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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I've posted in iterations of this thread before. This problem is real. It needs to be fixed. I've posted on the various problems with cast bars indicating finished casts (mount and run anyone?) to the awkwardness of melee combat.


I was playing PvP today and I had an instant cast ability (Assassinate) interrupted by a stun. LOL. Because the ridiculously long animation for this ability before it does its damage means this is actually "1.5 second cast" and not instant cast and can be interrupted. GCD triggered, Assassinate's cooldown triggered and the force power consumed... for nothing.



there is no ability delay inherent in swtor's engine. i can mash buttons and cast every ability immediately after it has recovered. diagnose and fix your network problems if you're having genuine ability delay.


a problem like riposte being interrupted is not ability delay.


also, WoW has never been good.


Get a clue chief. The "after it has recovered" period is the issue. If I use an instant cast ability and don't instantly receive the buff/damage/whatever, or that ability can be interrupted, it's a problem with either the engine or the combat design/implementation (I hope it's not the engine because then we are in real trouble).


I don't have network issues mate I'm a network engineer by trade. Additionally, you use terms like "after it has recovered" so it appears to me that you are most likely one of the players that is incapable of perceiving this issue for whatever reason. This issue is real and has been abundantly documented.

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Sorry but I play on my systems and my son on his and my daughter on hers, 3 sytems 3 seperate specs and i have not seen this at all. All systems are kept clean and up to date.


I have a $5000 beast that is designed to do nothing but play games. I'm a competitive gamer and I notice the issue even though my latency is 25ms and my framerate is consistatntly over 100. I put my 10 year old son on this system and he can't see any problems either. You know why? He's not very good at PC games (although he's a boss at DS)... in other words, you probably just aren't good enough to see the issue.


Besides, the issue has already been validated by BW. Fixes are in the works. People like you saying there is no problem are just trolling jacktards.

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I have a $5000 beast that is designed to do nothing but play games. I'm a competitive gamer and I notice the issue even though my latency is 25ms and my framerate is consistatntly over 100. I put my 10 year old son on this system and he can't see any problems either. You know why? He's not very good at PC games (although he's a boss at DS)... in other words, you probably just aren't good enough to see the issue.


Besides, the issue has already been validated by BW. Fixes are in the works. People like you saying there is no problem are just trolling jacktards.


Well if someone is staring at their hotbars and clicking abilities nice and slowly, of course they wont notice the problem, they arent even seeing their character

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I unsubbed over this already, I might resub if it gets fixed but as a healer whose heal animations need to actually fly to people and land on them before I can use my next ability(operative) it is very gamebreaking.


As for people who claim this does not exist just search swtor ability delay on youtube there are tons of vids that prove its existence.

Edited by failr
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Sorry but I play on my systems and my son on his and my daughter on hers, 3 sytems 3 seperate specs and i have not seen this at all. All systems are kept clean and up to date.


You must be new here.


The deniers have already lost this argument. Please read this:




The problem exists. I'm sorry it exists. I wish it didn't exist. It exists.

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no way im reading through all these posts, however, isn't the ability time delay because of the fact that your characters abilities actually look good? instead of a blinding flash and numbers you actually see a well designed sword movement. Yes, this can be difficult in some respects for timing and some improvement would be nice, however, the characters i have played have instant interrupts. i appreciate the work put into making our characters combat look good.
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I haven't read the whole thread with all its incarnations 'cos its more than huge and I'm sorry if it's been mentioned before(and probably it is) but still I want to share what bug i noticed that may have some relation to "ability delay".


English is not my primary language but I will try to explain as best as I can:


There is a bug that makes client side don't display GCD properly while on server side it seems to play correctly. All this creates in impression for ability delay while its actually client finishes GCD display earlier than it should be when button mashing. The bug happens on some activation/deactivation abilities but it's most notably on Sprint (i suspect on other classes it maybe on some other than activation abilities). It happens when activating Sprint and not on deactivation - it is so 'cos after activation there is only GCD and on deactivation there is (longer) cooldown.


Probably you noticed that when you activate Sprint if you press it once more while GCD is running it will reset the GCD and you are free to instantly use another ability. It may look so but in reality on internal/server side the GCD continues and just after its end you can use your next ability. This makes it look like your next ability delays while it only waits for the GCD that you no longer see to finish. It looks like delay even more 'cos your next (after sprint) ability GCD display starts to run instantly on key-press even if ability(char movement and damage) on internal/server side waits for its turn.


Next is a video I made to demonstrate it. Look at middle bottom bar, abilities 2-Sprint and 3-Whirling Blow. What I do is press in relatively fast succession(within 1sec): 2-Activating Sprint, 2-reseting Sprint GCD, 3-Whirling Blow. Only last two tries are slower to show what seems to happen on server side: all is running as it should be while on client side it is not synced.


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-FmMmE2vnY

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no way im reading through all these posts, however, isn't the ability time delay because of the fact that your characters abilities actually look good? instead of a blinding flash and numbers you actually see a well designed sword movement. Yes, this can be difficult in some respects for timing and some improvement would be nice, however, the characters i have played have instant interrupts. i appreciate the work put into making our characters combat look good.


the reason all these posts exist is because of a little misinformation, which is understandable on the internet, allow me to clarify. I run SWTOR on a top of the line machine, suffer almost no bugs, Zero lag, and a FPS of 60 on average.


That said, when i mount, if i try to move AS IT FINISHES, i move forward about an inch, then my cast bar reappears and says i cancelled, and i get dismounted. also when i get killed, i am able to mash buttons for about a second before my char actually dies, THESE are ability delays, the other things people are talking about when there abilities don't work, or there is a HUGE delay in attacks, is either a bug, or there own lackluster computer setup.

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I've posted in iterations of this thread before. This problem is real. It needs to be fixed. I've posted on the various problems with cast bars indicating finished casts (mount and run anyone?) to the awkwardness of melee combat.


I was playing PvP today and I had an instant cast ability (Assassinate) interrupted by a stun. LOL. Because the ridiculously long animation for this ability before it does its damage means this is actually "1.5 second cast" and not instant cast and can be interrupted. GCD triggered, Assassinate's cooldown triggered and the force power consumed... for nothing.





Get a clue chief. The "after it has recovered" period is the issue. If I use an instant cast ability and don't instantly receive the buff/damage/whatever, or that ability can be interrupted, it's a problem with either the engine or the combat design/implementation (I hope it's not the engine because then we are in real trouble).


I don't have network issues mate I'm a network engineer by trade. Additionally, you use terms like "after it has recovered" so it appears to me that you are most likely one of the players that is incapable of perceiving this issue for whatever reason. This issue is real and has been abundantly documented.


you can't be serious. are you able to use your skills during recovery?

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Sorry but I play on my systems and my son on his and my daughter on hers, 3 sytems 3 seperate specs and i have not seen this at all. All systems are kept clean and up to date.


If you're awful you most likely won't notice it. Doesn't matter what system you're playing on.

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So for awhile I was really not sure what this post was about, but as I kept playing my Op and my marauder I felt something was off. There was a delay when i hit a hotkey, the gcd would be halfway through and then my guy would swing, it to me does seem a bit delayed. Now for me it's not game breaking, and im by far in love with this game, and think that it has a very bright future. How ever I am glad the devs said they are looking into it, and that we should see a fix.
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you can't be serious. are you able to use your skills during recovery?


Yes mate I'm pretty serious when I say an instant cast should give out instant damage/buff/debuff. This issue is not limited to instant casts abilities either.


Am I able to use my skills when they are on cooldown or GCD? Of course not, no one is here is asking that we should - that's stupid.


Should I be able to use my next skill as soon as the current skill I'm casting has finished it's cast (ie cast bar says complete, GCD is complete)? Of course I should. Can I do that now? No.


Go ahead and try it. Cast "mount" (ie use your vehicle) and start moving THE MOMENT the cast bar is complete (the animation does not complete when the cast bar completes). Your cast will be cancelled, and you will be dismounted. Effectively this makes the cast time longer than the cast bar. Now apply this logic to anything that's channeled, or requires you to stand still. Want to finish casting that lightning before you move out of the fire that's about to explode in your face? To bad you just cancelled the cast by moving when the cast bar was "complete."


Go ahead and get stunned in the middle of "casting" (an instant cast ability) Assassinate. You will not receive the damage, your GCD will trigger, your force power for the ability will be consumed and your Assassinate will be on cooldown - FOR NOTHING. The damage does not get applied before the animation finishes, which effectively gives this ability a cast time instead of it being "instant".


At any rate, Bioware has already stated that they are working on this issue so your lack of comprehension on this issue is a moot point.

Edited by En-Sabanur
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Go ahead and get stunned in the middle of "casting" (an instant cast ability) Assassinate. You will not receive the damage, your GCD will trigger, your force power for the ability will be consumed and your Assassinate will be on cooldown - FOR NOTHING. The damage does not get applied before the animation finishes, which effectively gives this ability a cast time instead of it being "instant".



True, an instant cast is just that, an instant cast. An instant cast should not be able to be interrupted or not have effect because of another player's or npc's later action since the instant is cast when you hit (or release) the key. Could it be that the stun is registered on the server side before your instant but that is not immediately communicated to or seen by your client and so your client starts the animation and cool down while the server is later telling it that there is no damage and you really have been stunned?


This is all new to me and I have enjoyed some of the discussions and have learned a lot. One of the things touched on is the possibility of the server and client being out of sync (amoung other things).


Edit - This makes me think of something that I have noticed in WOW any number of times. In the case of first hit on the mob gets the kill, I often see myself hitting the mob a fraction before another player and then watch him / her loot the corpse. I can't say how many times I have hit a mining or herb node at almost the same time as another player, and started gathering while they are standing there only to not get the goodies. I do have a good gaming rig and fast internet.


I have also had my wife pop her laptop down on my desk so that we can play together. It is a little jarring to watch the game on both monitors at the same time. You are not seeing the same things at the same time even though you are using the same internet connection. Perhaps the WOW combat (which is wonderful) has many of the flaws that we are discussing, but have the lack of sync and mistimings so low that most can't percieve them.

Edited by asbalana
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Yo guys I was about the fraps it myself but found it on youtube someone else posted it if you press a action button multiple times I mean I do it does this. and if anyone says they dont have the problem! Im sorry if I offend you but then you have a problem in your head! there is this delay thats been bugging everyone I just want a smooth game smooth like world of warcraft. Btw I hate world of warcraft. but hey the game is good. I have a level 29 jedi guardian and I cant enjoy the game everyone has this problem how can Bioware do this! I know its a mmo but if they just waited 1 extra year and listened to the people they would have 20mil extra subscribers!


please watch it, delay is with every ability not just smash I read that they are gonna fix this problem but I know this aint true I can sniff a lie from lightyears away:mad:



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sorry, there's nothing wrong with swtor's engine. if you're experiencing delay then you have a network issue.


here's a couple of videos i uploaded. the second one is lower quality and demonstrates my character getting into cover immediately after throwing a grenade.





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sorry, there's nothing wrong with swtor's engine. if you're experiencing delay then you have a network issue.


here's a couple of videos i uploaded. the second one is lower quality and demonstrates my character getting into cover immediately after throwing a grenade.




Funny how Bioware has openly acknowledged the problem and confirmed that it is indisputably unintentional, and something they're working hard on fixing. Funny how 4 threads has reached page-limits and had literally over hundreds of thousands of views, the consensus being the problem exists.


I guess it's too much for you to handle that you're just not possessing fast reactions and that not all of us backpedal incessantly, but newsflash! The problem exists. The problem is confirmed. The problem is being worked on. Read the OP, there's a couple of Bioware quotes.


Again, what was your point...? Oh, right, blind mindless fanboyism.

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sorry, there's nothing wrong with swtor's engine. if you're experiencing delay then you have a network issue.


here's a couple of videos i uploaded. the second one is lower quality and demonstrates my character getting into cover immediately after throwing a grenade.




Dude, even Bioware admits there is a problem and some random person posting a video does not mean you know more about it than Bioware does.






Get a clue and stop wasting your time uploading videos. We're not discussing if the problem EXISTS, it does. Read the sticky.

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I've posted in iterations of this thread before. This problem is real. It needs to be fixed. I've posted on the various problems with cast bars indicating finished casts (mount and run anyone?) to the awkwardness of melee combat.


I was playing PvP today and I had an instant cast ability (Assassinate) interrupted by a stun. LOL. Because the ridiculously long animation for this ability before it does its damage means this is actually "1.5 second cast" and not instant cast and can be interrupted. GCD triggered, Assassinate's cooldown triggered and the force power consumed... for nothing.





Get a clue chief. The "after it has recovered" period is the issue. If I use an instant cast ability and don't instantly receive the buff/damage/whatever, or that ability can be interrupted, it's a problem with either the engine or the combat design/implementation (I hope it's not the engine because then we are in real trouble).


I don't have network issues mate I'm a network engineer by trade. Additionally, you use terms like "after it has recovered" so it appears to me that you are most likely one of the players that is incapable of perceiving this issue for whatever reason. This issue is real and has been abundantly documented.


No some instant should take time before they hit thats just the way the game is designed. (aka throwing a grenade should not do damage before the grenade hit the target).


But you should be able to fire one spell every GCD no matter what.


The ''delay'' is that your spell might take more time landing (not firing) depending on the previous spell casted.


Spell travel time = Good

Extended travel time cause of the previous ability = Bad

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sorry, there's nothing wrong with swtor's engine. if you're experiencing delay then you have a network issue.


doesn't really matter for the players what causes it as long as it gets fixed, it can only improve the game for both the people who suffer from it (like me) and the people that don't

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