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Everything posted by WarTrip

  1. After 1.2, the Senior Developer mentioned BW's intent was to bring all classes to their target numbers for damage output. Is there a plan to bring Operative/Scoundrel melee DPS closer to the damage output of Marauders/Sentinels or DPS Juggernaut/Gaurdians? Or to bring melee dps more inline with the range DPS during operations? I understand the changes to PVE DPS can greatly impact PVP as well but there is still quite a disparity in the DPS of the various classes. I know many guilds do not use operative/scoundrel DPS for the newer content because they do not do enough damage to be competitive with Marauders. This completely eliminates the viability of two trees for the operative/scoundrel.
  2. It's really not the player vs class argument. And it's particularly hard to compare your friend to people in a PUG, you don't know how good the people are vs how good your friend is. And he was still behind the marauders and snipers, I've never seen anyone say that a DPS op topped the damage meters, or that a DPS op did as much as the Marauders and snipers. And I don't think you will until the class is balanced. And I don't even think it would be hard for BW to balance, it could be something as easy as removing the cooldown on Shiv. Vicious strikes and snipe don't have cooldowns, why does shiv? That would also help ops with the rotation issue which there is no room at all for error. Easy fix: Remove the cooldown on Shiv and put the 6s cooldown on Lacerate instead (for concealment specced ops, something else would need to be done for lethality ops, but that could be something simple like boosting the DOT damage). That fix would make it way easier for Op/scoundrels to maintain their tactical advantage, would reduce the sensitivity of the rotation and it doesn't add any significant burst DPS to PVP. That would probably give op/scoundrels at least a little boost and would make the class a little more viable without breaking pvp. (I don't know the names of the scoundrel abilities.)
  3. What do you think class balance should revolve around? And PVE is very competitive for DPS classes. If you are trying to do new content that is timed, you want as much damage as you can get, why take subpar DPS? It's competitive for tanks as well. How often do we gauge a tank by how many HPs he has? Do you want the 23k tank or do you want the 18k tank? No one looks at the other defining attributes of a tank first, they look at the HPS first.
  4. We were all equally geared in full Rakata, so that wasn't the issue. Our few experiences using MOX parser showed that snipers and marauders topped the DPS charts while I was not as high as they were. The guild barely squeaks by in EC HM right now and the DPS isn't very high. The farthest they've progressed in the last 6 weeks is the 3rd boss in EC. All this wouldn't have been an issue if the operative/scoundrel community did at least close to the DPS of other the classes so there was less complaining on the forums which I am assuming our raid leader started to read. He wants to stack snipers as much as possible.
  5. Bioware Devs, apparently your team is the only group who does not realize that Operative/scoundrel DPS is not on par with the other DPS classes. I had the joy of being told by our raid leader that I will never get a spot in a progression raid again because my full rakata'd operative didn't compare in DPS to the full rakata'd Marauders and Snipers in the guild. The guild needs all the DPS they can get to take down progression bosses. If the intent was to have a class that didn't do comparable damage to the other classes, why not put that in the advanced class description so I when I got to choose between a sniper and an operative I would have known that sniper DPS was far superior and if I wanted to raid with an operative, I would have to be a healer. While this might seem like a QQ post, having an entire class of DPSers not being comparable to the other classes is not OK when it starts to take the enjoyment out of the game. If there is any doubt about the state of the class, go look at the pvp composition of groups or the raid composition of groups and notice that operatives and scoundrels are not DPSing. The Juggernaughts/Jedi Guardians and Sorcerors/Consulars are getting to enjoy their roles as DPS classes though.
  6. Market suggestion Many people complain about the poor showing on the GTN and I think there are couple possible solutions. First, I know as a crafter that it is very frustrating to make something, hang it on the GTN and after 2 days have to do it all over again. A suggestion would be to increase the amount of time items are on the GTN. I realize that the developers probably deliberately kept it small thinking there would be too many items on the GTN and they wanted to be able to keep a smaller number of items listed for a variety of purposes. Another possible solution might be to make it possible for players who are after a particular mod, enhancement, or other types of items to be able to place a buy order for items they are interested in. Then I as a crafter would be able to go and see what people are interested in buying and how much they are willing to pay and sell those items to those players if I can make it. I know many times I've gone to the GTN and there was nothing I was after and tried asking in the trade channel and received no reply. EVE has a very good model for how a market in a thriving community could work. Craft Listing suggestion: make it possible for crafters to be able to post a listing of all the blue and purple items they can make, sort of a portfolio if you will, in game. That would easily let other players can look at items the crafter can make and request items from the crafter. I think WoW had a method that you could link your entire selection of items you could craft as a link and someone else could open it up and look at it. Maybe add a bulletin board in fleet or somthing more high tech that would allow people to post their recipes so people could see what someone makes and contact them in game through game emails or whispers. I think both of these would greatly help the economy in game and would make it easier for crafting to have a greater impact in the game.
  7. Another suggestion would be that the crew skill results window goes directly to pending if you're in combat. Nothing is more aggravating as a healer watching health bars than to have a crafting window pop up in the middle of a heal intensive fight. Also, can we reduce the drop rate on investigation mission discoveries with slicing? I get at least 1 investigation mission for every other mission I get, ie if I were to get two mission discoveries from a batch of mission discoveries, 1 of them will be an investigation mission almost every time. They sell for below the base price on GTN compared to any of the other missions (especially Slicing missions, they almost never drop) because there are so many of them.
  8. What the OP is talking about is that there are mods like the 'Reinforced' series that you can get as quest rewards and from equipment that is made by other crafting skills but for some reason cybertechs can't actually make them. If you were a tank and wanted mods that had defense rating, you are out of luck. If it doesn't have power or crit, you're not getting it from a cybertech. It would have been nice if all the mods weren't available from commendation vendors, and better armor rings weren't available from the daily commendations vendors on Ilum. Being a cybertech is essentially pointless. There's no reason for me to hang a bunch of mods on the GTN because no one will buy them when they can just use commendations to buy all the mods and armorrings they need. Even as a cybertech, it was easier for me to buy the mods from the vendors then to make them myself (for blues). I also have a beef with the fact that the other crafting skills get rakata recipes at 400 and new purples but cybertechs don't. At least a rakata ear piece series would be nice.
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