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Auto-face. Why do people jump around me looking like idiots, thinking this is WoW.


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I am a Trooper, i cast/ channel abilities all the time.


Do Melee classes not know we get auto-face? It dosen't matter where you are, when i click the skill i will automatically face you and cast.


Every Shadow/jug/marauder i fight jumps around me like it does something, while i stand there and spam grav round them to death.


Do people not know casters auto-face?


Cus they were under the impression that ranged classes took skill on this game? They don't though and instead it is cool to play ranged classes, do same warzone dmg as well played melee, and then call for nerfs on any melee that kills you and call them "no skill".

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It isn't to interrupt your channel, its to make it so you have to turn to face us before your next cast....the fact you don't understand why melee do it is just another reason why people call Troopers and BHs the derpmode class.


Hehe only commandos and mercs are derpmode and dont know this... we vanguards/powertechs still have to move around lol :p


Yeah to launch abilities you first need facing. Guess a lot of channelers didn't know this, but as a vanguard I knew this ages ago most of our stuff are instants and we need to keep facing.


Also, I don't use tab target for pvp - you want to pick the weakest/most threatening target fastest so it is better to click target.

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Hehe only commandos and mercs are derpmode and dont know this... we vanguards/powertechs still have to move around lol :p


Yeah to launch abilities you first need facing. Guess a lot of channelers didn't know this, but as a vanguard I knew this ages ago most of our stuff are instants and we need to keep facing.


Also, I don't use tab target for pvp - you want to pick the weakest/most threatening target fastest so it is better to click target.


This is WAY too complicated for the BH/commandos and Sage/Sorc who don't even heal themselves, bubble other people, or kite or have Biochem.


Much better to call for nerfs on other classes and make fun of them because they have positional requirements and can't tab and mash buttons like the pros.

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I am a Trooper, i cast/ channel abilities all the time.


Do Melee classes not know we get auto-face? It dosen't matter where you are, when i click the skill i will automatically face you and cast.


Every Shadow/jug/marauder i fight jumps around me like it does something, while i stand there and spam grav round them to death.


Do people not know casters auto-face?


Yes, but by jumping/running around/through casters/channelers, I can still get my back blast (backstab) off...which is my highest out of stealth dmg ability. It might look stupid...but it still works. There is a slight delay which causes your "auto face" to turn to face MY back, which allows me to reach YOUR back.

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I am a Trooper, i cast/ channel abilities all the time.


Do Melee classes not know we get auto-face? It dosen't matter where you are, when i click the skill i will automatically face you and cast.


Every Shadow/jug/marauder i fight jumps around me like it does something, while i stand there and spam grav round them to death.


Do people not know casters auto-face?


well shadows are going to jump around you do to maul, also auto face is still slower then mouse turning so you still fail in general.

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Also, I don't use tab target for pvp - you want to pick the weakest/most threatening target fastest so it is better to click target.



Good luck with that when people are bunched up, or while you people are trying to focus fire you and you have to move/kite (no, I won't keyboard turn).

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as a Sorc. its kinda annoying, but i keep moving, hit them with a stun, heal, lightning, medpack, shield, DOT DOT DOT, and ill take them down eventually.


what drove me nuts was the trooper who ran around me like a maniac and just kept sock striking me.

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Yeah. It definately works against a number of abilities and it does interrupt my LOS on some skills as I got hammered with the not-facing target while trying to unleash a number of abilities -- I guess the auto-face doesn't lock when you're channeling. I had to move backwards and use my mobile shots.
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Ignoring that auto-face is honestly a very stupid mechanic as is the ability to pass directly through ppl in PvP I do this bc I have a positional attack that requires me to be somewhere bin the rear cone of you. Don't jump though, that does seem silly
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I am running forth, I want to cast shock - instant - or slow - instant - against the guy chasing me ... I jump, turn in air, cast the instant spell, and turn again .... all this time I am moving forward.


If I stop and hit the instant there exists no auto-face.

If I stop and turn I am a sitting duck.

If I turn and don't stop I run into my opponent.


Is that so hard to understand ?

Looks like there is some class that instead of auto-face have face-roll if they only use a spell and this spell turn them to the oponent.


So at the end some jump and turn for advance ... others auto-face-roll their one button channeling class.

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What it actually does is make it difficulty for other players to target you. The tab-targetting in this game sucks and its much harder to say target and CC someone running around in a crowd that it is if they are just standing still.
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I am running forth, I want to cast shock - instant - or slow - instant - against the guy chasing me ... I jump, turn in air, cast the instant spell, and turn again .... all this time I am moving forward.


If I stop and hit the instant there exists no auto-face.

If I stop and turn I am a sitting duck.

If I turn and don't stop I run into my opponent.


Is that so hard to understand ?

Looks like there is some class that instead of auto-face have face-roll if they only use a spell and this spell turn them to the oponent.


So at the end some jump and turn for advance ... others auto-face-roll their one button channeling class.


You can strafe sideways and move "forward" at 100% speed and be able to hit people "behind" you. Better than jumping, because you lose no speed.

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No, there are abilities on my shadow I need to be behind my target for them to go off. And even if they don't, I still get a "Not facing target" all the time in PVP. Whether it's a bug or not, I don't know, but I must still face my targets. If you don't, lucky you.


This, unlike you if I'm not facing you or my camera ain't facing you the only thing I can do to you is force charge. Thanks for admitting that your class is extra easy and like I had presumed all you need to do as a bh is sit at max range and spam aoes. Idk why anyone players that boring class seriously...

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you still need to be in front of a target to cast in PvP, it's not like that in PvE however. No one is disputing the fact assassins have to be behind you to do their backstab. The problem is, in PvP, certain melee classes jump around and circle around someone the entire time, so the caster can't cast their special. Auto-face only automatically turns you to face them, when you've cast the ability, and you were facing them in the first place and they happened to move away.
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You can strafe sideways and move "forward" at 100% speed and be able to hit people "behind" you.

I always strafe, have it bound to the thumb buttons on my mouse, but if your opponent is not exactly behind you, he may be out of reach of your spells. If you are strafing and have to turn a little bit because he is a bit on the side, you are not going 100% forward as you turn to one side. Swaping strafes - from strafe right ot strafe left - can make you lose that bit of time that let you opponent hit you with that pesky stun/slow.


Better than jumping, because you lose no speed.

How do you lose speed jumping ? You don't lose speed at all.


Jumping and turning if well done is the best way to hit with instants someone chasing you.


There is no better way.


To somewhat negate strafe you just have to move to the oposite direction on the back of the guy strafing in front or you. You will be out of reach makeing him, or turn a bit or swap strafe ... he may lose speed doing any of those things.

Edited by klathnagma
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Tab is messed up in this game. They want you to have a hard time targetting them. Nothing like tabbing to someone on the other side of the huttball map when someone is right in front of me.


And as most said, you have to face your target at the beginning of the cast for autoface to work.


You should keybind "target nearest enemy" ;) Personally I have it at a button on my mouse.

As for OP, there are obvious advantages to move about when all your abilities are instant, some are mentioned here, others I am sure you can think out for yourself.

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