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Having trouble at lvl 20+


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I'm wondering if anyone else notices this. I have five characters, all but one around 25-28 as I follow the different stories.


All my characters have become a chore to play for any amount of time because since lvl 20 or so, the game seems to increase in not only difficulty, but downtime and frustrations exponentially. I play a Sniper, Operative, Powertech, and Sorc.


The easier to play is the PT and Sorc, since survivability and CC help a lot. However, even they have become a grind where every trash mob pack has me resting.


The Imperial Agent is already saddled with the most useless joke of a companion in the game I've seen, which gimps the class from the get go. Which I hate, since I like my Sniper, despite the myriad of issues there. I've respec'd my Operative several times but I've given up there until it's looked at by Bioware.


I'm kind of losing my love of the game because every character seems to be stuck in this slow painful grind. It is just really noticeable because all different characters have hit the wall in the same level range, starting on Alderaan really. Prior to this, I wasn't even noticing the leveling speed or "grind" whatsoever. I didn't die much unless I was careless either, felt right. Then bam!


Does it stay this way (if you noticed the same)?

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I leveled as a Sawbones healer, and it did not feel slow at all to me, there are difficult quests, and difficult group of mobs, but theres no point on facerolling everything you run in to.


I actually felt i was going too fast the whole time. Just learn to pull i guess, sometimes cc is needed when soloing, and having your companions with great gear help a lot.

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just wondering, you're 25-28 on ald.? maybe it's me but I didnt even get there til I was 31, then again I like to complete everything I possibly can. I am 31 sorc, I also have good (level appropriate) gear for my level, and I can take out multiple groups at once. Makes me think you've missed a bunch of quests on other planets, and was doing mainly just class quests. I did that in beta, but was asked to from the devs. Maybe try to get to 30 or so before you get to that planet, or upgrade both your gear and you're companions to level appropriate.


Another thing, I have done almost no grouping at all, except for Flashpoint: Athiss, and Flashpoint Hammer Station (I know i should finish heroics, but tbh, I'd prolly be like 34 on alderaan if i finished them all) and have not had any trouble, I even go back and solo some of the heroics just for the hell of it.

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If you find an area tricky, what I will do is just port back to fleet, play a couple of pvp battles, complete all the daily space combats and run a few instances. By the time ur probably up 2-3 lvls already and when u went back to that same area it is a lot easier
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I can solo almost any enemy minus 40k health super elites without my companion out, with my companion I can kill near anything. I've killed guys with 100k health in a minute, maybe two. I'm level 35 now and have never had a problem, or died outside of doing something stupid, like trying to solo a 90k super elite and then getting ganked when I failed and got away safely.
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Thanks for the helpful replies. I do keep Kaliyo geared as well as I can, since she is so squishy. I find her awful, she can't dps well, tank well, or CC. I've just gotten used to re-summoning her instead of healing or rezing after many fights that used to be fine. I really feel the IA class got the short end with Kaliyo as a companion, give me a Khem Val on my IA!


I never said I did, or want to face roll anything. The difficulty seemed fine to me, I died when i should. The mobs I'm fighting are same level or +1. I'm not new to MMOs or how they work at all.


It may be just magnified since most of my guys are in the same area, so they all seem to feel it. Last couple days though the experience has gone from amazing to frustrating as all my characters entered the late 20's.

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If you have issues as a IA Medic in your late 20s you need to reconsider how you deal with mobs. Yes, Kaliyo is squishy unless you gear her properly, but assuming you put all your points into the medic tree you have more than enough tools to keep her up endlessly.


Pre-buff probe on her before stealthing in, use your CCs to take at least one mob out of fight, focus fire on one mob at a time (ctrl-1 to have her target your mob), kill normals before strong (they should be CCed if possible), use your backstab and debilitate to kill faster/stun mobs (shiv/arrow if energy allows), keep stim up at all times and keep Kaliyo healed especially for the initial parts of multi-pulls.

Turn off her AE abilities if you CC stuff or she will break them. If things get messy toss out a flash bang, kill off a weak enemy if you can and vanish to start the fight over.


The only fights that have been remotely hard for me are the quest ones triggered by convos. Just vanish out of them and start the fight at your will instead of being forced into it.


Yes, the exp slows down as you level and your dmg output isn't on par with some classes, but you should be able to go on forever as medic and never even be remotely close to dying while you solo non-heroic content. Good luck :)

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I want to point out that OP is right. I'm grinding. You CANNOT call it any other way. It's a grind. Pure grind.


If you say that I'm mistaken then check this. I have Bounty Hunter Mercenary. PURE arsenal. I use Mako as healer and I did everything I could to boost her healing abilities.

So I wear heavy PVP set LVL 40. I use best combination of abilities possible to make maximum damage (calculated) etc.


And yet - fights take long time. As example, until lvl 20 "Death from above" could take down group of enemies. Then I was using unload and other skills to take down more enemies until death from above reload.

After lvl 20 every mobs need more attention. Right now death from above take from a group around 30-40% HP (lvl 41) and I must kill them usign tracer unload, tracer missiles and heat seeking missiles.

And it's taking more time to kill something with each level.


And I'm just bored. And it's a pain in the a** when you have 6 quests and 5 of them telling you to kill from 15 to 40 mobs somewhere on the map. And you know that in next few hours you will grind to finish all this.


I know that it's not Korean type of grind when you stay in one place for a week and kill thousands of mobs just to gain one level but it's still bad in my opinion.

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I want to point out that OP is right. I'm grinding. You CANNOT call it any other way. It's a grind. Pure grind.


If you say that I'm mistaken then check this. I have Bounty Hunter Mercenary. PURE arsenal. I use Mako as healer and I did everything I could to boost her healing abilities.

So I wear heavy PVP set LVL 40. I use best combination of abilities possible to make maximum damage (calculated) etc.


And yet - fights take long time. As example, until lvl 20 "Death from above" could take down group of enemies. Then I was using unload and other skills to take down more enemies until death from above reload.

After lvl 20 every mobs need more attention. Right now death from above take from a group around 30-40% HP (lvl 41) and I must kill them usign tracer unload, tracer missiles and heat seeking missiles.

And it's taking more time to kill something with each level.


And I'm just bored. And it's a pain in the a** when you have 6 quests and 5 of them telling you to kill from 15 to 40 mobs somewhere on the map. And you know that in next few hours you will grind to finish all this.


I know that it's not Korean type of grind when you stay in one place for a week and kill thousands of mobs just to gain one level but it's still bad in my opinion.


Oh no I have to kill stuff in an MMO and they don't die from one ability!


Go play a marauder or whatever the jedi equivalent is and then come say how hard it is. You're whining about having to use multiple skills when marauders have trouble even staying alive.

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All my characters have become a chore to play for any amount of time because since lvl 20 or so, the game seems to increase in not only difficulty, but downtime and frustrations exponentially.
If you think 20 is difficult, wait till you get 35-40 - that's when difficulty really increases - but being a level 43 sniper (marksman), I can still handle it (and yes, I use Kaliyo as my tank - the only encounters she gets in trouble are elite mobs or 2 strongs with adds). But it does not take long to dispatch standard groups.


EDIT: I may have to try Lokin more for even less downtime.


EDIT: I expect things to get even more challenging at 45-50 :)

Edited by Aiwan
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By being hard, it means you learn to play your class a bit.. Knowing what works best, how to best DPS/Heal etc so when you hit 50 you not a complete tool (think WoW at 85.. the idiots in dungeons who just had no idea).


Levelling a Jugg as DPS spec was a PITA but I just did it wrong, I have now found a better way to quest and never die now unless I want to take on more than 3 strongs.


Change how you play, and become a better player!

Edited by Starsz
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The beginning of the game is so easy people can seriosly button mash 2 attacks FTW. It does get a little bit more tricky at late 20s. Personally I noticed the difference when I went from Nar Shaddaa to Tatooine. I could not faceroll 4-5 enemies without breaking a sweat anymore and had to rest between battles a little more often.


Then I started using more CC and defensive moves and putting more thought into rotations and priority lists and now it seems easy again and I have a feeling I am now better at playing my character then I was before before. I actually cleaned my toolbars and removed stuff I dont need.


Only way to become better is being challenged. But yea if it feels too hard level a bit through space combat, flashpoints, pvp or do some quests you missed in previous planets to pull you ahead. 1-2 levels is a big difference.

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By being hard, it means you learn to play your class a bit.. Knowing what works best, how to best DPS/Heal etc so when you hit 50 you not a complete tool (think WoW at 85.. the idiots in dungeons who just had no idea).


Levelling a Jugg as DPS spec was a PITA but I just did it wrong, I have now found a better way to quest and never die now unless I want to take on more than 3 strongs.


Change how you play, and become a better player!


What is the best way to level a Jugg?

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