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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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by the way, bioware has not acknowledged a problem with the game's mechanics. they've acknowledged that a bunch of customers are having network problems that are hard to diagnose.


Quoted from OP...


Thread 2 -- Page 123 -- Georg Zoeller


"This issue is under active investigation.


The complication is that there are actually a number of different issues with very different causes and potential resolutions lumped together in this thread.


All we can say for now is 'we are actively working on the topic of character responsiveness'."


Georg "Observer" Zoeller

Principal Lead Combat Designer



Sticky Post -- Emmanuel Lusinchi


During the development of Star Wars: The Old Republic, we’ve been paying a lot of attention to the game’s responsiveness. As pointed out by some people on the Forum, a very responsive experience is one of the factors that separate the best MMOs from the others. This is something we are fully aware of and take extremely seriously.


Several of the issues brought forth by the community have already been dealt with and you should see the fixes integrated in coming patches, including those coming this month. Every lead mentioned on the forum is being investigated and I cannot stress enough how useful your feedback is – especially when coupled with the level of details found in some of the posts.


So I’d really like to thank the community for this very constructive feedback.


Thanks again and best regards,


Emmanuel Lusinchi

Technical Design Director

Star Wars: The Old Republic



Lead combat designer and technical design director. Neither mentions network problems. Both acknowledge the problem. In a recent reddit it was further acknowledged. Network issues has never been acknowledged as having played any part in this.


Since you seem hellbent on insisting that it's a network issue, I'd like to see what evidence or data you base this on. What are your sources? What is it that you know that, apparently, the remainder of the playerbase doesn't? Present your sources. Your opinion is void without them. Anyone can post short youtube videos where the stars align. Fact is, the issue has been documented extensively and acknowledged. You disregard all evidence and attribute it to network problems, which is absolutely ludicrous and unfounded unless you can present some reliable sources and data supporting your claim.


My guess is that you can't, and that you're simply elevating your biased opinion to universal fact. But feel free to prove me wrong.

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by the way, bioware has not acknowledged a problem with the game's mechanics. they've acknowledged that a bunch of customers are having network problems that are hard to diagnose.


No there is definitely a delay on the spell travel time(sometime) depending on the previous spell casted.


You can see that by

Your grenade take more time before it does damage then if you throw it alone. But you can still cast every gcd, its just that sometime some spell take longer before they damage than they should. Far from gamebreaking imo, but id like this to get fixed.


Aside from that most of the video in the OP are just a bunch of different issue.

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because i'm not experiencing the issue.


So because you're not seeing the issue (something I find hard to believe, though you might not realize it), it simply doesn't exist and is wholly attributable to network connections. Keeping in mind that you base this sweeping generalization on your personal experience and completely disregard official Bioware replies stating that the problem exist.


What is even more hilarious is that you have zero data, zero evidence, zero sources supporting your claims that it's a network issue.


Jesus christ some countries should invest more in basic education.

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because i'm not experiencing the issue.


Ok we know that you have no problem. I hope you have a good day at school where you will learn solving problems broader than your own interests.


Afaik, thank you BioWare for letting us know you are reading the forums and are working hard on it. I hope you'll succeed in solving this issue.

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My guess is you don't understand what the issue is exactly about (which seems about right, considering you think it has something to do with latency)


"ability delay" is pretty self-explanatory. most of the posts on this forum involving combat problems don't even address ability delay.

Edited by supertouch
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by the way, bioware has not acknowledged a problem with the game's mechanics. they've acknowledged that a bunch of customers are having network problems that are hard to diagnose.

Oh **** guys, this dude's trolling is off the charts.

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What a bunch of bologna... Ability delay? Just because "you" say there's a delay doesn't mean there is one. I've never once experienced a "delay" while using any of my abilities. ltp


Fortunately Bioware has confirmed it's existance on three occasions, of which two of them are linked in the original post, so this isn't really a case of subjective opinion; it's been confirmed as an unintentional issue by the lead combat designer and one of the technical designers.


So really... read the first page. Right now you're posting on something that you're obviously clueless about. Read the first page. It's quite enlightening and interesting, and one of the few cases of direct communication between Bioware and its community (and Bioware even commends the community for being so helpful in fixing this issue!).


You can thank me later.

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"ability delay" is pretty self-explanatory. most of the posts on this forum involving combat problems don't even address ability delay.


Actually that's precisely what they deal with. Like I said, throw a grenade, then hit cover. Honestly, I think that even if you experienc the delay, you'll state the contrary simply because you have been told you are wrong by not only the player-base, but by the SWTOR development team; yet you still come on and pronounce you are correct.


Go try it out.

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Actually that's precisely what they deal with. Like I said, throw a grenade, then hit cover. Honestly, I think that even if you experienc the delay, you'll state the contrary simply because you have been told you are wrong by not only the player-base, but by the SWTOR development team; yet you still come on and pronounce you are correct.


Go try it out.


i just uploaded a video demonstrating cover after throwing a grenade


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"ability delay" is pretty self-explanatory. most of the posts on this forum involving combat problems don't even address ability delay.


You're hopeless. Read the first post on the front page of this thread. Please, do us all a favour. It's enlightening and Bioware even commends the community for being so helpful in highlighting this issue.


There's plenty of listed evidence. There's plenty of data. There's plenty of sources. There's plenty of explanations as to what this issue exactly is - which is obvious that you cannot grasp presently.

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You're hopeless. Read the first post on the front page of this thread. Please, do us all a favour. It's enlightening and Bioware even commends the community for being so helpful in highlighting this issue.


There's plenty of listed evidence. There's plenty of data. There's plenty of sources. There's plenty of explanations as to what this issue exactly is - which is obvious that you cannot grasp presently.

Ignore him, he's a flagrant troll. At least I hope he is, because if he's truly this naive I fear I'll have to ditch atheism and take up a religion, just to pray for humanity's sake.

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i'll bump my video again


it shows my character going into cover and using charged burst after throwing a grenade. it's a seamless transition.



So your video of seamless transition refutes all the previous 400+ pages of mixed data, which has been acknowledged by the game developers. Right.


Read the Original Post. Bioware acknowledges the problem. It is indisputably there. It is indisputably part of the game. Your postulation that it was a network issue was based on nothing. You might as well have said it was caused by thousands of people collectively projectile-vomiting all over their screen which somehow caused the ability delay, as there's zero data supporting either.

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WAR had this problem, but it was much more obvious.


I've seen it posted that if you use the 1.0 second queue you won't notice it as much and that's certainly the case.


Sometimes the client doesn't wait for a response before doing an animation, otherwise every time you press a button it would feel extra sluggish, but the server does have to confirm that the conditions are met for using the ability on it's end.


If the game is out of sync, like an enemy being outside of melee range on the server side but not from your client's perspective, it could look like an ability delay/cancellation issue, but it's just a common sync issue. If the enemy has turned to face you server side when you try to use maul, but it's not yet reflected in the graphics of the client, you can get an awkward partial swing and cancellation.


This is the closest examples I could personally find to what people describe here, but I use the 1.0 queue. Perhaps this allows the server enough time to confirm conditions before execution. If I've suffered from an actual delay in an ability firing, I have chalked it up to intended amount of delay from the end of one animation to the next.


In any case, the problem never went away in WAR, and honestly you are asking too much to get rid of it here, outside of them putting a silent queue in the client despite what you set it at in preferences (I believe this is what WoW does).


I play a sith inq, so maybe I don't have some of the abilities that make this problem more obvious, or maybe just certain abilities have this problem. In any case, you should stop jumping down people's throats for saying they don't see the problem.


Having mods acknowledge that there's been a lot of discussion on a topic and they are looking into it, along with topics that have hit cap due to the same people posting over and over are not solid confirmations of some sort of widespread issue. Not saying there isn't one, but it annoys me to see that touted as proof of anything. Further I hope it gets resolved, but you also need to have realistic expectations for an mmo.


Finally, it will not make or break TOR. TOR has a laundry list of bigger issues that are going to break it.

Edited by Adam_Nox
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Ignore him, he's a flagrant troll. At least I hope he is, because if he's truly this naive I fear I'll have to ditch atheism and take up a religion, just to pray for humanity's sake.


I'd take him into my clinic. He's an interesting case, yet we see this kind of behaviour often.



Finally, it will not make or break TOR. TOR has a laundry list of bigger issues that are going to break it.


It has broken WAR coupled with other issues. WAR had a great story, great IP and a good pvp philosophy, but if you do not have smooth gameplay it ignores just all of that great stuff.

Edited by DeathHenk
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So your video of seamless transition refutes all the previous 400+ pages of mixed data, which has been acknowledged by the game developers. Right.


Read the Original Post. Bioware acknowledges the problem. It is indisputably there. It is indisputably part of the game. Your postulation that it was a network issue was based on nothing. You might as well have said it was caused by thousands of people collectively projectile-vomiting all over their screen which somehow caused the ability delay, as there's zero data supporting either.


it could be a number of things. it could be a bunch of people expecting twitch-based combat and failing to acclimatize to swtor's combat system. it could be network issues.


i'm not disputing that people are having real or imagined issues, but bioware has NOT acknowledged the source of the problem.

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