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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What legacy name did you choose? Proudly post yours here!


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Darkfire is mine on one server, kinda bland but it goes well with nearly any name.


I chose Issod on another server with thanks from a friend, his characters name on EVE is Angskel Issod and I just loved the sound of it. Plus Issod goes well with nearly anything :rak_03:

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My legacy name is Stormwalker. Yes, I stole walker from Skywalker. Storm, on the other hand, was chosen due to the name of my characters:

Nordavind: Means northern wind in my mother tongue.

Nordadrag: Means, yep, northern wind.

Boreas: The Greek god for, you guessed it, the northern wind

Aquilon: The Roman god for, that's right, the northern wind.


While making up my mind I was thinking of Starkiller. But for once it was a too established name in the lore. Secondly, I didn't see it fit for my republic characters. Funny thing is that less than 2 minutes after choosing my legacy name, I run into the guy who has chosen the Starkiller legacy (server Hidden Beks EU).

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The Ebony Legacy is black in tone/style/vibe. It is a family of fun loving humans with the odd Sith Pureblood thrown in (thanks to the Milk Man). We wear mostly black, but like to sport white kicks to keep it fresh.


The RL Polo wearing family, having some Spice for dinner with our Mandalorian ale....

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Battlemaster, because it goes with almost any name, and because it was the last meaningful valor title, because it was hard to get. Now battlemaster is pretty easy to get, well if you have decent wz pops, and it holds much less meaning.
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Shadowsblade Legacy here. Wanted Shadowblade, but it wouldn't accept it.


Chose it because I thought it fit my idea of a Female Rattataki Sith only Legacy. (Yes Im an Asajj Ventress fanboi. ;) )

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