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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please allow dual spec or cap respec costs.


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What about changing gender?



Advanced Classes?


Where does it stop?


That's not even closely the same. You can already respec in game whenever you want. You can not however do anything you said unless you reroll.


All we want is a mechanic thats already in game, but we want it to be easier, save us who want diversity in our playstile minutes if not hours of changing UI, clicking those talents points whenever we want to pvp, heal, tank, or whatever it is we want to do.


The fact that i waste 100k every week in respecc is one thing. The time it takes to travel to skill trainer and later change the UI is what really will keep me annoyed.

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Quality of Life refers to someone who cannot do the same basic human functions in the real world.


If you played a toon that had no legs and needed a special vehicle only obtainable by whatever spec than you could use the quality of life term.


But you are using it to refer to hitting a button in a pretend world that changes your role.


Its kinda like the kiddies who constantly use the term **** as if it means to frag someone in a video game. Guess what, no it doesn't mean that.


If you truly had quality of life issues I am sure you wouldn't say that changing your spec in a video game is one of them.


I appreciate you taking time from your day to define that for me. I'd suggest doing the same for the lead designer for the largest mmo ever, he would surely regret his repeated misuse. That is of course as long as it doesn't impede your trolling, I just couldn't live with myself if your Quality of Life suffered.

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People who don't want dual spec are DPS classes that don't understand that there will be massive tank/healer shortages if you can't dual spec. WOW had a massive jump in tanks and healers after dual spec came out.
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Dual spec is already in game. You simply need to visit a vendor, have the money, and poof, entirely different role.


If the ability to respec wasn't already around, I'd understand fighting against it. But it's there with a little time/money. So since it's there, why not make it less of a hassle for those respec'ing? In most cases, folks do so to help groups form, and get needed roles filled, which is a positive thing, no?

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Some people posting in this thread really have some BIG language comprehension problems. Some other can measure their IQ using a mercury thermometer.


Dual Spec is a feature that give players more flexibility, does not hinder the gameplay of other players, does not "dumb down" the game, does not ruin the game.


Dual Spec is not about changing advanced class, is not about changing class, is not about ruining the game.


Please stop this worthless crusade against innovation on MMO. If you wish to play a game without the features that innovation brought in the last few years, then nobody keeps you here. As many of you like to say... "Go play something else, we don't need you".

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respec costs already cap at 98k which endgame is actually not that much. 7-8 dailies, which is about 30min in Ilum. Also if you do not respec for a week the costs reset. Although I am not sure if its weekly or if its just after 7 days. By random chance the last 2 times I respec'd were after server reset.


So the cost is a bit steep but its not that bad. I'd rather then reduce or lower the repair cost in PvE first. A bad night in hardmodes or an operation and your out 100-200k.

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Some people posting in this thread really have some BIG language comprehension problems. Some other can measure their IQ using a mercury thermometer.


Dual Spec is a feature that give players more flexibility, does not hinder the gameplay of other players, does not "dumb down" the game, does not ruin the game.


Dual Spec is not about changing advanced class, is not about changing class, is not about ruining the game.


Please stop this worthless crusade against innovation on MMO. If you wish to play a game without the features that innovation brought in the last few years, then nobody keeps you here. As many of you like to say... "Go play something else, we don't need you".


lol, you win the thread.


respec costs already cap at 98k which endgame is actually not that much. 7-8 dailies, which is about 30min in Ilum. Also if you do not respec for a week the costs reset. Although I am not sure if its weekly or if its just after 7 days. By random chance the last 2 times I respec'd were after server reset.


So the cost is a bit steep but its not that bad. I'd rather then reduce or lower the repair cost in PvE first. A bad night in hardmodes or an operation and your out 100-200k.


Your assuming everyone exclusively plays PvE.

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The "role"/RP reasoning behind this is moot, as no one is talking about AC changing and resetting your talents is already something that has existed since day one. And I still find the idea of someone leveling a Powertech as Shield and another Powertech as Prototype being a viable solution to having a DPS and tank to be preposterous (let alone if you want a third for PvP). Duel spec or a lower cap for respec should be a must.


Any decent RPer can deal with dual speccing. I've already worked it out because I have changed from healing, to DPS, and then back to healing and find the idea of "unlearning so I can learn new skills" ridiculous and refuse to incorporate it into my RP.


What I find very believable for a smuggler that would also be true for a bounty hunter, trooper, or agent is that my gear is specialized to the task I know I will be preforming. If I am healing I'm going to be packed down with equipment used to to do. Extra kolto, heavier/more advanced diagnostic scanners etc.


However If I want to be sneaky and deal damage I'm going to reduce that medical equipment down something very light and basic. Basically a first aid kit. Then I am going to pack more advanced stealth systems, extra ammo, and probably reduce the overall weight of my gear so I am more maneuverable and can get in that sucker punch or a swifter kick to a sensitive area on my opponent.


For a jedi or sith you rely mostly on your lightsaber and the force so this isn't a good RP explanation. However there is one I find acceptable. While a more fresh Jedi or Sith might just meditate on their code, as they become more powerful (Level 10+) they would meditate more deeply on specific aspects of the force. I would imagine a jedi that is preparing themselves to heal grievous wounds and afflictions would meditate on a different aspect then a jedi that is preparing to quickly smite the forces of evil or a jedi who is planning on a more sustained assault. Were they to shift the focus of their meditation, it would surely affect their performance in combat.

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the only people against dual spec are dps specced players that are jealous of tanks, but too afraid to tank/heal themselves, so they want tanks and healers to suffer in solo and pvp play.


There is nothing negative against dual spec, you can already respec, it is just a credit sink.

Dual spec is just convenient, so you don't have to redo your spec every damn time.


Limiting dualspeccing can be done by:

-only able to switch specs at fleet, your own ship or something like that.

-putting a smaller fee on switching between your 2 specs.


If you are totally against dual spec, you do not understand the games basics, or you are trolling.


What if we say that the people who want dual spec are to lazy to level a second alt.


I have a DPS and a Healing alt, it did not kill me to level both of them, why can't you!?

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The entitlement issues of some pro dual specc in this thread is scary .


Basicly want dual specc for free just handed to them,

What else could you say about people asking for dual specc for lvling 3 weeks into a new game.


and i bet aswell that they aswell want automated LFG with teleport so they can stand still and hump mailboxes all day

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Absolutely ridiculous that some people are against dual spec. It does not affect anyone else's play experience in any way. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I read a thread here yesterday where some folks did not want UI customization options.


edit: It doesn't matter anyway, dual spec is likely coming "Dual specs could well come at some point in the future - it's been discussed for sure." -Stephen Reid, swtor community manager on a q and a on reddit.com a few weeks ago.

Edited by moosedog
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The entitlement issues of some pro dual specc in this thread is scary .


Basicly want dual specc for free just handed to them,

What else could you say about people asking for dual specc for lvling 3 weeks into a new game.


and i bet aswell that they aswell want automated LFG with teleport so they can stand still and hump mailboxes all day


Yeah, you guys asking for something that's already been stated to be coming have such a ridiculous sense of entitlement!

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Yeah, you guys asking for something that's already been stated to be coming have such a ridiculous sense of entitlement!


Actually please stop spreading lies.


The more is that Bioware have realise that Dual specc aint needed for pve becayse they gone from plan and back to talked about it Q/A stephen reid for a few weeks ago.


Prove otherwise then with newer qoute if you can¨.

Edited by Varghjerta
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Actually please stop spreading lies.


The more is that Bioware have realise that Dual specc aint needed for pve becayse they gone from plan and back to talked about it Q/A stephen reid for a few weeks ago.


Prove otherwise then with newer qoute if you can¨.


I'd first ask you to provide any quote at all... that and taking the time to type coherently.

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Actually please stop spreading lies.


The more is that Bioware have realise that Dual specc aint needed for pve becayse they gone from plan and back to talked about it Q/A stephen reid for a few weeks ago.


Prove otherwise then with newer qoute if you can¨.


So your ok with it for PvP? Because it most certainly is needed for PvP.


Seems every post all the anti dual spec posters have been making are against it completely.

Edited by Sparckus
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The entitlement issues of some pro dual specc in this thread is scary .


Basicly want dual specc for free just handed to them,

What else could you say about people asking for dual specc for lvling 3 weeks into a new game.


and i bet aswell that they aswell want automated LFG with teleport so they can stand still and hump mailboxes all day


Dual spec is an awesome feature, if it'd cost 600k i'd still buy it.

LFG system is also a great thing since its increases the playerbase of those whom wanted to do instances(ops) instead of ... "hump mailboxes all day", because it'll take time to find a tank or a healer for the ops you wanna complete.

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What if we say that the people who want dual spec are to lazy to level a second alt.


I have a DPS and a Healing alt, it did not kill me to level both of them, why can't you!?


This is a horrible argument unless we are talking raids and nothing else. Which wouldn't surprise me given how obsessed raiders seem to be with diverting all of the game's attention to nothing but raiding.


At level 50. Sure, if the group is short a tank and you are DPS, you can switch to your level 50 alt.


What about if you are level 29 and want to run Cademimu (A level 29 flashpoint.) In order for an alt to work in this situation you would have to level two alts at the same time and have them BOTH be level 29. Either that or take your level 50 alt and be horribly overpowered to the point of ruining any challenge and therefore fun.

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Dual spec is an awesome feature, if it'd cost 600k i'd still buy it.

LFG system is also a great thing since its increases the playerbase of those whom wanted to do instances(ops) instead of ... "hump mailboxes all day", because it'll take time to find a tank or a healer for the ops you wanna complete.


Please with the amount of credits it would be more about 50 mil credits would be suitable basicly 1-2 month of playing -


600k is basicly for free in this game


and Stop being the omg must do everything solo as dps and realise that healers and tanks have solobility in this game

Edited by Varghjerta
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Actually.. Dual Spec is so wrong....

Feels like cheating to me.

Or more like spoiling people who cant choose and want everything easy.


If you want to tank... roll a tank.

If you want to healer ... roll a healer.


Whats wrong with creating 3 chars?...


And if you dont want to roll 3 chars... then you have to pay for the privilege of not having to level up 2-3 chars.


Sounds normal to me.


Being able to create 1 char that can fill 3 rolls on the fly is not only "to easy" ... its also just plain unrealistic (yes.. i said it.. unrealistic in a fantasy game!!)


But hey.. it'll probably be implemented cause there are more people wanting easy-play then there are people that want a challenge



Do you realize how large the shortage of tanks and healers would be if they couldn't perform any other role on that character?

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The entitlement issues of some pro dual specc in this thread is scary .


Basicly want dual specc for free just handed to them,

What else could you say about people asking for dual specc for lvling 3 weeks into a new game.


and i bet aswell that they aswell want automated LFG with teleport so they can stand still and hump mailboxes all day




Never asked for LFG.


But, my friends often need a healer, which my Inquisitor can spec into. And guess what? I'm already swapping back and forth. And I pay a bundle each time.


And no, I don't want it free. I just think it would make setting a group run with friends much faster and easier.


So, basically, I can dual spec already. So if it's role swaps you are against, talk to Bioware, because it is already allowed.


So all asking for dual spec is to some, is a way to help your friends form a group, to do more content, because our small group doesn't always have tank/healer/dps online. Friends trying to make the game more fun and available for friends.


But hey, I'm just an entitled player, looking to hump postal boxes I suppose...loving this community.

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Never asked for LFG.


But, my friends often need a healer, which my Inquisitor can spec into. And guess what? I'm already swapping back and forth. And I pay a bundle each time.


And no, I don't want it free. I just think it would make setting a group run with friends much faster and easier.


So, basically, I can dual spec already. So if it's role swaps you are against, talk to Bioware, because it is already allowed.


So all asking for dual spec is to some, is a way to help your friends form a group, to do more content, because our small group doesn't always have tank/healer/dps online. Friends trying to make the game more fun and available for friends.


But hey, I'm just an entitled player, looking to hump postal boxes I suppose...loving this community.


So then why do you specc back to DPS what are so special that you need dps specc for?

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