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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thana Vesh as a companion


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"She kicks ***." You're kidding right? Did you miss the part where she was captured....3 times. And two of those times, it wasn't even Force-users!


Yeah? well what did Ashara do in the story cutscenes? Apart from sitting on the ground sobbing?


Inquisitor story is a travesty of how Sith recruitment and apprenticeship works. Warrior story on the other hand does everything right.


Well, there is Xalek, that has a problem of...being Xalek. Never seen a more generic Sith.

Edited by Karkais
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  • 4 weeks later...

I would accept her on my ship ONLY if the devs give us the opportunity to freeze companions in carbonite.


Thana Vesh is stupid. Annoying. And gets herself caught THREE times, which also makes her incompetent. Why would I want to have such a failure as a companion? I always enjoyed curbstomping her after she outlived her usefulness.

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  • 1 month later...
I would accept her on my ship ONLY if the devs give us the opportunity to freeze companions in carbonite.


Thana Vesh is stupid. Annoying. And gets herself caught THREE times, which also makes her incompetent. Why would I want to have such a failure as a companion? I always enjoyed curbstomping her after she outlived her usefulness.


What usefulness?

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signed. I love Thana to pieces, for better or for worse. If she was real and wasn't quite an evil ***** (she actually had other PASSIONS outsde of being pissed) I'd totally do her. Wow, that'd make for a violent love story subplot. Off screen you hear screaming, grunts, roars of murder, then ******, lmfao
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Thana wouldn't last ten minutes as any of my imperials' companion. Sharing a space ship with her would be intolerable. None have killed her yet, but they certainly are tempted to and that would be a bridge too far. Personally, I like it that she's a character that can appear again or not, depending on your actions. The game needs more of those kind of consequences. I'm still waiting for the two sith whose quests my characters have refused on Korriban and who threaten consequences to actually do something. Edited by errant_knight
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  • 2 months later...
Thana Vesh should be a Universal companion for all Empire Players! She's a great compliment to the story and would work for all the classes IMO. Light or Dark, she would just submit to you :)...would also make a nice romance option.

(Yes I know, this causes problem for republic players, as they want in on the pie too...but oh well).


For the naysayers...

She has a great character actually

-She plays hard to get and this only adds depth to her

-You should realize she actually listens to you (She does whatever Light/Dark side choices you want). She never outwardly tries to kill you or anything, she's just got a bit of an inferiority complex

-Shes actually a born-to-be-sith (sure you can turn the Sith Warrior companion evil but Ive heard that shes lame. Plus Sith Inquis, we can't really change anyone to dark side)

-She comes off arrogant, slightly one dimensional - but as the story progresses - you realize she's actually just an insecure sith. Pride & Insecurity go together you know :o

-Yeah you can choose to kill her or save her, that is a problem - I'm sure the quest chain can be retconned for people who want her as a companion or something

-The voice acting is essentially in the game already


Specifically due to my main being a Sith Inquisitor

-As a class inspired by palpatine, our inability to twist/turn someone to the darkside (ala anakin) is pretty disappointing. Especially because our character is constantly asking for his/her hand to be held by smarter people for guidance in the story.

-I'll just take Thana over Ashara, thanks.


Anyways, as a sith inquisitor - I feel robbed by my story in general. I'm at 45 and I've read the end story spoilers and it's still just a yawn for me. The companions suck, especially as a male. We get a buncha randoms including a mute dashade who just wants to eat as our first companion...plus our only romance-able companion is a barbie Jedi who can't truly fall to the dark side. I don't think I'm the only Sith inquisitor player who thinks our story is just mediocre.

EDIT: after finishing the game and rolling an Agent alt, my impressions are the same, Sith Inquis story is lacking.



Her story arc here:


I agree with this. I just encountered Thana and immediately I thought... "This is the person who I should be recruiting for my apprentice!" I did a quick search and came upon this thread. Obviously others feel the same way.

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I personally think it would be fun to make her a companion to a Jedi. She screwed up pretty bad in the Empire and now the Republic is the only place she has to go. Plus, her trying to lure Jedi characters to the darkside would be very fun.


I agree

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