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Everything posted by TwinIONengines

  1. /signed. And please fix it when they return while you're in a space mission and they flicker under your ship for the rest of the mission.
  2. If you're not enjoying the game there are two things that can make a big difference. One, is change class. The classes play a lot different from each other, and you just may not be playing one that suits you. The other thing is get out of the starter worlds. Stories develop, skills expand, mobs become more challenging. Any way, these helped me. Give it a try if you feel like trying to salvage your investment.
  3. My sage can get low but using TK (force lightning mirror) actually recharges my force because of how I'm spec'd. But spamming TK can be problematic in PvP as you can't move while casting and pretty much invites a backstab.
  4. I'm sorry but the goal is to get your team to win the map. I hate to see medal whoring glorified. Sitting in a spot casting NS and healing yourself advances no one but yourself. There are enough nubs running around chasing people without a guide to encourage it.
  5. Just make the "usable by" and other filters work and that'd solve 85% of the problems.
  6. Don't forget those trips back to the homeworld that require you going through the pointless exercise of running threw an orbital base both ways between the other shuttles you have to take.
  7. Yes, they did. No, he didn't. Not even a decent try.
  8. Cool, I knew people were curious. Thanks for posting.
  9. Spamming general chat for gold... you see I'll be new to the server and...
  10. Around level 30. Tons of info posted on this just do a search.
  11. I'd support this 100%. Do it in conjunction with locking down to only registered owners.
  12. I needed to be in bed like 2 hours ago but this forum is like a car accident. I can't help but look. I expected some fussing becuase someone always does, but never dreamed that this many would not comprehend what has been said all along.
  13. And lots of people will get 5 days. So, what's your point?
  14. Learn to read, dude. You're giving yourself a stroke over nothing.
  15. They said, they didn't want to promise a date and not be able to deliver to do unforseen circumstances. If you just registered in November, I would imagine your going to be closer to the 20th than not.
  16. It was a vote from the "I butcher the English language camp."
  17. Every poll shows Empire will be more populated. I'm rolling Republic because I want shorter PvP queue times and I like being the underdog. However, I am concerned about the mechanics of Ilum and Thieve's Den and the impact of population. The devs have said they are designing Ilum to eliminate pop imbalance issues but I didn't get far enough into beta to see how it actually works. Guess we're going to have to see how it goes.
  18. There was no scenario that would make everyone happy. They could have opened a ton of servers and let everyone in the same time. A month later half of the servers are empty causing consolidations and people would cry. They could have opened a handful of servers and let eveyone in the same time. The servers would have crashed and burned and people would cry. Opening the "right" amount of servers requires metrics. Staggering allows them to gather metrics to get the right number. But people have to wait in line and they cry.
  19. +1 For making sense. -1 For not posting in one of the many existing threads.
  20. I ordered online on July 21st. However, I left the next day to go camping in the mountains. So, I ended up not being able to register my code until Aug 18th since they didn't email my code until I was out of civilization. I'm patiently waiting, no one's fault but my own. But I better get in tomorrow dammit!
  21. That's why I never trust someone in a loin cloth.
  22. Check outside the middle of the night and most are heavy and full. If they were full at this time of night, they'd explode during peak times.
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