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A quick update on Ability Delay


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I find Take Cover a problem. By the time I've hit the button, there is a 3-4 second delay before either crouching or rolling into cover. By which time the friend I play with who has a trooper has already killed the mob or it's nearly dead. Most of the best abilities are only useable when in cover (Aimed Shot, etc). It is really frustrating to not feel like I'm pulling my weight in groups, and also of course I seem to miss out on a lot of the loot as well...


Hitting an ability before the animation happens only serves to cancel the Take Cover ability.

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Adding my name to the hat, this is a huge problem BioWare and is absolutely game breaking for anyone with half a brain.


I feel bad for the kids who are celebrating over something that isn't fixed it. Props for admitting there is a problem, but to me the vague response simply indicates that they are just trying to milk the subs and this problem won't be fixed. Time will tell.


Great game apart from this problem for me, in addition to a few minor other complaints.


Unsubscribed until this is fixed or addressed in a proper manner other than "Uhh there is a problem, we're looking into it."

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Just wondering...if there are 41 pages of QQ going on about the ability delay being an issue...the devs should stop what they are doing, step back, think...think about it a lil longer and finally realize this should be on the top of the list to fix.


Anyways, this should be on the top of the list to fix. I'm having to spam my buttons because of the delay. Either i have to wait for it to go off or it just doesn't go off. Also whenever I hit a button for an ability such as Rupture or Battered Assault I get this in red letters : Not Ready Yet. Even when it is not on a timer or I'm going back through my normal rotation because its appears to be ready.


So please...OH please find some way to fix this issue.

Edited by Vinadin
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For what it is worth, issue seems worse today than yesterday.


Same for me.

After pressing overload saber (which doesnt proc GCD) I have to wait even longer to use next ability, than if it did proc GCD.


1.) Overload Saber + delay

2.) Zaelous strike animation start + triggered GCD - doesnt finish, doesnt do dmg, doesnt give me focus

3.) Zaelous strike animation start + triggered GCD - does finish, does dmg, gives me focus.


So after Overload Saber which doesnt trigger GCD, I should be able to use INSTANTLY next ability. Now I am sitting 2s watching half of spell animation which does nothing.

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Ok here is my back story. I got into the lasts two beta weekends and had full time in early access. According to BW, the beta client from the last two beta weekends was ok to keep for early access and launch. Believe me, I triple checked the download dates they provided.


From the start, I didnt check my fps. My game ran fine up until about Jan 4th. Got my trooper up into the high 30's and was basically chaining grav round and full auto with out any issue. Then one day I logged in and my ability to chain was all jacked up. It took twice as long to mount a speeder and tice as long to enter a conversation. I turned on FPS meter and saw I was getting no more than 20 fps, usually around 12-15. My latency was fine, about 60ms. Still, it was the ability delay that was game breaking for me


I figured something in a patch jacked up the game and waited for a fix. When I say my ability chaining was jacked up, I mean it was really jacked up. It was taking twice as long to cast 2 grav rounds in a row and completely halved my dps. I could no longer kill an elite before it burned me down!


I saw a post yesterday that someone fixed their issue by reinstalling windows and reinstalling the game from retail CD. I figured what the heck, its been two years since I did a clean install for windows anyway.


Took about 4 hours to get windows installed, newest drivers, and the game installed and patched from the retail CDs. the results?


45-80 fps and NO MORE ABILITY LAG


Now it may be due to windows but I suspect that old beta client was not up to snuff. BW said it was OK, but if you are having trouble and using an old beta client, try reinstalling that. or do what I did and wipe everything. I am happier than a pig in mud now and goign to post this in another thread in hopes mor epeople read. All that said, I hope BW finds the issue cause its real and I am sure it goes beyond my story.

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Ok here is my back story. I got into the lasts two beta weekends and had full time in early access. According to BW, the beta client from the last two beta weekends was ok to keep for early access and launch. Believe me, I triple checked the download dates they provided.


From the start, I didnt check my fps. My game ran fine up until about Jan 4th. Got my trooper up into the high 30's and was basically chaining grav round and full auto with out any issue. Then one day I logged in and my ability to chain was all jacked up. It took twice as long to mount a speeder and tice as long to enter a conversation. I turned on FPS meter and saw I was getting no more than 20 fps, usually around 12-15. My latency was fine, about 60ms. Still, it was the ability delay that was game breaking for me


I figured something in a patch jacked up the game and waited for a fix. When I say my ability chaining was jacked up, I mean it was really jacked up. It was taking twice as long to cast 2 grav rounds in a row and completely halved my dps. I could no longer kill an elite before it burned me down!


I saw a post yesterday that someone fixed their issue by reinstalling windows and reinstalling the game from retail CD. I figured what the heck, its been two years since I did a clean install for windows anyway.


Took about 4 hours to get windows installed, newest drivers, and the game installed and patched from the retail CDs. the results?


45-80 fps and NO MORE ABILITY LAG


Now it may be due to windows but I suspect that old beta client was not up to snuff. BW said it was OK, but if you are having trouble and using an old beta client, try reinstalling that. or do what I did and wipe everything. I am happier than a pig in mud now and goign to post this in another thread in hopes mor epeople read. All that said, I hope BW finds the issue cause its real and I am sure it goes beyond my story.


so digital downloaders are just ****ed? sweet

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so digital downloaders are just ****ed? sweet


Thats a BULL.


Clean install of operational system and new drivers and stuff MIGHT in some cases help to improve FPS.


That said it will certainly NOT help the ability delay.

I just built new PC, installed it freshly, installed the game from the box and I have absolutely the same delays. Actually its even more visible now when I have 100 fps instead of 15-20 where everything was laggy, so ability delay was just part of the whole not smooth game.

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Some of us just aren't wired for hotkeying.


I lose my place on the keyboard when I try. <:(


Lack of practice or wrongly chosen keybinds.


Utilize Shift modifiers of keys close to the WASD.

Use these keys at least:

Q, E, R, T, F, G, C, V, B,

1, 2, 3, 4, 5


And Sift and Ctrl modifiers of the ones you feel comfortable with.


Choose which skills you want to bind where according to priorities:


Do you need the skill multiple times every fight?

If so, bind it to a NON-modified key so that you don't have to go off finding the key from your WASD.

(Basic attacks)


Got a skill that you don't need that often, but when you need it, you need it fast?

Bind it to a NON-modified key, very close to your WASD. (Life saving cooldowns etc)


A skill that requires channeling and/or your character being still?

Bind it to a modified key, depending on how often you need it.


DO NOT keyboard turn, it's slow and looks hilarious when you do it in PvP or High end PvE. Learn away from this habbit ASAP!


I played WoW for 6 years and my Rogue most of the time.

I did good in both PVE and PVP and good keybinds were the thing that made it possible.


What I do:

During combat I keep my mouse buttons pressed down and use "S" key to keep my character in place. If I need to strafe, I'll just add either "A" or "D" and release "S" if I need to go forward while strafing.


When the target is on move, it's easy to just let go of your WASD and use your mouse to keep your self on the target. Which also enables you to fully utilize your keybinds.


Please do remember that nobody learns the effective use of keybinds in a heart beat. I remember when I started out in WoW and my more experienced IRL mate came over to see me play. He was shocked to see me clicking on abilities.


At the time I was a level ~40 Nelf Rogue in STV. He made me use the keybinds he used.

Took me a day or two to get used to them. But nowadays I don't need to look at the keyboard to be able to use all my skills. I can concentrade on the fight it self, in WoW or SWTOR.


Keep at it and perhaps you'll become a MMORPG god like me.

(Just kidding, I'm only very pro) :p

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I must say that i was very pleased to read this post.

If i see some mayor improvement in January,

i am sure i will sign back up. (still on my free month ofc)


Thanks for communicating to the forum users,

i can´t stress enough, how important it is to us,

that you give us some updates.

And information about an issue,

that breaks the game for thousands of players, it seems,

Thx, and work hard!

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I've given up trying to interrupt anything because half the time it doesn't work. I zealous strike and I start spamming the kick button but it doesn't go off until the enemies cast is done because zealous' animation took forever.


As a jedi sentinel/sith marauder, we have 2 abilities which are used very often that are off the GCD, force kick and riposte. They are off the GCD because they are very reactionary and NEED to go off the moment you press them otherwise they lose their value completely (also, riposte is wayyy too expensive for the dmg it does, it needs to cost no more than 1 focus or even be free, but that's for another thread). This really needs to be fixed, as it is absolutely game breaking to not have your interrupt work half the time in pvp, or even against some of the more difficult bosses where a missed interrupt = death.


Also, zealous strikes animation (along with half my other abilities) screws up half the time. I force charge and start my rotation, which opens with zealous strike, then I cast my second ability, then I try to cast my third only to see that zealous's animation bugged and never went off, so I don't actually have enough focus. The lack of smoothness is infuriating at times.

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This really needs to be fixed. All spells should be instant when the cast time is done. Quick fix for the devs is to start the animation before the cast time is done. You will need to personally time all the animations in the game but your making enough money to spend some days doing this. ;)


Not paying any more untill this is fixed unfortunately.

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Just wondering...if there are 41 pages of QQ going on about the ability delay being an issue...the devs should stop what they are doing, step back, think...think about it a lil longer and finally realize this should be on the top of the list to fix.


Anyways, this should be on the top of the list to fix. I'm having to spam my buttons because of the delay. Either i have to wait for it to go off or it just doesn't go off. Also whenever I hit a button for an ability such as Rupture or Battered Assault I get this in red letters : Not Ready Yet. Even when it is not on a timer or I'm going back through my normal rotation because its appears to be ready.


So please...OH please find some way to fix this issue.


Just a point of reference. The original thread on this issue went to the max four times and each time was closed and restarted. It was on it's fifth iteration when BW commented and started this thread. I have not seen a topic that had as meny comments as this one.

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Just a point of reference. The original thread on this issue went to the max four times and each time was closed and restarted. It was on it's fifth iteration when BW commented and started this thread. I have not seen a topic that had as meny comments as this one.


oh so its a possible 200 pages then >.>

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oh so its a possible 200 pages then >.>


No, as I remember each time (of the four), it was well over 100 pages before being closed. I think I saw someone post that the OP went for between 500 and 600 pages the last time I say a comment addressing this.


This is indeed a pressing issue and the overall success of the game may depend on it's resolution.


My SI (yesterday) had big problems with the class quest where I have to kill the brood mother (Colicoid?) in the toxic tank. It is an 7,000+ hp elite that is constantly spawning mobs that swarm me while it eats my companion (Khem Val) who I have named Clem. I tried three times yesterday and twice had it down to around 100 to 200 HPs when I was killed. It was not killing me, the ability delay was. One or two delayed or misfired casts were the difference in the fight each time. It was frustrating to the point that I just logged off and stopped playing. I will try again after work today, but if I can't get the fight done, I will have to put another level or two on my character and then come back and do it.


It has come to the point that if I am in a fight and the mob and I are having our health bars go down at the same or close to same rate, I know that I will lose. I know that somewhere along the line a spell will misfire or delay and that will be it. What particularly bugs me is that when I get the last hit in that should kill the mob/elite, it hits and the next thing I know I am dead. Drives me crazy. I hate that while doing fights, I have to factor the ability delay into the attacks that I choose.


I love swtor and want to play for a long time but am starting to feel a negitive subconsious reaction when I log in. I am patient and will wait for a while and hope that BW comes through with "fixes". I hope it is not a long time and that BW (to paraphrase an old saying) does not end up snatching failure out of the jaws of success.

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I got killed again last night because my Force Leap would not work, nor my Force Push. Dealing with it regularly has become expected and I can't believe I need to structure a rotation around the whole span of abilities that randomly just fail to cast for no reason.


When will this be addressed?! It happens at the worst times sometimes. As a tank this is a game-breaking issue right now, we don't have the luxury of time when tanking super hard bosses damn it BW! :mad:

Edited by Matteis
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Yea can't take it anymore in pvp, key ability's not working at all, UI freezing and inop constant control-U in the middle of combat, finish my free month and that's it if no improvement, suck to be a Sin with low power and ability lag galore...gets me soooo angry in warfronts
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I am having really bad Ability Delay / Ability wont Trigger problems on my sith warrior.

It really feels like Deflect is cancelling my actions.


1.) On many occassions i have had tried to activate Ravage, the animation runs every time, but no damage is done and no cooldown is activated on ravage (The GCD is triggered though). More than once i have hit ravage over and over again out of pure frustration that the ability is doing nothing every time (5+ times, animated every time, no damage every time, oh look the cd wasnt triggered on Ravage...hit it again? ;) ).


2.) Deflecting too much can effectivelly "stunlock" my character, the UI says i can click actions, and when i do, nothing happens. I loose aggro because i am not doing anything, and i usually die because i cannot activate any cooldowns. I assume this will get worse with more defence added to my tank character.


3.) Retaliation will not fire sometimes. I click it, the character half animates then stops, no dmg done. In some instances i have hit retaliation 5+ times, same half animation every time, no action was taken, its like retaliation thinks i never pushed it.

(Same thing happens with Force Scream, Vicious Slash)


4.) Cooldowns not activating. I activate a CD, I think it is active, only to find out it never triggered. Perhaps because i deflected just as i was triggering the ability.


5.) Vicious Slash constantly does not trigger. I have to spam it to ensure it fires. But this leads to an awkward animation where the char will half animate the action, stop, then fully animate. So it looks like my character is psyching the mob with the first hit and then actually follows up with the real hit.


I have to play with the mindset i need to constantly ensure what i am trying activate actually activates. This forces me to constantly watch the UI. DPS/Threat obviously goes into the tank when abilities are not firing or taking twice as long to activate (Due to the stuttering animation due to me spamming the button).


These problems are very apparent on my Sith Juggernaut, my other chars (Sith Sorcerer, Jedi Shadow, Mercenary ie: Non defensive/deflect characters), rarely see the same activation problems.


Despite others telling me "Doesnt happen to me, its hardware related", it happens consistently on my juggernaut character on all my cpus ( I have 3 different comps (always updated drivers). This problem is a game breaker for my Sith Juggernaut.

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