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Bioware, Please Add Character Customization !


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While this is a good idea, I dont think it is a good idea to bother them about trivial things like this when there are lots more urgent issues that needs attention


Satpolpp - I can appreciate what you are saying, and thanks for your response by the way.

What may be trivial for you, may not be for someone else though. What makes an issue urgent for one, may not be urgent for another. I think it isn't always the wisest thing to do when we rate topics by urgency.


I get along fine with other aspects of this game. And think it has a huge deal of potency behind it and potential. I think there are other factors involved to this issue than just urgency, but to consider how easy it would be to implement this "trivial"or "petty" feature to the game. There was a post above that commented about how it took another game 2 expansion packs before character editing was available. It is my job to not let that happen, and continue to fight for this very simple, yet meaningful feature to players.


Thank you for complementing the idea, I hope it goes past the idea stage tho.

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I was kind of surprised I couldn't find this in game.


I thought my Jedi's haircut looked ok in chargen, but in play he looks like a tool. At the moment I have a hooded sentinel robe (Flashpoint Edessomething was fun, got a saber too), but if I ever end up without a helmet or hood I'm going to be searching for a paper sack. Anything.



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I was kind of surprised I couldn't find this in game.


I thought my Jedi's haircut looked ok in chargen, but in play he looks like a tool. At the moment I have a hooded sentinel robe (Flashpoint Edessomething was fun, got a saber too), but if I ever end up without a helmet or hood I'm going to be searching for a paper sack. Anything.




thank you for signing, if I had it my way I would roll a robot.

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I was thinking more about this issue. And it does indeed extend more than just switching a hair cut, it goes to unprecedented lengths as it could potentially lead to a whole new way of looking at post-creation customization - where not only you can get certain vendors to change your hair-design, masks or tattoo parlors - but it adds a social aspect - where you can design your own tattoos, and masks, from a template system that can be very simple in nature (for instance the mandalorian tattoo for human) and glasses for humans - not just restricted to the Miraluka - because you were blinded in combat, or simply you want to look cool. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I did not see glasses for humans. On a more serious note - for people who like tattoos, they like tattoos. - I wonder how many of you got that.


Or more realistic - players can have minor jobs or professions that take care of this issue and could be available to change hair styles or masks if need be. Or meet players in a barbershop, cantina, parlor, and get to know new players - make it social and fun !


An idea for the cyborg race - the bionic implants that you can choose from the opening creation screen can actually serve a purpose beyond being cosmetic and can be upgraded over time and provide unique abilities for cyborgs. A thought that would probably never come to pass, but I thought I share it regardless.


My main thoughts on the matter will remain with the small request in the original post. These are just extended thoughts..

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Yeah, I spent a good hour in Beta running all over the place looking for some sort of Tailor or Barber, to no avail. Very surprised, with how common place post-customization is now in new MMOs, that this wasn't already in. On the surprise note, I was also very shocked to see no UI customization at all - beyond moving chat windows...


It is almost as though the SWtOR crew has been in an underground shelter, cut off from the outside world, for 5 years then emerged with SWtOR.


Don't get me wrong, the vast majority of this game is glorious - there are just so many small things that all add up to a "Really?" questioning.

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Yeah, I spent a good hour in Beta running all over the place looking for some sort of Tailor or Barber, to no avail. Very surprised, with how common place post-customization is now in new MMOs, that this wasn't already in. On the surprise note, I was also very shocked to see no UI customization at all - beyond moving chat windows...Don't get me wrong, the vast majority of this game is glorious - there are just so many small things that all add up to a "Really?" questioning.


And that is why I will continue to fight for this cause - so that one day we can find that vendor, taillor, barber, even a user who has the gift to cut my beard, because apparantly I cannot ! UI Customization has been a common issue with alot of MMO's and RPG's even the best of the best have kinks and ripples to smooth out and hopefully rid of entirely or as best as they can. What job professions are available thus far - that would resemble anything remotely close as to customizing the appearance of your character ?


anyone have any thoughts of suggestions, feel free to post !

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Change it at the start and you wouldn't have such a crybaby issue.


Thanks for your post, any thoughts are appreciated, but if you could condense this topic to a bear minimum the point would be to implement the opening character menu editor to in-game instead or have both availble, as the initial editor is very limited anyways. This would be a great start !


My vision as everyone had one, I'm sure who eagerly anticipated this game and obviously were not shy in sharing their high expectations followed by the hyped up videos and publicity this whole project had received. And I think we as players are allowed to have them - not just the producers of the game.




With this in mind, I had told my friend what I would have liked to have seen with the trooper class. Based on the movies - we saw SW: Episode 2 - and how the clone troopers were all featured together in a mass number in a somewhat similar penitentiary scene all eating and socializing together ! Ok still with me ? I had a different vision of the opening scene for trooper in that it would be even more interactive than what has been presented thus far ... You start off by having a conversation with another soldier clone beside you on the left and another on the right while being locked down in this penitentiary. As you find out - theres a situation task (whether it be environmental or have an urge to join a task force team that encourages you to break out of prison to forumulate a rogue squad.) you can decide in your own mind what suits best. After levelling and fighting off an AI generated task force invading the clone facility or what have you - you begin to level up. Now let me mention a key point here - you START OFF WITH NO CUSTOMIZATION - EVERYTHING JUST STOCK - for instance males are bald with an outfit that suits the penitentiary or soldiers beginner uniform - female has the same kind of look as the rest of her cohorts - and after you leave the facilities/penitentiary/warehouse/jedi school (you may now substitute your own class + story here). Now at this point, you can create/change your appearance at this stage of the game. And this has been done already in the same like manner as the opening sequence as I described by some of the best RPG Games out there on the market. This gives the most immersible and movie/story like experience possible. IMHO.


Now, understanding they didn't go this route - all we are asking for is a small, inf fix of some kind that could save us time and effort if they at least offered us a machine/computer/vendor of some kind to continue enjoying this wonderful game, and giving us a way to express our personalities too !

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With many other popular MMOs having this feature (to varying degrees, depending on the game), and Bioware's focus on story and your character, I can't think of a reason not to have this.


It's purely cosmetic, those who don't care don't have to use it, those who want it will be happy, and it's yet another money sink. Pretty harmless, no reason not to. Frankly, not having this feature is just another lacking option that makes ToR feel a little dated.


Ideally I think they should let you change all the final options you tweaked, face, body size, etc. But if it's only hair, hair color, and scars, that's fine.


Bioware artists might enjoy throwing new Barber Shop only customizations in, too. I recall in (wait for it!) WoW the creator didn't let you access some hairstyles, and I would beeline to the Barbershop for the other options. They could offer new customizations as Valor Rank, Legacy, and title rewards.


Like many suggestions I see on the forum, I see no reason not to implement this, as it doesn't really affect any of the naysayers.

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Also, one small thing I noticed in Beta that carried through to Release:


Some faces and body type combos don't gel well. The eyes clip through facial animations, teeth don't "sit in" right. It's small, but can be annoying to some people. If anyone had this issue, boom, easy fix.

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This is an email I sent Bioware the other day,

Since I would like to represent all those who don't want to go back and recreate their character from scratch to change their beard !


Inspired by Bobbidy's thread on the barbershop topic :






We as players want character customization avalible throughout the game and levelling your character - whether if it be by a small fee or penalty of some kind, we don't care how - this would be great and ultimately prevent us from having to delete our character to change a minor facial feature. When you level up - your appearance changes according to your internal character and personality and also based on other environmental variables regardless of force path.


If you become full dark, your appearance being scars, hair-style, implants, masks are the effects and may suit a more specific darker personality over time. While your environment and story is the cause. This happens to occur "during" your character progression stage of the game instead of the initial character creation screen - which is intended to define a more realistic and story-like experience.


..An example would be to add a barber shop in town or whatever futuristic terminology you would like to attach to a screen that would allow even the most limited of changes.


Thoughts of players thus far,









So //Pacerfederation wrote a letter to Bioware.




If you like this thread, please put /sign, or feel free to add extended thoughts. My mission is to just fight for this cause in getting this such minor limited feature added to this juggernaut of a game, and I refuse to play until it gets done.


My respect to bioware, but please hear us out !


Would be nice to have i admit, but from the little info we can gleam from the legacy system, it seems it will allow some kind of customization.

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With many other popular MMOs having this feature (to varying degrees, depending on the game), and Bioware's focus on story and your character, I can't think of a reason not to have this.


......Like many suggestions I see on the forum, I see no reason not to implement this, as it doesn't really affect any of the naysayers.


My thoughts exactly, I don't see this hurting the game whatsoever, if anything it will improve it, and what is there to complain about when you have either more options to choose from, or a vendor to modify your look - whenever you feel it to be necessary and want to express your character in a different way. I think Bioware has done a great job thus far on their game, but it would be nice to understand that people or "meatbags" change their mind once in a while ! hence their looks can change too ! just like in real life ?




I fully support the idea of some sort of place I can purchase new customization options for my character. I can do it for my companions, so why can't I do it for myself?


This was a post from a user earlier on in this thread. If this is true, Bioware has awarded more to the bots, robots, and whatever pets you have which are AI - they are not real players - with this modification, I fail to understand why we don't have the same priviledge.

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I want this so bad. I have a trooper character so I can wear a helmet most of the time, but still... This really needs to be added within a few months.


I hear ya Niklas. Not to worry, hopefully in the future it doesn't have to be this way.


Also, one small thing I noticed in Beta that carried through to Release:


Some faces and body type combos don't gel well. The eyes clip through facial animations, teeth don't "sit in" right. It's small, but can be annoying to some people. If anyone had this issue, boom, easy fix.


And interesting, I didn't notice this very much - but you could be right. I was a bit surprised over the lack of hair selection, but the endless facial skin complexion varieties exceeding over 40. Which IMHO, should have been invested for more hair-style varieties or tattoo's and masks. Bionic Implant options have repeated, as well.

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The idea that my character progresses through a storyline where he fights countless battles, escapes hair raising situations and changes his whole view on the struggle between the Empire and the Republic all while somehow managing, despite many fatal lightsaber blows dealt to him, to not gain a single scar. Well to be frank it kind of upsets me. This is a "futuristic" game set in the past of a galaxy far far away. They have technology unlike anything we've ever seen. So why don't we have access to the technology that is already in our lives, namely, the ability to change our appearance by squandering our vast wealth?


I want the ability to heal my scars, or add to them. The ability to change my eye color. With my female character to change her make up. I mean come on, Amidala can change what she wears and how she wears her make up in practically every scene she's in but my self centered smuggler can't change her make up even once in her entire career of running freight and fighting off the Empire while trying to make use of her good looks?


Please Bioware, we want to see the ability to change our characters, after they're made, implemented. Even if it's just simple things like hair, beards, scars and make up.

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