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GTN Terminals- There aren't enough


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1. Every spaceport. There is more than enough room for this and you can make it immersive.


2. Put neutral auction houses in PvP areas like Outlaw's Den and give people incentive to use them, like tax free postings.


3. No where else. People saying "on their ship" are silly.

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If I'd be a Hutt and Republic and Empire want me on their side, the first thing I would do is to get a concession to open my trade network to every one of their planets. And that only for allowing them to talk to me in the first place.
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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


1) My ship. I'd also love a mailbox there. I tend to log on out on my ship at the end of the day, and it'd be great to check the GTN and mail right when I log on, rather than needing to run somewhere. I understand why it's not on the ship (I think) but either ship or spaceport would be great


2) Alderaan


3) Ilum


I'd also like to add my voice for more neutral hubs - going to Nar Shadda at the end of the day adds an extra half-hour to my gaming time. I like to look over the crafting schematics that get put up there, but more neutral hubs (maybe in cantinas?) would be really great, AND I think more people would utilize the neutral AH then.

Edited by Aimorai
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I understand the reluctance to put them on the ship, though I do think there should be mail on the ship.


I agree with having GTN on every planet, though I'd actually say put it in the cantina rather than the spaceport. This retains a little of the "social hub" mentality and also gives rest XP for time spent browsing and selling.


The biggest issue is that for people questing (a major emphasis of the game's design, not just flashpoints and PVP) returning to the fleet represents a rare and major disruption of play. Quick Travel / Taxi to somewhere on the same planet is a reasonable break.

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Vodalus/Miallen & others,


While I agree the GTN shouldn't be the only reason to go the fleet, it still is a reason.


I want to see people gathered around, running about, vendoring their junk. If they never speak, that's fine with me. It gives me the warm fuzzys that i'm not the only person on the server.


You may disagree, but I loved running into capitol cities of other game and seeing hundreds of players standing and milling about.


Lag is an issue in the Fleet, a big issue, but I don't want to see it instanced. I personally think the instances need to be removed across the board... but I'm changing the subject.


Bring people together for whatever reason, should never be a bad thing. After the GTN UI is updated to be more useful, maybe a solution is to allow posting to the GTN from your ship, but not purchasing, or the other way around.


My point is simply this... There are too many parts of the world that already feel dead and empty because of instancing and player base, the last thing this game needs is to give players more options to further isolate themselves.

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I like the way that the gtn was set up in beta with a terminal on every planet. This will make it easier for people to buy and sell on the market (that is the point of the market right?). During beta this system was smooth and easy to access. I hope someone has the wisdom to return the system to its former flourishing function rate.


There also has to be more than one hutt network. I was looking thru the one on nar shada today and there was barely anything on the network to buy. Why would anyone take the time out of their day to go to nar shada for that gtn when it is basically a dead market.

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There should be GTN on every planet, maybe the spaceport.


My bigger issue with the GTN is searching, it is terrible. You can't even just do an item search without using 4 drop-downs and doing a search before you can just type in what your looking for.


If there is an easier way cn someone please enlighten me



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Ship or Spaceports


I'm only Lv40, but that's my vote. While leveling, you rarely have to go back to the Republic/Imperial fleet or Coruscant/Dromund Kaas unless you're in the middle of class quests that are either wrapping up a Chapter, or starting a new one. Because of this, it makes buying/selling things on the GTN very time consuming.


Typically, if you're under Lv50, you're on any given planet doing quest, trying to level up, when suddenly you realize you need more inventory space or you need to sell some things. You'd then need to quick travel or take a taxi to the Spaceport, jump on your ship, fly to the Fleet, exit your ship, and walk to the GTN. And then you have to do all of that again (just backwards) when you decide to return to the planet to continue your quest.


The shuttles on planets are a nice way of cutting out of the middle man, but unfortunately there's no shuttle ride back to where you left off.

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I don't get why in a 2012 Sci-Fi MMO players accept anymore such useless time sinks as being obliged to walk up to physical terminal to:


  1. Send/receive emails
  2. Browse an ebay like AH
  3. Collect packages.



There's no fun at all doing so and it barely helps feeling the world is alive.

It's a pure waste of time and it does not promotes socialization at all.



Let's get back a bit in time, mind you?


In 2003 SoE released a SW MMO in which emails were directly send to the player datapad.

It did not remove any socialization at all, and since I left that game, I never ever received a text email containing more than a few words in any other MMO.


We are 9 years later and I dare saying TOR email system is very annoying, especially for a Sci-Fi MMO. It really kills the immersion factor.



Would you want to make the game an enhanced version of other MMO, especially vs SWG, then we should be able to browse emails remotely from any location.


Now top it with space ships (mobile home) and companions:

1) Packages sent to space ships (with a fee)

2) Browse and use the AH remotely (secured connection needed = $$$)

3) Have companions post items on the AH (cool down on companion and money sink)

4) Have companions bring items from the space ship cargo/mailbox to us (cool down on companion and money sink)

5) Have companions store items in our cargo (cool down on companion and travel/transport fees)

6) Have companions post packages to others players (cool down on companion and travel/transport fees)


Now you would have a great system leaving more time to the players to enjoy more active activities.

Edited by Deewe
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1. My ship.


Just to throw this in here, I'd also argue that "My ship" should also be a bind point on every planet, unless there are plot reasons that would disable using that bind point at that particular time.

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Vodalus/Miallen & others,


While I agree the GTN shouldn't be the only reason to go the fleet, it still is a reason.


I want to see people gathered around, running about, vendoring their junk. If they never speak, that's fine with me. It gives me the warm fuzzys that i'm not the only person on the server.


You may disagree, but I loved running into capitol cities of other game and seeing hundreds of players standing and milling about.


Lag is an issue in the Fleet, a big issue, but I don't want to see it instanced. I personally think the instances need to be removed across the board... but I'm changing the subject.


Bring people together for whatever reason, should never be a bad thing. After the GTN UI is updated to be more useful, maybe a solution is to allow posting to the GTN from your ship, but not purchasing, or the other way around.


My point is simply this... There are too many parts of the world that already feel dead and empty because of instancing and player base, the last thing this game needs is to give players more options to further isolate themselves.


So, then, your view is that everyone else should be inconvenienced and irritated with a useless time sink and load screens so that you can see more digital bodies in the area? What if BW added a bunch more NPCs milling about the GTN area on fleet, would that work?


My above snarkiness aside (I get irritated when people want to dictate the inclusion or removal of system or concepts that dictate what I do to make them feel better. My character is my character. What I do with it is my choice, just like what you do with yours is your choice so long as we are not impeding the freedom of each other. . . which is what those type of suggestions do.), I don't disagree about the lifelessness of the worlds, the other night I was on Tat and there were 20 split into two separate shards. It's sad. But this is not the way to combat that; dare I say, this only makes it worse, since people are having to leave the planets where they quest in order to go to the GTN.


I also believe that things such as looping music, "critters", and mobile NPCs would go a long way toward fixing that "feel". But I'm straying form the point of this thread.


Give people a reason to be at fleet, not a reason to go to fleet.

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After reading all 20 pages of this response, I'd like to contribute my idea, which is probably now influenced by much of what I have read.


#1 Someone mentioned adding the GTN terminals to the Cantinas. I think this is a great idea. The Cantinas already have storage access, and they make sense as an "I'm done gaming for the day, time to manage inventory" destination due to the rest XP thing. This would help boost population in the Cantinas which would give them a nice feel.


#2 There really should be a GTN terminal (and mail access) on my (and other player's) ships. Right now, the ship SHOULD be my cool down / upkeep zone. Typically we finish all of the quests on a planet, jump on our ship, maybe run some space missions, gear up companions with loot we have gathered on the last planet, do our companion conversations that we have unlocked on the last planet. This is also where we should be giving gifts that we have acquired (we can't), selling off all our great loot on the GTN (we can't), spending some downtime crafting (we sort of can, though lack of mail, GTN, and an RE table limit a bit what you can acomplish on this ship) and sending items out to friends and guildies through the mail system (we can't). Currently, we only hit the ship between planets... it would REALLY be nice if we could make our time there meaningful.


#3 I know others would disagree, but I believe you can still have seperate GTNs and make cross faction GTN access meaningful. I would recomend that for the most part, keep Imperial and Republic GTNs seperate. The EXCEPTION here would be to allow the Fleet GTN terminals (and only the fleet terminals) be cross faction. Specifically, don't do a THIRD cross faction GTN... actually allow direct access to items from both GTN networks while on the Imperial or Republic fleet. This helps keep the fleet extra special, encouraging visits from time to time, but still makes the other GTN terminals useful 90% of the time. Please do not maintain seperate cross faction terminals. They are sparce and not useful... thematically yes it is neat, but they are not a success...



TL;DR: Overall, I'd believe your objective would be how to get people using GTNs more often, and the answer is to provide them at places they would be when they WANT to use GTNs (at the end of planet story lines, or where they end game)... for now do not make people hunt the GTN. Make it in their face when they might have need for it.


Thats my two cents at least. Sorry for the wall-o-text :)

Edited by DigitalPigeon
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@DigitalPigeon: Great post. Some well thought out and explained points. I still don't particularly think that the ship needs a GTN if they are accessible on all planets, in part because I still find the ships to be an inconvenience in most cases (no speeder through the spaceport, quick load screen to hangar instance, run to ship, TAKE OFF INTO SPACE load screen, then have access to your ship. . . and that's on planets that don't have orbital stations), but your arguments behind it are reasonable. If all of the things you bring up are addressed on ships, they may be something worthwhile.
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My Ship (Should have mail there too)


Every planet's major market area


That is all.


I agree. It's weird I can't get mail on my ship and have to go through two extra loading screens to check it. Having access to the GTN on my ship would be great too.

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I agree with OP.


To answer the which 3; I don't believe it should be 3.


Should be at each planet's major town when you first enter the planet in the market area by the bank. I'd also go for the ship. My companions can talk to others light years away, do underworld trading missions, go on treasure hunts, but can't tell me what is selling on a global auctionhouse?


I completely agree it is hurting the economy, and the GTN/crafting skills are the one area that needs a lot of work.

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