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Level 25 Legacy - Where's my reward?


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I recently hit level 25 legacy. This requires, largely, farming the following amount of legacy points:


244,500 x 25 = 6,112,500


Where's my reward. Implementing something which is pointless and saying "it will be implemented later" is poor form in my honest opinion. I'd rather the legacy system be disabled because when it goes live, I'm going to have a large advantage over everyone because of my legacy level.


PS: for level 25 legacy I'd like all my alts to start with the title "Servent of Clarissa" [main char name]


so much for positive criticism.

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It was not Bioware's intention to put out an incomplete game. EA bullied them into releasing the game in time for Chri$tma$.


Considering how much money and time has been backing Bioware I don't think it's unreasonable for EA to think the game would be done by now.


The guy grinded his life away on a system he knew to be incomplete.. Sympathy = zero.


I'm at legacy level 7 by just goofing around. They didn't even bother to put in a quadratic for the amount of experience you require- it's 240000+1000(l. level). There's "this is an incomplete system, we'll put more stuff out" and there's "this is a nothing system, grind it so we can make the rewards unrealistic for any normal human being"- There will be super awesome epic rewards for Cranberries that the "casual" base that this game "caters to" will never be able to achieve.


3 years was no where near enough time to have everything at 100%, welcome to MMO world. 10 years wouldn't have been enough. They have done an outstanding job with the time they had.


I could come up with a better GTN in 5 minutes. That's not "this is something we added at the last second", it's "this is something we had every intent to include on the game's release" and they didn't take a day out of three years to work out a design that would actually work.

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I could come up with a better GTN in 5 minutes. That's not "this is something we added at the last second", it's "this is something we had every intent to include on the game's release" and they didn't take a day out of three years to work out a design that would actually work.


Quit being a hyperbolic ninny, the GTN is perfectly utilitarian, all they need to do is add a global search bar

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Quit being a hyperbolic ninny, the GTN is perfectly utilitarian, all they need to do is add a global search bar


The GTN makes me want to brutally murder small animals. It seems designed to get in my way when I try to post or buy items. The only way it could be more obtuse is if it explicitly refused to buy/sell items.

Edited by LilSaihah
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The legacy system was never intended on launch, we are just able to get rank now since if they did not implemented that at lauch people who leveled a lot would be mad.


And this thread is why you dont implement something before its done, even when it make sense to.

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A reasonable person: "The GTN works okay but it needs a global search bar"


No, thanks for YOUR input :p


The GTN should've just been a copy paste of WoWs AH, as WoWs AH is awesome.


Besides, Legacy level 25 1/3rd ^_____^

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Let's see here. You have not just one, but TWO level 50's? Plus you've maxed out your Crafting.. on both? Plus you had time to grind to level 25 legacy?


I'm gonna tell you now that you are going to be disappointed in anything this game can give you. Most people don't even have ONE level 50, much less two. The time you've invested already into this game must be MASSIVE.


What is your /played?!!

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and you wonder why people say your mmo is bad


this would not fly in any other genre of game. why should it fly here?


this game has been in development for three years and they have released with so many bugs, bad design ideas, incomplete systems and a terribly optimised engine that i would forgive somebody for thinking that the game was rushed out the door.


FYI, people release games that are in development for longer than three years with just as many (and sometimes more!) bugs. It's hardly a rare occurrence. It doesn't make it okay, but it does make it harder and harder to not be jaded about releases by major software companies.


Long live the indie games! xD

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What's a legacy, and how do you get points for it? Haha, I'm serious. I'm a very casual player with a lv 13 shadow as a main. I've been playing since early access. I did have another character in the high teens..ive heard about legacy this and legacy that, but never bothered to find out about it.
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What's a legacy, and how do you get points for it? Haha, I'm serious. I'm a very casual player with a lv 13 shadow as a main. I've been playing since early access. I did have another character in the high teens..ive heard about legacy this and legacy that, but never bothered to find out about it.


Once you finish the first act, you will unlock the legacy system and be able to earn legacy experience which is shared across all characters on the server. It currently does nothing.

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What's a legacy, and how do you get points for it? Haha, I'm serious. I'm a very casual player with a lv 13 shadow as a main. I've been playing since early access. I did have another character in the high teens..ive heard about legacy this and legacy that, but never bothered to find out about it.


So far it's just a last name and ... well, you level in it, but nobody knows what comes from that leveling yet.


You are now officially up to speed.

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hey guysssssss


it has nothing to do with the fact that this person has grinded out 25 levels of legacy and everything to do with the fact that bioware put out an incomplete system


So has every other mmo ever made thats worth mentioning, namely WoW, Everquest 1 and 2, LotRO, Star Wars Galaxies, Eve Online... All of these mmo's were released with...wait for it... BUGS UP THE ***!!!


So quit yer whining, and know that those of us who have been around mmo's long enough to know that every launch has tons of problems, are shaking our heads at all you pathetic whining weasels that think a product as complex as as an mmo has to be perfect for it to be any good.


2 years from now when this game is number one and WoW is a distant memory, guess what, there will still be whiners trolling the forums because they mailed a crafted item to an alt and it got lost. It happens. Get over it!

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Once you finish the first act, you will unlock the legacy system and be able to earn legacy experience which is shared across all characters on the server. It currently does nothing.


You'd prefer not having the ability to earn the exp at all?


I wouldn't.

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