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Why aren't we allowed to complain?


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Well, Bioware could communicate with the playerbase to explain what issues are a priority. Look at the WoW forums: multiple devs took the time to discuss the nerf (fix?) that was applied to a specific weapon from the Deathwing encounter in WoW because Retribution Paladins could get double the procs via their Censure.


Bioware doesn't communicate. Not nearly enough.


Now we're getting somewhere. A structured request on how to do things better. See, it wasn't so hard, was it? ;)


However, it was pretty appearent in early access that BW doesnt like to communicate certain things. I don't like that either but I see the reason behind it. Expectations. Whenever you tell something to someone that someone will automatically expect results in a certain timeframe.

And from what I see here on the forums, no matter what BW will say or do..there will always be those who demand stuff be re-prioritized, re-timed or re-structured to fit their sole needs.


And while those people may(!) be right in their own mind, they might not be in others thoughts.


What I'm trying to say is: They can't, never ever and no matter what they do, cater to everyone.

All it takes to realize that is an open mind and some common sense. Not saying you don't have either, but maybe your priorities aren't on the same page as BWs.

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What is evident in the games enlisted. Do you think I'm wrong? Because I'll laugh at your feeble attempts to belittle my arguments as to why I listed each in order in each respective category.


He's right. Your opinion? Does not apply to everyone. Sorry to burst your bubble.


Not white knighting. Yes, I am a Bioware fanboy. Yes, I acknowledge the issues of this game. But then again, I am a patient, reasonable human being who understands that an MMO is always a work in progress and that people are entitled to their own opinions, even if they don't represent mine and even if they refuse to acknowledge the difference between fact and opnion.


Don't like the game? Move on. Really. That is what any -normal- human being does. Unless you have something of substance to add other than, "dis game r bayud and WoW r so much bettear". Then please. Go away.


For your sake.


And mine.

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Why are so many people against other people complaining about legitimate issues? This game is a complete failure at the moment.


This is exactly why a lot of people don't take "complaint" threads seriously. Like calling the game a complete failure, when there are obviously a ton of people playing and enjoying it. So of course people are going to react to comments like that.


Does the game have issues? Of course. The ability delay thread is a perfect example of a constructive thread about a legitimate issue. Your thread isn't.

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It's not that your not allowed to complain, is that most of the people that are complaining are, either:


1. complaining about issues that are being worked on, being fixed or are being looked into by bioware, but they don't have the patience to wait.


2. Some people are far to aggressive with their attitude and the way the present their opinions, instead of constructive criticism they flame for several pages, calling everyone who opposes or tells them to wait idiots etc.


This game definitely has it's flaws, no doubt about it, but NO GAME IN THE WORLD is released without faults. They had some oversights, with no rolling functions, no combat log, which really are essential in an MMO (more so than anything else in my opinion). The combat is laggy but still playable.


The reason I don't agree with a lot of the flaming, is because guilds are perfectly able to do the end-game raids, with the games current functions. If you can't clear the end bosses because you need mods to help you, your fail end of story.


Most of the things I want in this game, bioware has said they are working on. Once they sort out the FPS issues and the combat latency issue (which is still playable) the game will obviously be a lot better to play, but they can't fix this **** NOW, it's not like they're magical beings who can pull thousands of hours of coding out of their asses to fix all the issues in the blink of an eye.


Also the game really isn't that expensive, if you can't afford £8.99 a month without batting an eye lid, your doing something wrong. I would rather invest that money into an emerging game that has the potential to be really special, than invest it in pandas. ;)

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What is evident in the games enlisted. Do you think I'm wrong? Because I'll laugh at your feeble attempts to belittle my arguments as to why I listed each in order in each respective category.


So what you're saying is that you not only determine what is "legitimate" or not, but that you wont allow people to have differing opinions...or if they do, you will mock them.


Isn't that just the other side of the coin of what you are upset about in the first place in the OP?

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Depends how you complain, really. Constructive criticism is always good, and then there's just goold old fashioned complaning, with a long post ranting what the game does wrong, but offers no solutions to them. Edited by Garik
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SWTOR > Rift > WoW in terms of levelling

SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of RPG


It is these two features I play an MMORPG for, and unfortunately I do not agree with your orders. I would love for SWTOR to be top in both but I would order them:


WOW > SWTOR > Rift in terms of levelling


There are just so many more options for WoW even in lower levels on where to go and what to see that I can make characters in the same faction that go to utterly different places. It really does help make multiple plays through the game more interesting and something I would love future expansions to give us here on SWTOR, not just end game content but more in the rest of the world as well.


WoW > SWTOR > Rift in terms of RPG


Yes you get a lot more buttons to press on SWTOR but I do not think they add much at all to roleplay. The majority seem to end up in the same result so I just pick the one I think my companion will like as affection points help with crafting so might as well grind them up. Light side and dark side with the points attached make me feel forced to follow one and that just makes it another stat not a story option. I can’t sit down off my ship, stupid thing to be bugged by perhaps but it just seems such a simple addition. It is also much more difficult to roleplay here is SWTOR due to the lack of chat bubbles, again a silly thing and hardly game breaking for most.

However, saying all of that:


SWTOR > WOW > Rift my overall enjoyment


The fact it is new means it is still more fun than a game I have just outplayed. (Rift doesn’t count as it was a tedious experience that I would never go back to). I hope that things will improve over time, and I more than happy to wait and carry on playing as they work on those upgrades.

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Just thought i'd throw in my two cents. I dont regularly post in the forums (in fact this is my 1st time) but something about the posts in this thread caught my eye, and i feel like they need some clarity.


One of the posters wrote about patch 1.1.0 for WoW being "released" before the actual game was. This was no doubt to show that there were 2 available raids at launch. HOWEVER, what that doesn't tell you is how exhaustive the "keying" process was just to even get into the Onyxia raid. Sure, Molten core was run a 5 man dungeon with a specific quest, loot an object at the end and you're ready for MC. Onyxia's keying process was alot more lengthy, and difficult, not to mention that even after you finished the chain, you had to get THIRTY NINE other players to do it.


People like to compare new MMOs that arrive (literally, every single MMO released after WoW has these posts) to an already established MMO(WoW), but people tend to forget just how unforgiving and casual unfriendly WoW was at launch. AT LEAST TWO classes at launch in WoW were completely useless (looking at you paladins and warlocks). Warlocks were fixed within the 1st few months, paladins however were not actually viable until patch 2.0 (the patch before the 1st expansion came out, 2 years later.) It was towards the end of that expansion that WoW started to cater to the casual market. Hell, you couldn't even do the last 2 raids W/O an extremely lengthy, and difficult (killing Kael'thas AND Vaashj) to even enter those dungeons, to get your face smashed in on the Archimonde fight. Towards the end they removed the keying process entirely (albeit MC, BWL still require keying) from the game to allow casual "raiders" to experience the content w/o being obstructed by a skill barrier they could not pass.


Thats enough about raiding. Lets talk about leveling. When WoW 1st arrived, WoW was a very arduous and quest grinditacular journey to reach level cap. Playing every day for 6 months straight I finally hit level cap with my 1st toon (a paladin). Most games these days have capped toons in less than a week after release, because the attention span for players is reducing everyday. Hell, back when WoW was released, and for the 1st FOUR years, if you wanted to run a dungeon you had to physically go to the dungeon entrance (Scarlet monestary on the alliance side took a good 20 minutes to get to w/o horde interference), not to mention you still had to find the group for it. And yet people complain in this game when quite literally every flashpoint has a dropship no more than 2 minutes from anywhere on the fleet and yet people complain they have to "spam" for a group. Let's get 1 thing straight. A LFG tool is not a key feature to a sucessful MMO. Go play FFXI and tell me if they have a LFG feature. That game is still going strong because it has a dedicated player base.I remember sitting in Jeuno (a main city hub) for literally HOURS trying to get a group, and I never once complained and enjoyed the experience when i finally got in a group.



NO WHERE in ANY MMO rulebook does it state that leveling cannot be fun. I personally know quite a few people (my grandfather included) who have ALL 50 slots of their WoW accounts filled with toons, and not one of them is above level 60( he has been playing for 5 years). Now in this specific instance, i've asked him repeatedly why he doesn't level higher to which he replies, "I enjoy playing the lower levels. When a holiday event happens, i have to do all the quests, get all the loot/items, and level the skill associated with that holiday (cooking for thanksgiving) on all 50 of my toons." It's what he enjoys doing, and who am I to tell him that he is wrong for enjoying the game the way he wants to?


This all boils down to players wanting everything NOW and not wanting to work for it. Personally i feel they should reduced the amount of experience you get while leveling so that I don't over level every zone by 2 levels before i even get there, and can actually enjoy doing the bonus series for each planet. They should also institute a "keying" process for every operation so that people actually have to work for their ability to raid.


Now don't get me wrong. I am not a fan boy of any particular game. I loved WoW. I played it for 7 straight years faithfully, and I'm burned out on it. How can anyway say the same thing they've done for 7 years is fun anymore. Blizzard doesn't bring to the table anything that hasn't already been seen in the game before, not to mention they recycle just about every raid boss and armor set graphic. Do I enjoy SWTOR? Yes. It's a new experience that I am enjoying, not rushing through things, exploring, etc. There is ALOT of things to do in this game other than raiding and PvP and sometimes people should stop and smell the roses instead of rushing to end game like most people did.


If this wall of text was too long for you, tough. It just proves my point that people's attentions span is too short, too short to read a few paragraphs. To those of you that actually read the whole thing, i hope you enjoyed it. May the force be with you.

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The game is still in beta. This much is obvious. There are a ton of bugs which make the game incomplete.


Why are so many people against other people complaining about legitimate issues? This game is a complete failure at the moment. Someone asked me, the other day, to give my run down of SWTOR, WoW and Rift and this is what I came up with:


Rift > WoW > SWTOR in terms of difficulty (cutting edge raiding)

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of combat smoothness

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of accessibility

SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of story

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of efficiency

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of PvP

SWTOR > Rift > WoW in terms of levelling

WoW > SWTOR > Rift in terms of balance

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of playable content

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of 'size'

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of MMO

SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of RPG

SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of number of cinematics


I do not care if WoW came out in the year 2004, the fact is we're in 2012 and many of the things SWTOR currently lacks WoW had, and was praised for (smoothness of combat) during it's initial first few months of launch. My accurate breakdown of WoW, Rift and SWTOR doesn't make SWTOR any less of a game, for me. I want SWTOR to succeed, but it needs to be brought up to present day expectations.


Rewind to wow 2004 combat was clunky and the game buggy including molten bore was unplayable for 2 months initially.


Rift also was buggy at launch. 8 months later most bugs are almost gone.

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Just thought i'd throw in my two cents. I dont regularly post in the forums (in fact this is my 1st time) but something about the posts in this thread caught my eye, and i feel like they need some clarity.


One of the posters wrote about patch 1.1.0 for WoW being "released" before the actual game was. This was no doubt to show that there were 2 available raids at launch. HOWEVER, what that doesn't tell you is how exhaustive the "keying" process was just to even get into the Onyxia raid. Sure, Molten core was run a 5 man dungeon with a specific quest, loot an object at the end and you're ready for MC. Onyxia's keying process was alot more lengthy, and difficult, not to mention that even after you finished the chain, you had to get THIRTY NINE other players to do it.


People like to compare new MMOs that arrive (literally, every single MMO released after WoW has these posts) to an already established MMO(WoW), but people tend to forget just how unforgiving and casual unfriendly WoW was at launch. AT LEAST TWO classes at launch in WoW were completely useless (looking at you paladins and warlocks). Warlocks were fixed within the 1st few months, paladins however were not actually viable until patch 2.0 (the patch before the 1st expansion came out, 2 years later.) It was towards the end of that expansion that WoW started to cater to the casual market. Hell, you couldn't even do the last 2 raids W/O an extremely lengthy, and difficult (killing Kael'thas AND Vaashj) to even enter those dungeons, to get your face smashed in on the Archimonde fight. Towards the end they removed the keying process entirely (albeit MC, BWL still require keying) from the game to allow casual "raiders" to experience the content w/o being obstructed by a skill barrier they could not pass.


Thats enough about raiding. Lets talk about leveling. When WoW 1st arrived, WoW was a very arduous and quest grinditacular journey to reach level cap. Playing every day for 6 months straight I finally hit level cap with my 1st toon (a paladin). Most games these days have capped toons in less than a week after release, because the attention span for players is reducing everyday. Hell, back when WoW was released, and for the 1st FOUR years, if you wanted to run a dungeon you had to physically go to the dungeon entrance (Scarlet monestary on the alliance side took a good 20 minutes to get to w/o horde interference), not to mention you still had to find the group for it. And yet people complain in this game when quite literally every flashpoint has a dropship no more than 2 minutes from anywhere on the fleet and yet people complain they have to "spam" for a group. Let's get 1 thing straight. A LFG tool is not a key feature to a sucessful MMO. Go play FFXI and tell me if they have a LFG feature. That game is still going strong because it has a dedicated player base.I remember sitting in Jeuno (a main city hub) for literally HOURS trying to get a group, and I never once complained and enjoyed the experience when i finally got in a group.



NO WHERE in ANY MMO rulebook does it state that leveling cannot be fun. I personally know quite a few people (my grandfather included) who have ALL 50 slots of their WoW accounts filled with toons, and not one of them is above level 60( he has been playing for 5 years). Now in this specific instance, i've asked him repeatedly why he doesn't level higher to which he replies, "I enjoy playing the lower levels. When a holiday event happens, i have to do all the quests, get all the loot/items, and level the skill associated with that holiday (cooking for thanksgiving) on all 50 of my toons." It's what he enjoys doing, and who am I to tell him that he is wrong for enjoying the game the way he wants to?


This all boils down to players wanting everything NOW and not wanting to work for it. Personally i feel they should reduced the amount of experience you get while leveling so that I don't over level every zone by 2 levels before i even get there, and can actually enjoy doing the bonus series for each planet. They should also institute a "keying" process for every operation so that people actually have to work for their ability to raid.


Now don't get me wrong. I am not a fan boy of any particular game. I loved WoW. I played it for 7 straight years faithfully, and I'm burned out on it. How can anyway say the same thing they've done for 7 years is fun anymore. Blizzard doesn't bring to the table anything that hasn't already been seen in the game before, not to mention they recycle just about every raid boss and armor set graphic. Do I enjoy SWTOR? Yes. It's a new experience that I am enjoying, not rushing through things, exploring, etc. There is ALOT of things to do in this game other than raiding and PvP and sometimes people should stop and smell the roses instead of rushing to end game like most people did.


If this wall of text was too long for you, tough. It just proves my point that people's attentions span is too short, too short to read a few paragraphs. To those of you that actually read the whole thing, i hope you enjoyed it. May the force be with you.


Pretty much agree with this guy here.


Again it's worth saying to the OP, so he can finally learn this important life lesson, your opinion is not fact -- it is your opinion. One which many people (including myself) disagree with.

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Have you even played Rift? One planet on SWTOR is like the size of the entire Rift world lol. Oh and wait...Rift is difficult? Yeah it's so hard with my Rogue having 11 skills macro'd only 1 button and spamming 2 buttons the entire raid while topping the dps charts. Honestly...If you think Rift and WOW are difficult then I'd HATE to play a game like FFXI or Lineage 2 with you...


Oh and the fact that you mention World of Warcraft as being "difficult" in any way shape or form just shows how little experience you have in mmorpg's. I assume you have only ever played WOW, Rift and SWTOR? How old are you? 15?



I dont agree here at all. I started playing mmo's when i was 15 years back in 2000.

And ive tryed out a bunch of them and played a couple for a long time such as: Eq,SwG,DaoC,EvE,WoW and now ToR.

I love ToR, and i will love it even more when the big issues are fixed as the ability lagg. But when u are saying that Lineage is harder than wow you made me laugh hard.


"This is just my opinion" But endless grind and boring bosses and endless crafting does not equal as hard!!!!

Even if it would take u 24hours a day in 5months to hit lvl 50 in ToR do u count it as hard? Cause I just count that to brainless grind.

A difficult game for me is beating a new heroic boss before nerf, "Sunwell back in tbc for exp". Rule the univerese and economy in eve and be in the leading corp, manage to complete a game such as Witcher 2 on insane difficulty when one hit kills you instant, that is my opinion of a more difficult game, and if u want to be the one of the first on WoW beating end game content without reading tacs and instead theorycraft the tacs yourself its actually quite challangeing.

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Here is one of those white knight people I just talked about.


He is right, it's a helmet wearing white knight like all of them are. Some people just can't see beyond themselves that others want the game to be good but it sucks so they make threads hoping bioware will notice the issues at hand and maybe look into fixing them but the white knights are too dense to see that.

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The game is still in beta. This much is obvious. There are a ton of bugs which make the game incomplete.


Why are so many people against other people complaining about legitimate issues? This game is a complete failure at the moment. Someone asked me, the other day, to give my run down of SWTOR, WoW and Rift and this is what I came up with:


Rift > WoW > SWTOR in terms of difficulty (cutting edge raiding) No sorry. Crappy mechs and lame grafixs and DPS races dont make for difficaulty.


WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of combat smoothness Are you high? And if so whos your dealer and can you hook me up? Yes there is nothing smoother then every single move looking the same and randomly swinging at air.


WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of accessibility. Ok maybe but what do you expect after 6 years of revamp to suit the kiddies.


SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of story WoW has 0.0 story. Its a poorly weaved web of BS and dribble taken from someones opinion of a strat game from the 90s.


WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of efficiency. Yup your right 6 years of stripping anyway an thought and challange and forcing people into carbon copy class rolls you are 100% right.


WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of PvP. Facerolladins need I say more.


SWTOR > Rift > WoW in terms of levelling


WoW > SWTOR > Rift in terms of balance Balance really 6 years and they still have a fodder system for arena and faceroll classes yea thats balance.


WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of playable content. Let see WoW going on 7 years ToR going on 4 weeks. Really? really?


WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of 'size' No sorry WoW is not bigger. Just cause you can fly around and it seems bigger doesnt mean it is. You also are compairing apples and oranges. You say WoW is bigger of its had what 3 x pacs adding entire new worlds how about being fair and saying is it smaller then vanilla WoW no it isnt.


WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of MMO. If you mean a community of A holes and elietest jerks your right. Otherwise again wrong.


SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of RPG


SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of number of cinematics


I do not care if WoW came out in the year 2004, the fact is we're in 2012 and many of the things SWTOR currently lacks WoW had, and was praised for (smoothness of combat) during it's initial first few months of launch. My accurate breakdown of WoW, Rift and SWTOR doesn't make SWTOR any less of a game, for me. I want SWTOR to succeed, but it needs to be brought up to present day expectations.


Nobody has issues with valid complaints its swill like above thats an issue. It is your opinion and nothing else and frankly its clearly one sided and you dont like this game great. Go back to rift or wow.



Honeslty just go away dont type some witty comeback just leave you wont be missed and you can come back and cry about how bad pandabear pokemon is.

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He is right, it's a helmet wearing white knight like all of them are. Some people just can't see beyond themselves that others want the game to be good but it sucks so they make threads hoping bioware will notice the issues at hand and maybe look into fixing them but the white knights are too dense to see that.


We SEE the issue. But there is a right way and a wrong way to go about things. If people WHINED in real life like they do on this forum? Other people would think they are insane children who never progressed beyond the age of ten.


See beyond themselves? Want the game to be good but it sucks?


This is -you- not being able to see beyond -yourself-.

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If this wall of text was too long for you, tough. It just proves my point that people's attentions span is too short, too short to read a few paragraphs. To those of you that actually read the whole thing, i hope you enjoyed it. May the force be with you.


I did. Every word. And I agree fully.


Honestly, most of the bugs I've seen in TOR haven't been aggravating. Sometimes my characters don't have eyes or something, or the texture goes to ****. But I find it amusing. More than likely its because my computer is a piece of ****, and Bioware can't help that.


I dunno, people play Skyrim and it was full of bugs (probably still IS), and yet it is lauded as a great game. Then some people come to SWTOR and bellyache about every little thing.


Can't please everyone.



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The game is still in beta. This much is obvious. There are a ton of bugs which make the game incomplete.


Why are so many people against other people complaining about legitimate issues? This game is a complete failure at the moment. Someone asked me, the other day, to give my run down of SWTOR, WoW and Rift and this is what I came up with:


Rift > WoW > SWTOR in terms of difficulty (cutting edge raiding)

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of combat smoothness

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of accessibility

SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of story

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of efficiency

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of PvP

SWTOR > Rift > WoW in terms of levelling

WoW > SWTOR > Rift in terms of balance

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of playable content

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of 'size'

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of MMO

SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of RPG

SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of number of cinematics


I do not care if WoW came out in the year 2004, the fact is we're in 2012 and many of the things SWTOR currently lacks WoW had, and was praised for (smoothness of combat) during it's initial first few months of launch. My accurate breakdown of WoW, Rift and SWTOR doesn't make SWTOR any less of a game, for me. I want SWTOR to succeed, but it needs to be brought up to present day expectations.


Because the complaints are:

  1. Idiotic
  3. Irrational
  4. Like the OPs post
  5. Compare it to WoW

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I did. Every word. And I agree fully.


Honestly, most of the bugs I've seen in TOR haven't been aggravating. Sometimes my characters don't have eyes or something, or the texture goes to ****. But I find it amusing. More than likely its because my computer is a piece of ****, and Bioware can't help that.


I dunno, people play Skyrim and it was full of bugs (probably still IS), and yet it is lauded as a great game. Then some people come to SWTOR and bellyache about every little thing.


Can't please everyone.




The Elder Scrolls games are some of the buggiest games I've ever played and I, and millions of others enjoyed them still. Strange...


This whole thread reminds me of this:

Edited by Vaegaknight
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He is right, it's a helmet wearing white knight like all of them are. Some people just can't see beyond themselves that others want the game to be good but it sucks so they make threads hoping bioware will notice the issues at hand and maybe look into fixing them but the white knights are too dense to see that.





Yea cause as we have grown to know nad love over the past 20-30 years in the U.S.A. the Minority is always right.



Did it ever even cross your mind the reason all those "white Knights" show up on swill like this cause maybe just maybe your the dense one that cant see the game doesnt suck? Try taking your own advice.

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