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BW - wipe all the credits.


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1,5M is nothing.. atm I have

IA sniper lvl 49 scavenging/slicing/treasure hunting 400/400/400

BH mercenary lvl 28 cybertech/slicing/underworld trading 400/400/400

SW juggernaout lvl 25 biochem/bioana/treasure hunting 400/400/400


turst me i can generate more credits then i can spend per day, just sit at work turn my laptop and sending companions on mission,craft and playing GTN ;)


I don't believe you :rolleyes:

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Seriously, don't be a bunch of pansies. Own up to your colossal mistake and lay down the law. Wipe all the credits from the game and let people start over. There's hardly any economy at the moment anyway so it wouldn't be the end of the world and it's pretty easy to make money once you get past level 20.


And while you're at it give a permanent ban to anybody who used the exploit to gain even a single credit.


No. I do not appreciate you suggesting that the time and effort I've put into this game should arbitrarily be deleted because of someone else abusing the game.

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Reading posts like this i find it funny when people are complaining about respeccs cost money and resets each week :p


I would complain unless the costs were truly trivial, I hear they can get up to around 60k for a respec? That's not something I'd want to do more than once or twice a week. People really just want an easy way to quest, and or pvp with a different spec, without having to shell out credits. Or hell, if you're a healer, but you have a healer friend you want to play with, you shouldn't have to foot the bill to enjoy their company.

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Seriously, don't be a bunch of pansies. Own up to your colossal mistake and lay down the law. Wipe all the credits from the game and let people start over. There's hardly any economy at the moment anyway so it wouldn't be the end of the world and it's pretty easy to make money once you get past level 20.


And while you're at it give a permanent ban to anybody who used the exploit to gain even a single credit.


That is not fair to those who have collected tons of credits or those who can't get credits easily.

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Have I missed something, or have BioWare stated somewhere that they're not banning exploiters?


no they havent this is one persons attempt on multiple threads to create fear that bioware wont do the logical thing and ban the cheaters. ignore the OP he really has a few serious issues with logic

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If all the people whining about how credits are so hard to make would just pay attention to the non-exploit opportunities in the game, you would have no issue. My commando is 31, with over 500,000 credits. How did I do it? well never made it to ilum ( didn't even know it was in the game til I read the forum posts about the exploits last night during patch maint lol), didn't have slicing.


Quite simple: I didn't waste my money. Besides repair ,taxi and training costs I didn't spend a single cred. I was biochem, making my own medpacks and stims, and selling the ones i didn't use for fair price on the galactic market. With a couple hours everyday just running around gathering mats myself, I gained more than enough to lvl my crew skills, and have more than enough left over to sell. (selling spare mats adds up too!)It takes time to do this stuff people. if you seriously devote some time to gathering and crafting, you can make a killing without charging ridiculous prices.


You don't need to buy gear. The natural course of questing will provide that, especially if you do FPs. If you have a good guild, you don't need to buy mods. Just trade some of what you can make to a cybertech and there ya go, free mods.


Just because some of you can't grasp the concept of going out and working for your credits doesn't mean those of us who have done it the right way, and worked hard for our credits deserve to have ours taken away.


They are punishing those who were found to be exploiting. Don't you DARE try to suggest punishing those of us who know how to properly earn our credits. Just because those complaining are no good at making credits doesn't give them the right to demand that those of us who are should be punished.

Edited by Valimar
stupid errors
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Wiping ALL the credits harms those that didn't exploit and HELPS those that did. They that exploited already have speeder riding 2, expanded banks, epic gear that they purchased, expensive mounts.

Even if credits are wiped, they'd retain all of the things they purchased.



Permaban all accounts on IPs that exploited is the only solution. It kills the exploiting account and any alt accounts they had to hide the credits or launder money.


In the event of a shared IP, people that feel they were unfairly banned can petition to be reinstated and Bioware can investigate on a case by case basis.

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that could have been from slicing it was nerffed a while ago


and OP . your logic is punishing the 99% of the people who didnt cheat becuase a few did.. do you think they can not go through and find out who duped items if that was the problem? dont be silly, they should just ban those people not punish everyone.


No, even if you played 24 hours a day there's no way slicing earned you 1.5 million credits in 3 days, even pre-nerf. I played all day for a week and had like 200k.

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No, even if you played 24 hours a day there's no way slicing earned you 1.5 million credits in 3 days, even pre-nerf. I played all day for a week and had like 200k.


I made 200k in about 6 hours in the outlaws den before they pulled those slicing nodes. Do the math with those nodes and illum nodes, on top of sending companions out on missions.

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TOR isn't the first MMO with some coin exploit won't be the last. It almost always happens at some point in the lifetime of a MMO and I've always seen the same course of events:


#1 a handful of people getting insanely rich

#2 some other people rant about this wealth needing to be erased

#3 devs do nothing at all

#4 time passes (roughly a week)

#5 noone cares anymore

Edited by kitharen
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Wiping ALL the credits harms those that didn't exploit and HELPS those that did. They that exploited already have speeder riding 2, expanded banks, epic gear that they purchased, expensive mounts.

Even if credits are wiped, they'd retain all of the things they purchased.



Permaban all accounts on IPs that exploited is the only solution. It kills the exploiting account and any alt accounts they had to hide the credits or launder money.


In the event of a shared IP, people that feel they were unfairly banned can petition to be reinstated and Bioware can investigate on a case by case basis.


my wife and i share an ip obviously to play the game. and i wouldnt be mad at bioware if my wife was cheating on a game and got the ip banned id be pissed at her.. thats a consequence when dealing with a multi subbed ip.. and frankly i think they need to flat out ban the ip and delete subs of cheaters its the ONLY way to fix this fairly.

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Don't you DARE try to suggest punishing those of us who know how to properly earn our credits. Just because those complaining are no good at making credits doesn't give them the right to demand that those of us who are should be punished.


They won't but I'll QFT anyway.

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Seriously, don't be a bunch of pansies. Own up to your colossal mistake and lay down the law. Wipe all the credits from the game and let people start over. There's hardly any economy at the moment anyway so it wouldn't be the end of the world and it's pretty easy to make money once you get past level 20.


And while you're at it give a permanent ban to anybody who used the exploit to gain even a single credit.


Worst. Idea. Ever.

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my wife and i share an ip obviously to play the game. and i wouldnt be mad at bioware if my wife was cheating on a game and got the ip banned id be pissed at her.. thats a consequence when dealing with a multi subbed ip.. and frankly i think they need to flat out ban the ip and delete subs of cheaters its the ONLY way to fix this fairly.


Thank-you for the +1.

It's not about "they have more than me QQ!" it's about fairness. :( They can't say "No gold buying cuz it's not fair and we'll ban you!" but then let these people walk away un-punished.

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Seriously, don't be a bunch of pansies. Own up to your colossal mistake and lay down the law. Wipe all the credits from the game and let people start over. There's hardly any economy at the moment anyway so it wouldn't be the end of the world and it's pretty easy to make money once you get past level 20.


And while you're at it give a permanent ban to anybody who used the exploit to gain even a single credit.


And this is why the devs should never listen to anything on the forums.

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Why not just:



Select * from players

Where money > 5.000.000



Investigate money transactions on result from 1.



Shady behaviour = ban/money reset slap on wrist ban etc.


Make step 3 simply Permaban and I agree. (Money reset doesn't change the fact they have purchased gear, mounts, more inventory/bank slots etc, and have likely gotten everything the credits could've gotten them anyway.) Also: investigate money that left and came to said accounts to find the mains/alts.

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Make step 3 simply Permaban and I agree. (Money reset doesn't change the fact they have purchased gear, mounts, more inventory/bank slots etc, and have likely gotten everything the credits could've gotten them anyway.) Also: investigate money that left and came to said accounts to find the mains/alts.


perma ban the offending account and remove items/credits and items equivilant to said credits that were giving to other players who bought things


ie someone gives someone 1.5 mil credits and they buy a speeder with it....take away said speeder problem solved.

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Seriously, don't be a bunch of pansies. Own up to your colossal mistake and lay down the law. Wipe all the credits from the game and let people start over. There's hardly any economy at the moment anyway so it wouldn't be the end of the world and it's pretty easy to make money once you get past level 20.


And while you're at it give a permanent ban to anybody who used the exploit to gain even a single credit.


How about no? I leveled my crafting and got myself some purple ship weapon schematics which I've been auction housing. I'd rather not be dragged back to scrub level cause you cant be arsed to grind out an income.

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