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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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When I was on beta weekend test servers against similarly geared and leveled players




Now that we have 50's in full pvp gear fighting level 10's.





This needs to be fixed immediatly. The free month thing is almost over, and I for one wont continue playing if the game isnt fun anymore.



Agree with that completely. I'd put it about a 4 overall, but I'm willing to give them time to act on the issues.

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  • Class imbalance
  • Faction imbalance (As Republic always lose)
  • PvP Leveling not an option under 50.
  • Ridiculous Huttball.
  • Team imbalance
  • Thrown into losing uneven matches.
  • Kicked out of matches because I can not leave spawn when invisible wall preventing me from leaving spawn
  • Kicked to character select screen



I give it a 1/10. Previous MMO PvP experience: EQ, WoW, EQ2, Guild Wars, Planetside, WAR, Fury. All were more fun PvP than SWTOR.

Edited by Tnice
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1/10. I can't stand Huttball, yet can't choose not to queue for it.


That's simply unnacceptable. I don't even queue for PvP anymore except during the busiest parts of the day, because I have no interest in playing Huttball, and that's all that comes up unless you're queueing during peak hours. Heck, Huttball comes up 1/3rd of the time even during peak hours, and it turns me off PvP entirely. When I'm choosing not even to participate in the system anymore because of a feature (or lack thereof, in this case) the system deserves a 1.


What is needed is a filter, allowing us to choose which PvP games we wish to queue for. Almost four years ago now, Warhammer Online released with this feature, and it's been industry standard ever since. WoW did it. Rift did it. This isn't new, or revolutionary. But like so many other things, BioWare is years behind in terms of some of the basic functionality they offer in their MMO.



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2/10, to muvh unbalance, get a 50 healer against you... give up


This ^


Is there even such a thing a diminishing returns? I feel like I'm CC'd for too long.


You're also pretty much gimped as soon as you roll a melee class because of attack delays.


I'd give the pvp 4/10 :p

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As mentioned over and over again:


1) Huttball is boring. Can I really play the same game over and over?


2) Class IMBALANCE. OMG I don't think I've seen something this bad.


I agree with these points, my rating would be a 4 out of 10.

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Its ok but the glaring flaw of expertise and in terms of warzones putting 50's in with lower levels ruins it.


Its pretty damn pathetic considering the decade+ of what PvP works and doesn't that other games have demonstrated that its like this.

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Enough to unsubscribe AND GO WHERE ... ppl have these imaginary ideas about perfect MMO PvP, problem is nobody offers that. Also all this rage about lvl 50 players ... if you want fair play -> PvE offers that. MMO PvP is always about strong beating on weak, many beating on few.
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definitelly not that bad and can be fun for a while, but i think not more than 3-4 months.. then you get bored and issues that now im able tolerate due to game is new and need to be worked on (bla bla bla) will be more viable and annoying..

therefore i give my PvP hopes to Guild Wars 2.. hope it will come this year..

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I give it a 3. My big issue is class balance.. because there is none.


When you are at 550+ expertise and fight someone else with that or higher it's not that far off.


If you come in fresh, I can almost auto attack stun kill you.


This is so much more balanced than any other game when people are in sets.

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About 2 or 3.


I play warzones a lot, and my faction is not overpopulated so I don't have to play huttball all the time. Still, there's only three different warzones and no level brackets (yet). There is not much PVP outside of warzones (I play on a PVP server) and there are no real rewards for doing it that would make more players seek it out. (It is kind of fun though to force wave people off the balloon etc. but that also gets old.)

Edited by dannythefool
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Aww, it thinks legit complaints from a majority of the community is whining. So adorable.


Majority of the community is playing the game ... forum community is whining - sry - has legit complains :) They are legit to an extent, but too much of them are focusing on the everybody has to be equal in PvP idea. That's just whining ... enemies can be stronger, it's a challenge that is very rewarding to overcome. Ppl should learn to appreciate it, not go to forum and cry about it.

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PVP sucks on this game. The enemy team always cheats by working together whilst we are an uncoordinated mess. Bioware should nerf players who use teamwork because it isn't fair! Why should they be stronger just because they communicate?

-ITT, players who think they can lone wolf this game like it is COD.

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PVP sucks on this game. The enemy team always cheats by working together whilst we are an uncoordinated mess. Bioware should nerf players who use teamwork because it isn't fair! Why should they be stronger just because they communicate?

-ITT, players who think they can lone wolf this game like it is COD.



I love your sarcasm LOL <3

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I've never really pvp'ed in an MMO before. or at least make it a core part of my game play.


In TOR though, i'm really getting into it. It needs a little work, no doubt, but i'm already considering ditching the pve route at max level and just getting into a pvp guild.


There is something fantastic about seeing jedi and sith jump about, force lightning firing off, force chokes, and lightsabers wirring back and forth.


i'd say 7.5/10. I'd like to see brackets. Put that in, and you're pretty much set.

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Aww, it thinks legit complaints from a majority of the community is whining. So adorable.


You are not legit, you are the minority that is making loud voices. Ask yourself instead of raging: "What's the reason of my failures?". The voice inside your head is looking for the mistakes somewhere else, instead of the how you play. Change the way you play. Look from a different perspective. Don't expect a fully automated game, create the opportunity. Read the patch notes.

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You are not legit, you are the minority that is making loud voices. Ask yourself instead of raging: "What's the reason of my failures?". The voice inside your head is looking for the mistakes somewhere else, instead of the how you play. Change the way you play. Look from a different perspective. Don't expect a fully automated game, create the opportunity. Read the patch notes.


Exactly. So many times you see ppl leaving the red buffs to waste, not using consumables, over extending, focusing wrong objectives ... even if everything was equal they would still get trashed by others with more experience.

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