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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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rofl you guys are a bunch of complaining spoiled wow kids. I say wow because most of the complaints are lack of balance and lack of maps as there is only 3. PvP balances at 50 so unless your 50 quit complaining, some classes bloom sooner then others. 3 maps is more then alot of other mmos had at launch so be grateful we have at least something. PvP is good the way it is right now, aside from the lag and bugs but it is nothing that they cant fix with time. Be patient and give them time to fix it. Everyone complains about a game that has been out for what 3 weeks now?


Wait what? Did you call people a bunch of complaining wow kids, then plug it with "PvP is good the way it is right now, aside from the lag and bugs"


I'm going to let you in on a secret pssst....you just kinda complained in a very cowardly kinda way


You might have sh** in your pants you should go check.


oh while i'm here: 3/10 (Imperial L50 Jugg // L21BH Merc + various other imp toons i just can't quite get addicted to. Something is missing and i can't quite put my finger on it. Unfortunately when the developers figure out what ingredient is missing it may be too late.

Edited by Shonjin
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Open world pvp in this game really leak, and its not fun at all -> farm republic all day or avoid the daily. Make it like it is in warhammer for **** sake! Let us have something to do without braindead grinding.


Heads up for the warzones I must say they are really great. I am now at valor rank 55 and I am stil enjoying them.

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Jedi Guardian, Valor Rank 25 or so, 6 or 7 pieces of Champion gear.




With the ability lag and WZ performance issues, coupled with the deficiencies of my class, PvP in this game is very rarely fun.


This is why PVP is a 1/10 for me...

I am Powertech, Valor Rank 50, 1 piece of Champion gear

I leveled via PVPing and finally hit level 50 2 days ago... one would think pvping to level 50 would make you a PVPing beast right? WRONG.

I got screwed by BioWare in the following fashion for PVPing to level:

-1000/1000 Commendation cap

-Bag unique cap

-Lost commendations trying to buy more than 1000 mercenary commendations... should prevent me from losing commendations when trying to purchase them...

-10-49 cap introduced late so all the facerolling the 50s have a leg up

-Expertise not craftable for new level 50s

-All my class quests gave me 5xp since they went grey on me

-Legacy level is so low since I only started doing class quests when I heard you get legacy levels.

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For me 6/10 (easy to get gear and win, but im a sentinel and well abiltity delay speaks for itself when it comes to pvp enjoyment regardless of domination)


For most people probably 2/10




The reality is the 50's bracket is going to make this game boring for alot of players as far as pvp goes. Most players cant handle getting rocked by pre-mades allday. I mean i start laughing non-stop when I see people in warzones that they waited 30 min+ for and have no chance at winning. Then you just score 5 times and farm them for medals until you know there is no longer enough time to grab any other medals. Then we just queue instantly again and rock the next game. I mean what isnt boring about being those other people. The only chance bad players have to enjoy this game was 10-50 bracket.......


good lvl 50 players > bad lvl 50 players > lowbies


the sad truth is bad players will be your core subs.....eventually it will be something along the lines of good players = 5%, bad players = 35% and lowbies = 60%


Now the kicker is yes you have more lowbies but that just cuz its level 10-49 and are more casual to there gaming (not always in WZ's and online). But those 35% of bad level 50's will want to actually win and play every single day for hours, or at least feel like they made a diffrence, not just get carried. And sadly the only way they ever gonna get that feeling is beating on lowbies. Allow lowbies to stock up on bags so when they hit 50 they cant complain about not having the gear to compete. That ends that arguement right there. I guess what im trying to say is at some point people have to gear grind, might as well let them use the excuse of being a lowbie as an excuse (you know cuz of all the fragile ego's out there that will never admit they actually suck)


Like i said, the good players are going to dominate regardless, but letting the bad players struggle every single day through queue's and pre-mades is only going to drive them away from the game. They will get bored of it, times have changed, most people just dont know how to apply themselves to excel anymore.

Edited by Vegathegreat
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6-8 depending on how my day is going. PvP is a great deal of fun and more balanced than I am used to in MMOs. There are bugs which need to be worked out and the expected standard balance issues/tweaks.



This is why PVP is a 1/10 for me...

I am Powertech, Valor Rank 50, 1 piece of Champion gear

I leveled via PVPing and finally hit level 50 2 days ago... one would think pvping to level 50 would make you a PVPing beast right? WRONG.

I got screwed by BioWare in the following fashion for PVPing to level:

-1000/1000 Commendation cap

-Bag unique cap

-Lost commendations trying to buy more than 1000 mercenary commendations... should prevent me from losing commendations when trying to purchase them...

I did want to chime in to agree with some of this sentiment though... why on one hand support people leveling via PvP (the 10-49 bracket is wonderful) then essentially penalize people for doing so (I am constnatly stacking PvP medpacs and adrenals just because they're the only thing I can buy under 50). I am sure there was some logic to this but it is sort of lost on me

Edited by SWImara
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3. biggest issue: open world pvp has no risks nor rewards. pvp servers should be encouraged to pvp from low levels, and not only in a structured fake environment like warzones. dying should be penalized. killing should be incentivized.
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2/10 Here is why:



When im not CC'd :rolleyes:



-Horrible FPS!!!

-To much lvl difference (39 lvls difference is to much)

-CC... CC... CC... CC... CC... CC... CC... CC... Dead... (Stunned untill your dead)

-Hard to see what kind of enemy you are fighting.. Full DPS and full healer commando looks the same.

-Lots of players rather play WZ's as if they were deathmatches instead of doing objectives.

-Can only queue for all 3 WZ's, cant only queue up for one of them.

-Healers win the games.

-Hutt Ball jumpers/flyers/air thingy's are more annoying and too random. I think some stairs would had been much better.

-You always get 50/50 in objectives on scoreboard even if you only defended(50% of the points are always in defence and 50% are always in offense)

-No scoreboard until the game is done.

-You dont get re-teamed with your party after a match, if you queued as a party.

Edited by AncherDK
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got a decent amount of champ gear, nearly valor rank 60. Done guild premades, done pugs, done Ilum pre and post changes.


I so very very bored with the pvp in this game.


logged onto Ilum last night just kinda looked around, said "meh" and logged.


Heading out of town for 2 weeks maybe when i get back I will be interested.



3/10 for what it is now, BUT the potential for 8/10 or so exists IMO.

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this is why

1. Ilum is broke

2. sick of Huttball

3. this is my biggest complaint its way to easy for everybody to get Cent/Champ gear. why not use the valor lvs 40 Cent. 50 Champ 60 Battle Master. it took me along time to hit 54 valor but I have seen people just get into pvp after hiting 50 and they are decked out in champ gear at lv 10-30 valor what the **** is that all about.:mad:

4. Server balance or lack there of. this alone would fix 1 and 2. well for the most part


If everything was fixed 10/10 I love the idea of diffrent concepts BW did a great job with that. Now they just need to pull it all together. still mad about how its way to easy to get gear though.

Edited by Sanwa
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0 / 10


there is no pvp once you hit lv 50 in low - standard pop server


ROFLwut? "there is no pvp"? what are you TALKING about? im on a standard pop server and i get que times of anywhere to instant to like a minute or 2. seems pretty good to me. usually lots going on at ilum. the que times have been like that from lvl 10-50. never had a problem. either unlucky, or exaggerating lol. i have absolutly no trouble getting some pvp on my server. day or night.

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3 right now


PVP is simply too flawed and easy. The UI, ability lag, ability delay from animations, fps issues, sound issues, combat text, op frames, lack of useful focus, bag loot system, and a few other issues. Tunneling works too well, it's disappointing.


I'm not as concerned about class balance because no MMO has ever achieved it and if you are a veteran competitive PVPer you know that going in. The entire class balance issue will have done a 180 by summer just through updates and patches, way it goes.


If they cleaned up most of those problems (first paragraph) I could rate it as a 7. I just don't think they have they engine or combat mechanics to be higher than that. The Warzones themselves are fun but are missing something.


Fun but never going to be an e-sport.

Edited by Kolbenito
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3 right now


PVP is simply too flawed and easy. The UI, ability lag, ability delay from animations, fps issues, sound issues, combat text, op frames, lack of useful focus, bag loot system, and a few other issues. Tunneling works too well, it's disappointing.


I'm not as concerned about class balance because no MMO has ever achieved it and if you are a veteran competitive PVPer you know that going in. The entire class balance issue will have done a 180 by summer just through updates and patches, way it goes.


If they cleaned up most of those problems (first paragraph) I could rate it as a 7. I just don't think they have they engine or combat mechanics to be higher than that. The Warzones themselves are fun but are missing something.


Fun but never going to be an e-sport.


lol are you really complaining about the combat text and op frames? the text shows ur healing and dmg, the op frames show peoples HP. what more do you want you diva? lol

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