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Why ppl feels bored at lvl 50 with more content than wow in the release comprasion


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anyone that got to 50 played alot and anyone that plays 1 game alot gets burnt out. go outside or play another game. if you got to 50 already then you got your moneys worth.


First thing: I'm getting burnt out and am not playing this game anymore on a daily basis than I played LOTRO (2-years), Fallen Earth (6-months), Eve Online (6-months), Mabinogi (2 years), Everquest 2 (been playing that on-and-off since 2005 and still have an active account though I dropped to F2P), DDO (played since release, again an on-and-off account).



Second, your posturing aside, the issues this is an MMO. If you play to 50 and you're done because there's nothing meaningful left to do... You cancel. If the majority of us play to 50, find it boring, we just cancel, and the game fails. And actling like it won't happen...


Age of Conan and Warhammer Online were also AAA titles. They both went from 700K/800K intitial subs down to 100K subs and are now mired in the 'also ran' category. And they both failed for the same exact reason this game is faility to captivate me... Poor game design and lots of bugs in three games.


I pass on the entirely too long laundry list of amaturish bugs filling this game. I'll pass on the anemic Jedi Knight classes which are complete jokes. Here's a different, but typical sticks-in-my-craw, situation:



I'm out in Tattoine yesterday. On my Commando. Doing the quest for Professor Burba.


I'm level 29 and fighing sand people. I'm having some trouble quckly knocking down the enemy despite being geared as high as possible. It's not dangerous... It's just slow...


This Bounty Hunter comes by and just starts wasting the sandpeople. He's level 27 and he's just owning the area (full of 29--to-31 mobs). He takes on the end boss and solos it in no time at all and hardly breaks a sweat (or takes any damage). There was no "skill" there, it was just him standing there pumping out raw DPS. And, believe me, I'm just amazed at his dps. I've got NOTHING that comes close to him in sustained DPS and only mortar volley comes close in burst DPS.


And I don't have a bad kit. All my gear is moddable gear and my mod levels were are Mod-12 blues and some purples. I should be able to keep up with him. This is not a hard class to play witha lot of subtlties. It's very boom-boom enemy dead. And vasty out peforms my Jedi Knight in similar situations.


And yet I've got nothing on this guy. Who is two-levels below me.


So, what am I supposed to do? Re-roll? Why? I don't want to be forced to play only certain classes to succeed. In a well-designed MMO, like LOTRO for example, you can succeed in any quest chain with any class and I've gotten to the LOTRO end-game with everything from a Guardian (tank), Champion (AOE DPS specialist), Rune-Keeper (flexible healing/dps mage class), Loremaster (burst DPS/Crowd Control), to a Warden (jack of all trades, master of none light melee)... And while some LOTRO classes are, in PvE/PvP more powerful than others (Ministral is king), all of them succeed in PvE. I never had one class I thought "this is just broken." I never had any kind of 'class envy."


And yet this game is full of broken/imbalanced classes -- both intra-and-inter factionally. And these unaddressed, game-breaking issues have been reported to BioWare since closed-beta. And, to date, they're really not fixed them...


So why stay? If, after a year of open and closed beta, this game still has the same class balance issues... Has the same graphics and skill bugs... Why do I suddenly 'trust' BioWare to get it right? They haven't gotten it right in a year... There's no reason to expect them to get it right before I find this game to be unplayable dull and broken...


I'll finish my stories. Then I'll see. But I expect I'll be, like so many others, appalled by the end-game, PvP imbalance and lack of meaning time sinks that I'll just move on.


And you won't even get a "Goodbye Cruel BioWare" post...

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there's no one big meeting place that seems full of activity, like Ironforge or the cantinas in SWG. I've been to the fleet, or whatever it's called, and not too many people were around. I think one thing that adds to this feeling is that no one really chats in spatial chat. Most conversations seem to be in general chat. Occasionally I'll see a few people use emotes and say a few things to each other. Of course without chat bubbles it's easy to miss.


I used to play a bit of SWG, i think the fleets are supposed to be the main gathering place in this game but it is such a ball ache to actually get to the fleet with all the loading screens as already mentioned, there's not much if anything unique on the fleet that cant be found somewhere else. In SWG there were no loading screens that i can remember so making a decision as to whether you want to see if anyones about didnt involve considering whether you can be arsed to wait for all the loading to be done. Its a bit like when you are stuck in traffic, i much prefer travelling further and taking longer than sitting still in a traffic jam.


I think the other thing that the game is missing is the reliance on other players. Obviously you need help to do some missions but for this to be a game that someone plays for several years with the same few characters, there needs to be much more reliance on other players. Like in SWG, although the missions were a pile of turd, that didnt matter so much because there was so much you could do and gain from interacting with other players.


As someone already said, you shouldnt be able to complete this game in 10 days, 10 months maybe, but not 10 days.

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Corbanite said it best, IMO.


Everyone claims to have started WoW on day 1, but I know that's simply not true or they are viewing the game with rose colored glasses.


WoW launched with a sales record 350,000 copies sold over launch weekend. I was there.


When WoW launched, 50-60 was a grind. A. Total. Grind. And it took a month to hit 60 unless you played 24/7.


At 60, you either ran one of three instances (no hard modes, no raids), or went out and grinded for gold (only a handful of reps), raided Southshore (no BGs), or rerolled.


Once Blizz realized rerolling was boring (99% of the quests were exactly the same post-20, and there were no "alternative paths," because you had to do every quest in every zone or grind), they started introducing content like BGs, raids, and two xpacs/four years later, hard modes.


We made our own fun in the game, just like you did in EQ/FFXI. There were many nights I'd log into FFXI, set up my bazaar, and stand around for two hours doing nothing but talking to my LS. And it was fun.


WoW totally changed it from the "I'm going to log in and see what my friends are doing" to "I'm going to log in, do a couple arena matches, run a few BGs, and get my daily heroics done, then raid on Tues night for three hours for my chance at loot."


^This is what gamers expect now.

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1 main reason I think people are bored is because Hard Mode FP's aren't repeatable on a daily basis.


If it's an off-night of raiding you have nothing to do but PVP or dailies or fetch datacrons once you finish your 7 FP's(if you still need them).

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Sounds to me a lot of people who played MMOs like this before are just getting burnt out. Or disillusioned with MMORPGs in general. I've been there once before. It felt like if you played one, you've played them all. And that one is usually WoW.


For me, that one was Everquest.


I still play though, because at this time I don't have anything more productive I can do until February at least. It isn't that bad, this game is fun as long as you don't rush through it. Every new MMO designer misjudges the speed it takes for players to plow through content. Realistically, a month's work on content adds like maybe a week and a half to how long it will take for people to get sick of it.


Here are some tips to help you through the burnout:


  • Roleplay If you don't like roleplaying, you probably never attempted it. This is a Star Wars theme, you won't have a more defined canon to pull from unless you were playing LOTRO.
  • PvP If PvP is boring, it's mostly because people are still trying to figure out effective strategies. Just stick with it.
  • Don't Skip The Dialogue If you skipped the entire story to rush to 50, you just skipped passed a good portion of the actual game. Make an alt and go through it again.
  • Challenge Yourself Make an alt and attempt heroic content solo, or duo harder heroic content.
  • PvP Server Enjoy being ganked.
  • Play Something Else Maybe you have max level characters in WoW, Aion, LOTRO, DDO, Rift, and then some. Maybe it's time you took a break from MMORPGs in general.
  • Errrrnnnnggggggffff Pick up a programming language, amass tons of resources and contacts, code your own MMO, make it perfect, ???, profit.


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at least I have Tera to look forward to with huge sandbox world and I hope seamless like Lineage 2 was. Outdoor bosses ftw, instancing is lame.


Tera doesn't have instances, right? :(


Edit: fuuuu, I just remembered I think I read Tera will have "channels" like swtor and gw does for when so many players are in one zone it makes a dupe and puts others there. Why are people so afraid of each other?? RAWWWR>!!!

Edited by Swirly
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I must agree, I'm enjoying the game thus far got to pretty high level in the 40s, but I remember one of my favorite thing to do in WoW was going to different cities and towns and pvping that way.


Although now WoW has guards up everywhere and you no longer can do that, in vanilla that was the most fun thing to do. I guess it's the FREEDOM to do that IF we wanted to. IT adds another layer to the game.

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Editing your post to put a line in Bold and Underlined doesn't make it true.


SWTOR is possibly one of the most linear games I've ever played. There is no choice in levelling zones (Compare - WOTLK: Howling/Borean - Cataclysm: Vash'jir/Hyjal). There is no reason now that I am 50 to go anywhere apart from Ilum or the Fleet.


I've got my Datacrons, my Matrix Shards, the zones are now pointless. There's no minipets to farm, no mounts to work on, no achievements to go back and do. Nada.


having a single choice between 2 zones, then linear swiftly after that is not choice. It is very limiting, and cannot be used as a real argument that shows wow is open, especially when everything there is to do at endgame happens in the city.


Wow is just as linear as swtor, if not more, because Swtor still has a level 50 zone that is fairly active. The difference is that Wow opened with the promise of exploring everything and conquering new lands with friends and all that jazz. That is no longer true. Swtor opened with the promise of fulfilling a story. Stories are supposed to be linear, and so Bioware has kept their promise.

Edited by Amandeep
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having a single choice between 2 zones, then linear swiftly after that is not choice. It is very limiting, and cannot be used as a real argument that shows wow is open, especially when everything there is to do at endgame happens in the city.


Wow is just as linear as swtor, if not more, because Swtor still has a level 50 zone that is fairly active. The difference is that Wow opened with the promise of exploring everything and conquering new lands with friends and all that jazz. That is no longer true. Swtor opened with the promise of fulfilling a story. Stories are supposed to be linear, and so Bioware has kept their promise.


"fairly active"?


I'm not sure how you can call 40 Imperials waiting for a Republic guy to reset a base, "fairly active".


The dailies are pointless btw, better gear is gained from PvP, quicker.


If Bioware want a subscriber base, they need more than "Well you finished the story durr".

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I have to agree that im getting really tired of walking through lots of loading zones every time i just want to leave a planet.


If i land on the republic fleet, I dont want to walk out of my ship-load screen, then walk to the elevator-load screen, THEN im there.


If i go to a new planet its worse, first i need to go through 2 load screens to just get to my ship. once i select the planet and land, i need to go through 2 more loadscreens, and tons of walking (no mount allowed) on the HUGE spaceport before im actually there.


They could have skipped several of the loadscreens by letting you load directly from ship to the main inside of republic fleet for example.

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Bioware should focus on adding level 50 content, including level 50 worlds. This would make the world feel more open because you wouldn't need to have leveled content.


They also should speed up the leveling process for alts so that people can spend more time on level 50 worlds. One way to do this would be to use the legacy system to give a boost to new characters on the same account. Also, they need to make sure that gear does not become a heavy requirement for running new worlds. Instead, gear should add customization and flexibility.

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same until 50 it was so fun, after 50 it is almost impossible to find pve groups everyone does pvp, and if you are lucky enough to find a party you start to struggle with various bugs, it makes me feel I play a beta game, bugs are everywhere, today I won 2 warzone matchs and they didnt count, I abandoned quest retake and it started to count again but these 2 warzone wins for nothing and couldnt enter to any flashpoint with my hardly organized group becouse keep telling me party leader need to reset active flashpoints but funny thing is there is not such button, when you click portrait there is only reset active operations buttons... I'm realy dissapointed about this game, waited 2 years, preordered, upgraded my pc and I dont enjoy at all at endgame, enormous amount of bugs doesnt help also, I dont think I will continue to play after free month
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A lot of complaining about the end game when the vast majority of players aren't there yet even on their mains.


there is alot of 50 but no one wants to do flashpoints becouse pvp gear is so easy to get and better, and that kills endgame content, last week I found only 5 groups for flashpoints

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The problem (in my opinion) is when you hit the level cap, you come across the same exact grind as WoW had. I left WoW because I was bored of doing the same exact thing every day. This game offers the same exact things WoW does. Nothing new at all.
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You can make 100 worlds but big whoop if each is only the size of one WOW zone.
This is just plain wrong. The smallest worlds (Tython, Ord Mantel) are already as large or larger than a WoW zone. The large worlds (Tatooine, Alderaan, Hoth, Belsavis, Corellia, Voss) are the size of 3, 4 or 5+ WoW zones.


The total explorable size of SWTOR is larger than WoW was at release.

Edited by Korrigan
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Editing your post to put a line in Bold and Underlined doesn't make it true.


SWTOR is possibly one of the most linear games I've ever played. There is no choice in levelling zones (Compare - WOTLK: Howling/Borean - Cataclysm: Vash'jir/Hyjal). There is no reason now that I am 50 to go anywhere apart from Ilum or the Fleet.


I see nothing to compare here. You bring an example of their second and third expansions. It's simply not a valid argument. Wow Vanilla was just about as lineair as this game is. But no of course, since it's very populair to bash SWTOR for incompetence let's just jump on the bandwagon and tag along, right?

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I see nothing to compare here. You bring an example of their second and third expansions. It's simply not a valid argument. Wow Vanilla was just about as lineair as this game is. But no of course, since it's very populair to bash SWTOR for incompetence let's just jump on the bandwagon and tag along, right?


Sure, WoW Vanilla was.


It's a shame WoW Vanilla came out in 2004/2005 (US/EU).


Comparing a new product to a game that came out in 2004 is a ridiculous thing to do.


It's almost as if 7 years of innovation never happened.

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