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Slicing nerfed AGAIN


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3849 - Start

3937 - 4 missions

4141 - 8 missions

4048 - 12 missions

4147 - 14 missions

3892 - 16 missions

4176 - 18 missions


This is how many credits I started with and how many credits I had after completing each set of missions for slicing. Overall I have net gains. The points where you see that I lost credits are because my crew failed their missions and didn't bring back a lock box, otherwise I would be farther ahead.



This is very low level slicing, I stood at my ship without moving and I did not sell anything they brought back from slicing missions. The margin of profit is even larger at higher levels. I understand that the missions take longer, but if you are questing and slicing nodes while you quest, then you are making huge profits. What's the problem?


The problem is that, at high level, most people are losing money on almost every mission and making around 100 to 200 credits an hour on tier 4 and 5 missions.

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I've done a sheet for 112 to date slicing missions. In my honest opinion the chance from a rich/bountiful for the chance at something good is almost not worth it. Green/Medium Cases are the devil. The white cases have a better chance to land you in the profit margin, while green cases mostly land me in the red. Getting that really rare blue case by taking mainly rich and bountiful has netted me more loss than using the missions that yield the white cases. Which is lame, I can still profit, but the margin is really low its basically like having a companion with a part time fast food job or something, its nice to get the money but no one is buying a Bently any time soon.
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The problem is that, at high level, most people are losing money on almost every mission and making around 100 to 200 credits an hour on tier 4 and 5 missions.


I think you're just having bad luck. I went from 2000 credits to 15000 credits at the 300-325 slicing level in a couple hours.

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... Which is lame, I can still profit, but the margin is really low its basically like having a companion with a part time fast food job or something, its nice to get the money but no one is buying a Bently any time soon.


Which IMHO is more in line with how it should be... If everyone in the world could afford a Bently from just pushing a button every 20 minutes, eveyone would quit their job. Then a week later when due to inflation Bentley's now cost 1 billion dollars and a loaf of bread costs 10K because all the bakers quit. People would demand they're button make more money while they slowly starved to death.

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Which IMHO is more in line with how it should be... If everyone in the world could afford a Bently from just pushing a button every 20 minutes, eveyone would quit their job. Then a week later when due to inflation Bentley's now cost 1 billion dollars and a loaf of bread costs 10K because all the bakers quit. People would demand they're button make more money while they slowly starved to death.


You miss the point here - it was never a Bentley or Rolls to start with. It was a basic Corsa, second hand.


It seemed like a lot, at level 15, but soon as you levelled to 30/40+ it was really just enough to cover the bare necessities.


Except 100k at level 15 is in your mind, and you can't get it out of your mind. Doesn't change the basic fact that it was CHUMP CHANGE.


A kiddie waving a $5 bill and telling me they're going to buy the KING OF CANDIES, is still only going to be buying sweets. Not a roller or beemer or merc or bentley. Just sweets. Hopefully - I expressed that in a fashion that if you were from the EU or the US you could grasp it.

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I have 130k from crafting at level 13 on my alt and 500k from crafting and missions at level 35 on my main. Making money is not the problem, the problem is getting people to spend said money.


Congrats, you have enough to afford level 40 Speedertraining (200something k) and some skills on your Main :)


Level 50 Speeder is 300 something btw. Pls get to the later stages of the game, to realize the moneysinks in it.

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Some people are taking this thread the wrong way.


Some people are saying slicing was a cheat.. go start your own thread?


All I pointed out was that it's been nerfed. I saw that someone else noted that other crew skills have a drop in abundance for "high level" missions.


Whats pissing me off is that they are taking the fun aspects of the game and turning them into crap while not really doing anything productive, like making crafting a rewarding and enjoyable experience. ***?



I'm still making a profit, but it requires so much work for so little reward I just don't care if I forget to slice or not. ***?

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The balance was needed people on my server was telling the new players to "pick slicing and you wont ever have to worry about credits again." By level 20 some players were bragging they had well over 150k creds from missions and slicing. Some even reaching 200k mark.


So you see it was needed. Now all they need to do is remove the mod vendors and lower the green drops from mobs and the crafting and ecconomy will pick up for the better.

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Would you rather go back to the days when you could have 30k Credits by level 20 through Slicing?


My Slicer was made two days after the nerf to slicing. He's been actively slicing as I level and sending the ship droid on missions since I got my ship at 15. He's 21 now and sitting on 32,000 Credits and some change. Also I sent 20k to my JK artificer (Who is higher level) so he could buy skills and a speeder. I have about 10 missions and recipes in the hold or going up for auction still as well.


Suffice to say that slicing is fine. Also 30 k at 20 isn't bad. Most should be around there as you need like 48 k by 25 to get your speeder.

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Well actually. I today I bought my speeder training for my sith warrior and I had like 15k left over post slicing nerf, didn't go beyond level 58 slicing prenerf. On my IA after buying my first speeder trainer i had 83k left over still, but that was on prener. However, on my very first IA, which I stop playing, I had 101k. It Makes me a bit nervous not to spend any of my credits on my professions for any character post nerf.
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Some people are taking this thread the wrong way.


Some people are saying slicing was a cheat.. go start your own thread?


All I pointed out was that it's been nerfed. I saw that someone else noted that other crew skills have a drop in abundance for "high level" missions.


Whats pissing me off is that they are taking the fun aspects of the game and turning them into crap while not really doing anything productive, like making crafting a rewarding and enjoyable experience. ***?



I'm still making a profit, but it requires so much work for so little reward I just don't care if I forget to slice or not. ***?


Slicing isn't meant to just 'make money from companion quests'. You combine that aspect to your slicing while questing to get real money.


You don't have a one step credit farm anymore, you have a two step credit farm. Not a big deal.

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Eh, Bioware should simply have limited the possible skill levels based on character level.


1-10 = 1-100 craft

11-20 = 101-200 craft

21-30 = 201 - 300 craft

31+ = 301+


Simple, stops a glut of money at early levels and leaves higher level players a worthwhile skill if they don't wish to make items and play the GTN game.

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ITT low levels that think OMG 30k is being rich, overkill, NERF NOW!


Newsflash- Your level 20 monies ain't jack. Get to 50 and say slicing is ok. i don't even have it anymore, but one of my friends does. I can out pace him 30 fold with the other "gathering" skills... and not by harvesting nodes. Missions only.

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Just did a quick comparison.


20 lvls at tier 4 slicing netted me @7k IF i can sell the two UTW mission for min on the GTN


UWT, 20 LVLs at tier 2-3 netted me @ 29k If I sell all the mats I got on the GTN at min going rate




both are minus GTN commisions


Yeah, Slicing makes too much cash....




Edited by attillius
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Slicing never should have been an easy money button... however, right now, it's completely worthless, which is also a problem.


If BW wants to take away the credits, fine, but at least make it give something in return. Augments are frankly a joke- there's a reason why even top level ones sell for half the price of the mission to get them. You thus have a slim chance at getting a cybertech schem or a random crafting mission- the only of which you can make any sort of profit on are the 340 level missions, and the only time you find a schem worth anything is the 340 slicing mission rewards.


Right now, if you send your companion on a mission, you have a considerably higher chance to lose credits than you do to break even- and those few times you do make a profit you then get a failed mission where you have to spend half a day making up for it.



However, slicing isn't the only useless crew skill- it sucks, because the crafting system is actually pretty innovative, makes sense, and there's the potential to make it a good- though likely not great- crafting system... but right now, it's a credit sink that doesn't have a decent reward outside of biochem and perhaps cybertech.

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I've done that over 300 missions and had a net loss to show for my trouble.


Plus, there are a ton of spreadsheets out there that show you shouldn't run the highest level missions and should stick to the lower level ones as the actual margin is better.


And nodes while questing do not make you 'huge' profit by any means.


100% false.

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I just did some slicing, and I still made a few hundred credits per box.


Few hundred credits per box at 400 after an hour or so?


Is that really worth it to you?



I have a few proposals on ways to handle slicing and the economy, you should give it a look



Edited by Zennshi
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Excuse me Mr OP.


where are these 8-10 bountiful missions in slicing per teir that you can find? i had gotten my slicing up to lvl 340+ before the nerf. i have 1-2 TOTAL lockbox missions in the level 50 teir, which hasnt changed and i am now at 398.


Earlier teirs, i was getting 1-2 high level, and 1-2 low level lockbox missions in each teir of the profession.

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Basically what we have here is a skill that the company nerfed to hard. Much like any other company out there that feels the need to cater to the squeaky wheel. Did slicing need to be nerfed? Yes it did, i had 400 slicing in my lvl 30 bh with the ability to send out multiple companions on missions it was over the top on the returns and way worth the cost to send them on missions. Basically the risk vs reward was weighted heavy to the reward side.


However we now have a nerfed reward and still a very high risk into each mission. Fine nerf the rewards rate but the risk to send companions on those missions should be brought back into alignment... not what they are now. oh and having to shell out 210k in credits at lvl 40 for a 100% run speed mount is stupid. LOL Bioware was fully aware of what slicing would do they left it as it was at release for a reason they knew that folks wouldnt like spending 11k per skill

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How is 210k for the mount an issue? get over the sticker shock. It's not real money, and my non slicing guy had that plus the skill trains easily. Are you sneaking past all the mobs with no inventory space upgrades?


I was mildly shocked to hit 50 and find out I had to upgrade almost every skill.... but I still had the credits. Nothing but selling whites and questing - and I'd supported 3 tradeskills all the way up.


They designed the game to be a little like star wars I think - all the locations are stupidly big. You kill packs of mobs, cause it's bigger.


And at the high end, credits are supposed to be in the tens of thousands. You're high rolling in vegas.



The problem with the currency system is stemming from that other mmo - it has everyone acting like it's hard to come by panda gold they're spending instead of credits, so the auction house is a semi depressed market where it's hard to set a value that equates to your currency/crafting/acquisition cost.


I mean, really? 3-6 k credits for a random battleground @ 50? 10-15 daily quests? Once the buyers start adding the extra zero, it'll all seem so much better designed.

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