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Please allow dual spec or cap respec costs.


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An RPG is supposed to be a game, where you pick 1 role. Yes 1 role, not 2;3 or 4.

Just stop right there.


In a RPG, if you want two different abilities, you simply learn them both. There's no need for a "spec", because you are never limited to X abilities, since you can always just learn another one.

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If everybody can change specs on a whim with no cost, it makes it harder for that "pure DPS" to find a group.


This always sounds likely and logical on paper but has never actually been backed up by any statistical data. In progression content, pures regularly occupied as many or more raid spots than hybrids in wow. Rogues, the least played class, often equaled warriors even when tanks and dps were counted no matter which class was above the other on the meters. Again, this is referring to serious progression content, no one cares about farm content that can be done with all paladins or druids.


I've always said that utility is weighed higher than dps when building progression raids and therefore should be balanced first. Given that, even equal dps should not equate to sitting pures.

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An RPG is supposed to be a game, where you pick 1 role. Yes 1 role, not 2;3 or 4.


If this is so hard to accept, then please play counter strike or BR, there you can switch whenever you want.



To change basic attributes of a genre is just silly. Whats next then?


Sounds like you might want to try another game instead:

"Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch."

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An RPG is supposed to be a game, where you pick 1 role. Yes 1 role, not 2;3 or 4.


If this is so hard to accept, then please play counter strike or BR, there you can switch whenever you want.



To change basic attributes of a genre is just silly. Whats next then?


Not sure what 3rd world country you've been living in for the past 14 years but as far back as UO I've been able to fill different roles on 1 character. Respeccing has been around since before WoW. That's MMO fact. They just took the idea and made it super easy-mode.

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Doesn't dual spec go against the lore of the Star Wars universe.


Luke: You know what Han, I don't like wielding the light saber and wearing robes any more. I think I want to wear some armor and a big gun. But only if I can be as powerful as I am with my jedi abilities and wepons that I have spent years training.


Han: Easy Luke, just plug this cable into the back of your neck and we can download everything there is to know and you will be just like a seasoned vet.



I say if they allow this then make them start back at level 1 and have to level up the class. Kinda like a career change.

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...and you call my post non-sensical.


How is stating the obvious that Dual spec is a QoL boost non-sensical in any way, shape or form. Do you understand what the term means? Are you really that obtuse?


It's a Quality of Life perk since we can respec now but it takes time for the round trip to the Fleet and back then time to redo Hot Bars layouts and Keybinds. It's an annoyance at most and Dual spec would get rid of that annoyance. The Credit cost is not an issue.


...and I love your stupid list of "fun" abilities btw. LMAO. Yes Dual spec is on par with insta 50's or one shot I WIN skills.


Dual Spec wouldn't effect you at all. Don't use it if you want to RP your role. I haven't read one post that has explained how Dual Spec would impact those who don't want to use the feature.




Here we go with a gamer in a pretend world using the term Quality of Life.


Sorry but having dual spec is not going to help you do the same basic functions that most humans take for granted.

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Title says it all. At level 42 if i were to respec it would cost me over 100k credits. Thats seems outrageous to me (at least at this level).


I LOVE to tank for groups, but as most people have noticed tanks actually do poor damage in this game when compared to others.When soloing, I know that to compensate for this you bring a dps companion. However while encountering say a double silver-double reg pull, you will most likely be popping CDs just to survive because you still take a fair amount of damage even when your in full defense gear. To counter this you would bring a healer companion... but now your taking almost 3 minutes for the same pull...


If I wanted to mission faster I could go a dps spec and get things done, yet my group utility would be confined to that of a dps. Which is something that I do not care for.


That puts me in a predicament where I have to stay tank and watch everyone out level me just because they can do things twice as fast.


Another situation would be someone who plays pve utility (healer/tank) and likes to pvp as well. Constant respecs, or one of those aspects is going to suffer.


The only logical fix to this situation if to either cap the cost of respeccing or allow players to indulge in multiple specs.


The current system is fine and there is already a similar thread running currently.

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This is something I would really love to see. Allowing us to utilize all of our character's skill trees does not in any way cheapen the game. As I see it, it can only enhance the fun factor. I just don't see any downside to it.


If you want to play your character as a super-specialist who is only trained in one very specific thing, that's your business. What gives you the right to tell me how to play my character?



One of my favorite things about FFXI was the ability we had to mix and match our main job/subjob to suit whatever playstyle we needed at any given time. For all its many flaws, being able to experiment with different jobs/subjobs was incredibly fun and kept me interested in that game for much longer than I would have been otherwise.

Edited by belialle
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Doesn't dual spec go against the lore of the Star Wars universe.


Luke: You know what Han, I don't like wielding the light saber and wearing robes any more. I think I want to wear some armor and a big gun. But only if I can be as powerful as I am with my jedi abilities and wepons that I have spent years training.


Han: Easy Luke, just plug this cable into the back of your neck and we can download everything there is to know and you will be just like a seasoned vet.



I say if they allow this then make them start back at level 1 and have to level up the class. Kinda like a career change.



I think there's some confusion. I mean dual spec as in using a different tree. Not a advanced class respec.


Lore: Anakin had no issues going from Form V guardian lighsaber style to dual wielding, so not sure your point or example really makes sense?


Also respec doesn't mean a different class all together, sooo maybe your confused w/the references here?

Edited by WarheartZero
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As it currently stands I have two sorcerers on the same server. Two. Sorcerers. Because it was cheaper, faster, and more reasonable to level up two Sorcerers. Two. Sorcerers. Than to constantly switch between Corruption and Madness based on my mood.


Let me re-emphasize that. Two. Sorcerers. Not even a Sorc and Assassin. No. Two of the same AC. That's ridiculous.


Give us Dual-Spec or Cap Respec-Costs.


Considering one of the earliest promises going into the development of the game (and yes, development goals change) was to allow us to switch between roles relatively frequently, I find it pretty ridiculous that there are so many things discouraging even experimenting with a different spec ever.

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Yup. I don't know about you but I play games to work hard instead of having fun. Challenge is fine. Artificial grind isn't. Having to level the same character twice is silly.


So making a game with all that story isn't artificially encouraging grind? If they only wanted us to play through once, they would have been smarter to just make one story arch and let us dual spec all willy hilly when we finished it.


It would be a bad investment on biowares part if they undermine any and all incentives for users to want to roll more characters and experience that rich, expensive content over nd over again.


Rolling Alts to do other jobs is one of those incentives.


Not wanting to play more than one character suggests that story an't all that great after all is it?

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As it currently stands I have two sorcerers on the same server. Two. Sorcerers. Because it was cheaper, faster, and more reasonable to level up two Sorcerers. Two. Sorcerers. Than to constantly switch between Corruption and Madness based on my mood.


Let me re-emphasize that. Two. Sorcerers. Not even a Sorc and Assassin. No. Two of the same AC. That's ridiculous.


Give us Dual-Spec or Cap Respec-Costs.

Yes, I am working on two Operatives. I'd like to have that character slot free for something else, but I feel like my hands are tied with things as they are right now. They look exactly the same. Even their gear is pretty much identical in appearance. It sucks.


I'd like to experiment with my 3rd talent tree. Maybe I should just suck it up and make another Operative. I also wanted to give Sniper a try. I guess if I like it a lot, that's 3 more characters right there. Look at that....it's potentially 6 characters for 2 classes. That is messed up. It's not fun.


Oh well. At least the IA has an engaging class story.

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You obviously like this thread. Read it in it's entirety again.


Wait what?... who quotes a question and doesn't answer it?


How about I go back and read this thread again and you tell me if the story in this game for all these unique classes compels you at all to roll and try them, and if you think dual spec removes the need for people to re roll Alts to achieve different goals?

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Wait what?... who quotes a question and doesn't answer it?


How about I go back and read this thread again and you tell me if the story in this game for all these unique classes compels you at all to roll and try them, and if you think dual spec removes the need for people to re roll Alts to achieve different goals?


I didn't realize the story changed each time I rolled an Inquisitor.

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I should be able to respec 100x/day if I want to. They are my characters. I should be able to do what I want with them. I paid for them. It's nobody else's business what class or spec I am.


The only reason there is a cost at all is to keep the hard core folks (or the people who pretend that playing a video game makes them hard core) quiet. I mean seriously...


What about changing gender?



Advanced Classes?


Where does it stop?

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I should be able to respec 100x/day if I want to. They are my characters. I should be able to do what I want with them. I paid for them. It's nobody else's business what class or spec I am.


The only reason there is a cost at all is to keep the hard core folks (or the people who pretend that playing a video game makes them hard core) quiet. I mean seriously...


Sorry but your sub only allows you to access the game. You do not own anything ingame.

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Silly gamer, "Quality of Life" is a term only the developers have rights to use.







Quality of Life refers to someone who cannot do the same basic human functions in the real world.


If you played a toon that had no legs and needed a special vehicle only obtainable by whatever spec than you could use the quality of life term.


But you are using it to refer to hitting a button in a pretend world that changes your role.


If you truly had quality of life issues I am sure you wouldn't say that changing your spec in a video game is one of them.

Edited by Amiracle
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Why respec or dual spec? Just re-roll. Levelling is easy enough, and even fun. If they start allowing dual specs, then that will ensure strict adherence to the hated MMORPG-trinity. Otherwise content will not be challenging, and half the specs out there, will hardly be used.


Why re-roll? Leveling is easy, but I wouldn't say it is exactly fun to go back through the exact same story line you've already done with the same AC. If it costs me 100k to respec, that's about an hour of doing daily missions on my level 50 scoundrel. It would take a lot of hours to bring a new character up to 50 and never mind getting a second set of good gear. I would much rather spend the money to respec my current character than level and gear a new one.

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