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Companions who like being bad.


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I know SWTOR's companions don't really follow a good/evil POV, they have different personalities and different things they like, dislike, agree or disagree with.


But if you really think about it, you could probably classify that into a "Good/Evil" type of system.


I generally like being good in games with moral choices, I do, but after four pure light-sided characters, I'm really itching to stir up some evil.


It seems like however, even for some of the Sith classes, the companions are weenies. They don't like when you're a sociopath, some do, but most need reasons for your killings and misdeeds.


Question I suppose I'm asking is, which class has the companions who just love to be evil? Kill? Extort? The good stuff, because it sure seems like even the "evil" ones consider things such as this to be weak and base instincts. It'd be nice to just run into someone evil once in awhile like the NPCs I meet in my story so often.

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Then you might want to try being a Sith Inquisitor your first companion Khem Val hates it when you make lightside choices and on Taris theres an NPC you work with named Thana Vash (cant remember the name compeletly) who also disaproves of your lightside choices even if she always ends up is situations where you have to save her. I am shure that there are others but dont know enough of the SI to really list them out for you. Anyway I hope this suggestion helps you in any way.
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From the Empire Side,


Sith Warriors & Sith Inquisitors each get pure evil minded companions


Sith Warriors get Jaessa Willsaam as their 3rd companion, she has a complete bloodlust and aching for power / destruction, enjoys evil.


Sith Inquisitors get Xalek as their last companion and runs in a similar manner to Jaessa, they each hate mercy / weakness.


As for other classes I cannot comment.


Although this does reveal the mechanics of something you haven't played with, there are no story spoilers here, from personal experience the story leading up to getting Jaessa as a warrior is intense, definately recommended! ;)

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Evil is relative, but the first companion for the IA is an anarchist, many republic classes get characters who are into violence, coercion, lack-of-compassion, and blind patriotism ,which one could consider evil, and the final companion for the BH stands out as an 'evil' companion in contrast to Mako, the first companion. Edited by DragonEXtwo
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  • 3 months later...
OMG You guys are mentioning one companion from each class that's evil. That doesn't change the fact that the majority of the companions are *******. Maybe I don't want to use a tank companion. With the Sith the majority of companions should be evil.:mad:
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You know how most classes have a token evil companion, or worse, a token "evil" companion? Sith Inquisitors have a token good companion. Everybody else is somewhere on the ravening psychopath scale, with varying emphasis on avarice, wrath, pride, and so on.


The Sith Warrior has varying degrees of dark, but only DS Jaesa and Broonmark go all-out. Pierce and Quinn have slightly more in the way of "maybe we should do things for sane reasons." Okay, Pierce is about 50-50 on that one.


Inquisitor is by far the best for bad companions.

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Khem Val isn't totally evil, he's just a cranky Dashade. I have made LS choices that appeal to him, and DS choices that he found foolish.


You should look them up to find what choices they like and don't like.


Jaesa Wilsaam for DS Warriors is a solid choice.

Edited by DeutschGamer
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What companions respond to doesn't really overly factor into light side of dark side options. They generally have preferences, but even Mako will like it when you choose a dark side option sometimes (depends on the reasons). It more has to do with that they like and what they don't. Like Lord Scourge. He generally tends to prefer the Dark Side options that the Jedi Knight gets, but he also likes the Light Side ones. He's also usually indifferent. Now if you end up choosing something that shows you being indecisive in his opinion, he won't like it.
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Question I suppose I'm asking is, which class has the companions who just love to be evil? Kill? Extort? The good stuff, because it sure seems like even the "evil" ones consider things such as this to be weak and base instincts. It'd be nice to just run into someone evil once in awhile like the NPCs I meet in my story so often.


Well, I love my trooper, and let me tell you, Tanno Vik... he likes selfishness. If you ask for compensation during quests or take a dark side choice that will illicit greater good to yourself, then you'll get brownie points with him. Whether or not you kill or murder, etc, doesn't matter, just whether or not you are benefiting from the action is what causes him to like or dislike your action.


He's like my renegade bad-azz companion.

Edited by J-Slice
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Op you have not met


Jaesa and Broonmark for the sith warrior


Khem val and Xalek for the SI.


Scorpio for the IA


Those companions love causing pain and suffering to others Imagine the companion and the respective class holding hands skipping across the battle field while chopping heads off and causing carnage and laughing at the same time. Thats what they are like.

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Xalek doesnt count as 'bad'. In fact he doesnt count as anything. So its only Khem. And even he doesnt really like dark side choices as such, he just wants to kill force-users.


For warrior dark side Jaesa is propably the most evil companion in the game, gorging herself in vices and malevolence. Broonmark is also evil, and loves violence.


For bounty hunter its skadge.

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A lot of it depends on the class. I've seen more "bad" companions on the empire side than republic side, but usually there's at least one who always likes light side choices, and the rest like some light side choices, some darkside choices.


For instance, with agent, everyone *occasionally* likes darkside choices (even supposedly lightside characters like Vector and Temple), just some are more prone to darkside (Kaliyo, SCORPIO) or neutral (Lokin).


The same is true for trooper. I'm not sure that Elara ever likes a darkside choice, but while Aric generally favors lightside, he'll sometimes approve of darkside. (And Vik generally prefers darkside.)


I think that most SW companions actually are darkside. Quinn likes darkside a lot of the time it seems, as long as you're polite. Jaessa certainly does. Pierce seems to prefer darkside in general, too.

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IA by far.

Kaliyo likes any darkside choice you make and calling people names and making fun of the ugly guy's face in BT. she's your first companion and you have only her for 30 levels, so it's easy being darkside.

Lokin likes you to ask questions and get all the info you can, then kill them. He's really quite sick.

SCORPIO likes killing everything but droids


Vector and Temple are somewhat on the nuetral side.

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Every companion has LS and DS choices they like.


Khem Val despises weakness and nearly all LS choices but on Dromund Kass, during the quest where Sith are hunting civilians for sport, if you pick the DS option he greatly disapproves, and greatly approves of the LS choice to bring them to justice. Because Sith should hunt worthy foes, not cowering bystanders.


Mako dislikes killing and cruelty so nearly all DS choices are not for her, yet she's completely on board for shooting Tarro Blood and Darth Tormen in the head repeatedly, the former of which I agreed to and the latter I refused to.



Its all personality really, no companion is pure LS or DS and that makes them infinitely better and more interesting.

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A lot of it depends on the class. I've seen more "bad" companions on the empire side than republic side, but usually there's at least one who always likes light side choices, and the rest like some light side choices, some darkside choices.


For instance, with agent, everyone *occasionally* likes darkside choices (even supposedly lightside characters like Vector and Temple), just some are more prone to darkside (Kaliyo, SCORPIO) or neutral (Lokin).


The same is true for trooper. I'm not sure that Elara ever likes a darkside choice, but while Aric generally favors lightside, he'll sometimes approve of darkside. (And Vik generally prefers darkside.)


I think that most SW companions actually are darkside. Quinn likes darkside a lot of the time it seems, as long as you're polite. Jaessa certainly does. Pierce seems to prefer darkside in general, too.


I found he leans more towards LS choices more so than the rest of the crew with the exception of Vette and even she has the DS ones she loves especially if it involves something bad happening to an Imperial or Sith. From what I recall Pierce, Broonmark and DS Jaesa approve of more of your DS choices than the other two, but with Quinn if you were being pointless cruel or wasting resources he'd be disapproving and god forbid you badmouth the Empire or Baras. *sigh*

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  • 9 years later...

The problem with companions is not whether a class has an evil or dark sided one.


The Real issue is that For Sith Inquisitor, the Romance Option (For a straight male) is locked to a Non-Turnable Jedi Petulant Princess.


Even the Male Jedi Knight gets Kira, who is in fact a frakin Sith. And through conversation can be 100% turned to love your darkside. I mean she never goes full blown Sexual deviant bathe in blood and screw your brains out on top of some dead bodies like "Jaesa"... But hey.. (I love Kira by the way, *********** awesome character).

Edited by Darth-Malkaevian
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I personally think that the "issue" is that the game wants the character to have one companion for each path they choose to follow. Although most of your imperial companions will like the DS options and most of your republic companions will prefer LS, they have their borders (or not lol) and exceptions (or, again, not).

For the Empire I'd categorize it like that (although it's hard to make categories):

-One companion who mostly exists for a LS character (Vette, Ashara, Temple, Mako).

-One who is mostly ruthless but mainly self-profiting and does show mercy. Sarcastic and partly cruel but limited (Quinn, Andronikos, Kaliyo, Gault).

-One going mainly DS, partly crazy and cruel (Jaesa DS [now she inhaled the DS], Khem Val, SCORPIO, Skadge).

-One just mainly following a code (Pierce, Xalek, Vector, Torian).

-And those who are in-between several of these categories (Broonmark, Drellik, Lokin, Blizz).


Their preference of DS and LS is supposed to fit the background as imperials will favour DS unless you use unreasonable cruelty, etc and the LS characters have their own story which makes them feel for victims.

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While how "evil" they are can vary, the following companions tend to approve their share of Dark Side choices:


Jedi Knight: Rusk and Scourge

Jedi Consular: Zenith

Trooper: Vik

Smuggler: Akaavi


Sith Warrior: Jaesa (if Dark), Pierce, and Broonmark.

Sith Inquisitor: Khem Val and Xalek

Bounty Hunter: Gault and Skadge

Agent: Kaliyo and SCORPIO.

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