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Every group is full of greedy ninja companion looters.


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My companions and my ship are an extension of my very character. With that in mind, if anyone has a problem with me rolling need on an item that I need for my character, then that is their problem, not mine.


(thought I posted this already? hrm)


Edit, ahh, I guess I did, sorry for repost.

Edited by Zebular
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I have no problem with people rolling for companions, it's a very important part of character development. This game is fundamentally different in that respect, people just need to change their paradigm from past games.


People seem to think that companions do not play a role in this game. This is false. They will help you in PvP/PvE and anything you need them for. This game revolves around you and your companipon, as well as the community. I agree with you, well said.

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I would roll on the gear if the other party members didnt need the upgrade for themselves. If they didnt need it i would roll need for my companion, That is respect, ...




If you want a piece of loot for your companion, wait until the others have rolled. It's not that hard to glance up into the top left hand corner of the screen.


One of the following will happen:

1) If none of them roll "need", then obviously noone needs the item so you can roll "need".

2) If one or more of them rolls "need" *and* they are capable of using the item, roll "greed" or just pass.

3) If one or more of them rolls "need" but *cannot* use the item, then they are obviously rolling for a companion so go ahead and roll "need" as well.


Simple. Efficient. Drama free. :)

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Let the selfish people be selfish and kick them from the group at the first sign. Inevitably they'll find another group to be kicked from at the first sign again, let the circle continue until these people learn their lesson.


We won't be able to get through to them with words so it's pointless to try to argue with any of them. Let them make their responses with flavored crap so it appears as though their side of the argument seems logical, it wont make any difference.


But oh well I guess that's what the MMO community is coming to.

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This is where you have become the bad guy.


You're just being a jerk, rolling on everything whether you need it or not, just to throw a tantrum.


That would pretty much be a reality at level 50 if everyone rolled need for their companion.


By 50 you pretty much have a companion with every type of armor profession and weapon. Most likely anyhting that drops will be an upgrade for one of them.

Edited by Jaku
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My companions and my ship are an extension of my very character. With that in mind, if anyone has a problem with me rolling need on an item I need for my character, then that is your problem, not mine.


Let them channel their rage. If they are dark side, it could make them stronger.


You're really doing them a favor.

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The last 5 random groups i have gotten into have some guy rolling need on krap he cant use but his "companions" can so he needs it,


Right there.


His companion needs it.


A computer controlled character, that he plays and pays for... needed it.


Just cause it's a companion doesn't mean it "doesn't count" -_-'

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If that's how you choose to gear your companions, that's just fine. No one should be able to tell you differently. It's your game, play how you like.


But don't think that everyone shares that perspective. I've come up against more than one quest boss in leveling content that I could only barely down with a companion, and wouldn't have been able to down even with that companion unless they'd been geared appropriate to their level (meaning geared nearly equal, if not equal, to me).


In short, there are those who disagree with your personal assertion that a companion only needs quest greens or vendor items. Even if they can get by with just that, there's nothing other than your personal preference saying they have to. Sometimes there are players who want their companions performing just as optimally as they are, and to do that, they need gear.


Again if you can't beat an elite in your quest with a companion with greens appropriate to their level, then it isn't a gear issue. And you shouldn't be screwing over your teammates because you don't know how to play your class solo.

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That would pretty much be a reality at level 50 if everyone rolled need for their companion.


By 50 you pretty much have a companion with every type of armor professions and weapon type. Most likely anyhting that drops will be an upgrade for one of them.


Yeah, but no.


Not everyone uses every companion. I only use Kira. I only ever used Kira and T7. I used the others only when forced to.


Everyone is going to have a least favorite set of companions. Rolling need to gear them up is dumb.


It's a completely different story when you talk about raids/operations, though.

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Right there.


His companion needs it.


A computer controlled character, that he plays and pays for... needed it.


Just cause it's a companion doesn't mean it "doesn't count" -_-'


It doesn't count if it's not in the group helping us, no. People who are in the group get rewarded.



Would you be okay if I rolled need on something for my guildie who often groups with me but isn't even online? Of course not. You'd throw a fit.

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Let me explain the roll options:


Need: I want it

Greed: I'll take it if you don't want it

Pass: I don't want it


It's as simple as that. Companions do not factor into the equation.


Nobody "deserves" a specific piece of loot. If anyone thinks they do, then they're not grouping for the right reasons.


Need: I want it (To vendor it thats how i roll)


Your fine with that?

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Let the selfish people be selfish and kick them from the group at the first sign. Inevitably they'll find another group to be kicked from at the first sign again, let the circle continue until these people learn their lesson.


We won't be able to get through to them with words so it's pointless to try to argue with any of them. Let them make their responses with flavored crap so it appears as though their side of the argument seems logical, it wont make any difference.


But oh well I guess that's what the MMO community is coming to.


Dude, I will blacklist you so quickly if you pull that crap.


If I waste my time to join your group, then you throw a hissy-fit, and kick someone from the group over looting, you're wasting my time and the rest of the group's time over your own self-righteous greed.


You start wasting people's time, throwing fits over who rolls on what loot, and you'll find yourself quickly without the ability to find people to group with you.

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Roll with Pug's expect issues, its not rocket science.. :rolleyes:

Roll with guildies/mates and profit, simple and also common sense.


I disagree with having the rolls based on the PC.

Just 'maybe' for BoP items, but if something has a good market value, or it can be used on a companion then that is justification to roll Need for anyone.


Regardless, the reasons any one person chooses to roll Need, is no ones business.


The dice system delivers the loot, it caters for everyone currently.

Making it only function based on the PC is 'black and white' and does not take into account any other reasons of why someone might roll Need.


Playing in any group does not instantly grant you the right to an item, that is and always will be the dices job.


Bad roll, build a bridge, better luck next time. :cool:

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To word something well and having a rational approach to it are two different things.


My two cents.


Is that supposed to be directed at me? How about, when you want to debate something, you actually address the person you don't agree with? :rolleyes: Kinda makes you lose credibility

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Being a long time City of Heroes player I like their system of handling how items drop while on teams. Over there, there is no "Need or Greed" BS going on, each player earns their own drops, and it doesn't matter if the player can use what drops or not. If something drops he can't use he can give it away, sell it, or discard it. But no one can snag loot by being a greedy prig.


Im not sure but i think the Ops here work something like that.

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Dude, I will blacklist you so quickly if you pull that crap.


If I waste my time to join your group, then you throw a hissy-fit, and kick someone from the group over looting, you're wasting my time and the rest of the group's time over your own self-righteous greed.


You start wasting people's time, throwing fits over who rolls on what loot, and you'll find yourself quickly without the ability to find people to group with you.


That would be fine with me as I would just roll Need on everything, credits always come in handy :)


I take it you would be fine with that.

Edited by Cordelia
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Playing in any group does not instantly grant you the right to an item, that is and always will be the dices job.


Bad roll, build a bridge, better luck next time. :cool:


I wish they remove NBG loot method and change BoP to BoE and use the old school system like Round the robin and let the luck god decide our luck on loot. That way, no more loot drama and the person who get the loot decide what he do with the loot.

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How long are you really in a group? Most of my experience has been someone saying, "LFG <random heroic>!" People group, kill the crap, then drop group.


There isn't time for loot drama. People are too busy leveling and replacing their gear every half hour.


Wont be like that at endgame though, thankfully most of my runs are with guildies.

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That would be fine with me as I would just roll Need on everything, credits always come in handy :)


If you did that, I might say something like, "Seriously? You're going to roll Need on everything?"


If you said, "Yes," then I'd probably just roll my eyes, and start doing the same...or not.


I think I've clicked my Need button a grand total of three times since July, but whatever. I've never complained about anyone else hitting Need.


Wont be like that at endgame though, thankfully most of my runs are with guildies.


Then you don't have anything to worry about. That's the way to do it.


If you group with random strangers to accomplish a mission, you should go in with no expectations other than completing the mission. Loot is just a bonus. The dice distribute that.

Edited by EJedi
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Yeah, but no.


Not everyone uses every companion. I only use Kira. I only ever used Kira and T7. I used the others only when forced to.


Everyone is going to have a least favorite set of companions. Rolling need to gear them up is dumb.


Just because you use two, doesn't mean people won't want to gear every single one of them, for whatever reason.


This issue will most likely be the ugliest in HM flashpoints at 50. I've done about 6 flashpoints since hitting 50 and 5/6 times the group leaders have said "If you don't ask to need for your companion and take an upgrade that someone could use, I'm kicking you."


It's most likely not going to be tolerated by PUG's at that level.

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