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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 25 Legacy - Where's my reward?


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When will people learn that Cranberries actually loves the game and is only trolling you when he writes all of these complaints? If he's playing enough to get to Legacy 25, then he's clearly enjoying himself.


Or just lying.


How can you even say that a person like Cranberries gets an eBoner for faking out information?

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this post and everyones comments are cracking me up!


On another note, I've, once again I'll say it, played every mmo... usually from launch. One thing I've often thought to myself when playing EQ2(wow sucks), I wish they had AA points in the game when it first launched, I could only imagine all the AA I would have when AA(Alternate Achievement points) were finally released. And now I tihnk to myself.. BW is doing a really awesome thing here by having AA, or you know Legacy points, in at the beginning, even if we can't use them now.

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I recently hit level 25 legacy.


PS: for level 25 legacy I'd like all my alts to start with the title "Servent of Clarissa" [main char name]


You'd be better served by requesting a dictionary, or at least a browser with a spell check function.

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I am afraid i am not that elgar (they are one R i am 2)


Its not the launch, as much as the system to try and fix it for people, they knew this game wa sincomplete and had serious problems before it was launched, but they didnt take on more staff, because they were a slave to EA and just like Vanguard was because of sony, rushed out way to early.


In 15 years this is the worst for the time it took to make and the money spent on it, this has to be the most expensive mmo to make to date, so from that point, it is defo the worse.


side note.. or whatever, a multi million dollar title released... without anti-aliasing?! I have a brand new machine, top of the line, can't get much better, and in some parts of the game, like on Taris where my friends that played were kicked when we zoned, still stutters.





the class/weapon restriction still urks me bad! glad i like my shadow or this game would be quickly dumped. lol thought i'd throw that in there somewhere.

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So... have they actually said anything about legacy rewards so far? Such as the... character creation rewards?


If I decide to roll and level an alt, am I going to totally miss out on character creation options because I wanted to level another character? Or will they have something similar to a barbershop feature?


I wish they would at least clear some of this up. I don't want to have to wait only to find out I didn't have to... but I don't want to play, and found out I should have waited.

Edited by Anecdote
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I'm pretty sure this guy is BS... I've been playing all day every day just about since the 15th and I am still just only about to hit lvl 15 Legacy... So unless all he does is grind on his 50, I really doubt he's anywhere close to Legacy Level 25. People really need to either learn to troll or post something actually constructive. The only thing that gave me even remotely enough exp to be considered fast Legacy Leveling was EV, so unless he grinds that everyday. No way is he getting almost a Legacy Level per day...
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The system is stupid. I'm level 25 and have NOTHING for it. It's the definition of unrewarding. It's totally broken, well that's unfair - it's not broken ... It's ... not finished. You shouldn't implement something half complete.


(though the aforemention sentence would mean SWTOR wouldn't be released as of yet :/)


I find it funny that, even though it says right on your Legacy tab in-game that the system isn't implemented yet and the rewards are to come, yet you still wasted all that time farming to lvl 25 in hopes of a reward?


Oh yeah, and about the guy angrily complaining about being forced to take a Legacy name back on page 2 or 3 ... cool story bro. Now take a chill pill, open your Preferences menu and turn the display off. Lookit that, no more Legacy name! :eek:

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First, no one is impressed.

All you have done is show people you have no life, spend all your time playing the game, are probably fat, and like to brag.

And if that's not bad, complaining about rewards is even worse.


And, 25 isn't even that good.

I'm actually legacy level 30, and if you would have been 30 then that would be good.

But you're not.

Though I do think it's kind of stupid that someone like me at level 30 doesn't get rewards, because getting to 30 is actually hard unlke getting to 25 like a noob.

In fact, I'll probably quit this game soon since there is no reward for someone good like me that hit legacy level 30.

Edited by tormeanted
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