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[Current Bug List] Crew Skills


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It relly saddens me that the developers don't acknowledge this post,the least they could do was to sticky it, its another example of how pathetic their customer service are..


To the OP great job, and to all the people posting to help update great job :)

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It relly saddens me that the developers don't acknowledge this post,the least they could do was to sticky it, its another example of how pathetic their customer service are..


To the OP great job, and to all the people posting to help update great job :)


Sorry for reiteration, but the Devs have acknowledged this thread.


They Un-Stickyed it.


Too bright a light glaring in the face blinding them with fixes that they should be working on.


We have asked for it to be stickyed again, but they do not, when it is a clear show of the difficulties people/consumers are facing and want to know why it is, when it will be addressed, and how is it to be resolved.


Thankfully the OP checks in on us and can help as best that he can with the limited information he has been able to tally together.



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Wow so it was was stickied and thay actually unstickied it :( that is soooooo.......................................................


i just saw the things to come vid from BW and the guy sits there and say "We are listening to the players because the game is for you guys" .........


wow it really made me sad because it really dosn't feel like that


it is in my humble oppinion clear that the game was not ready for releaseand, EA is to blame for pushing it but when the players try and help out, it boggles my mind that we are more or less ignored :(


it is painfully obvious that crewskilss are not done too many bugs, duplicate and missing scematics and so on and so forth (io know this has all been written before but just venting)


and in closing since they wont sticky it (Again)




Sorry for reiteration, but the Devs have acknowledged this thread.


They Un-Stickyed it.


Too bright a light glaring in the face blinding them with fixes that they should be working on.


We have asked for it to be stickyed again, but they do not, when it is a clear show of the difficulties people/consumers are facing and want to know why it is, when it will be addressed, and how is it to be resolved.


Thankfully the OP checks in on us and can help as best that he can with the limited information he has been able to tally together.



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Thanks all the kind words guys. I simply feel that the players deserve to know about the broken parts in this game. I also made the list to prevent people coming to the forums looking for a specific bug and posting a new thread because they couldn't find anything. So it was also done to maintain a sense of order and neatness in this forum. Although, now that this thread is no longer stickied this purpose is lost because many players cannot find it and post new threads about known bugs anyway.


But it's great to hear that my efforts are appreciated. :)


Also I updated the list with an Armormech issue (although I'm sure Synthweaving suffers from similar issues). I wrote down all the stats of crafted Heavy Armor and found some amazing inconsistencies. Like DPS sets with a single tank stat among them, or some sets missing entire pieces. There are also (a lot of) cases where certain pieces from the DPS/Heal sets have higher Endurance than the equivalent Tank pieces, this I did not further investigate though.


I attached a link to a spreadsheet with my results to the first post.


This further illustrates how unfinished crafting really is. There are sooo many inconsistencies in the various crafting professions: missing willpower shields, duplicate enhancements, missing mod-B's, missing high-end weapons, and now missing/wrong-statted armor pieces. I just hope one day they will finish creating the system they had intended to make.

Edited by Rhaphael
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I was told by customer services that the ability to link stuff you have crafted and are in your bag in the chat window was removed in a patch .

Could anyone give me any info as to why ?

Which Patch?


I dont suppose they will let you link your whole crafting skill so they can see what you are able to make.? handy for guilds.

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I was told by customer services that the ability to link stuff you have crafted and are in your bag in the chat window was removed in a patch .

Could anyone give me any info as to why ?

Which Patch?


I dont suppose they will let you link your whole crafting skill so they can see what you are able to make.? handy for guilds.


Already in-game. Party up with someone, right-click, other commands, inspect schematics.

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BUMP for this one. It really needs it.


I found out something interesting today while leveling my Sniper. I'm not sure if this was just my luck playing with me, but I thought to share this if someone else has experienced something similar.


My Sniper was at level 33 and I was trying to RE level 34 earpieces to get at least some blues ready for my next level. I tried over 40 times, but no success. Then I got to level 34 and first attempt after that succeeded. Next I thought to make new ear piece for my companion. Again, I succeeded on my second try. Lucky me, I thought. Next I started to RE some armor mods for next level 35. Around 30 tries. No success. I gave up and thought, what would happen if I get myself to level 35? I continued gathering materials and when I hit 35, I tried again RE. First time: success. I tried for my companion: second time success. I haven't tried purples yet.


This made me thinking that does the lower level RE depend upon of level of a character? Is it harder to RE items that are for higher levels than my character? Or was this just my luck playing with me? Anyone else has similar experiences?


Have to continue my experiments with this.

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I didn't see anything about this on the OP, but this has happened to me twice now:


I would be making a piece of purple gear. When I changed areas (first time was heading to another HM on fleet from AH, second was zoning to Ilum after a HM at the fleet) I looked at my companion's progress that was crafting the item and the item was gone. I checked my inventory and the materials were gone as well. The other odd thing that happened the first time was I had 4 green items in que after the purple and all were complete and in my inventory. The first time was just a regular RE'd purple schematic (4 mand irons lost), but the second was crafting my Rakata Bracers for a shot at an augment slot (i had the regular already) which cost me 8 irons and an alloy.


Anyone else have a similar issue?

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Too bad there is no one reading these posts from the development side.

I have been putting in tickets about these issues from day 1 launch.

All tickets are closing with "Read the faqs and read the players guides. Thank you noob."


Crafting as it stands is mostly useless for the exception of a few items.

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If i knew how, i have a spread sheet of the armormech trainable schems with lvl equipped at, and crew skill learned at, some interesting disparities there as well. I thought there was a ryhm and reason to it but then it just breaks down and big gaps at some lvls of items, and then sometimes a few lvls of items together its odd. So if you want to see it can send it via mail, or need to learn how to post it by excel and not google docs as that messed it up. Edited by Necodreus
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Another suggestion would be that the crew skill results window goes directly to pending if you're in combat. Nothing is more aggravating as a healer watching health bars than to have a crafting window pop up in the middle of a heal intensive fight.


Also, can we reduce the drop rate on investigation mission discoveries with slicing? I get at least 1 investigation mission for every other mission I get, ie if I were to get two mission discoveries from a batch of mission discoveries, 1 of them will be an investigation mission almost every time. They sell for below the base price on GTN compared to any of the other missions (especially Slicing missions, they almost never drop) because there are so many of them.

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((When companions return from a mission the resulting popup window closes any windows you had open. Please consider adding these results to the pending rewards list instead.))



(Temp Workaround)


Also if you are on the GTN, Close the bag Window so only the GTN window is Open,


You,re Comanion/s returning from Missions Will Not Close the GTN -as long as thiers Space Open for the window to show.

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If i knew how, i have a spread sheet of the armormech trainable schems with lvl equipped at, and crew skill learned at, some interesting disparities there as well. I thought there was a ryhm and reason to it but then it just breaks down and big gaps at some lvls of items, and then sometimes a few lvls of items together its odd. So if you want to see it can send it via mail, or need to learn how to post it by excel and not google docs as that messed it up.


Like the spreadsheet I linked to in the first post? Or different?

Edited by Rhaphael
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My suggestion for how crafting could be better;


I like the crew skills system, I like how it ties to companions, but the overview of how they all tie in together & how they mesh with the rest of the game is not quite where I think it should be.


Just to give an example, at the moment we have as a moddable weapon the following slots;


Tech Weapon:

Barrel- Armstech

Crystal - Artifice

Mod - Cybertech

Enhancement - Artifice


Force Weapon:

Hilt - Artifice

Crystal - Artifice

Mod- Cybertech

Enhancement - Artifice


Bear in mind that the base blaster/rifle item is not craftable by the Armstech until 400 skill, but there are loads on vendors...


Same story for Lightsabers & Artificers...


Just taking the above two you already begin to see where Armstech is beginning to be more useless than other crafts....because barrels are about all the use that skill has until 400 with the amount of moddable guns available.


The kind of system I would have made would have been built from the ground upwards with the moddable gear in mind.


Armormech - crafts base items, moddable gear "set" at each 5 levels after 10 (15, 20, 25 etc with a couple of extra varieties at 50) - ALSO crafts Armoring slot items for Tech stats.


Synthweaver - crafts base items, moddable gear"set" at each 5 levels after 10 (15, 20, 25 etc with a couple of extra varieties at 50) - ALSO crafts Armoring slot items for Force stats.


Armstech - crafts base item moddable guns/rifles, Barrels, pulsewave emitters (tech weapon equivalent of crystals), grenades, mines, Tech hilts, (vibroknives/techblades*/techstaves*/vibroblades* - *moddable versions perhaps?)


Artifice - Crafts base item lightsabers, electrostaves, Force hilts, Crystals (these are force weapon only), relics, focii, enhancement


BioChem - Crafts implants, med packs, stims, adrenals, genetic interface (replaces enhancement slot on weapons only)


Cybertech - Crafts Mods, offhand shields & power generators, ship parts, speeders, earpieces


So moddable gear now looks like:


Moddable Tech weapon:

Pattern - Arsmtech/Vendor

Barrel/Tech Hilt - Armstech

Pulsewave emitter -Armstech

Mod - Cybertech

Genetic Interface - Biochem


Moddable Force Weapon:

Pattern - Artifice/Vendor

Hilt - Artifice

Crystal - Artifice

Mod - Cybertech

Genetic Interface - Biochem


Moddable Tech Armor:

Pattern - Armormech

Armoring - Armormech

Mod - cybertech

Enhancement - Artifice


Moddable Force Armor:

Pattern - Synthweaving/Vendor

Armoring - Synthweaver

Mod - Cybertech

Enhancement - Artifice


I appreciate my alterations to the system don't address all the problems, but I feel it represents a more holistic view, than what exists, by trying to have a better balance of "involvement" in the moddable gear for each craft they each share the desirability of the end-product, this also serves to smooth out some of the disparities between some crafts getting too big a piece of the trading pie in end goods.


It's far from perfect, and could be refined further but this is an illustrative idea of what I'm getting at.

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It is random and resets/reshuffles frequently.

I am at 400/400/400 Armormech working on REing me a full purple set, which means I need lots of Grade6 Underworld Metal.

Sometimes I got not a single Mission in my list and sometimes I can send 4 companions at once for the u metal.


The list of available missions is random and resets after a certain time (maybe half an hour?) or whenever a mission for the skill finishes. Thus you should check for wanted missions right before and right after a companion finishes one. At times, when I got lucky, I got all 5 companions out hunting for the u metal.


I can cope with this randomized system.



What annoys me is that at 400 skill there are no "abundant" or "rich" missions for grade6 available....

(Why on earth didnt BW make crafting levels more synchronized with char lvls? eg crafting skill 500 = lvl50 gear)


I share that concern also. Also not sure why they would do so in such a manner.


In regard to the random system. Yes, I also shared your assumption initially, but my limited testing is starting to reveal a different outcome. It didn't take long for it to settle into a pattern.


I did this over 20 resets (jumping in and out of my ship to shuffle them up), on two characters.



Round one.


Underworld metals grade 1 to 4

20 resets


Companion Gifts Returned at a rate of 3.33 to 1 over Underworld metals

Companion Gifts Returned at a rate of 1.43 to 1 over luxury Fabrics

Luxury Fabrics Returned at a rate of 2.33 to 1 over underworld metals



Round two


Underworld metals grade 1 to 5

20 resets


Companion Gifts Returned at a rate of 3.25 to 1 over Underworld metals

Companion Gifts Returned at a rate of 1.62 to 1 over luxury Fabrics

Luxury Fabrics Returned at a rate of 2 to 1 over underworld metals





This seems to indicate that Companion gifts are set to a rate of 3 to 1 over underworld metals, and approximately 1.5 to 1 over luxury Fabrics. It also indicates that Luxury Fabrics are set to a rate of 2 to 1 over underworld metals.


The testing was not sufficient to demonstrate conclusively, but is enough to postulate a theory regarding the imbalance of available mission skills when examining underworld metals. The disparity between Companion gifts and luxury fabrics appears to be much closer to balanced.


I've also noted, but not yet tested, a distinct pattern regarding level of missions with an apparent similarity to the demonstrated disparities above.


Whether these results are intentional on their part, incorrect settings, or a bug is something that would have to be determined but the pattern of disparity does exist, and became apparent almost immediately.

Edited by Blackardin
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Couple more things I've recently noticed:


1. Imperial Agents (temporarily) lose access to one of their companions at one point in the plot. I have had it bug up where it seemed to swap the order of the companions, so that my "missing" companion could still do missions while one of my "non-missing" companions was not allowed to. In other words, the wrong companion got greyed out in the drop-down list. (This was 2 weeks ago that I noticed it, but I just remembered now. Maybe it's fixed, for all I know. Not replicable right now, for me.)


2. The unlocked padlock symbol that is used to identify a "learned" or "discovered" one-time use mission is frequently carried over to other skill-level pages onto missions that are the regular, cycling type. By looking solely at the text ("Wealthy Yield" vs. anything else) you can still identify which ones are one-time use. However, the padlock icon is a much more likely indicator than actually expecting people to...read.


P.S. Sticky this!

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