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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vette made the news!


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Happens to every game. Suprised peta hasn't ripped into the front lines yet. If your gonna try to censor any violence in games, might as well shut the whole internet down and tell the media they can only report stories of happy bubble blowing pandas and gumdrop houses.


...also, you'd have to get rid of csi and ncis, thus putting 1000's of overpaid "c" list actors on the unemployment lines.

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this i find incredibly sad.. its a game. if this game honestly makes some one go out and torture and hurt anyone then THAT person is a sick twisted idiot. this game wont make anyone become some sick slave owning pervert as much as it will make someone gain knowledge in the force....


pathetic and sad

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When I started playing my sith warrior and I saw you could torture her I knew that some dumb *** report was gonna say something.


Have to agree. To many goody-goodies in this world trying to press their views onto others. If you do not like it then do not play it. Simple as that. I think everyone here has their own view on the subject and are able to come to their own conclusions about it.

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this i find incredibly sad.. its a game. if this game honestly makes some one go out and torture and hurt anyone then THAT person is a sick twisted idiot. this game wont make anyone become some sick slave owning pervert as much as it will make someone gain knowledge in the force....


pathetic and sad


Some shrink said Bulletstorm would increase **** and assault & battery on women because it's finishing blows were named stuff like "Rear Entry" etc..and of course nothing happened.

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Didn't they ***** about mass effect's sex scene.


That was from some idiot who didn't even watch them and started saying things like it featured full frontal and penetration and other complete lies.

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'General chat would regularly be filled with other Sith Warriors discussing how poorly they treated Vette. They boasted of her low opinion of them, negative numbers on the game's companion friendship scale.'


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2082153/Hit-Star-Wars-game-lets-players-torment-female-sex-slave-electric-shock-collar.html#ixzz1iXCxsHkl




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