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Need for a Debuff for leaving a Warfront.


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I don't know about many other servers, but I do know that on mine (PvE) that during the day warfront ques are long. Well to make this worse is the fact that when someone thinks they are going to lose they immediately leave the game.


Now this might not seem like a problem till most of the team leaves and the warfront closes due to having too few players... This is why there should be some short of negative effect for leaving too many Warfronts.


What is the point of even trying when half the time the match last a min or two..

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What about those who have a crash, or get booted because you joined a wz in progress, stop to buy potions, and get booted before you can get out the door?


I agree the door thing needs to go, but not even been able to play a warfront longer than 3 mins completely defeats the purpose of any kind of goal in a game. They should just make it a 3 min Death match on my server and be done.


Maybe it is different at night, but as I work nights it is hard for me to say.

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I'd rather not stick around in a warzone with a terrible team when I can join a different one and at least have a chance for a win

I don't want to wait for a premade to be nice enough to cap that final point in huttball while they stomp the mouth breathers on my team

I did enough of that in WoW, and it really turned me off of battlegrounds

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Stop sucking so bad and teammates won't leave. But seriously, If I'm stuck on a team that has almost all low levels and maybe 2 level 50, or a couple afk'ers and going against a mostly geared 50s team, its a total waste of time. Nice not having a debuff in this situation.


Only way I'd like to see a 15min debuff is if we can report AFKers and they get booted and the debuff if they dont move in X amount of time or something.

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I leave warzones but only when I see that half or more of my group is level 10 through 18 spamming their cool spells thinking they are ready to take on the whole world.


We joined as full guild group, 4 of us earlier, and rest of the group was filled by 2-3 30s and a level 10. Despite the fact that we formulated strategy and communicated to everyone at the start, that level 10 plunged himself into group of 5 level 50 imperials. He got murdered and then started whining in the Ops chat how 50s are OP, how somehow he as a level 10 should be able to go toe to toe with someone decked out in Champion gear, etc.


Until the bracketing system comes into place I will continue leaving warzones that have predominantly lowbies in them, because I do not feel like wasting 20 minutes of my time for 20 commendations.


Argument I sometimes get is "I paid 50 bucks I can do what I want" which causes a flashback of Eric Cartman on Maury show.


Add a debuf I don't care. I'll take it and go make me more coffee instead of fighting pointless battle and tiring and frustrating myself for 20 minutes.

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The point is not that a few people will leave. It is when almost everyone leaves every match. Most republic teams out level us and most of our teams are 10-25. The problem is as soon as one leaves it seems everyone jumps ship.


After this happening over and over and the warfront been closed on you multiple times in a row you don't even want to wait on the que.


I have been in multiple ones where we only get 4 people on our team just for it to clsoe right after. Then the next one we have a full team just for them to leave after one hutt ball cap, if this is the only way for me to get valor then I might as well not play the game.

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I leave warzones but only when I see that half or more of my group is level 10 through 18 spamming their cool spells thinking they are ready to take on the whole world.


We joined as full guild group, 4 of us earlier, and rest of the group was filled by 2-3 30s and a level 10. Despite the fact that we formulated strategy and communicated to everyone at the start, that level 10 plunged himself into group of 5 level 50 imperials. He got murdered and then started whining in the Ops chat how 50s are OP, how somehow he as a level 10 should be able to go toe to toe with someone decked out in Champion gear, etc.


Until the bracketing system comes into place I will continue leaving warzones that have predominantly lowbies in them, because I do not feel like wasting 20 minutes of my time for 20 commendations.


Argument I sometimes get is "I paid 50 bucks I can do what I want" which causes a flashback of Eric Cartman on Maury show.


Add a debuf I don't care. I'll take it and go make me more coffee instead of fighting pointless battle and tiring and frustrating myself for 20 minutes.


The point I am trying to make is it seems after Dromund Kaas there is no one. I can go there and it will be 150+ people. I go to Alderaan or Taris there are like 10-20. So we are always going to be out leveled it seems and people que and leave just makes it unplayable.

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Let me guess.


You're one of the typical people who do lvl 50 pre-mades to stomp low levels, and you are annoyed by the fact that they leave because they prefer not to give you that pleasure?


Nope, wrong I am only a level 34...

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The point is not that a few people will leave. It is when almost everyone leaves every match. Most republic teams out level us and most of our teams are 10-25. The problem is as soon as one leaves it seems everyone jumps ship.


After this happening over and over and the warfront been closed on you multiple times in a row you don't even want to wait on the que.


I have been in multiple ones where we only get 4 people on our team just for it to clsoe right after. Then the next one we have a full team just for them to leave after one hutt ball cap, if this is the only way for me to get valor then I might as well not play the game.


I could see where this could be problematic as empire if queues are noticably longer. Republic queues are really short, so wouldn't see the issues there. Just play it outt or get another. Still for empire you get a little valor/exp for not much time commited.

Edited by Sgt_shades
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Maybe it is just my server which has a standard pop, but I did over 10 today with at least half having the "Warzone will close in XX secs, due to too few player" within the first min of the match.


Sometimes I get a instant que some times I get a 10 min que. I don't care how long the debuff would be or if they just took away Valor or Comms it wouldn't matter to me as long as I could actually finish half the matches I get in.

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Considering I get kicked out several times because the "Leave the Safezone" warning comes up before the instance has even loaded, and the moment I can see anything I get kicked right back out. I'd really hate to be punished because this game loads slower than Sims 2.
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