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Going to CANCEL SUB if no REAL fixes in next week patch


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I have seen alot of people threaten to quit or to boycott a game becuas they were unhappy



Left 4 dead 2 had a huge boycott becuase they thought they should be making more on l4d1.. the funniest thing is.. the majority of the pre orders were from those people who on their forums said they were going to boycott it...



same thing applies here.. though OP do us a favour...just unsub dont come on the forums and expect us to either


1) care that you are unhappy. we all know those bugs exist some of us just arent childish enough to pout and rant about quitting over them


2) post a threat or ultimatum to BW. because it will do no good. they have a plan to fix the bugs either you accept it and wait like the rest of us. or fade off quietly into the interwebs...


but I really dont need to see abunch of I quit pouty kid threads on the forums.

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had enough of the mini patches you put out that solved none of the important gameplay issues like


[...lots of stuff everyone has read often enough...]




So I guess it's goodbye, then? Well, See you around, old chap and I hope you will remember all the good times we've had. ;)

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had enough of the mini patches you put out that solved none of the important gameplay issues like


Fixes needed


  • Interrupt abilities not interrupting immediately. Delay, waiting for previous animation to finish..etc.
  • Tweak skill animations for more fluid combat
  • Smuggler Dirty Kick force to stand still for 1 sec to execute. Free immobilize for enemy. Why the difference compared to operatives?
  • Project delay damage. Consular dies if the Sith Inquisitor shocks you first. Why the difference compared to Inquisitor?
  • Trooper Mortar Volley and Full auto animations delay and castbar sync issues
  • Class imbalance. Tank class that put out good dps and maintaining the huge survivability of a tank like the Powertech. While pure dps class like shadow doing pathetic damage
  • Skills not responding when clicked. Stealthing, casting speeder, executing skills..etc.
  • Ability lag in combat
  • Boot to character select when joining warzone
  • Hotkey 1 activating from mouse right click


  • Auto target select for Trooper hammer shot not working
  • Voidstar warzone map overlapping right hotbar
  • Interface tab overlapping left hotbar.
  • Locked in combat mode after using Disappearing act(Vanish) or similar skill
  • Mobs still chasing and attacking after using Disappearing act(Vanish) or similar skill
  • Companions skill toggle resetting
  • Crew management tab bugged when switching between characters. Showing extra 4th crew skill
  • Companion Expanded Quickslot placement resetting to bottom bar


  • Certain quests cannot be abandoned
  • Laser lights glitch
  • Map transparency setting resetting
  • Camera distance resetting. Very annoying.




Improvements needed


  • World open pvp rewards needed.
  • Grace period for disconnection in-game
  • Better buff/debuff icons arrangement and visibility. Hard to keep track of my skill procs/buffs/debuffs with everything squeezed in one place and icons jumping all over.(Suggestion:make own buffs/debuffs icons BIGGER )


  • Combat log
  • At the very least some basic macro function is needed.
  • Anti-Aliasing option
  • Sort function for inventory
  • More functionality for the UI. Like moveable windows and resizing windows/hotbars. More options.
  • "You cant do that in stealthed mode" when summoning speeder or resting.
  • Activate companion skills without the need to expand the hotbar
  • Items not stacking when moving from inventory to cargo hold
  • Search option for GTN
  • More filter options for GTN. Example search armor by individual parts
  • Function to move companions skills in hotbar


  • Option to disable auto camera
  • Add the ability to add friends while they are offline.
  • Tooltip notice for learned schematics and missions
  • Faster loading when switching planet or instance
  • More hotbars
  • Companion should also attack when i attack instead of waiting for me to get hit first
  • Hide Helmet option for companions
  • Show weapon in equipment preview window also




What are you talking about there were real fixes, fixing bugs which were stopping people playing the game completely, you've just listed a bunch of crap from wow to bring you into your comfort zone.



"I want you to put everything in one bag... But i want it to be light"


Go ahead quit, nobodies stopping you.

Edited by KiaThas
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So your fine with those bugs?


No, but I am realistic to know that every game ever release has bugs, and a game of this size is going to have a lot more.

Every MMO in existence had a long list of issues, the bigger ones took months if not years to fix some bugs/imblanace issues, and this guy thinks he's going to get all his red list fixed in a week!?!?


The fact is most of his list is reasonable, but does he realistically expect this done? Must be a immature kid, as no one with any sense would expect this.


And the ragequit threat?? Really, that is pure immature attention seeking ranting.

"BW, you must love me because I am important, my mum told me so. I am the only thing between your game being a success and total oblivion!!"


Get over yourself!

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had enough of the mini patches you put out that solved none of the important gameplay issues like


Fixes needed


  • Interrupt abilities not interrupting immediately. Delay, waiting for previous animation to finish..etc.
  • Tweak skill animations for more fluid combat
  • Smuggler Dirty Kick force to stand still for 1 sec to execute. Free immobilize for enemy. Why the difference compared to operatives?
  • Project delay damage. Consular dies if the Sith Inquisitor shocks you first. Why the difference compared to Inquisitor?
  • Trooper Mortar Volley and Full auto animations delay and castbar sync issues
  • Class imbalance. Tank class that put out good dps and maintaining the huge survivability of a tank like the Powertech. While pure dps class like shadow doing pathetic damage
  • Skills not responding when clicked. Stealthing, casting speeder, executing skills..etc.
  • Ability lag in combat
  • Boot to character select when joining warzone
  • Hotkey 1 activating from mouse right click


  • Auto target select for Trooper hammer shot not working
  • Voidstar warzone map overlapping right hotbar
  • Interface tab overlapping left hotbar.
  • Locked in combat mode after using Disappearing act(Vanish) or similar skill
  • Mobs still chasing and attacking after using Disappearing act(Vanish) or similar skill
  • Companions skill toggle resetting
  • Crew management tab bugged when switching between characters. Showing extra 4th crew skill
  • Companion Expanded Quickslot placement resetting to bottom bar


  • Certain quests cannot be abandoned
  • Laser lights glitch
  • Map transparency setting resetting
  • Camera distance resetting. Very annoying.




Improvements needed


  • World open pvp rewards needed.
  • Grace period for disconnection in-game
  • Better buff/debuff icons arrangement and visibility. Hard to keep track of my skill procs/buffs/debuffs with everything squeezed in one place and icons jumping all over.(Suggestion:make own buffs/debuffs icons BIGGER )


  • Combat log
  • At the very least some basic macro function is needed.
  • Anti-Aliasing option
  • Sort function for inventory
  • More functionality for the UI. Like moveable windows and resizing windows/hotbars. More options.
  • "You cant do that in stealthed mode" when summoning speeder or resting.
  • Activate companion skills without the need to expand the hotbar
  • Items not stacking when moving from inventory to cargo hold
  • Search option for GTN
  • More filter options for GTN. Example search armor by individual parts
  • Function to move companions skills in hotbar


  • Option to disable auto camera
  • Add the ability to add friends while they are offline.
  • Tooltip notice for learned schematics and missions
  • Faster loading when switching planet or instance
  • More hotbars
  • Companion should also attack when i attack instead of waiting for me to get hit first
  • Hide Helmet option for companions
  • Show weapon in equipment preview window also




I´m sure your dramatic threat to quit if all these issues aren´t fixed by next week will have the intended effect. As we speak teams of coders are being called up from bed to deal with your problems.

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It's OK, We know there are bugs that can hinder game play, and there are plenty of games that have never experienced this so soon after release. However, the ones that did aren't anything to talk about, just:


WoW, RIFT, SWG, EQ2.... I mean what are they? Nothing?

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You can cancel and still play the days you have left. I already did and that's something that at least is working with this game.


Or you can get something call patience and understanding. Imagine someone walks into your job and demands you to do 72 hours of work in 8 hours.

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I wish other people could play how I play because I havent ran into a SINGLE bug yet


I know right..I'm a level 50 Merc and havent really experienced anything game breaking. I couldnt get my Illum quest chain for a bit but they fixed in within a few days lol. But other than that? I've seen a few bosses bug out in flashpoints but that's about it...


In all honesty this has been one of the smoothest launches in mmo history. Anyone that thinks otherwise has obviously never launched other mmo's before. I've launched: EQ1, FFXI, EQ2, AoC, WAR, Aion, Rift, LOTRO, ST:O, DCU:O, Champions:O all in no particular order...This has been BY FAR the smoothest launch I've ever seen. The only launch that comes close was Rift and that was plagued by 6+ hour long queues. The longest I've had to wait in SWTOR is about 15 minutes.


Problem is, I think a lot of the wow kids came here expecting it to be a wow clone. so they came here and were very disappointed that it is not a wow clone. It's sooooo ironic though because the same people that cry about a game being like World of Warcraft are the same people that insist the game needs to be MORE like World of Warcraft.


OP is a prime example.

Edited by xNonphixionx
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While I dont agree with his ultimatum and rant this last patch was pretty anemic when they have some game breaking bugs in the game. Ohhh now i can emote while mounted ! /facepalm


Realize that they have multiple teams working on different projects for this game, the reason Emotes got fixed so quickly is becuase it was probably a minor coding error that took like 2 people an afternoon to fix, whereas so of the bigger stuff requires a lot more people working round the clock.

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Bye guys, have fun.






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These people dont even let us play our free days without active subscription.


This is not something new, all mmo's i have ever been a part of have you make an active subscription to get the free 30 days, this does not stop you from cancelling your sub the moment you activate, regardless you still get the 30 days.

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I cannot believe the amount of cr*p people can take and not protest.

This game should never have being released like this. And that counts for almost all the mmos before swtor.

So, it seems it has become the norm that games are released with tons of bugs most of them never being fixed.


Are you aware the kind of money they are making?


Stop bending people

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Wow people have no common sense anymore.


The bigger issues that people keep complaining about......are bigger issues. They are surrounded by so many lines of code, that it takes the developers sometimes days to FIND the bug. And no "throwing" more developers do not help. Ever heard of "too many cooks in the kitchen?"


When the developer finds the bugs, they then FIX them, which could take a long time as well. However, the really long process is testing the fix.


So lets say they are forced to fix the "HUGE ability delay bug that makes the game unplayable....yet there are still level 30s-50s everywhere I look....hmmmmm". This fix was rushed, which resulted in a couple of abilities not working......Guess what? You are going to come back and complain MORE!


Wow, people need to stop and think. Give the developers time. Larger issues take WEEKS to fix at best.


Ok, so they have some part timers/interns fixing these smaller bugs. According to everybody, they should not release any patch until bug X is fixed? Which, by the way, would not be any faster.

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I'll assume the OP is between the ages of 12 and 17. Impatience of youth still surprises me. Starting to think he applies miracle grow to his chin before bed at night expecting a manly beard in the morning.


Basically, feel free to cancel. No one will miss you and your $15 is is hardly noticeable. As most people that have replied to you are like me and mature; We will wait for the appropriate fixes when they are released. I will continue to log in every day that I can and continue my experience as joyfully as the last. If you want a game custom built for you, then by all means build your own game and maintain it to your own liking. Perhaps you will find that applying such changes can't be done in a snap of the fingers or even within the week-long deadline you've offered BioWare.


Oh, and I laughed at the macro request. I haven't used an in-game macro in years. Just google "gaming keyboards".


So here are a few options for you my friend:


Go back to WoW

Build your own game

Stop playing MMOs because you're clearly a disfunctional socialite.

Go outside

Read a book


The door is that way ->


EDIT: Typos

Edited by iiXarvik
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Same story with every MMO that come's out, months upfront everyone can't wait to start playing, 4 weeks after launch a bunch of people start's spamming the forums about why they will probably quit. Mostly because their expectations aren't realistic.


It's is really not that hard, if you don't like it, you are free to leave, just don't make a big fuss about it.

When you buy a coffee somewhere and you don't like the taste, you just don't go there anymore. Or are you going to put an add in the local newspaper about it ...

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had enough of the mini patches you put out that solved none of the important gameplay issues like


Fixes needed


  • Class imbalance. Tank class that put out good dps and maintaining the huge survivability of a tank like the Powertech. While pure dps class like shadow doing pathetic damage
  • Hotkey 1 activating from mouse right click




Improvements needed



  • "You cant do that in stealthed mode" when summoning speeder or resting.


  • Add the ability to add friends while they are offline.


Powertech is not doing good damage when they are in TANK stance. You most likely saw a Powertech in DPS mode.


Hotkey 1 activating from right click is INTENTIONAL not a bug. I would like to see an option to move it to another bar, say Left Quickslot 1 activate on Right Click.... For now.. all I do is move the keybinds down... and dont keybind slot 1 to number 1. This is not a bug sorry.


Speeder activation or Rest in stealth mode should NOT be allowed. This will give Stealth classes a large advantage over other classes.


I can add friends when they are offline....

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I already hit cancel sub. The bugs listed in the OP and the poor customer service are significant contributing factors. Maybe I'll revisit the game when it's more mature in March? The ball is in Bioware's court. I think my money is better spent on a less buggy game.
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