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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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I think there are two different issues here.


Some people believe the whole game is losing players, and some are being defensive of that.


Others (like me) have been unfortunate enough to end up on a very low population server, and are asking servers to be merged to make the game playable for us.


I love the game and I am not part of the 'doom and gloom' crowd, BUT, I cannot ignore the fact that there is hardly anybody playing on my server. Having 15-20 people in your fleet during primetime is just not the way the game was meant to be played.


What server? I plan on counting how many people are online before I decide if the ghost town comment is accurate. If you wrote what server already I apologize. Reading boards on my cell phone is kind of difficult. Btw how does 30 people in the fleet make it unplayable? It sounds like you are exaggerating to prove your point.

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I think there are two different issues here.


Some people believe the whole game is losing players, and some are being defensive of that.


Others (like me) have been unfortunate enough to end up on a very low population server, and are asking servers to be merged to make the game playable for us.


I love the game and I am not part of the 'doom and gloom' crowd, BUT, I cannot ignore the fact that there is hardly anybody playing on my server. Having 15-20 people in your fleet during primetime is just not the way the game was meant to be played.


This was due to the early access stagger process Bioware conducted. If they would have left things open and free for customers to fill in the gaps then we would more then likely not have seen this issue.


They tried to keep things level on all servers and not let them flood, this however left the later (tail end charlie) group with the short end of the stick. First batch of servers have mostly stayed quite busy, where as the later servers have fell to little to no population, as most had migrated from the server soon after launch.


I agree on this matter, a merge is needed. We don't need 150 servers.


What server? I plan on counting how many people are online before I decide if the ghost town comment is accurate. If you wrote what server already I apologize. Reading boards on my cell phone is kind of difficult. Btw how does 30 people in the fleet make it unplayable? It sounds like you are exaggerating to prove your point.


I doubt he's exaggerating, it's a well known fact that there's empty servers. Just go look at some of the server forums here that have little to no posts.

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I love the game and I am not part of the 'doom and gloom' crowd, BUT, I cannot ignore the fact that there is hardly anybody playing on my server. Having 15-20 people in your fleet during primetime is just not the way the game was meant to be played.


What primetime are you talking? Aussie primetime on hyperspace cannon sees about 60 people on the empire fleet, however US primetime sees nearly 300.

Edited by Arzhanin
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why is it always a couple of folks that whine that 'they' don't see anyone, and 'their' server is empty and spout how they are glad 'ours' is full, but 'theirs' isn't???





How about they all post their servers, times they play, and we all go see for ourselves. I reckon that many will be discredited. Just something tells me that this will be the case.

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why is it always a couple of folks that whine that 'they' don't see anyone, and 'their' server is empty and spout how they are glad 'ours' is full, but 'theirs' isn't???





How about they all post their servers, times they play, and we all go see for ourselves. I reckon that many will be discredited. Just something tells me that this will be the case.


Except, you know, there's plenty of evidence to be found in the thread to verify our claims, including screenshots. I posted many of them. If you wan to contribute to a thread, then the very least you can do is read it.

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What server? I plan on counting how many people are online before I decide if the ghost town comment is accurate. If you wrote what server already I apologize. Reading boards on my cell phone is kind of difficult. Btw how does 30 people in the fleet make it unplayable? It sounds like you are exaggerating to prove your point.


The Defenestrator


The game is not unplayable, it's the multiplayer aspects of it that suffer. I can still level and continue my storyline without an issue, but if I want to put together a flashpoint group or buy or sell much of anything on the market I am generally out of luck.


At this moment, there are 21 people in the imperial fleet. There are 6 level 50s online for the entire imperial side. Throughout the night I have generally seen the imperial fleet fluctuate between 15 and 30 people, with the average around 21.


I just did a /who census and here are what I came up with:


98 players levels 1-20

66 players levels 21-30

93 players levels 31-50


257 players TOTAL imperial side (across all levels and areas)

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Except, you know, there's plenty of evidence to be found in the thread to verify our claims, including screenshots. I posted many of them. If you wan to contribute to a thread, then the very least you can do is read it.


rofl... so you post some screenshots and suddenly you are everyone on this forum... OK. You win. You are the the end all and be all. :rolleyes:

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why is it always a couple of folks that whine that 'they' don't see anyone, and 'their' server is empty and spout how they are glad 'ours' is full, but 'theirs' isn't???





How about they all post their servers, times they play, and we all go see for ourselves. I reckon that many will be discredited. Just something tells me that this will be the case.


Server: The Defenestrator (East Coast PVE)


Times I play: Anytime between 5PM and 11PM


Please, go see for yourself. I'll give you a personal tour if you like.

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What primetime are you talking? Aussie primetime on hyperspace cannon sees about 60 people on the empire fleet, however US primetime sees nearly 300.


I am using 8PM EST as my primetime (I live on the US East Coast). It is an East Coast server.

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Server: The Defenestrator (East Coast PVE)


Times I play: Anytime between 5PM and 11PM


Please, go see for yourself. I'll give you a personal tour if you like.


what side?... nm, just saw previous post you made.

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The Defenestrator


The game is not unplayable, it's the multiplayer aspects of it that suffer. I can still level and continue my storyline without an issue, but if I want to put together a flashpoint group or buy or sell much of anything on the market I am generally out of luck.


At this moment, there are 21 people in the imperial fleet. There are 6 level 50s online for the entire imperial side. Throughout the night I have generally seen the imperial fleet fluctuate between 15 and 30 people, with the average around 21.


I just did a /who census and here are what I came up with:


98 players levels 1-20

66 players levels 21-30

93 players levels 31-50


257 players TOTAL imperial side (across all levels and areas)


Sounds like you have more population than my server. Maybe we should be asking for a global chat channel. Honestly 250 people isn't a ghost town. If we had global chat it would help you find groups. Sounds like people are playing alts and not that interested in sitting in the fleet waiting for groups.

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I have a republic character on the same server and they are close to the same population, though the republic is actually usually a bit lower.


well, made a character, spoke to some folks that were rolling alts on hutta... not bad from a social aspect. folks were really friendly.


some expressed a concern that pop is a bit low on the empire side, but not too bad - unless pvp is your thing. I guess I would have to level a bit to go to the fleet and actually check it out, or get a tour.

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Perhaps, but the free month is up for many as I am sure some here have pointed out. My server, The Ebon Hawk, is doing pretty well, although I understand some servers are somewhat weak in the population department.


If any of you are kinda upset with your server's faction balance, overall population balance, or community please see my signature.


Edit: Clarity

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Well technically there are 500 people playing on his server. Just not all imperial. Ghost town = less than 100.


Ask yourself if 500 was the avg population would the game be healthy. That would mean approx 100000 people on and playing.


500 is a ghost town

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Here's some flimsy math to extrapolate on. Take the number of people on your fleet. Let's say it's 250. Now, if there are 250 people dicking around/selling stuff/doing FPs/etc, how many people are there on each planet, in each class mission, each FP/Op, each ship, and in space?


The 250 figure used earlier was total for a faction in game, not just fleet.

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So that post when right over your head? Right? The Imps on my server usually number that high. So, let's go with what the rest of my post said.


No it didn't. The conversation was using actually observed numbers for all planets not just fleet. What the rest of your post said was irrelevant to the conversation. It's quite obvious that fleet isn't the only place people are located.

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I totally agree with this thread.


Please merge some servers.


In my server ( Sith'Ari ) it's difficult to find people to do heroics with at later planets. And I'm a student so I can play pretty much whenever. Usually I play from 5-10pm (GMT -2) .

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