHERE IS STAGGER? You know: that funny thing they introduced in WAR instead of stun? Yes - stun which gives you... wait for it... CC immune for few seconds if you get any damage during it, so you won`t be stunlocked.


4. How it comes that killing players outside Ilum PvP zone and outside Tatooine PvP zone doesn`t give any Valor? So why did you make PvP servers w/o such mechanic? Not to mention:


5. PvP loot system and Valor gain system. One word for it: TRAGIC. Getting almost whole Champion gear took me like week? And now there is only farm for me till level 60 and then next farm for Battlemaster gear. Yay! Almost like those Koreans MMOs ;s And there is nothing more after Valor 65 and mounts for it. Cool ;o



Made decent changes or finish agony of PvP in SWTOR.

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I'm at about a 6.


I enjoy warzones to a certain extent and that will keep me entertained until Secret World/Guild Wars 2/Planetside 2 comes out (Whichever comes first).


I hate the RNG loot system. I hated it in Warhammer, and I hate it in SWTOR. It is the most frustrating, un=rewarding loot system you could ever put in a game. It multiplies the frustration of grinding ten-fold because instead of knowing there is something at the end of the grind, you don't really know. You could grind for 2 weeks and get nothing but duplicates. I personally have gotten 5 helms and 7 implants, yet I still don't have any boots and have had to buy centurion pieces for other pieces I could not obtain.


I also think Illum is a massive failure. It's laggy, and I play republic where I'm outnumbered big time (I think someone said 9-1 in chat the other day, Vulkar Highway). This morning I gathered all 7 people in Illum to try to do our daily, and we constantly got steam rolled by 2+full ops groups of imperials. We basically sit at our base and wait for someone to get impatient so i can harpoon them into the turret. FUN.


Complaining aside, I do enjoy the gameplay and find my class (Vanguard) to be very fun and rewarding in PVP.

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And there is the crux of the matter..

Does everything you do have to benefit just *you* ?


I'd pvp more if it'd mean my faction would gain an edge overall, no matter if it's minor.

If i get a something out of it personally would be just icing on the cake really.


The egocentric approach works well enough in the short run, but as a sustainable system it's pretty horrible.

It feeds the greedy side of us that just want more loot and status, does it make pvp feel meaningful though?


A mix of some sort would be preferrable, at least in my view.


Nah history has shown, hell win trading Ilum has shown that 90% of people do pvp not for the love of their faction or pvp, but for the easy road into phat loot. I mean would people care as much about arena in WoW if it didn't come with gear, titles and mount?


Your idea all sounds good on paper like WAR at launch, they tried the exact same thing as you describe, little rewards that benefit the faction, but when people found out you get more xp and valor faster in BGs, it was 4 maps from 1-50 and beyond. When they finally fixed RvR it was way too late.

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Warzones: 6/10 Getting the bugged Warzone daily every day is not cool. Void Star and Civil War are okay but Huttball seems off. If a team scores twice in 2 minutes than they'll continue to push the other team into their spawn point. Which stops being fun at that point.


Ilum PvP: 4/10 Before hand, while completing your daily wasn't supposed to be "friendly" it still allowed everyone to get in and get out without hassle. Now the Republic is still out numbered and are likely to get steamrolled every time they meet us.

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i think its funny in the path ctommorow,they are doing nothing about the fps problem sin warzones that so many people are hazing.me my self i'm over it so is my 50 guild members we are pretty much waiting on d3 now since bioware had to fail me so bad,i mean really making allune so less can que lamo,so soon it will b like 5vs5 thats worl pvp for ya,i feel bad cause all theya re gonna have is pve players and really i think alot more are pvp,cause pve in this game is boring as boring can get after you hit 50,and pvp is getting real boring 25 bags later and no loot,i just want the damn fps fix in warzones,no its not my comp i did everysingle ting on the vforums and still **** *** fps great fps in pve,its your servers and your engine that fail,my comp is no less then 1 year old i spet 2900 on it when i got last year taxes so its a good comp , i play the new batman on ultra 16time anti 16 time atstrophic, tripple buffering,i mean direx 11,with everything on and it runs pretty damn nice and looks way nice like super nice,i mean i get **** fps in warzones and the graphics blow on this gam eits not like they are even pro status,i mean really fix the fps problem or you will lose alot of peopel,learn to read your own forums for ideas/tips so you wont fail so bad,and ya im mad cause these warxones piss me off and its th eonly reason i got this game for PVP.
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The only problem I have is that I'm at a disadvantage, due to my lower level gear, expertise, and the (up until recently) facerolling 50s with all their OP gear simply because they've invested more time in the game. From my view, that's stupid. It's not yours? Yeah, I know, there's people like that. You don't have to tell me. So don't tell me; I don't care. ... But if you have a reason to support the argument opposing my opinion, feel free to tell me


The lag issues I don't care about that much, seeing as I played a first person shooter with 1.5 second of delay on everything for 5 years, so I know how frustrating it is to lead everything by an inch. Also, I know that others have ability delay, so it's all balanced. The fact that I know how to lead (Even though aiming and this game are completely different) my moves and most others apparently don't means I'm at a slight advantage. Sometimes.


The whole 10:1 ratio of huttball to others and population imbalance is the players' fault for choosing empire. Yeah, I don't mean it's bad, but it's still your fault. "Culpa" in Latin means fault, but literally "Capable", as in capable of the crime.


I have yet to see any WZ breaking bugs. Even so, I don't care if I lose; It's just a game. Except when I start raging because I have to go the end of the Huttball line to score and someone else survived and scored at the beginning... Then of course people will quote that to actually have yet more things to hate on the game, even though they never experience it and really don't care; they're just bored.

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another fail attempt at pvp,a few more days done with this game,fixing the fps problem lmao,shouldnt b a problem with it if you ask me,you dont release a game all messe dup like this,i thik they should of game the game another year before they sold it.but w/e not my lost of 130 mil plus,caus eim sure any mmo that come sout is gonna take every player from this,allso this has nothign to do with what peopel know about starwars just saying fail fail fail/
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Faction/side balance

Class balance

Too much CC (stun, knock down, pulled up, pushed back, slowed, rooted, spun in circles, harpooned, chocked). Yeah, all good stuff.

Forced minigame grind

No WZ premade only queue

Too much emphasis on gear

World PVP is next to non-existant, and clearly overlooked in favor of the forced minigame grind model


Ilum. ROFL. I mean... really????!!!!!!


Edited by Jebi
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Resolve sucks.


Doing dailys, only to see that your win didn't update to your mission.


Other peoples performance issues plague my enjoyment.


RNG does not = skill.


Class balance.

Edited by Sunsoar
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ya there are problems that need to be addressed but the dev team has already ben made aware of them. and as a gunslinger i do fairly well in pvp if i apply myself, and yes i do get face rolled occasionally but i accept that as the nature of the beast.

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Personally, I think the CC adds more skill to the game. Of course people can always break out, and they probably do. And then they die because they got stunned in the hazard. Guess what? It's sort of common sense after awhile, but after the pleas for macros and addons, it's come apparent to me that people want the game to think for them. Use the CC breaker only for emergencies and/or whenever the 4 seconds of not being stunned will make a difference. You'll get CC'd more than once every 2 minutes/1 minute 30 seconds. You can do the same, you know.
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For me 6/10 (easy to get gear and win, but im a sentinel and well abiltity delay speaks for itself when it comes to pvp enjoyment regardless of domination)


For most people probably 2/10




The reality is the 50's bracket is going to make this game boring for alot of players as far as pvp goes. Most players cant handle getting rocked by pre-mades allday. I mean i start laughing non-stop when I see people in warzones that they waited 30 min+ for and have no chance at winning. Then you just score 5 times and farm them for medals until you know there is no longer enough time to grab any other medals. Then we just queue instantly again and rock the next game. I mean what isnt boring about being those other people. The only chance bad players have to enjoy this game was 10-50 bracket.......


good lvl 50 players > bad lvl 50 players > lowbies


the sad truth is bad players will be your core subs.....eventually it will be something along the lines of good players = 5%, bad players = 35% and lowbies = 60%


Now the kicker is yes you have more lowbies but that just cuz its level 10-49 and are more casual to there gaming (not always in WZ's and online). But those 35% of bad level 50's will want to actually win and play every single day for hours, or at least feel like they made a diffrence, not just get carried. And sadly the only way they ever gonna get that feeling is beating on lowbies. Allow lowbies to stock up on bags so when they hit 50 they cant complain about not having the gear to compete. That ends that arguement right there. I guess what im trying to say is at some point people have to gear grind, might as well let them use the excuse of being a lowbie as an excuse (you know cuz of all the fragile ego's out there that will never admit they actually suck)


Like i said, the good players are going to dominate regardless, but letting the bad players struggle every single day through queue's and pre-mades is only going to drive them away from the game. They will get bored of it, times have changed, most people just dont know how to apply themselves to excel anymore.


dang i wish i was on ur server, on warrior of shadow we had 100s of imps exploiting day 1 ilum 1.1 and now have 100s of BM imps. imps is 3:1 ratio on my server and rep find it hard to compete with the lightning kids

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Personally, I think the CC adds more skill to the game. Of course people can always break out, and they probably do. And then they die because they got stunned in the hazard. Guess what? It's sort of common sense after awhile, but after the pleas for macros and addons, it's come apparent to me that people want the game to think for them. Use the CC breaker only for emergencies and/or whenever the 4 seconds of not being stunned will make a difference. You'll get CC'd more than once every 2 minutes/1 minute 30 seconds. You can do the same, you know.


Shows your lvl of experience at this game or PvP in general. Some classes dont have stuns or knockbacks.

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-1 im tired of lag spikes from those stupid announcements. Every 2 seconds is a lag spike.....


Ive been a huge supporter of this game and im getting to my breaking point. Out of 23 ques for warzones yesterday 2 went through...


get rid of those stupid announcements that cause lag spikes

get rid of ilum instancing its really ruining the open world pvp feel and its not solving lag issues b/c we still have those lag spikes from those announcements.


come on gabe and james i dont want to quit another mmo but im getting close


james you ask us to trust in you well i cant even copy and paste a link from chat in game but i can copy and paste from outside the game into it?


I see you offering a UI enhancement that should have been here at launch as a coming soon feature?


Im trying to be positive but im getting fed up i cant pvp hardly in ilum and i cant even que 1/2 the time for warzones and you want me to have faith in you guys?


You wont do cross server pvp b/c you want to foster server rivalries but we still dont have decent server forums then on top of it were told to make community forums then after 2 billion community made sites have server forum wars you say hey heres a half baked server forum no?


Loyal bioware and star wars fan at his wits end............

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Personally, I think the CC adds more skill to the game.


There is no skill in CC, in pugs anyway - specially as a melee when every huttball game has 4 sorcs all standing on the top walkways spamming forcelightning when LOS doesn't even break the cast half the time.

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