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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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I have given up using high anyway, the shadows have the worst stair effect I've seen in what, 10 years ?

Shadows and textures are unrelated - but yeah they aren't pretty. Unfortunately turning them down also removes environmental shadows, which really do take a lot out of the appearance of the game.


Legends say that at some point in beta, there was a medium shadow setting (which we now have as high), and the high setting produced smooth shadows. It's very depressing that what's currently going on with the textures might end up the same.

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Shadows and textures are unrelated - but yeah they aren't pretty. Unfortunately turning them down also removes environmental shadows, which really do take a lot out of the appearance of the game.


Legends say that at some point in beta, there was a medium shadow setting (which we now have as high), and the high setting produced smooth shadows. It's very depressing that what's currently going on with the textures might end up the same.


Shadows were on a slider before, it wasn't even direct option like it is now.

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Has anybody ever even considered the fact that they don't even know how to fix it, and for the sake of not looking like complete morons and keep saying " we are working on it" for the trillionth time, they are just gonna let it be.


So instead of looking like morons, it's better they prove they are instead?


I like your logic.

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haha legend about shadows... easy:


When AA is not working every shadow in this world looks like ****. and to be honest, the shadows are awesome but they just look like steps because of no AA at all :) fix soon. thats a promise.

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??? If dual cores do not "produce graphics" how the hell can you tell he has a dual core from a bloody screenshot?


For that matter, like dual-core vs quad core cpus, motherboards/memory will rarely impact the way a game looks - though they will affect fps.


I can tell he has a serious problem with this hardware. That is really all I need to know ^^

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The game doesn't even use the cores effectively, so the whole argument about cores is moot. Hero Engine cant even use more than one core and Bioware had to code it in themselves. God only knows how effective they were in doing that.
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Yeah that is only the lighting changing. I have to laugh every time someone posts one of those.


When you click on the holoterminal, the game tries to change the scene and where you are standing. You don't move, it's impossible. Otherwise you would be standing in a different spot, talking to no one. Try the other thing that summons all your companions in the conference room of your ship. Same exact thing.


Ignore the lighting, its the texture on the paper doll. One is fuzzy and blurred whilst the other is crisp and defined.


Pay close attention to the detail of the vest lining and the two round decorations, if you are capable of this then you should have no trouble observing the other detail discrepancies.




i5 2500k @ 4.5 Ghz

8000 MB ram @1600 MHz

HD 6950 @ 880/1330


EDIT: Here is one JUST for you Aisar with the same lighting condition



Edited by HomeSlixe
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The game doesn't even use the cores effectively, so the whole argument about cores is moot. Hero Engine cant even use more than one core and Bioware had to code it in themselves. God only knows how effective they were in doing that.


He(Aisar) is trolling just ignore it entirely.

Edited by LGalucard
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The game doesn't even use the cores effectively, so the whole argument about cores is moot. Hero Engine cant even use more than one core and Bioware had to code it in themselves. God only knows how effective they were in doing that.


Hero engine uses more then one core but that not the point, the textures in this game at medium are just awful.

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haha legend about shadows... easy:


When AA is not working every shadow in this world looks like ****. and to be honest, the shadows are awesome but they just look like steps because of no AA at all :) fix soon. thats a promise.


PTR has AA and with everything on "High" there are still lego shadows everywhere. Or did you mean soon like "No ETA, but this will get you off our backs for now" developer speak soon?

Edited by Khuobol
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Curious if some of these threads have made it to the mmo sites?


If they continue to ignore this thread and the "fix" as is currently on Public Test server is implemented to Live servers, it will be made known to all the sites.


Imagine the reaction the headline "SWToR Cannot Handle High Resolution Textures. Developer Fix Is To Remove Them From Users Altogether." will get on sites such as Kotaku, Penny Arcade, IGN, Gamespot, etc.

Edited by Zorvan
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PTR has AA and with everything on "High" there are still lego shadows everywhere. Or did you mean soon as soon as in "No ETA, but this will get you off our backs for now" developer speak soon?


AA is not going to fix how the shadows are rendered in this case, its something with the engine entirely.

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Ignore the lighting, its the texture on the paper doll. One is fuzzy and blurred whilst the other is crisp and defined.


Pay close attention to the detail of the vest lining and the two round decorations, if you are capable of this then you should have no trouble observing the other detail discrepancies.




i5 2500k @ 4.5 Ghz

8000 MB ram @1600 MHz

HD 6950 @ 880/1330


I believe he is making fun of those that say "it's just the lighting".

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For many people this game barely runs smoothly with the textures in the game now. You really think BW wants to risk more QQ by putting hi-res textures into the game and then having people figure out it drops them to 12 FPS? I'm not saying no one will be able to run them but putting them in the game now will just exacerbate the perception that this game is poorly coded. I'd say leave them out until they fix whatever flaws are making the lower-res version run like crap on so many systems.


Pretty much is the answer that Bioware would give if they could.


I am running the graphics on low, and i have a purpose built game system and i still get poor frame rates in certain places...Tython for example is very poor, and requires a game restart whenever i leave there to rid my system of the memory leak. Its not a massive issue, i am not worried about it, and i am sure that it will get fixed at some stage.

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Ignore the lighting, its the texture on the paper doll. One is fuzzy and blurred whilst the other is crisp and defined.


Pay close attention to the detail of the vest lining and the two round decorations, if you are capable of this then you should have no trouble observing the other detail discrepancies.




i5 2500k @ 4.5 Ghz

8000 MB ram @1600 MHz

HD 6950 @ 880/1330


EDIT: Here is one JUST for you Aisar with the same lighting condition




Yes there is a huge difference, what is your point exactly?

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