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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Rollbacks MAYBE Required... Are you willing to pay the price?


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Please DO NOT discuss the details of the exploit in this thread. This is concerning if ROLL BACKS will be required and nothing more.


Now that the cat is out of the bag, the economy is in shambles, people were flocking to the streets of the star wars universe.


With exploiters sitting on literally BILLIONS of credits spread throughout the economy you can expect to see the following within the next few weeks!...


Advanced Blue Critical Crystal

+4 Critical

Requires level 4

1,000,000 credits


Are you guys as a community willing to pay the price and do server rollbacks to PREVENT this from happening?


I am and I believe the community will be better for allowing it to happen. Remember this bug has been around since beta!!!!



Bioware's Response:



We're aware of your concerns regarding this issue, and are conducting a full investigation of the impact. Please rest assured that anyone found to be in violation of our Terms of Service will have appropriate action taken against them. We will provide more information as it becomes available. Thank you!
Edited by Blue
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Are rollbacks really necessary? I thought they fixed the bug really quickly. Wouldn't it be easier to just determine who exploited and vanquish those accounts and their credits? Do you think the exploiters really unloaded all their ill-gotten creds so quickly? Edited by Gashers
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Please DO NOT discuss the details of the exploit in this thread. This is concerning if ROLL BACKS will be required and nothing more.



Advanced Blue Critical Crystal

+4 Critical

Requires level 4

1,000,000 credits



Credit exploits or not, I'd like some of whatever THAT GUY was smoking when he posted that on the GTN.


I'd almost be willing to wager he's just using it as extra storage for the crystal.

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simple to fix, dont pay those prices. so doesnt matter. btw if that was a ingame price, then that is a credit seller doing that, not a real player. they get someone to put up a stupid little item like that for a outrageous price which happens to be the amount of credits that person bought and voila they buy the item and the credits go to the buyers. they do this to try to avoid getting the money caught by sending it in the mail.
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Based on the information I've seen and the examples that I have witnessed. I have the feeling that Bioware is aware of who has too many credits and will be acting accordingly.


Laundering money by buying equipment will not save anyone either. They know the value of the in game items....


Nothing that can't be rectified now that it's been caught.

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simple to fix, dont pay those prices. so doesnt matter. btw if that was a ingame price, then that is a credit seller doing that, not a real player. they get someone to put up a stupid little item like that for a outrageous price which happens to be the amount of credits that person bought and voila they buy the item and the credits go to the buyers. they do this to try to avoid getting the money caught by sending it in the mail.


You apparently are the one man who believes gas prices are fair! If not you wouldn't pay!

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Prices are only valid if people are willing to pay them. Sure, there are a few rich people but it really boils down to the majority. The rest of us have our meager 20k credits and we'll spend them accordingly. I'm sure Bioware will take action against any using the exploits. It won't be hard to find them, anyways.
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I am and I believe the community will be better for allowing it to happen. Remember this bug has been around since beta!!!!


I will not start over from scratch. I simply won't continue my subscription.


I imagine that I'm not alone in this.


Put another way: Do it! The game will then fail and deserve to fail. You don't erase nearly a month's worth of effort from millions of people without horrific consequences.

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Remember that high end crafting is messed up..


You can get better mods and other stuff off the vendors for tokens..

So the economy is a bit broke from the start.


The other thing is: at this point it would be obvious who the exploiters are, if there sitting on that kind of cash.. They only have to check the database to find them..


Ironically exploiters are a group of people that suffer from instant gratification, and that leads to their downfall.. The greed factor alone makes them go to extremes that make them stick out in a database.

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I believe that the economy will very rapidly fall back into stability and balance, hopefully without a rollback required.


people are ************ about the maintenence so Id be quite happy for a roll back just to show them why it is necessary.


every game finds exploits, few hit them so fast and remove them.

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You apparently are the one man who believes gas prices are fair! If not you wouldn't pay!


I need gas.

I don't need a virtual item that can most easily be made by myself or a guild member or easily found just adventuring.


Supply and demand.

They are supplying something that isn't in high demand.

I need resources like aluminum or Desh.

I take my level 35 Trooper and have it farmed in about 30 mins to make armor for my lowbie guildies, purples even.


If I cannot do that, then I deserve to be gouged for being that lazy.

Edited by Fraxture
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They are not going to roll back the servers. Anyone who actually thinks they will is truly delusional.


Even if they felt the economy would be broken forever without a rollback, they would not do it. A rollback that extensive would end this game. Period. You'd be playing in a ghost town afterward.

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The highest price I've seen in the GTN so far has been 33,000 and nobody bought it because more of the same item were up for 5,000 at most.


I've actually been surprised at how low some of the cost are. I've been buying rare mats (at least mats I've had an incredibly hard time getting) for under 1,000 credits. Hell I just bought a massive stack of alien blood for about 400 credits.

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