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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Oh god you don't get that they modified server status in the beginning to get queues and split ppl up on all servers. We still have rising numbers on our server but no queue at all cause it is disabled now. People need to THINK before they post.
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What I love about this...


For the first 2 weeks all you could find on the forums were posts complaining about the overly long queue times.


The developers said over and over and over! "Over time, they will start to even out as players get back in to their routines and holidays end." That didn't stop a single person from posting nonstop complaints.


Now that they have cleared up, it couldn't possibly be that they were correct! No way! They must be wrong and the game is failing.


I cannot WAIT for the 20th. The people who WANT to be here will be, and those who do NOT want to be here will have to pay $15 to pollute the forums.


It's great! Before, I had characters on Hyperspace Cannon I couldn't get to because of the constant queues going on half an hour and more. But now that things have evened out I can play them whenever I want. Funny, that.

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2.5 weeks ago you were all complaining about queues? Now that the servers are only Heavy or Very Heavy populated, you are complaining again? There will always be whiners. ****.


Why would there be a ton of people on the lower level worlds? People are getting to 50 and aren't needing to go to those places anymore...


Maybe because new players are buying the game and just starting out?


Server pop on my server has gone up since the holidays, not down; the game's doing fine and actually increasing its playerbase, which is REALLY REALLY ticking off all those *ahem* pretend "quitters" who tried to start the usual mass exodus movement.


Sorry, guys...it's not working this time. :D The game's too good, and there are too many people joining. You're not going to win this time. ;)

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2.5 weeks ago you were all complaining about queues? Now that the servers are only Heavy or Very Heavy populated, you are complaining again? There will always be whiners. ****.


Why would there be a ton of people on the lower level worlds? People are getting to 50 and aren't needing to go to those places anymore...


2.5 weeks ago, half the servers had queues and the other half didn't. The people who had to deal with server queues complained, the people who didn't did not.


The people who suggested opening up new servers were the ones who wern't going to jump to those new servers. They only suggested it so that OTHERS would jump to those new servers.


Instead of opening up server transfers, BioWare launched more servers. it made things worse and the player population became even more fragmented.


Now, the people who are complaining about low pop are those whose server never had a queue time in the first place. They could merge servers, but I guarantee it'd have an adverse affect by further increasing fear, uncertainty, and doubt about the game's future.

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What I love about this...


For the first 2 weeks all you could find on the forums were posts complaining about the overly long queue times.


The developers said over and over and over! "Over time, they will start to even out as players get back in to their routines and holidays end." That didn't stop a single person from posting nonstop complaints.


Now that they have cleared up, it couldn't possibly be that they were correct! No way! They must be wrong and the game is failing.


I cannot WAIT for the 20th. The people who WANT to be here will be, and those who do NOT want to be here will have to pay $15 to pollute the forums.


Same here! can't wait till the whiners leave mwhaha

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People are enjoying the ride up to level 50 and quitting once their story ends and they're met with the World of Riftaionhammercraft loot treadmill excuse for an end game. Why would people play this over any their previous game of choice if the gameplay at 50 is essentially the same? I predict this game will be in the same boat Warhammer, Rift, and all of those other loot treadmills are in after a few more months. Still running but on a very tight budget and slower development cycle.


The first game to offer a real alternative will be the next big title.

Edited by BadgeredMushroom
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People are enjoying the ride up to level 50 and quitting once their story ends and they're met with the World of Riftaionhammercraft loot treadmill excuse for an end game. Why would people play this over any their previous game of choice if the gameplay at 50 is essentially the same? I predict this game will be in the same boat Warhammer, Rift, and all of those other loot treadmills are in after a few more months. Still running but on a very tight budget and slower development cycle.


The first game to offer a real alternative will be the next big title.


The vast majority of players haven't hit 50 yet, so this isn't really a valid assumption.

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Actually over this last weekend the servers populations have gone up significantly, many of the new servers they opened up went from standard to heavy, and there were twice as many full and very heavy servers up. I keep track of these things sometimes ;)


Two of the servers I play on are always "heavy" but went up to "very heavy" from fri-sun, and the same was the case with many other servers as I looked when I would switch servers :rolleyes:

Edited by Jesira
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Source please.


VGChartz doesn't count. Their numbers are extrapolated and not official.


It's pretty clear you've made up your mind regardless. People show you something, and it's not official enough. Just give up trying so hard to prove a point that REALLY DOES NOT MATTER!

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It's pretty clear you've made up your mind regardless. People show you something, and it's not official enough. Just give up trying so hard to prove a point that REALLY DOES NOT MATTER!


Mannic goes to every thread and tries to downplay anything positive people say about the game, and he's particularly keen on putting the kibosh on "2 million copies sold", even though this claim has been made by several sources and not just the chart he likes to bring up.

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It's pretty clear you've made up your mind regardless. People show you something, and it's not official enough. Just give up trying so hard to prove a point that REALLY DOES NOT MATTER!


Yes, of course... if people keep claiming TOR has sold 2 million units based on a notoriously inaccurate site, that's totally cool; but if someone points out that the site is totally inaccurate, suddenly it really does not matter...

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Actually over this last weekend the servers populations have gone up significantly, many of the new servers they opened up went from standard to heavy, and there were twice as many full and very heavy servers up. I keep track of these things sometimes ;)


Two of the servers I play on are always "heavy" but went up to "very heavy" from fri-sun, and the same was the case with many other servers as I looked when I would switch servers :rolleyes:


This right here.......if anybody wants to reasure theirselves.....just go look at the server pops tongiht....no doom and gloomer will bring that up...it will just be a single planet on one server has low population so the game is dead.


The differance between this game and the ones everybody seems to want to bring up as dead are about 80 servers....QQ some more.

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Mannic goes to every thread and tries to downplay anything positive people say about the game, and he's particularly keen on putting the kibosh on "2 million copies sold", even though this claim has been made by several sources and not just the chart he likes to bring up.


I hate bad information, and the fact that people take information from a terrible source and run with it makes me /facepalm. Then they wonder why, months later, things aren't meshing with the terrible data they were going off of before. Kind of like the people who were utterly convinced that TOR was going to sell 3-4 million units immediately because, going off of VGChartz, they thought there were 2 million preorders sold.


Now perhaps you can link me to some of those "several sources" saying TOR has sold 2 million copies and I will admit that I am mistaken.

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Use common sense. They might be off a little but they are close enough.


We are close to 3 million strong


And this, Jesira, is why I hate bad information. See how quickly it goes from "2 million" to "common sense tells me we are close to 3 million!"


Common sense tells me that 3 million units is a crap-load of units to sell on PC, that many, many neophytes hugely underestimate how many units that is because they're used to seeing unit totals for games that are cross-platform, and don't understand that 1 million units for a PC-only title is a LOT.

Edited by Mannic
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And this, Jesira, is why I hate bad information. See how quickly it goes from "2 million" to "common sense tells me we are close to 3 million!"


Bioware stated 1 million strong. almost 1 month ago. Before the game even released to retailers (it flew off the shelf). Use your brain

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Sitting around without MMO basics such as a LFG or a combat log for a month will make some people start to feel a sense of boredom. Running Hutt Ball 20 times, and then only getting to do the much more enjoyable alderaan Warzone once in those 21 games can make even the most hardcore PVP guy start to get miserable. The ability lag not being fixed faster, and treated like the emergency it is will make some leave. The raid is literally in an alpha state and the fixes so far to it still havent taken care of some gamebreakers.

Looking at the patch notes for 1.1, I do not see any new WZ's, or them making all WZ's IMP vs IMP like they should, or even the basic option to choose which WZ you want to run. I do not see bug fixes to gamebreaking raid bugs that make running the place miserable for even the most patient players. No LFG being added, no combat log being added, no mention of ability lag or abilities randomly just not happening.

Basically its like you brought your car in so they could replace the broken engine, and they put new windshield wipers on it and gave it back to you with the engine still broke. They need to get to the real issues faster. A 3rd grader could understand that adding new fluff to something broken is going to frustrate the customers, thats a really bad move.

Edited by RichLather
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I hate bad information, and the fact that people take information from a terrible source and run with it makes me /facepalm. Then they wonder why, months later, things aren't meshing with the terrible data they were going off of before. Kind of like the people who were utterly convinced that TOR was going to sell 3-4 million units immediately because, going off of VGChartz, they thought there were 2 million preorders sold.


Now perhaps you can link me to some of those "several sources" saying TOR has sold 2 million copies and I will admit that I am mistaken.


Yet I don't see you going after every post in here that has $300 million listed as the budget on the game.


You seem less militant to that. Seems selective.

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Yes, of course... if people keep claiming TOR has sold 2 million units based on a notoriously inaccurate site, that's totally cool; but if someone points out that the site is totally inaccurate, suddenly it really does not matter...


You missed the point entirely.


Thats like me telling you "400,000 women cried that day," and then you respond with "ACTUALLY IT WAS 399,999 women and 1 MAN."


Does it matter?




If it is 1.8 million copies or 2 million,






My brother bought the game yesterday, I'll bet no-one else is buying the game, just him.


Guess Mannic has proven his point, that this game hasn't sold as many copies and we are officially at the end. WE FAILED BIOWARE! Mannic said so...

Edited by djsmileey
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Bioware stated 1 million strong. almost 1 month ago. Before the game even released to retailers (it flew off the shelf). Use your brain


No. Bioware stated 1 million on December 22nd, after the game released to retailers. And those of us who have played MMO's for years know that MMO's get the vast majority of their overall population in the first few days after the game releases.


Yes, WoW was the exception to this rule, but it is virtually the only exception to this rule. It also didn't release both in NA and Europe simultaneously like TOR did.

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No. Bioware stated 1 million on December 22nd, after the game released to retailers. And those of us who have played MMO's for years know that MMO's get the vast majority of their overall population in the first few days after the game releases.


Yes, WoW was the exception to this rule, but it is virtually the only exception to this rule. It also didn't release both in NA and Europe simultaneously like TOR did.


No game will ever beat WoW in subs, 12 million is an insanely high peak.. for ANY MMO.


I'd be surprised if SWTOR can hold 500k people.

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