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So I got in with the first wave...


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I have been waiting for this game ever since its announcement back in '08. Why is it that I can keep my temper while 3/4 of the forum is outraged?


It makes no sense. I am fairly certain I am not the only one who has followed SWTOR throughout the years, and I can guarantee you that waiting a few more days before getting to play it is nothing like the long 3 or so years I've, and you've, spent waiting for this game.


I have read countless posts in the past hour or so stating the same exact thing. "Bioware executed this launch terribly, poor services, blah blah and so on."


Note to yourself, this is not a launch, and we have the luxury to get 7 days EGA! They promised 5 days, and we get 7! I rather have a smooth first day of playing with no server crashes, etc, than to spend my entire day/night raging that the servers are offline, etc.


Your logic makes no sense people (targeted towards those unwilling to wait a few extra days to play. It makes no sense. OP, great thread, I completely agree with you.

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OP, It disgusts me that you are so spoiled, you delude yourself to the point you feel entitled to something as if it's your right. There are people dying of hunger, people will sleep on the streets over the coldest part of the year... and your primary concern is passing your degree?! Really? Edited by drakeborn
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@John Elias: I see your point , but don't say it's a present from Bioware, please. :rolleyes: First point we'll see on 19 if early access went good or not, it's still early. Second, there is no present or something to say "thank,Gods".

After this """"""early""""""""" access, we'll pay 13.00 E/month after paying the standard edition or in some case 150 euros of collector edition.

There is no "present" in the MMORPG world, even if it's a videogame is something that the customers pay. And 13.00 euros/month are not a present.

So, if we don't want to nerd rage i'm 100% with you, but let's not start to excess from the other side. It's wrong too.

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Clearly you didn't read my post, or you lack basic comprehension skills. Either way, I pity you for your false sense of superiority. I obviously stated in my post that I don't care if people get in before me. What I'm saying is that they are playing it too safe, and not letting nearly enough people in. They haven't even opened up all of the servers, and server populations are all pretty low. So in essence, no, I wouldn't feel better. Because I said I want to play this game as early as possible, and even if I get one day it's better than none. But I would rather have AS MUCH TIME AS POSSIBLE, and I don't feel that I am getting that.


You obviously didn't understand at all. Would you be complaining here if the game started on Dec. 20th? Would you? If you would still complain, why aren't you complaining now that EGA didn't start on Dec. 12th? 11th? 10th? The point was that Bioware did you a favor by giving you any extra at all, and what do your repay them with? Complaints.



Really, it seems you're feeling angry that they're not giving you enough FREE playing time. And that, ladies and gents, is just as pathetic as the people who feel anger that other people got more free playing time.

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TOR forums, nothing like it in the world. This is comical, you have the OP complaining about other people complaining about early access. Then you have people posting complaining at him for complaining. Complaining complaining complaining, lmao.


Sadly, it shows the true maturity level of those complaining. One of the main reasons why I rarely view the forums for any game. People should feel embarassed acting like this.

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You obviously didn't understand at all. Would you be complaining here if the game started on Dec. 20th? Would you? If you would still complain, why aren't you complaining now that EGA didn't start on Dec. 12th? 11th? 10th? The point was that Bioware did you a favor by giving you any extra at all, and what do your repay them with? Complaints.



Really, it seems you're feeling angry that they're not giving you enough FREE playing time. And that, ladies and gents, is just as pathetic as the people who feel anger that other people got more free playing time.


Well then in that case I would rather have no favors than one that was managed worse than it could have been. And for all intents and purposes, the game released yesterday. The devs stated it themselves. So if you think about it that way, swtor has now launched and only a fraction of the population is playing it.

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Hi everyone. To be honest I cannot disagree with the OP, but not 100% . If we want to be 100% honest we can even say that Bioware could continue sending invites during the night.

We all know they are still new to the MMORPG world, but if they're not able to offer a 24/7 service to the customers they're already under a death sentence.

I want to repeat , I like the Bioware's intention to do "everything" in the right way, but on the other side I will surely delete my preorder if I'm not in today.

Without any intention of nerd rage of something stupid, I really can't see the utility of an early access that gives me just a few days to play, while my guildies are already in.

Just a suggestion from a "good hoping" player..a good percentage of success of a MMORPG depends from the assistance, not from the hype you create around it.

I'm sure that today situation will be different, and many other like me. We won't stop trusting Bioware, but we (me and my friends) hope at the same time that Bioware will change is policy today.

We're not waiting 5 days because Bioware sends 2-days wave invites with a two hours cadence, at this point we just receed the pre order and wait to play at 20.

Sorry for my really bad english but it isn't my language.


I agree with you 99%. You brought up an excellent point. "Why hasn't Bioware continued its process of sending invites during the night on a 24 hour clock?" I would like them attempt to answer that. From a gamer's perspective, it makes no sense. Although you shouldn't cancel your pre-order because you didn't get accepted BEFORE the game even launched.


That's a silly thing to do. You pre-order the game because you want to play it, and you want to be sure to play it. My two cents, I would never cancel a pre-order on a game I want to play. The only reason I pre-order games is because I want the game, otherwise I would never have pre-ordered it! And you're not the first saying "I'm cancelling my pre-order if I don't get in today."


Come on now, you shouldn't be thinking like that. When you get the chance to play, play for a few hours and catch up to those who are of higher levels than you. It's kind of easy to hit 50 in this game.

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OP, It disgusts me that you are so spoiled, you delude yourself to the point you feel entitled to something as if it's your right. There are people dying of hunger, people will sleep on the streets over the coldest part of the year... and your primary concern is passing your degree?! Really?


I wasn't aware you could afford to donate much to charity on minimum wage. Nice attempt at derailing my thread though.


I have been through: SWG, Vanguard, Age of Conan, Rift launches... to name but a few. What ruined AoC was the insane lag and the 9 hour yes NINE hour down time on early access.


This game has had a textbook perfect early access launch. The discontent from players lies in their misunderstanding or plain failure to read the conditions of early access. Which is through no fault of BioWare.

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Fundamentally, people are sad because they've really wanted to play this game for a long, long time.


Some people couldnt pre-order the game the second they released it through no fault of their own (i.e. I was in Afghanistan at the time and bought it when I was on R&R a bit later).


Should they complain all over the forums? imo, no. But in their opinion yes. That doesnt make them bad people, or even particularly whiny people. They're just disappointed because they are eager to play.


This will all be forgotten in a few days time - when Im blasting them to bits with my giant Trooper Cannon!


Cheer up people.

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...because I preordered when it became available, around six months ago and way before there was a release date. I saw the whole first in line, first in game messages that were ALL over the forum boards and early access threads. I got my preorder, registered my code and I am now all set.


However, as I'd like to pass my degree, I wont be able to play (I'm away from home) until Thursday - the original start of Early Access. Guess what? I am not going to be shedding any tears for people who didn't or couldn't read the conditions of preordering and I wont feel at a disadvantage when peope have A MAXIMUM of TWO days, yes FOURTY-EIGHT hours of time to get ahead of me.


It disgusts me that some of you are so spoiled, you delude yourselves to the point you feel entitled to something as if it's your right. There are people dying of hunger, people will sleep on the streets over the coldest part of the year... and your primary concern is someone getting a day of play ahead of you?! Really?


One of the best forum posts all day long.


+1 Internets to you, good sir/madam.

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You obviously didn't understand at all. Would you be complaining here if the game started on Dec. 20th? Would you? If you would still complain, why aren't you complaining now that EGA didn't start on Dec. 12th? 11th? 10th? The point was that Bioware did you a favor by giving you any extra at all, and what do your repay them with? Complaints.



Really, it seems you're feeling angry that they're not giving you enough FREE playing time. And that, ladies and gents, is just as pathetic as the people who feel anger that other people got more free playing time.


You are assuming that segmenting the player base is a favor.... I disagree with that.


I'd prefer everyone who preorders starts at the same time a couple days early. Or if they do waves do rolling waves that get everyone in within a day or two. Not SEVEN days of segregation....


On launch they'll be people in my guild in the mid 30s or higher while others are just starting. Good luck with playing together, warzones etc.


I can deal with queues and lag, forced segregation is much more annoying.

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Unfortunately your arguments are so extreme and unrelated that they scarcely matter. While it's true that world hunger and poverty are more significant in the global scheme of things, arguing that is like bringing up Hitler. It's so extravagant people will just regard it as trolling and ignore it. Anyways, I don't care if people get in before me because they ordered earlier. However, I think you can understand that I would like to play the game as early as possible. Therefore, when I go to http://www.swtor.com/server-status and read that the majority of the servers are light population with not a single one being heavy population, I am rather disappointed that so few people were let in during these "waves" because BioWare had already conducted a stress test of the servers that had over 2 million people connect, and they could have let 500,000 people in the first day. A quarter of the total people that they had connected earlier, after they fixed problems associated with server stability. Instead, they took a minimalist approach and left tons of people that preordered before the first month was even over waiting to get in.
This. Well said.


You are assuming that segmenting the player base is a favor.... I disagree with that.


I'd prefer everyone who preorders starts at the same time a couple days early. Or if they do waves do rolling waves that get everyone in within a day or two. Not SEVEN days of segregation....


On launch they'll be people in my guild in the mid 30s or higher while others are just starting. Good luck with playing together, warzones etc.


I can deal with queues and lag, forced segregation is much more annoying.

And THIS is the crux of the problem.


It's not getting in later than others. It's that it tears apart guilds level wise. I have guildies in game already level 10+ now. By the time the last guildies get in the first will be 20+ if not more. We intended to enjoy flashpoints together and we are screwed.

Edited by Korrigan
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You are assuming that segmenting the player base is a favor.... I disagree with that.


I'd prefer everyone who preorders starts at the same time a couple days early. Or if they do waves do rolling waves that get everyone in within a day or two. Not SEVEN days of segregation....


On launch they'll be people in my guild in the mid 30s or higher while others are just starting. Good luck with playing together, warzones etc.


I can deal with queues and lag, forced segregation is much more annoying.


Before you start 'throwing your toys out of the pram', please take the time to go here and read what the developers have said about the EA launch.

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This. Well said.


And THIS is the crux of the problem.


It's not getting in later than others. It's that it tears apart guilds level wise. I have guildies in game already level 10+ now. By the time the last guildies get in the first will be 20+ if not more. We intended to enjoy flashpoints together and we are screwed.


Why doesn't your guild wait until all its members can start playing? Did somebody force them to start playing now?

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This. Well said.


And THIS is the crux of the problem.


It's not getting in later than others. It's that it tears apart guilds level wise. I have guildies in game already level 10+ now. By the time the last guildies get in the first will be 20+ if not more. We intended to enjoy flashpoints together and we are screwed.


I'm on TS listening to my guild run hammer station right now, They'll probably be 30 by Friday (when I hope to get in). :(


Why doesn't your guild wait until all its members can start playing? Did somebody force them to start playing now?



Ever tried to manage people before?

Edited by Darinford
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This. Well said.


And THIS is the crux of the problem.


It's not getting in later than others. It's that it tears apart guilds level wise. I have guildies in game already level 10+ now. By the time the last guildies get in the first will be 20+ if not more. We intended to enjoy flashpoints together and we are screwed.


What? How does that work? If they are higher level, they can help you through the flashpoint... it takes absolutely nothing away from the experience... just the exp you get.



See what I did there?!

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Well then in that case I would rather have no favors than one that was managed worse than it could have been. And for all intents and purposes, the game released yesterday. The devs stated it themselves. So if you think about it that way, swtor has now launched and only a fraction of the population is playing it.


... you just confirmed every thing I just said. You ARE the kind of person who hates the fact that other people got free gifts better than your free gifts. That is quite immature.


Who cares if only a fraction of the population gets to play? My 30 days haven't started yet. I'm not getting cheated out of my purchase. I'm glad some people got extra days to play. Why the hell should I, or you, feel vindictive about this? Your playing time isn't even being used! It's 30 days guaranteed! Where is the con? That other people are enjoying themselves? If you think that's a con...

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Why doesn't your guild wait until all its members can start playing? Did somebody force them to start playing now?
Be serious. You can't ask someone who just got a brand new MMO to wait 2, 3, 4 days for everybody to be in to start playing. Yourself would do that if in the situation, be honest. I don't mind the whole staggered access thing, they just should have done it differently for guilds not to be torn apart.


What? How does that work? If they are higher level, they can help you through the flashpoint... it takes absolutely nothing away from the experience... just the exp you get.



See what I did there?!

Yep, you posted a stupid answer to a serious concern.


Facerolling an instance in easy mode with a high level has NOTHING to do with doing it at the right level. Maybe you enjoy easy mode, I prefer to have at least some challenge.

Edited by Korrigan
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You're a paying customer, you wouldn't bum rush the doors of a shop at 6:50 if they said the opening time was 7:00... why do it here?



ehm we dont! you clearly dont understand! PRE Realese 13th dec! thats yesterday! we have been sitting here since yesterday! and if their beta testing was so good that they had 700k customers at once joining their servers, and it worked good etc. stable bla bla..


when the game is realesed the 13th DEC pre realese for people that have PRE Ordere it all have done it! no matter what i pre ordered mine at 21 july bla bla oh i pre ordered mine at 30 nov bla bla still all have pre ordered it then all imo should be in and playing! the servers r working , all servers are light populated etc..!


so we aint rushing 2 days earlier than 13th dec, we are here now and w8ing on the WORST MMO realese ever tbh to get finished!

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