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You are paying to Beta Test, no lie.


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Yet the complainers keep buying games when they are released. And none of them (the games) are bug free.


But it's easy to complain only when "it affects you". :rolleyes:


I got used to since a few years to wait 3-6 months before getting a game, then patch it up.


Obviously not an option with an mmo

Edited by joriandrake
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Guess what mmo's are never finished. You guys bashed TOR for it bugs and yet not one of you even at admit to the bugs WoW has, some which have been in game since it launched.


Look at my previous post. Wow has no issues as serious as the first three, and never has.

Edited by artilleryshell
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You're very lucky.


-General Engine Bugs

-Instance limbo issue where players are unable to change instances, including their ship.

-Gear not functioning on load of any new area, must be completely removed and put back on to get actual stats.

-Numerous graphical glitches

-Sound dies suddenly for no reason

-Server boots

-High end machines with fps isues


Actually, you're just very unlucky.


By that, I mean you're a tiny minority.


The majority of people are enjoying this game bug free (well, mostly). The few bugs that do affect people.. are very minor.

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So, I'm paying to beta test. I don't care, I'm having fun.


Also, their game... Unless maybe you were pointing in the direction of the server when you typed it, then I guess, "there game" could possibly make sense.

Edited by ChillBill
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Uh, let's be honest here. We pay to "beta" every game that comes out. World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, RAGE, MW3, Witcher 2, and Skyrim. I can go down the list of games that the community, as a whole, has said "beta test" current games. So I may be a bit bold here, but seeing the amount of negativity here on the forums., I think my boldness is quite welcomed here. If you don't like the game. Stop paying for it and wasting your own time. It's not beta, it's never beta.


-jayistatted, Anturi Reach

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The title says it all, you are paying BW to beta test there game, it is painfully obvious that this game was not ready for primetime. To all the people saying this is the smoothest mmorpg release to date, I say in what aspect? Because I fail to see many.


I would list all the issues but seeing as there are already a **** ton of posts with extensive lists of bugs, short comings, and flat out *** were you and were you not thinkings I will just leave you with this.


Don't pay to be a beta tester cancel your sub, play your first month out and let them fix all these damn issues with the money they made from record pre-orders.


Yes i will pay for this "Beta" for the next couple of years if i want to..

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The title says it all, you are paying BW to beta test there game, it is painfully obvious that this game was not ready for primetime. To all the people saying this is the smoothest mmorpg release to date, I say in what aspect? Because I fail to see many.


It's a smooth release in terms of fun, engaging story, immersion in the setting, lack of bugs, lack of lagginess, and server availability. I'm playing on a five-year old system on medium settings: My expectation was that the game was not going to work at all, and instead I'm getting 20 fps. I haven't encountered a single "game breaking" bug and, with the exception for some early 20-25 queues, the servers have been available every time I have wanted to play. Plus I have great guildmates.


Which MMO releases are you thinking of that had smoother starts than this one?

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Funny how you all have singled out a single thing from my post, "bugs". Yes all mmo's have bugs, all games will have bugs in some fashion or another. I get that and that is probably the least of my concerns.


I wonder to myself how the hell did the GTN UI even make it out of beta in its current form? That has to be the worst functionality I have ever come across in a game. I find it so horrible I just list my goods for what it recommends rather then try to look up the going price.


I also wonder to myself how a show/hide companion helm never made it in the game, stuff to me and a lot of other people notice right away? Was it also noticed in beta and brought up just to be past over.


No Macro options.

No UI customization options, You mean to tell me they couldn't have made it like Rift?

Ability Delay....

Hero Engine.....


I could probably go for a while but I think I made my point. Those are not bugs just seriously overlooked options/functions. You think I believe it made it through alpha and beta and no one ever noticed these things? Or is it more likely the game was rushed out for the holidays... use your god damn brain man.


Slavery used to be the norm too and I guess there were a few people that must have been "new to slavery" but all it takes is people that don't settle for the norm to make a change.

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The title says it all, you are paying BW to beta test there game, it is painfully obvious that this game was not ready for primetime. To all the people saying this is the smoothest mmorpg release to date, I say in what aspect? Because I fail to see many.


I would list all the issues but seeing as there are already a **** ton of posts with extensive lists of bugs, short comings, and flat out *** were you and were you not thinkings I will just leave you with this.


Don't pay to be a beta tester cancel your sub, play your first month out and let them fix all these damn issues with the money they made from record pre-orders.


You sir have no idea what a "beta" is (obviously). I WAS a beta tester on this game and it is far superior at launch to many other games to which I have beta tested and participated in at launch. Are there bugs? Sure, have yet to see a "flawless" game out there that does not have some bugs. The number of bugs are far fewer then what your post implies. NONE are preventing people from playing. NONE are gating people in any way. FEW if any are game breaking.


What I suggest this post is about is an attempt to pour cold water on what has been a successful launch. Try harder, facts do not support your claim.

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Slavery used to be the norm too and I guess there were a few people that must have been "new to slavery" but all it takes is people that don't settle for the norm to make a change.


I always find it hilarious when people compare playing a game to things like slavery and freedom from oppression (that one was yesterday).


You people need to smash your PC's and get out into the world, because you're taking your gaming entirely too seriously.

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You people need to smash your PC's and get out into the world, because you're taking your gaming entirely too seriously.

When people worry so much about a luxury item, I think that the internets calls it "First World problems".


Not that we don't have some rights as paying customers, mind you.

Edited by Areka
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Not that we don't have some rights as paying customers, mind you.


Of course we do. But when you're arguing "our oppression now is JUST LIKE the oppression suffered by slaves or the people of the Arab Spring", you've got some pretty screwed up priorities...:)

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The title says it all, you are paying BW to beta test there game, it is painfully obvious that this game was not ready for primetime. To all the people saying this is the smoothest mmorpg release to date, I say in what aspect? Because I fail to see many.


I would list all the issues but seeing as there are already a **** ton of posts with extensive lists of bugs, short comings, and flat out *** were you and were you not thinkings I will just leave you with this.


Don't pay to be a beta tester cancel your sub, play your first month out and let them fix all these damn issues with the money they made from record pre-orders.


No one is paying anything to beta test. The 30 days you get free (60 if CE) is to cover the downtime, bugs, patches etc that you will experience during the launch of the game. So if you are a SE edition player, you can say I am paying for YOU to beta test the game after January 20th. How's them apples?

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We eventually have to stop putting up with it.


I also don't know why people keep saying this was better than WoW's launch. I was there for WoW's launch so don't try to ******** me on that score.


I was there too. You must have selective memory. The game was effectively unplayable for quite a lot of people for the first three or so months. Hell, I got over 20 days of compensation on my account it was so awful.


I'm guessing you didn't actually play WoW at launch.

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Of course we do. But when you're arguing "our oppression now is JUST LIKE the oppression suffered by slaves or the people of the Arab Spring", you've got some pretty screwed up priorities...:)


As customers? Our rights are defined by Bioware. People have the privilege to complain. But not the right.

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As was I. It was not fun when servers were down for an entire week was it? Or that my first character fell through the earth in a perpetual motion for almost 2 weeks. Every time I logged into him during that two week period, he was still falling, not able to get unstuck or hearth, etc cause he was still considered to be moving. But their dev team eventually fixed the problem... two weeks in.


The game was also fun though. Not to mention WoW was not a extremely bugged game the servers were FREAKING out because Blizzard didn't anticipate that many people would be playing their game.


You no what the game breaker was though.......They gave you (FREE GAME TIME) when their server were DOWN and BUGGED.

Edited by leetlazzy
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I may not have been playing since launch, but I was within a week of launch and have come across only one bug in the game with enemies on Tattooine who kept regenerating health (Though if you run away they ignore you). I have only ever played one other MMO at launch, and compared to STO's launch this game is pure platinum
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