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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR total sales passed 2 million copies!


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The sales figures after the january update on vgchartz is actually 1.3 million (1,929,074)


Its expected to decline since the free month is up. Doom threads should be ignored at this time since there ll be months before we can gather any useful info from sales data.




Edited by Flowerslayer
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Weren't you trolling another thread with these ridiculous doom-and-gloom predictions that actually mean a lot less than you believe? Are you on the last minutes of your account and trying to maximise the trolling?

Ah, the joy of seeing trolls falling into despair and panic!

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Weren't you trolling another thread with these ridiculous doom-and-gloom predictions that actually mean a lot less than you believe? Are you on the last minutes of your account and trying to maximise the trolling?

Ah, the joy of seeing trolls falling into despair and panic!


How much where brokers expecting? 20 million by 2nd week? I mean we can reach it in 5 months but damn.(users I mean).

Edited by darthdoll
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How much where brokers expecting? 20 million by 2nd week? I mean we can reach it in 5 months but damn.(users I mean).


Other analyst had different previsions, even too positive. Fact is, these people usually fail 80% of their previsions about IT and game companies because they just don't undertand how they work

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Are you just copy pasting this on every single thread you can?


and yup, now is a good time to buy stock before it rises!

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If I had a nickel for every MMO that had great initial sales and bombed after a few months due to bad retention, I'd probably have more money than Bioware.


Dude...that's the second time you post that. You have some sort of issues you want to talk about?

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If I had a nickel for every MMO that had great initial sales and bombed after a few months due to bad retention, I'd probably have more money than Bioware.


Removed, delayed doublepost lol.

Edited by Oobro
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  • 3 weeks later...
Theyre upset SWTOR didnt launch with pokemon games or pandas questing with bamboo sticks on turtle shell islands.


I think some (like myself) are upset for a multitude of reasons. I haven't touched WOW in over 5 yrs. I don't care about pandas doing kung-fu..


What I DO want, is gameplay that's not flawed in so many glaring places. I know this is not a PvP game persay, but it has PvP... and that PvP is kinda ****ed right now..

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Gonna be 2 million disappointed people in 2 months.


Let's see, I played several betas, bought the CE, played since Early Access (first day) all of which is much longer than a mere two months, and I couldn't be happier.


Especially considering that this great game is only getting better and better!


Oh, and did I mention? Yes, I PvP.

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Is it a launch success?


Indisputably. They sold a massive number of copies for a MMO.


Will it be a financial success?


Too early to tell. They will need to maintain 1.5 million subscribers or so for at least 6-9 months to pay off all the development costs and start being actually profitable.


If the investors are willing to wait up to 18 months to see a profit, SWTOR could drop to as little as 750,000 subscribers and still hit that target.


We'll have to see.






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Not enough open-ended game play or variety. The original Star Wars Galaxies had it pretty close (too bad it was bug ridden and incomplete), but this is just a dumbed down World of Warcraft with voice over in a Star Wars skin.


Only four character classes per side?? Two of which are Jedi related. Really?? I expected soooo much more! Even el-crappo Warcraft has more to choose from!


What happened to crafting? Again, even Warcrafts "yawn" crafting system is more innovative and useful!


Unique story lines?? Everybody is playing the same God#$% class-story! Nothing unique about it!


I was really hopeing for a Star Wars game that I could live and breathe in. Could become immersed in. Instead, I find myself spoon-fed a non-unique story in an extremely linear galaxy with cloned mechanics of an old, tired game that has already run its course.


Thanks guys! /delete game

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The only things that can harm this game is


Impatience-As in them releasing it for the holidays in the condition it was in

Misinformation-As in the press releases Bioware has released on this game

Entitlement-The casuals cover this section easily


All three things are covered it looks like

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The only things that can harm this game is






Fortunately, the developers of this game know this only too well. Devs from UO, Warhammer, Dawn Of War, etc, are working on this game, and know only too well that the current loud minority of naysayers are to be expected. It's one thing to mention some things that are not working right in a constructive manner. But if you rant about how you won't log in for simple GCD UI inefficiencies will only garner giggles. And the GCD UI is no longer inefficient.


Go ingame, talk about issues in General Chat, and you'll get a better feel of how the playerbase actually feels about this game. It's still overwhelmingly positive, and that's a good thing.


Because even RIFT's general chat didn't stay this positive this long.


Again, well done for a great game BioWare. With your metrics, and your response time to real issues, this game has already proven to be a great game overall for the foreseeable future. Yes, there are still bugs, and yes, you will work to fix them, and yes, it will take time. That much is quite inevitable. Expected, even.


Keep it up!

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Is it a launch success?


Indisputably. They sold a massive number of copies for a MMO.


Will it be a financial success?


Too early to tell. They will need to maintain 1.5 million subscribers or so for at least 6-9 months to pay off all the development costs and start being actually profitable.


If the investors are willing to wait up to 18 months to see a profit, SWTOR could drop to as little as 750,000 subscribers and still hit that target.


We'll have to see.







Do you know the difference between an investment and a loan? What you are describing is a loan.


I dont believe the investors get 1 cent from any money SWTOR makes directly. Thats what the stocks are for.

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Too early to tell. They will need to maintain 1.5 million subscribers or so for at least 6-9 months to pay off all the development costs and start being actually profitable.


They said they need 500,000 for profitability. I take their word over your random guess.

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