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Am I the only person not raging at bioware??


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I'm with you, I cannot understand peoples rage. This is the best way to launch a game, and it's going very well so far. Even bioware cannot change the laws of physics (in case you are wondering, yes, computer obey them). I pre-ordered 30th november and I'm fine if I'll get in on saturday.
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It's just a simple rule of internets that the vocal minority always feel they are the majority. Come to think of it that applies to RL as well. When you don't feel the urge to complain then that is sorta lost in the shuffle. Trust me, most people are content because they are either in game already, or are too busy with RL jobs and school that they could care less. You won't be hearing from them on this forum.
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When you have a career, and a family, and relatively full and busy lifestyle, it's difficult to get upset about being let in early access later than you wanted or expected. There is so much more to life than a silly video game anyhow. I pre-ordered in November and don't expect to get in until this Saturday. Reading the rage posts is entertaining though!
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Am I the only person not raging at bioware??


No, you're not the only one, but those of us that are patiently waiting really have no reason to post anywhere near the level of those who are raging... so it seems there are less of us compared to the 15 gazjawtfillion rage posts flying around the forums.

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Nah, no need to rage, december pre-order so sometime this weekend i hope :)


Another thing to cheer you non-ragers up, brand spankin new trailer for Sacha baron Cohens latest flick, must see.


"Ah, America - the birthplace of AIDS" - instant classic lol



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Nope your not and don't forget the silent majority who don't even bother with the forums. I new about this game for a long time but ended up doing my preorder on the 6th of Dec. I could have done it earlier, but oh well. Yesterday was just a funny day to read all the rage. On some threads, I did think people did make some valid posts for and against the staggered launch, but no matter what. What's done is done....
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I have a life, blaming some company for me not pre-ordering earlier is not what i would do. I will get in when i get in, no point raging about something that is my fault to begin with. And i'm not in a hurry, i'm no No-Lifer. And i'm not weak, so i can wait til january 2014, doesn't matter to me much.


Like the poster above me, prime example on what a weak and insecure mind will do.

Edited by Tiriensoul
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Definitely not raging at all about not being able to get in and play yet. I'm enjoying daylight and taking care of RL stuff today and tomorrow in anticipation of playing all weekend once I get the invite on Friday (I'm assuming). Raging would make my blood pressure rise and it would cause unwanted stress. I don't need either.


However, I do understand where some are coming from with their complaints and raging. I am just waiting until I get my invite. I've been waiting for years for the game to come out...I can wait a day or two more. :)

Edited by Golliiath
grammatical fix
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I am raging at the fact so many people feel they are entitled to early access SIX days before the scheduled launch day. It was even THREE days before early game access was going to even start! People should feel lucky that they will get early access at all instead of blaming Bioware for failing in any regard. A lot of people on forums like these believe they know how to run a MMO better than the company, but people forget the devs went to college for this stuff and have years of experience on their side...THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. /ragequit.
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not in the slightest raging,tbh,i really cant be bothered with it all,if i get a few days early fine,if not,meh,not like it cost me any more,before any one says it did,it didnt,there was a 50kr charge that took my bill up 450kr which is what the retail price is,

didnt get chance to preorder till the 4 dec,if i dont get in tomorrow oh well there another game released the 15 i'll be just as interested in,oh and nother reason i'm not raging,the meds i'm on deal with that easy enough :rolleyes:

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Definitely no rage here, I read what EGA was going to be and actually understood it :p


Looking forward to getting online of course, but since initially EGA was due to start tomorrow I have to admit I'm struggling to understand where all the rage is coming from already... Ah well, such is life!

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I think people are mad because they got an email telling them to prepare to get into the game on the 13th. Then do not get in and see lots of light populated servers. I hope someone

steps in and changes this failed plan. I think pre orders would grow significantly if they put the preorders in game faster. Giving them incentive to buy online.


Those same people know when they pre ordered the game and if they have reading comprehension EVERY EGA email, message etc. has said that people will get invites in the order they preordered, which is why they said PRE ORDER EARLY. I personally wish they would go in and refund cancel all those trolls accounts before they ever get in the game just so they could really give the game an F rating. If they took off work without knowing for sure they were getting in yet they didn't preorder til months later then it is their own fault.


As for the light population and not letting more in, well 95% of that population is still in starter planets. So in reality to keep things smooth as those people move along then you can let more in and then it remains a smooth transition for everyone. I have played MMO for over 15 years and by far and away this has been the smoothest most fun launch in the history of MMO's. Companies could learn a thing or two by the way this has been handled.

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