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Nerf Operatives - Im in full pvp gear getting 3 shot


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Every class is designed to kill other people. When you, as the rock to their scissors, are able to hunt them down effectively and punish them as they punish paper, get back to us.


I kill scoundrels all the time, as a Pyro I get enough points in stealth detect along with my stealth scan ability that when used properly you can punish them, particularly when things go bad for them and they try to restealth. Not many get away from me when that happens :). Any class with any kind of AE attack can essentially do the same thing.


Play smarter, they are not a 1 hit wonder immortal class. A skilled player is a skilled player, I've seen a sentinel be particularly deadly with the amount of shields they get because it was being played right and they are probably considered one of the underpowered classes atm.

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Why would their opening get nerfed? Once they're out of stealth they're garbage. Just trinket the initial stun and get away. Not too hard.





Because everyone knows your trinket is always available...oh wait, it isn't.

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I kill scoundrels all the time, as a Pyro I get enough points in stealth detect along with my stealth scan ability that when used properly you can punish them, particularly when things go bad for them and they try to restealth. Not many get away from me when that happens :). Any class with any kind of AE attack can essentially do the same thing.


Play smarter, they are not a 1 hit wonder immortal class. A skilled player is a skilled player, I've seen a sentinel be particularly deadly with the amount of shields they get because it was being played right and they are probably considered one of the underpowered classes atm.


yeah I feel the same way. every time I see a juggy or marauder excel at dmg i recognize the skill behind that toon and routinely think "wow, just imagine how hella scary that guy would be on an ops".

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I kill scoundrels all the time, as a Pyro I get enough points in stealth detect along with my stealth scan ability that when used properly you can punish them, particularly when things go bad for them and they try to restealth. Not many get away from me when that happens :). Any class with any kind of AE attack can essentially do the same thing.


Play smarter, they are not a 1 hit wonder immortal class. A skilled player is a skilled player, I've seen a sentinel be particularly deadly with the amount of shields they get because it was being played right and they are probably considered one of the underpowered classes atm.


All stealth classes get a temporary immunity ability that will remove all damage over time affects (including bleeds) on a 1 minute cooldown. Additionally, this immunity will prevent aoe from breaking stealth after vanish, (depending on the damage type). If you just so happen to have a non-targetted aoe with the right damage type to get past their immunity, then technically they could just mez you before they cleanse/immune/vanish. Just because most scoundrels/ops get used to using 3 or 4 abilities to destroy most people doesn't mean that's all that is in their toolbox.


Learn more about the game before you give people advice on how to play smarter.

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agree 100% with the original post, i have a combat medic commando in full set of the boxed 50 PVP gear and i cannot out heal damage from a single operative, last night in a warzone i had trouble keeping up with a SOLO level 24 operative in a warzone, just to give an idea, non operatives i can tank 3-4 people and stay alive for a decent amount of time (15+ seconds)... their damage is not ONLY burst either, i can out heal the burst with ALL of my cooldowns + shield but as soon as my shield wears off its GG


ppl saying they are not op are either playing an operative or completely oblivious to whats going on inside warzones

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Another spew of misinformation. Not possible to be 3 shot FROM FULL HEALTH in a warzone before CC breaks. NOT POSSIBLE! GCD/Resolve prevents it.


You were either already hurt, extremely low level vs a 50, slow to react, took some hits from a 3rd party, or any mixture of the above.


You suck if you cant 3 shot someone from stealth.. Go ask Backtap how to do it. Learn how to maximize your classes damage and you could...noob

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All stealth classes get a temporary immunity ability that will remove all damage over time affects (including bleeds) on a 1 minute cooldown. Additionally, this immunity will prevent aoe from breaking stealth after vanish, (depending on the damage type). If you just so happen to have a non-targetted aoe with the right damage type to get past their immunity, then technically they could just mez you before they cleanse/immune/vanish. Just because most scoundrels/ops get used to using 3 or 4 abilities to destroy most people doesn't mean that's all that is in their toolbox.


Learn more about the game before you give people advice on how to play smarter.


Wasn't giving advice on how everyone else should play smarter, learn to read. I was explaining what I do that seems to work just fine.


But by all means please write out a complicated tactic that you'd have to execute over the course of 2 seconds as a reaction to what I was doing, which you'd have to notice to begin with.


I don't have much problem with scoundrels, sorry that you do.

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I like how you people think having a trinket is the answer to Operative/scroundels. Can you be more silly? No trinket = death. And let's be honest here even if you do trinket the stun most of your HP is gone anyway so LULZ Operative IS NOT OP MANG DONT NERF MEE BRO. Edited by Deshie
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agree 100% with the original post, i have a combat medic commando in full set of the boxed 50 PVP gear and i cannot out heal damage from a single operative, last night in a warzone i had trouble keeping up with a SOLO level 24 operative in a warzone, just to give an idea, non operatives i can tank 3-4 people and stay alive for a decent amount of time (15+ seconds)... their damage is not ONLY burst either, i can out heal the burst with ALL of my cooldowns + shield but as soon as my shield wears off its GG


ppl saying they are not op are either playing an operative or completely oblivious to whats going on inside warzones


wow dude.. where to start! First, you clearly are atrocious but let me help you realize your errors:


1. Get friends... with six teammates that operative will likely have to run away after killing you. I bet in the current situation you described he laughed over your body at your death. With friends this won't happen... he'll have to immediately run for cover...and he'll likely actually take some damage before you die in that situation.


2. everyone knows you need to save your cc-break for the operatives. allowing him to knock you down was a huge mistake. you should be aoe'ing around you 24/7... that way it will never happen.


3. you never mentioned dotting the guy.. what a fail. if you dot him.. you can at least mark that off the checklist of reasons for your fail. you'll likely still die.. but it won't be because you didn't dot him.


4. how do you die after the knockdown.. its pretty common knowledge on these boards that operative abilities have a 2 minute cooldown after their initial knockdown. meaning.. if you aren't dead after the knockdown they have to literally stare at you for 2 minutes...even their autoattack is on cd.. are you seriously going to claim to this entire community that an operative killed you with a stare? please... stop being fail


I hope this helps you in the future... freaking whiner!

Edited by Mursie
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agree 100% with the original post, i have a combat medic commando in full set of the boxed 50 PVP gear and i cannot out heal damage from a single operative, last night in a warzone i had trouble keeping up with a SOLO level 24 operative in a warzone, just to give an idea, non operatives i can tank 3-4 people and stay alive for a decent amount of time (15+ seconds)... their damage is not ONLY burst either, i can out heal the burst with ALL of my cooldowns + shield but as soon as my shield wears off its GG


ppl saying they are not op are either playing an operative or completely oblivious to whats going on inside warzones


so your arguement is "I'm better than everyone but ops, fix NAO RAWR!"


well played good sir. you truly have some hangers :cool:

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I like how you people think having a trinket is the answer to Operative/scroundels. Can you be more silly? No trinket = death. And let's my honest here even if you do trinket the stun most of your HP is gone anyway so LULZ Operative IS NOT OP MANG DONT NERF MEE BRO.


Dude... Warzones are like 10-15 min each.. The CC immunity is 2. It's your fault if you don't have it up.

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Wasn't giving advice on how everyone else should play smarter, learn to read. I was explaining what I do that seems to work just fine.


"Play smarter, they are not a 1 hit wonder immortal class."


But by all means please write out a complicated tactic that you'd have to execute over the course of 2 seconds as a reaction to what I was doing, which you'd have to notice to begin with.


Does popping an immunity and a vanish in the same GCD seem complicated to you?

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wow dude.. where to start! First, you clearly are atrocious but let me help you realize your errors:


1. Get friends... with six teammates that operative will likely have to run away after killing you. I bet in the current situation you described he laughed over your body at your death. With friends this won't happen... he'll have to immediately run for cover...and he'll likely actually take some damage before you die in that situation.


2. everyone knows you need to save your cc-break for the operatives. allowing him to knock you down was a huge mistake. you should be aoe'ing around you 24/7... that way it will never happen.


3. you never mentioned dotting the guy.. what a fail. if you dot him.. you can at least mark that off the checklist of reasons for your fail. you'll likely still die.. but it won't be because you didn't dot him.


4. how do you die after the knockdown.. its pretty common knowledge on these boards that operative abilities have a 2 minute cooldown after their initial knockdown. meaning.. if you aren't dead after the knockdown they have to literally stare at you for 2 minutes...even their autoattack is on cd.. are you seriously going to claim to this entire community that an operative killed you with a stare? please... stop being fail


I hope this helps you in the future... freaking whiner!


haha your such a ****** dude, yes run around every where aoeing constantly, that is how you fix this from happening, goot tip LOL

2, never mentioned dotting, idiot if i remove 1 global cool down from my healing i instantly die from their OVER POWERED (TRUE STORY) damage

3. the rest of your post is garbage

4. i wont waste my time

Edited by MGoetter
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"Play smarter, they are not a 1 hit wonder immortal class."




Does popping an immunity and a vanish in the same GCD seem complicated to you?


You realize that this is essentially your argument:


"They have abilities and they use them so they need to get nerfed because I suck".


Why don't you learn to play your class instead of crying to nerf ****?


Bottom line, I am not an Op/Scoundrel, I don't have an Op/Scoundrel, I play as a Bounty Hunter and I don't have any more problem with them than say Sages / Sorc.


Sorry that you suck so bad at your class that you feel the need to cry nerf to the dev's to makeup for your lack of skill. Really, I really am sorry, that must suck for you.

Edited by dwgagner
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so your arguement is "I'm better than everyone but ops, fix NAO RAWR!"


well played good sir. you truly have some hangers :cool:


no im not better then every one, never said i was, but a healer in full 50 pvp gear almost not being able to out heal a level 24 operative in a warzone warrants a nerf IMO

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I'm a lvl 50assassin and I would confider myself pretty decent at PVPing. I only have 1 champ item but rest of gear is pretty good for 50. Operatives and smugglers come out of stealth and literally drop me in 3 seconds. There is no way out of It even if I stun break. Maybe its their crit chance Idk... when I am going 1v1 they are CONSTANTLY getting below 30% health and fully healing... just more of me ranting and bit*****, but I feel there are a lot of people who share my complaint.
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I play a jedi sage. But I have to agree that stealthers should have high opening strike. The issue would be if they are consistent with that kind of damage unstealthed as well which it clearly is not.



In DAOC for example, a stealther can one hit a caster right out of stealth! Adds to the excitement of running around in pvp!

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Agents and Smugglers dont need a direct nerf or buff, they are perfect the way they are.


They do however absolutely need an indirect nerf in the change of how resolve works. My lvl 45 Merc and my lvl 30 PT and Jug all struggle vs them purely because we have one cc cleanse and they have 3 (4 with grenades) CCs, they can pull off 3 CCs without blowing your resolve meter, which imo is absolutely outrageous. Everyone ive talked to agrees except for of course the agents and smugglers, their arguement being well if you get hit by any non smuggler or agent CC then they can only use two. Yes because that makes sense from a balance perspective.

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no im not better then every one, never said i was, but a healer in full 50 pvp gear almost not being able to out heal a level 24 operative in a warzone warrants a nerf IMO


Why are you running alone, as a healer? a level 24 is lol fodder to anyone watching out for their heal spammers. /love my heal followers!


sounds like you set yourself up to fail on that one.


your arguements begs the question, making it void. play smarter, or get better friends. :D

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