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Why are so many people saying this game is bad?


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This game sucks my friend.


Opinion, disguised as fact. Maybe use IMO more when you express. ;)


The two million players expected an oasis and discovered a dried up puddle.


Conjecture, disguised as fact. You cannot possibly know what 2 million other subscribers feel about this game. Again, maybe limit your expressed view to your your own, as the masses have not signed release waivers to let you speak for them. ;)



I disagree with both your opinion and your conjecture about this game. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Its not bad as in garbage material never to be played again, but it is severally lacking in a lot of ways. Its quite obvious this game was rushed out the door to take advantage of the holiday release and sales. The bugs, the instancing everywhere, the ability delays, the PVP being so limited and unfair upon release to lower level players, etc are all problems. Most of these can be fixed and or addressed in patches, however, I didn't buy a product for it to still be in beta practically.

I will stick with the game for now only because i AM having a lot of fun, but this only because I have met a lot of cool people and made a lot of new friends in game. If it wasn't for this, i probably would have stopped playing already due to the many bugs and graphical issues.

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Like others stated, those that post "unsub" threads are the same peeps that have do it for every MMO they played. That in itself is a game of trolling. Sure SWTOR is not perfect but what newly released MMO is? There are so many layers within a MMO its a huge under taking. Its the decisions BW makes after release that will make or break TOR.


So far TOR has done a good job with doing the basics right and hopefully BW will fine tune and release updates that will not only fix bugs but improve high res textures and shading. Eye candy is nearly as important as content.


How long as TOR been out? Lets not expect everything right away. Would it be nice? Sure!!! But unrealistic.

Edited by AlphaBraddox
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I havent had this much fun in an mmo since pre-cu SWG and Vanilla WoW. Everything is new again, and Bioware will have my money for a long time to come. I didn't think there could be this much whining on a board, but then I remembered what WoW's boards are full of.


People just like to complain. For me and MY money, its been $60 WELL spent.


thanks for a good release Bioware. I look forward to where you take the game.

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First, bug concerns aside, people are entitled and want things to be done their way and how dare you not do it their way.


Second, go onto any MMO forum. It's all the same. Every MMO has people griping about everything. Nothing will ever be perfect.


Third, I love this game. I really laugh at all the Ragequit posts and why there are so many things wrong with this game.

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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


Why do so many people think Starbuck's makes bad coffee?


Why do so many people think Fast food is bad for you?


Why do so many people think Japanese cars are super reliable?


Why is Microbrewed beer considered superior to cheap beer by so many?


Why do so many people think Walmart is bad yet so many people shop there anyways?


All these questions and more can be answered with a little observation.

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  • 1 month later...

Ill say this.


Im enjoying the game.


I WANT to sub beyond 3 months.


But i find that certain things are putting me off.


Most servers are dead. Mine is. Id love a merge.


There are a lot of bugs and unpolished things. The coding is...suspect.


Im not going to go into it...


My major thing is this:


Every time I roll a new character. I have to go through the same planetary quests OVER AND OVER AND OVER.


I thought my fun in this game would be playing new toons to 50 over and over cuz im not super into pvp.


I guess not. I find myself wondering why I should keep playing, Im starting to find it tedious.


Then I gotta do nothing but nonstop pvp and raids to get proper gear so I can do non stop pvp and raids?


I love star wars. I WANT to love this game. I want to SOO bad.


But MAJOR MAJOR upgrades need to happen very soon.


Or I'll have to reluctantly move on.



Bear in mind this post is by a 30+ year old person who is married and works.

And this IS my first MMO.

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I don't think its a lot of people I think its a small minority repeating themselves over and over


And if the population drops sharply in the coming months, will you continue to try to convince yourself that it's just a "small minority"?


The point is, I've heard these laments before from people in other MMO forums who refuse to believe that a noticable portion of players are generally unhappy with the state of said MMO. Low and behold within 6 months the population of said MMO has dropped like a stone. Those people then change their tune to something along the lines of "Where is everyone? The game is great!"

Edited by Tarka
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And if the population drops sharply in the coming months, will you continue to try to convince yourself that it's just a "small minority"?


That would all be due to statistics, really. BioWare said that the rumors of mass population drops from the game aren't true. And I really don't think they'd lie.

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I didn't realize that 125 - 200 was between 200 - 300.


Silly me.


Sorry, bit off topic, but this reminds of mock trial when the witness i was cross examining (who was their professional witness) said 12 thousand does not = 12000 and the judge kicked them out



sorry bout that, just reminiscing


continue the flame wars, im an innocent passerby

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That would all be due to statistics, really. BioWare said that the rumors of mass population drops from the game aren't true. And I really don't think they'd lie.


So you're tell me that you'd rather believe a newcomer to the MMO industry, rather than just LOOK at history with your own two eyes?




No, there probably hasn't been a "mass population drop".....yet. But, that doesn't mean it won't ever happen.

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The quiz is: I've been playing for a week


From level 30 you'll begin to see the bugs.


bugs realy? lol every game has bugs and swtor isnt that bad.

I seen far worse.

anyway the game isnt bad. Considerng the genre Its just more of the same that is all. But it is not bad.

it has its issues granted. And im hoping they can improve the overall experience.


First, bug concerns aside, people are entitled and want things to be done their way and how dare you not do it their way.


Second, go onto any MMO forum. It's all the same. Every MMO has people griping about everything. Nothing will ever be perfect.


Third, I love this game. I really laugh at all the Ragequit posts and why there are so many things wrong with this game.

wait you know what that reminds me, when i read the word ragequit, or see a ragequit post on swtor forums?


Edited by Spartanik
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Why do so many people think Starbuck's makes bad coffee?


Why do so many people think Fast food is bad for you?


Why do so many people think Japanese cars are super reliable?


Why is Microbrewed beer considered superior to cheap beer by so many?


Why do so many people think Walmart is bad yet so many people shop there anyways?


All these questions and more can be answered with a little observation.


Nice. You could apply this to alot of things, and I agree with it's context here.

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most of the people I know who quit werent upset over the bugs. they are mmo vets and fully expect bugs to be there.


it was the design flaws that drove them away (and likely me too eventually)


sharding of entire worlds

lack of a lfg tool

UI that cant be customized

character creation lacking more options

open world pvp doesnt exist

worlds arent really open, you are forced along paths

ship - housing is disappointing

space combat, why did they even bother

crafting is pointless when npc vendors sell equal goods


its getting harder and harder for me to look past all those flaws knowing most issues cant be fixed. I havent logged in for a week and feel no motivation to do so.

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I got to say that i'm a bit aged and i'm an old date star wars fan, so i love so much the ambientation that i gladly stopped playng wow, for this but i gos some thing to say about this game, without comparison with other morpghs.

The content is really to easy, you need only to gear up your character, also in heroic flashpoints to have the dps/healing/avoidance to reach without great difficoulties the nightmare mode. no real skill is required, the only boss iìve got some problems with was the fabricator but just because of the onnoing riddle based on the tower of hanoi.

The strongest morphg guilds of my country started on a server and they become upset for the large numbers of bug that makes frustrating tryng to play 16 man nightmare mode and they quit, leaving a desolated server such as hex droid, when i logged ingame today in imperial fleet there were 40 players, and we have no chance to change server till now.

Ingame tickets are served really slowly probably for the number of request done.

Graphic is wonderful but sometimes too huge for most of all computers, i got a screen in ilum with 0.5 fps.

we all wish that incoming patch will solve all this issues, i'm giving bioware my trust.

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most of the people I know who quit werent upset over the bugs. they are mmo vets and fully expect bugs to be there.


it was the design flaws that drove them away (and likely me too eventually)


sharding of entire worlds

lack of a lfg tool

UI that cant be customized

character creation lacking more options

open world pvp doesnt exist

worlds arent really open, you are forced along paths

ship - housing is disappointing

space combat, why did they even bother

crafting is pointless when npc vendors sell equal goods


its getting harder and harder for me to look past all those flaws knowing most issues cant be fixed. I havent logged in for a week and feel no motivation to do so.


This is it exactly, for myself, and for the few that came with me...


Bugs can be fixxed. Basic design philosophy, not so much.

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