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Every group is full of greedy ninja companion looters.


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Need more options- need needs to be greyed out unless it's your advanced class specific (only marauders can need medium str gear, agents need medium cunning gear, etc...), then, have a 'companion need' option that is below need, but above greed, and make this one greyed out if it doesn't fit companion gear (ie- if you have Mako, only medium cunning gear can be companion needed), and finally, greed and disassemble.
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The fix is super super simple. It has been from the start. Yet Bioware still seemingly prefers to have players at each others throats instead of doing what needs to be done.


Simply make gear dropped in Heroics and Flashpoint player character only.


Companions can wear world dropped, vendor sold, or crafted gear.


That really isn't an answer to this situation.


This problem is really nothing new, and I think people need to sort of chillax on THIS issue as much as the other non-issues they bring up. Ninja Greed/Need Looting has always happened in games. If it's not ninja looted for a Companion, then it's for an Alt. If it's not for an Alt... it's just some dude being a jerk and wants to make a quick 20-30k on the Auction.

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73 pages and still people argue what "need" means and how it is supposed to be used.


Point made. Anything this contentious needs to either be clearly defined, coded and rigidly enforced or removed.


'nuff said.


It'I pretty obvious that people, in general, can't be trusted to all play nice in this regard. Which is why I suggested:


Rift recently added a new Lotting option called Need Before Greed, which works briliantly. In NBG mode, only players who have the appropriate class may lot Need.. But TOR needs an addition to this: a companion lot button.


Your bar would go:

Need, Greed, Companion, Disassemble.


Problem solved. Oh, and Warzones in Rift are forced NBG mode for drops.

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It'I pretty obvious that people, in general, can't be trusted to all play nice in this regard. Which is why I suggested:


Rift recently added a new Lotting option called Need Before Greed, which works briliantly. In NBG mode, only players who have the appropriate class may lot Need.. But TOR needs an addition to this: a companion lot button.


Your bar would go:

Need, Greed, Companion, Disassemble.


Problem solved. Oh, and Warzones in Rift are forced NBG mode for drops.

In the current system I will NEED foe my companion, but I would support a change along the lines you suggest.
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Um, sorry. By the way the game is designed, EAware has essentially made character and companion two halves of one whole character.


So if my companion needs it, one half of my character needs it. So I will roll need.


You wanna *****, tell it to EAware, they created the problem.


Otherwise, suck it up.

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The idea of the need vs greed system was that you needed the item for the character you are playing as in the spec they are playing in as it is better than an item you have.


Rolling need for your companion when someone else in the party needs it for their character is pretty despicable, and rolling need when you don't need the item at all is despicable.


The WoW need and greed system is pretty great tbh.

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but as there is no LFG, this cant be happening.....


you know that "community" which results from chat spam grouping where everyone gets along, becomes best friends in groups and nothing like this can possibly happen....




oh yeah, and LOL.


What were BW saying about the players should create the community again? hmmm?


I love how you use this post to blame it on BW and plug your beloved LFG tool...what a winner you are

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I think if you have expectations beyond what the game allows or advises against, the onus is on you to inform those in your party what you will tolerate. Once you have that discussion, blame the companion looter to your heart's content but, expecting unspoken rules to be followed is just folly.

Not exactly. There are unspoken social rules people follow (both in games and in real life), because the other people expects them to do so. It's no different here - many players think that needing items for companion is not welcome when some conditions aren't meet first (like asking first if he/she can take need for a companion, talking about loot rules before doing quest, etc.). People can or not follow this pattern and have different views on the matter - and act as they see fit - but social grade from rest of the group will follow. There are no good and bad decisions here, only more and less social.

Edited by Maccaroth
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I don't keep running lists of gear that is on all of my companions. These people can't even compare to their companion to see if is an upgrade for them while in a 4-man, which means they are guessing.


If you roll need on something for your companion with me in a flashpoint, You. Will. Be. Removed.


Simple as that. 2 man heroic that we are running together with your companion out? Ok, no problem :)


But a 4-man that you are guessing as an upgrade to your companion and taking credits out of my pocket for a guess, you are going to royally anger me.

Edited by Nightfox_
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I don't keep running lists of gear that is on all of my companions. These people can't even compare to their companion to see if is an upgrade for them while in a 4-man, which means they are guessing.


If you roll need on something for your companion with me in a flashpoint, You. Will. Be. Removed.


Simple as that. 2 man heroic that we are running together with your companion out? Ok, no problem :)


But a 4-man that you are guessing as an upgrade to your companion and taking credits out of my pocket for a guess, you are going to royally anger me.


But, by your own admission its ok to take it to sell even if I want it for my companion?


Who's selfish now?

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But, by your own admission its ok to take it to sell even if I want it for my companion?


Who's selfish now?


Yes, I will sell it and possibly buy gear that I KNOW is an upgrade for my companion. Rather than you guessing, needing it, deciding it isn't an upgrade and doing the exact same thing.


Almost all my companions need different armor types and stats, and if everyone starts rolling for companions in flashpoints, there is no point for a greed button. Nip it in the bud.

Edited by Nightfox_
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Yes, I will sell it and possibly buy gear that I KNOW is an upgrade for my companion. Rather than you guessing, needing it, deciding it isn't an upgrade and doing the exact same thing.


Almost all my companions need different armor types and stats, and if everyone starts rolling for companions in flashpoints, there is no point for a greed button. Nip it in the bud.

Hypocracy at it's finest...

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Yes, I will sell it and possibly buy gear that I KNOW is an upgrade for my companion. Rather than you guessing, needing it, deciding it isn't an upgrade and doing the exact same thing.


Almost all my companions need different armor types and stats, and if everyone starts rolling for companions in flashpoints, there is no point for a greed button. Nip it in the bud.


This is true.

I have no problem with people rolling on gear for one companion they use all the time, but gearin up multiple companions is nuts.

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Yes, I will sell it and possibly buy gear that I KNOW is an upgrade for my companion. Rather than you guessing, needing it, deciding it isn't an upgrade and doing the exact same thing.


Almost all my companions need different armor types and stats, and if everyone starts rolling for companions in flashpoints, there is no point for a greed button. Nip it in the bud.


You're making the assumption that I don't have my companion's stats written down so that when I find stuff questing or browse the trade network I have them readily available.


Because of the game's limiting menu system, yes, I keep that stuff in a spreadsheet on my second monitor. If I take something, it's because I know it's a worthwhile upgrade.


But thanks for playing.

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Hypocracy at it's finest...


Please explain to me, why my fair chance at a green is overruled by your guess that your companion might be able to use it? How is that hypocrisy? I could need on oranges that have mods in them that have stats my companion might be able to use as well and strip them out.


You have to draw the line somewhere, and I draw it at 4-mans.


You are in a 4-man without your companion for a reason. You are standing on your own two legs without your croney, the gear that is in there goes towards fleshing out actual characters. There are plenty of world drops and craftables for your companion that you use for questing. I highly doubt you're going to be taking your companion along for an op or hardmode.

Edited by Nightfox_
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You are in a 4-man without your companion for a reason. You are standing on your own two legs without your croney, the gear that is in there goes towards fleshing out actual characters. There are plenty of world drops and craftables for your companion that you use for questing. I highly doubt you're going to be taking your companion along for an op or hardmode.


The person you're arguing with stated earlier that he/she always has a companion out. Just throwing that out there. May be a very different play perspective going on.

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I posted in another thread before I saw this one. My opinion (and this is just my feelings so dont get upset) is that why not let everyone just roll need or pass the roll? Isnt that the only truely fair way of playing? Who gets to decide what player needs what? If everyone can roll on everything then it is fair. Everyone has an equal chance to get stuff.
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The trouble stems from the fact that people are tryign to apply old MMO rules to a new MMO paradigm.


SWTOR has introduced a new mechanic where companions are indeed extensions of and therefore gear for the player. I understand the aggravation; but I also understand that perhaps it isn't the game that should accomodate us, but rather WE should attempt to play SWTOR for what it is and adjust our own thinking regarding loot.


That would in fact be a very simple solution.


(I can actually hear the anneurisms from this suggestion now).



Another possible solution is to add a cat. NEED, NEED FOR COMPANION, GREED, REV ENG.


I dunno, I do think though - like other aspects of this game the anger comes from not working with what is given, not changing our habits, our styles to fit the game at hand, but trying to shoehorn our own past experience and "ways" into it. Making it really our own fault.


/shrug. Just some thoughts.



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I would also like to say that by the logic of needing on items for your companion, I also have the right to need on any and every item that no one is rolling on, so that I can sell it and buy upgrades for my companion.


I would agree with that statement. But you can't say no to loot for companion, but yes to loot for credits.



TBH, I think people need to get over it and just allow people to roll on whatever they want and accept what the virtual dice gives them.

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You have main characters and then secondary characters... You're main character is the character you created, the one you chose a talent tree for, the one that the story progresses in. The one you always have to play as.


Main Char > 2ndary Char.


That simple.


You're 2ndary Char is not > anyone else main char. You get multiple companions for this game, they're secondary to the experience.


This is common sense stuff, u shouldn't have to explain this to people.


If you want to be a total greedy pig and say one of your secondary characters deserves it over my main, then fine. But own it; you're a rude, selfish pig and shouldn't interact with others in raids or 4mans. Which is fine, it's who you are but admit it. Don't hide behind Companions are part of my main or my companion "needs" it and that is just as valid as your main needing it.


Hell by that logic, I need credits. Crew Missions get expensive, and I need credits. So I'm going to roll need on everything even if my companion can't use it because I can auction it or vendor trash it. Credits = better gear which ='s better game experience. So why not.


Again, everyone who's posting that it's just fine to roll need for companion loot already really knows it's wrong... that's why they're being defensive about it.

Edited by Deadpool-x
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I would agree with that statement. But you can't say no to loot for companion, but yes to loot for credits.



TBH, I think people need to get over it and just allow people to roll on whatever they want and accept what the virtual dice gives them.


In that case there is no use for a NBG system.


But there is one. So if your char can't use it green is what you pick.

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