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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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Originally Posted by AmberGreen

If you installed prior to 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, your graphics will display as "Low" even if actual in-game settings are higher due to automatic preference detection.


Workaround: Your graphics setting will display properly once modified and saved.


Workaround: Individual preferences will display properly once modified and saved.



^ I this supposed to work cuz it's not working for me.


Its not supposed to work.

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You realize that its still PTR, PTR changes pretty much daily..just chill lmao


"spit in the face of customers" wow you really are a character.


You are delusional if you think they removed it from the PTR without telling anyone just to add it back


It's a cover up, face facts.


They lied this entire time about higher res textures and now they are just giving up with all the pretense of their being any textures coming


What you see is what you get

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You are delusional if you think they removed it from the PTR without telling anyone just to add it back


It's a cover up, face facts.


They lied this entire time about higher res textures and now they are just giving up with all the pretense of their being any textures coming


What you see is what you get


Yes its all a conspiracy, clients never change and bugs are never fixed. Go back to sleep folks nothing to see here.

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You are delusional if you think they removed it from the PTR without telling anyone just to add it back


It's a cover up, face facts.


They lied this entire time about higher res textures and now they are just giving up with all the pretense of their being any textures coming


What you see is what you get


They did not lie, they just removed them.


They were in early closed BETA, there are screenshots of it and the game looked 10 times better.


Now the problem is, since they tried to make people believe the "medium" was the "high", we're in trouble, as that indicates they probably won't put them back in :/ .

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You guys need to stay positive and have hope in bioware its what he's saying.


"Hope is the first step in the road to disappointment"


I rather be cynical and pessimistic in an issue and be pleasantly surprised if they do fix it than being hopeful to the point of delusion and be horribly disappointed when it never gets fixed.

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They did not lie, they just removed them.


They were in early closed BETA, there are screenshots of it and the game looked 10 times better.


Now the problem is, since they tried to make people believe the "medium" was the "high", we're in trouble, as that indicates they probably won't put them back in :/ .


You're still hinging your hope on a photoshopped screenshot. The one with the robot?


Know what else that pic had? Incredible AA.


Do you think the girls in playboy really look like that too?


They strung you along and let you believe that was a real screen. Sorry bro :(

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For those that didn't understand what BioWare said:


(and I have done this and it works)


Change textures in the Pref. settings to Low


Click Apply


Change Textures in Pref. settings to High


Game textures are high


My game textures appear as high, and are working fine. I don't think there is a need to re-install the game, but if you feel the need . . .

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The very fact that the ptr made the medium texture option disappear entirely without it being mentioned in the patch notes. Just like how features the game had disappeared from the game after the beta.


Im probably just spoiled from coming from an MMO where the development team was far more technically competent than bioware is showing us to be, at least when it comes to handling bugs and adding things to their game. One month after its launch and we already had a world event to introduce a brand new raid. An engine that could handle hundreds of people on screen at the same time without blowing up and textures that actually looked good instead of looking like they were painted on with an airbrush.



Exactly, I spent some years with AoC made by Funcom and I also was letting them know what I like and what I disapprove of, but back then you could at least count on a response from their GD. What about BW? A Community guy will hop in, close the thread and redirect you to some fake solution... One only starts to appreciate things once it gets worse...




Oh my dear Lord...

Edited by Skwark
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For those that didn't understand what BioWare said:


(and I have done this and it works)


Change textures in the Pref. settings to Low


Click Apply


Change Textures in Pref. settings to High


Game textures are high


My game textures appear as high, and are working fine. I don't think there is a need to re-install the game, but if you feel the need . . .



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You're still hinging your hope on a photoshopped screenshot. The one with the robot?


Know what else that pic had? Incredible AA.


Do you think the girls in playboy really look like that too?


They strung you along and let you believe that was a real screen. Sorry bro :(


- no not the one with the robot.


- Incredible AA is what I have by using my graphic card (since the game's AA makes everything glitched).


- They do.


- PLAYERS took screens and posted them on some illegal sites only about games in closed BETAS.

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For those that didn't understand what BioWare said:


(and I have done this and it works)


Change textures in the Pref. settings to Low


Click Apply


Change Textures in Pref. settings to High


Game textures are high


My game textures appear as high, and are working fine. I don't think there is a need to re-install the game, but if you feel the need . . .


Yeah.... this is not high.


If you go to High in anyway you think of, click Medium and watch NOTHING HAPPEN because it was already medium. (even tho it says high, its lien)

Edited by vekien
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For those that didn't understand what BioWare said:


(and I have done this and it works)


Change textures in the Pref. settings to Low


Click Apply


Change Textures in Pref. settings to High


Game textures are high


My game textures appear as high, and are working fine. I don't think there is a need to re-install the game, but if you feel the need . . .


Unless you're playing on a gameboy, in no way are those textures, "high resolution".

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can i ask honest question?


why does anyone need higher Resolution than what the game already has? on my PC it looks great.


cause some players like to stare at armor and play in first person mode while forgetting to get out of the fire in operations.

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can i ask honest question?


why does anyone need higher Resolution than what the game already has? on my PC it looks great.


Because when I play a game that came out almost in 2012 and the textures look muddier than most MMOs I've played, including ones that came out in 2007, I cant help but feel like the devs are setting their bar too low.

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can i ask honest question?


why does anyone need higher Resolution than what the game already has? on my PC it looks great.


1. Cos' there is a higher resolution in the game already.

2. On my PC it looks like CRAP.


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