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A positive thread - 2 WoW accounts cancelled today


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So I can play SWTOR.


Having played other MMO's on their release dates, I see many of the same things:


Server queues

patches (announced and unannouced) to improve the game

End game content not finished and buggy (yes, even WoW)


It's a new MMO, for those who don't like to be in on new games growing pains, try waiting next time when another MMO is released so you don't get all whiney on the forums.



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I'm glad the bugs you are experiencing are minor, however, this is not the case for all players. Some players have game-destroying bugs plaguing them.


And thats a very minor amount of people to be honest with many of the strangest ones being easily worked around :/

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I'm glad the bugs you are experiencing are minor, however, this is not the case for all players. Some players have game-destroying bugs plaguing them.


That has been the case in just about every MMO ever released (even the vaunted WoW at its release and during expansions). I'm sorry for the bug you are experiencing, but have you taken the proper path in trying to get it (or them) resolved? If they have acknowledged the bug you are experiencing, then you can bet the Dev Team is working overtime trying to get a fix out for it if it is game breaking.


However, if it isn't a "game breaking" bug, then it might take a bit, thus my point that if people do not want to experience the growing pains of a fledging MMO, never play one on its release. Wait a few months and then try it.



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I'm glad the bugs you are experiencing are minor, however, this is not the case for all players. Some players have game-destroying bugs plaguing them.


The fact is this is true for any game but it's also true that those experiencing these game breaking issues are a small minority of the playerbase. While it sucks to be one of those in that minority it doesn't mean the game is poor or poorly managed.

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I'm glad the bugs you are experiencing are minor, however, this is not the case for all players. Some players have game-destroying bugs plaguing them.


And as the OP stated, this is part an parcel of a new MMO release. It's not fun for those suffering for it, but it happens. What you consider to be game breaking might be minor for someone else, they will have loads of tickets and the majority of them are probably considered major to the individual that submitted it, they have to prioritise.

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I'm unsubbing from warcraft too, only cause i can't justify burning the money while I play here.


However, I'm certain I'll be going back to play WoW eventually, unlike most folks here I think WoW is awesome.


WoW is like going to grad school for MMO players. It's learning experience


This game, along with many others, only exist because of WoW. Hate it or love it single handedly catapulted the MMO industry from niche market to a global phenomenon.

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How dare you actually have the nerve to enjoy the game and have the patience to give them time to add/fix/balance a brand new game! ;)


I know, it's absolutely horrible of me. I will have my Sith Warrior choose a light side option as punishment.

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I'm unsubbing from warcraft too, only cause i can't justify burning the money while I play here.


However, I'm certain I'll be going back to play WoW eventually, unlike most folks here I think WoW is awesome.


WoW is like going to grad school for MMO players. It's learning experience


This game, along with many others, only exist because of WoW. Hate it or love it single handedly catapulted the MMO industry from niche market to a global phenomenon.


I guess... EQ, DAoC, and Ultima Online didn't help at all? Dang...

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Pretty much spot on. Alot of players seem to want to live their life in these MMORPG's, like they get too emotionally attached and are offended there's a bug or a feature that's missing or not yet adjusted. Shrug, it's a game, and I'm enjoying this game more then I've enjoyed any MMORPG since 2007.


I'm happily enjoying the content on offer and eagerly await the patches and new content like the rest of you patient folk.

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I always get a little warm spot in the cackles of my heart when I read a positive post about swtor


Not picking on ya, nor making fun, but I think you meant "cockles" and not "cackles"; "Cockles of my heart."


according to the Merriam - Webster online Dictionary - Cackle means :


1: to make the sharp broken noise or cry characteristic of a hen especially after laying

2: to laugh especially in a harsh or sharp manner

3: chatter

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I'm unsubbing from warcraft too, only cause i can't justify burning the money while I play here.


However, I'm certain I'll be going back to play WoW eventually, unlike most folks here I think WoW is awesome.


WoW is like going to grad school for MMO players. It's learning experience


This game, along with many others, only exist because of WoW. Hate it or love it single handedly catapulted the MMO industry from niche market to a global phenomenon.


Let's change WoW to EQ and then you are closer to the mark. EQ was the game that started the ball rolling in the MMO market. Yes, UO was before EQ but EQ became "The MMO".


WoW was fun, now it isn't. SWTOR is fun...for me. People have to make their own choice but all the players saying they are unsubbing, should never, ever play an MMO on release. They will only experience the same frustration on the next one if they do.

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So I can play SWTOR.


Having played other MMO's on their release dates, I see many of the same things:


Server queues

patches (announced and unannouced) to improve the game

End game content not finished and buggy (yes, even WoW)


It's a new MMO, for those who don't like to be in on new games growing pains, try waiting next time when another MMO is released so you don't get all whiney on the forums.




Well put, good sir. +1 to you.


Members of my guild, friends and family included, all cancelled their WoW accounts this month with no desire to ever go back. Blizzard got years out of all of us, myself included, we're done with them. Pretty much everything they are doing with the game now, including the upcoming expansion, is mediocre at best.


We play SWTOR, and are having a blast.


(Disclaimner: I have been playing MMOs since 1998, and have been there for the release of a ton of them--- including WoW and its questionable launch. Bioware has done all right by me, with this launch.)

Edited by Jumajin
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So I can play SWTOR.


Having played other MMO's on their release dates, I see many of the same things:


Server queues

patches (announced and unannouced) to improve the game

End game content not finished and buggy (yes, even WoW)


It's a new MMO, for those who don't like to be in on new games growing pains, try waiting next time when another MMO is released so you don't get all whiney on the forums.




It's really cool you enjoy the game but that doesn't mean you need to belittle people's opinions. If people disagree with you this is a forum where they can do so publicly. The forums are for communications, and part of that is customers airing their grievances. To get mad about this is just so absolutely juvenile.


If it really boils your blood you should leave the forums.

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I unsubbed my WoW account last night too and I have been playing for 6 years. It was a great game but old is old and I want something new.


Also, WoW releases buggy content as well.


When Dragon Soul released last month, we had the first boss de-spawing on the pull and we had to do a hard reset to get it back.


When Firelands launched, our raid had bosses not spawning or becoming friendly and had to put in tickets to a GM to get them to reset the boss.


I can go on with every content patch which gets increasingly worse the further back the game goes.


Bugs are typical with a MMO - esp a new one.

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I'm unsubbing from warcraft too, only cause i can't justify burning the money while I play here.


However, I'm certain I'll be going back to play WoW eventually, unlike most folks here I think WoW is awesome.


WoW is like going to grad school for MMO players. It's learning experience


This game, along with many others, only exist because of WoW. Hate it or love it single handedly catapulted the MMO industry from niche market to a global phenomenon.


Blizzard did very little new with WoW when it was released. One of the single biggest things they did was create an MMO around an established IP which hadn't really been done before. It was the IP alone, in my opinion, that drew many new people into the MMO world and many of those have no MMO experience outside WoW.


Most players have a special connection with their first MMO (if they enjoy the genre). I enjoyed WoW for a bit but it was nothing new when it was released, beyond the graphics and IP. Unfortuanately I don't like the route Blizzard have gone down but thats me :D

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It's really cool you enjoy the game but that doesn't mean you need to belittle people's opinions. If people disagree with you this is a forum where they can do so publicly. The forums are for communications, and part of that is customers airing their grievances. To get mad about this is just so absolutely juvenile.


If it really boils your blood you should leave the forums.


Doesn't boil my blood at all. Just seeing all the unsubbing comments makes me laugh. If they believe the other game didn't have these issues on release is actually pretty ludicrous.


Oh, as to your point about this being a public forum? Yep, sure is, thus my positive thread to let the Devs/SWTOR team know I am enjoying the game.


Still doesn't invalidate my point that if a player doesn't want to experience the growing pains of a new MMO, they should wait a few months.

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