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SWTOR total sales passed 2 million copies!


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Theyre upset SWTOR didnt launch with pokemon games or pandas questing with bamboo sticks on turtle shell islands.


I know. I think I'm going to cancel my subscription if I don't get some lightsaber wielding panda bears.


That's sarcasm if you can't tell.

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LOL right. I'm sure you can compare this game to the likes of games like Conan. /smacks forehead.


You mean a big budget title from a AAA company that had a pretty solid early experience and a very bad PvP and high level PvE experience that was riddled with bugs? I'd say it compares pretty nicely. In fact the bar for SWTOR should be higher since AoC came out in 2008. I'm not gonna call which way this game is gonna go, it has more potential than AoC but then again so have other games that had retention issues. Anyone making a call now is too soon, make the call of the game's success in a couple of months after the "newness" subsides and the people that are in for the long haul represent the population of the game.


The only really recent games I can think of that had decent retention aside from WoW were LOTRO (which still went F2P eventually but after years of million+ subscriber success), RIFT (which probably had the best launch of any mmo ever), and obviously WoW because quite frankly there was no bar set at the time besides Everquest and they beat that bar by alot...

Edited by Lightmgl
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If I had a nickel for every MMO that had great initial sales and bombed after a few months due to bad retention, I'd probably have more money than Bioware.


simple math tells me you would have less then one dollar now. which is absolutely in line of how much your prediction worth.

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simple math tells me you would have less then one dollar now. which is absolutely in line of how much your prediction worth.


Never said it was a prediction. Just saying that first month sales do not represent the success of a game. Take FF14 for example which sold quite a few hundred thousand copies and had less than 10,000 active accounts for a long period of time even after the game removed it's monthly fee... Sure it was a steaming pile of crap, but that is also proof that a steaming pile of crap can sell hundreds of thousands of copies.


People jump to so many conclusions because of preorders and early sales. Retention determines the success of a MMO, not sales.

Edited by Lightmgl
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Ah i remember ALL the content wow ..warhammer..and well most every mmo i have played had at max lvl the first couple of months.


Hey wait a minute! they had about exactly the same content as SWTOR has now..wow deja vu ..And suddenly about 6months into the all those games lifespan they actually added MORE max lvl content..weird stuff huh.


So it should be overlooked because others did it? Sounds like something my mom used to tell me... something about a bridge hah. Not to mention, barring WoW, those "others" did not end up doing very well at all. Actually, I think they could be lumped into a class that is not looked at favorably.


That said; I hope they do add more and get with the program. It can only do people good if we have competition and choice.

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I couldnt have said it any better!


Naw they just launched with a 36 minute hot air balloon ride to pick up a magical data cube that for some reason gives you a permanent stat boost along with the ability to marry NPCs that you can flirt with and give gifts to. Its like a watered down version of puzzle sidequests and the Sims.


Just pray they never add Ewoks to this game :-D.

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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!




It's great that they sold a lot of copies, but quite frankly that was to be expected. It's a massive IP with a very well known developer.


The real test of success is how many subscribers they can hold in 3, 6 months.

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Sigh, threads like these are so pathetic. You people try so hard to justify your purchase to stave off buyers remorse. Most high production value MMOs sell a million+ copies. TOR's nothing special in this regard. In fact it's, so far, following the EXACT path as every wow clone before it. What matters is whether it retains subs or not. So stop trying to make yourselves feel good with your "TOR succeeds, suck it haters!" nonsense and go sit in a corner quietly for a few months until we can confirm whether or not TOR succeeds.
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Sigh, threads like these are so pathetic. You people try so hard to justify your purchase to stave off buyers remorse. Most high production value MMOs sell a million+ copies. TOR's nothing special in this regard. In fact it's, so far, following the EXACT path as every wow clone before it. What matters is whether it retains subs or not. So stop trying to make yourselves feel good with your "TOR succeeds, suck it haters!" nonsense and go sit in a corner quietly for a few months until we can confirm whether or not TOR succeeds.


Pretty much this. ^^

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Never said it was a prediction. Just saying that first month sales do not represent the success of a game. Take FF14 for example which sold quite a few hundred thousand copies and had less than 10,000 active accounts for a long period of time even after the game removed it's monthly fee... Sure it was a steaming pile of crap, but that is also proof that a steaming pile of crap can sell hundreds of thousands of copies.


People jump to so many conclusions because of preorders and early sales. Retention determines the success of a MMO, not sales.


dude you've said what you've said. and that was so funny and untrue that i pointed it out for you - counting every mmo that breaks at least 600-700k initial sales then goes flop for a nickel you wont even have a dollar. because in fact there were 2-3 of those, may be 4, i CBA to count.


that means you cant even construct a proper hyperbole, how can you be taken seriously?

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Theyre upset SWTOR didnt launch with pokemon games or pandas questing with bamboo sticks on turtle shell islands.

Not upset but I'm very much looking forward to pandaria. Most anticipated expansion for me, love pandarians and it has so many possibilities.

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Sigh, threads like these are so pathetic. You people try so hard to justify your purchase to stave off buyers remorse. Most high production value MMOs sell a million+ copies. TOR's nothing special in this regard. In fact it's, so far, following the EXACT path as every wow clone before it. What matters is whether it retains subs or not. So stop trying to make yourselves feel good with your "TOR succeeds, suck it haters!" nonsense and go sit in a corner quietly for a few months until we can confirm whether or not TOR succeeds.


I have to agree. I have nothing against SWtoR in particular but it does feel like it is following in the footsteps of all that have come before it. It has a huge IP and a great developer (of single player games.) I have a feeling it will survive for a decent length of time but I do not think it will be carrying the subscriber numbers that some think it will. If there is an anti-alt game, this is it. I wanted to rip my eyes out after only a few characters.


To be fair cataclysm made me want to do the same. I hope this is not a trend but I am not holding my breath.

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Sigh, threads like these are so pathetic. You people try so hard to justify your purchase to stave off buyers remorse. Most high production value MMOs sell a million+ copies. TOR's nothing special in this regard. In fact it's, so far, following the EXACT path as every wow clone before it. What matters is whether it retains subs or not. So stop trying to make yourselves feel good with your "TOR succeeds, suck it haters!" nonsense and go sit in a corner quietly for a few months until we can confirm whether or not TOR succeeds.


cmon, name those. how many MMORPG sold over 2 million lifetime subs? how many did it in first year? how many did it in first 3 weeks? go ahead.

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This game is good value for money even if you dont end up subscribing. The 1-50 play through is worth the retail price.


In it's current state, there are way to many issues to take the game seriously as an end-game MMO. However, even if they dont fix it, I would feel happy with my purchase.

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cmon, name those. how many MMORPG sold over 2 million lifetime subs? how many did it in first year? how many did it in first 3 weeks? go ahead.


Name me one mmo that sold 2mil lifetime subs. TOR hasn't sold 2mil lifetime subs, it hasn't sold 2mil subs, it's sold 2mil COPIES. Something tons of MMOs have done, such as LoTRO, Rift, Warhammer, etc etc etc etc. We all know where those MMOs are now, don't we? How many copies an MMO sells in the first few weeks has absolutely no indication on it's success.

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Name me one mmo that sold 2mil lifetime subs. TOR hasn't sold 2mil lifetime subs, it hasn't sold 2mil subs, it's sold 2mil COPIES. Something tons of MMOs have done, such as LoTRO, Rift, Warhammer, etc etc etc etc. We all know where those MMOs are now, don't we? How many copies an MMO sells in the first few weeks has absolutely no indication on it's success.


Actually most of those games never sold 2 million copies. No game, wow included, has sold 2 million in their first month until now. Lotro, rift and war never sold 2 million period.

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It's great that they sold a lot of copies, but quite frankly that was to be expected. It's a massive IP with a very well known developer.


The real test of success is how many subscribers they can hold in 3, 6 months.


Indeed this is very true. Many people actively stay away from new MMOs due to disappointments with launches in the past. If the early sub numbers look good it could be enough to sway those people to jump in and give it a shot. It's going to be very interesting to see how things develop.

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Actually most of those games never sold 2 million copies. No game, wow included, has sold 2 million in their first month until now. Lotro, rift and war never sold 2 million period.


I'm not entirely convinced TOR sold 2mil copies either. VGCharts is hardly a reliable source and TOR only broke 1mil copies like a week-two weeks ago. So for them to double their copies sold in that amount of time leads me to believe some numbers have been fudged. And even if they actually did sell 2mil copies, it's still not that grand.


While other mmos didn't necessarily sell 2mil copies in their first month, most of them sold 1-1.5mil copies. So close enough.

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Something tons of MMOs have done, such as LoTRO, Rift, Warhammer, etc etc etc etc. We all know where those MMOs are now, don't we?.

Yup .. LOTRO is in it's fifth year and flourishing, and Rift is approaching its' first birthday in good shape.

Edited by KerinKor
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Yup .. LOTRO is in it's fifth year and flourishing, and Rift is approaching its' first birthday in good shape.


I never said TOR would die, nor did I say those other MMOs died. I merely said TOR wont be the super hit people seem to think it will be. It'll crawl along being profitable like other MMOs, but it wont have millions of subs.

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