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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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You cant say that, you dont know, unless you've been in all zones of the game very fast.

And even if you did that, you cant be sure most 50 are perhaps in wz, where they cant be counted?

So 6 level 50 in Fleet you mean maybe?

Possible. Sad even. Havent problems on high pop server (Legions of Lettow)


you can just /who 50.................................................................


Maybe they can't get groups because they are annoying everyone? People i see making complaints blatantly admit to "spamming lfg for hours". When I see people spamming I pretty much stay away from them. It just screams out bad player.


With that said though a merge might help the non annoying quiet people who might just be a little shy.


Yes someone attempting to find people to do a dungeon is a bad player.



Is there a single ounce of common sense in this section..?

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You cant say that, you dont know, unless you've been in all zones of the game very fast.

And even if you did that, you cant be sure most 50 are perhaps in wz, where they cant be counted?

So 6 level 50 in Fleet you mean maybe?

Possible. Sad even. Havent problems on high pop server (Legions of Lettow)



No, I didn't mean 6 in fleet. Just type /who and put '50' in the search field and it will show you all level 50s in the game. The /who results are capped at 100, but when there are only 6 online that isn't really a problem.


Edit: I do not know if people in warzones are counted with a /who. I do know that warzones do not happen very often on the server.

Edited by Wizzrobe
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you can just /who 50.................................................................




Yes someone attempting to find people to do a dungeon is a bad player.



Is there a single ounce of common sense in this section..?


I said the people spamming. That is far from merely attempting to find a group. Spamming essentially is trying to force people to group with you, when they probably don't want to.


The normal thing to do is ask in chat a couple times if anyone is grouping. If not try to start your own group. If that doesn't work, you move on to different areas. If you still can't find a group. Tough luck, life isn't fair

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Maybe they can't get groups because they are annoying everyone? People i see making complaints blatantly admit to "spamming lfg for hours". When I see people spamming I pretty much stay away from them. It just screams out bad player.


With that said though a merge might help the non annoying quiet people who might just be a little shy.


I've spent some time in fleet and honestly, there is rarely any chat from anybody so it's not really a case of people being 'annoying'. Occasionally you see somebody looking for a Black Talon group, or rarely somebody looking for any of the other flashpoints. Last night there was one guy who would periodically ask people how to make lots of credits.


My point was that if all 6 level 50s wanted to do a flashpoint 2 would be left out. They could be the nicest most fun people in the world (I don't know them personally so I have no idea), but without anybody else to group with they are out of luck.


Edit: Changed operation to flashpoint.

Edited by Wizzrobe
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I said the people spamming. That is far from merely attempting to find a group. Spamming essentially is trying to force people to group with you, when they probably don't want to.


The normal thing to do is ask in chat a couple times if anyone is grouping. If not try to start your own group. If that doesn't work, you move on to different areas. If you still can't find a group. Tough luck, life isn't fair


Spamming is loosely based off personal opinion. Given players have little to no alternatives aside from the worst LFG (check box 9 letters to decide your fate what is this even) system, its pretty understandable that someone might be posting in /1 quite a few times over the course of 10-30 minutes. I'm sure its easy to make your own group when there is zero people responding to /1 or /w's.

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I dont think they can make a "server merge" now, it's too early and it would "look bad".

One thing they could do, is authorizing free server migration. Just an idea.


Free server transfers. Player controlled and instant, with a week CD.


Rift did this and it worked great. Is your server low pop? Ok move on to another. Entirely up to the player. And avoids server mergers.

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Free server transfers. Player controlled and instant, with a week CD.


Rift did this and it worked great. Is your server low pop? Ok move on to another. Entirely up to the player. And avoids server mergers.


This would be amazing although I imagine it would be tough for the accountants to look past the $$ they could be making charging people like the 'other' game does.

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Crevasse City , 5:30 PM EST. Empire


/who 1-30 yields 92

/who 31-50 yields 38

Total level 50s : 9

Fleet: 9


Total population of server at this given moment: 130.


lol!! I love it! I see more people in Stormwind than the whole game combined hahaha told you the game was dying!!


Let me guess the excuse.....hm.........thinking.......hmmmm.............oh I got it!........Its going to be Valentines day soon and people are busy shopping for cards. Yea thats it!

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Crevasse City , 5:30 PM EST. Empire


/who 1-30 yields 92

/who 31-50 yields 38

Total level 50s : 9

Fleet: 9


Total population of server at this given moment: 130.


I tryed this and it said


"showing first 100 results"


a /who of 50 was shown to me as 59


Note that my server is Begren colony which i believe is a PST server. Its 2:30 pm in the afternoon so not even peak hours. Seems good to me. This shows me that the game is doing rather well and NOT dying.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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lol!! I love it! I see more people in Stormwind than the whole game combined hahaha told you the game was dying!!


Let me guess the excuse.....hm.........thinking.......hmmmm.............oh I got it!........Its going to be Valentines day soon and people are busy shopping for cards. Yea thats it!


Then might I suggest checking out a server like sporeggar-eu? Might change a bit your ideas about what constitutes a dying game.

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I tryed this and it said


"showing first 100 results"


a /who of 50 was shown to me as 59


Note that my server is Begren colony which i believe is a PST server. Its 2:30 pm in the afternoon so not even peak hours. Seems good to me. This shows me that the game is doing rather well and NOT dying.



That proves neither the game is doing well or is dying. It shows the server is doing well. The thread title and a few of the posts here are showing servers that are not doing as well. The simple fix here is to provide character transfers or merge the lower pop servers together.

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lol!! I love it! I see more people in Stormwind than the whole game combined hahaha told you the game was dying!!


SOunds like its back to Swind for you...why not stay there this time with your 'game-dying' attitude. Godspeed.

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


1.) People will leave the game it's to be expected.


2.) Many upgrades have changed the capacity on a server since launch, the population numbers i"m sure have declined somewhat, but you've got to take it with a grain of salt due to this, and that 'Heavy/Very Heavy/Full' could be entirely different numbers now than they were at launch.


3.) I actually think server mergers will need to happen, do I think they need to happen yet? No, I don't think the games that bad off but generally most MMO's cut back on servers at some point or another before either growing and increasing servers at a later date, or having to cut back as the population continues to dwindle. I'm sure some servers may be a bit sparse, but server mergers are generally considered a very negative thing, and many hate them for whatever reason


4.) One thing I've noticed personally is that there is now a disparity in where people are. At launch EVERYONE was in start zones, or the first few (dromund kaas/coruscant). As the players have leveled at different rates you'll find many people on the fleet at any time, then other areas the numbers are wildly different. Dromund Kaas I've seen at 17 people, and I've seen Balmorra with 200. Level difference is essentially 5 , so does that represent a population disparity?


5.) The feeling of isolation and being in a low population area could be beaten if there were global LFG channels so that if you're looking for a flashpoint you could look for one without having to be in a particular level relevant area. I feel the LFG system is very shoddy at best, and that with further refinement this would make the game feel more alive despite a given area perhaps being underpopulated.

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Well with the Light Servers population only being 2 or 3 people per Faction, I can see why you think this.



It's hard to play a game whenever there is nobody else on your server! (Refer to the "I joined a Light server at start and now I can't find a single player ever in this game so I'm gonna QQ" thread.)

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one hour later, Crevasse City is up to 165 players online, however, has dropped to only 8 people between levels 48 and 50. Still 9 in Fleet.


I see more people in single guilds on WoW than entire servers have total people. So disheartening.

Edited by Daltin
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one hour later, Crevasse City is up to 165 players online, however, has dropped to only 8 people between levels 48 and 50. Still 9 in Fleet.


I see more people in single guilds on WoW than entire servers have total people. So disheartening.


Yeah there are currently 9 people in the imperial fleet on the Defenestrator. It's really terrible.


Sad thing is, even if they merged our servers together we would still have a pretty poor population.

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one hour later, Crevasse City is up to 165 players online, however, has dropped to only 8 people between levels 48 and 50. Still 9 in Fleet.


I see more people in single guilds on WoW than entire servers have total people. So disheartening.


Why is wow still being brought up? There are quite a few servers that can't reach 500 people on both factions combined during prime time. And it's perfectly normal for any popular game to have a few low population servers so people that want to play on them can play on them. For everyone else - there's the highly populated servers. The only valid criticism is that Bioware still haven't introduced paid character transfers. It's better to do it sooner rather than later.

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Just checked server status.


4 pm - pst

7 pm - est


A grand total of 1 server on heavy. Activity is way down ... only people in denial say otherwise.


*edit - Okay ... make that 2 servers ... one just moved up.

Edited by Skaara
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