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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hero Engine: why?


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The Engine is archaic




#1: Made by a developer that makes text games

#2: The developer never even made a game to release that used it

#3: Almost no games to ever this this engine were ever release. In fact, only one did and it was an MMO that only was open for a half year before closing down. Main complaint of players? Bugs

#4: The game is OLD, was never updated to support new technologies. Why is it a surprise that BW is struggling to improve the engine?


The foundation of this game is flawed. They will be spending most of their time trying to fix it rather than create content.







I'll let this month run out, then I'm back to rift until GW2 is out.


Funny you say that I actually just re-subbed to Rift as well. If you take the Star Wars IP away from this game and take a hard look at it you'll see its an unfixable disaster.

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Game engine question...


Is it possible for BioWare to toggle graphics (that cannot be overridden) "on the fly" for individual zones?


I saw the post about adjusting your LOD to -3, increasing detail and making reflective surfaces more pronounced. My game has those reflective surfaces and I haven't adjusted my LOD.


The funny thing is, sometimes surfaces are reflective, sometimes they aren't, in the same zone, with the same graphic settings.

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ahh the hero engine, putting out top notch games such as the following:


Faxion Online

Star Wars: The Old Republic from BioWare




Hero's Journey - Company's game the engine was developed for.

Origins - Developed by Burning Dog

Prime: Battle For Dominus by PitchBlack Games

The Repopulation - Being developed by Above and Beyond Technologies

Visions of Zosimos by Forever Interactive


Only heard of 1 game on that list, so I guess thats saying alot about the engine lol.

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Wow, some serious hate for the Hero Engine.


I don't blame Bioware for taking an existing engine and modifying it. Developing an engine is a lot of work and there are tons of mistakes to be made. And it isn't as though they just used the Hero engine raw - they took the source and worked from there.


I can't think of any software development team that doesn't utilize pre-developed APIs to write their code. And, if you can, it is always worth purchasing frameworks that give you a development boost too.


When I read about comparisons with WoW - I have to say that I see better overall graphics in SWTOR. The WoW engine is a bit smoother and can run on lesser powered machines, but it is also an engine getting close to a decade old and optimized again and again for that particular game. When Blizzard releases Titan, they'll have a new engine with its own bumps and hiccups too.



I guess people will just find things to complain about. Given time, this engine of SWTOR will smooth out like WoWs did.

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The good news is Marvel Universe will be using the the Unreal Engine. Which will lay waste to DCUO and SOE's failed attempt, though that game would have soared if any other company had taken it on. Possibly even Bioware, dare I say it. It's clear this is their 1st MMO.


Read all about it here and we see what 2012 MMO graphics should look like.




This is what happens when a company has the money and the time to do what's right for both their bank account and the customer's.


I hope EA execs are working long hours, taking less vacations and eating less lobster for breakfast after this major plunder that is SWTOR.

Edited by VoXPCS
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Yea... well... thats also Oblivion's and Skyrim's engine...


LOL. Are you serious? Skyrim does not use the same engine as Oblivion. Oblivion used Gamebryo... same as Fallout 3/New Vegas. Skyrim uses the Creation engine.

Edited by Gungan
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People love to bring up WoW to defend SWTOR.


"WoW is 10 years old!"


No one is talking about WoW..other mmos like Rift came out from very very small companies without much money and are fantastic products. You may not like them or think them fun, but they are smooth, complete and had great launches.


Call me Naive but i thought bioware with the backing of EA would product something better than Rift was at launch. Instead its painful to look at this.


Remove the star wars from this game, and consider what your left with. Would you play this game, all things similar if it wasnt for the fact it was SW?

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Man can't believe this thread has so many views.


Honestly the reason this game can't handle 50 vs 50 battles is because the graphics are so good. The animations and particle effects are nothing short of amazing.


When a level designer who worked on Rage praises TOR design, I take his word for it. I believe my own eyes and what I've seen to date compared to TOR. Nothing comes close.

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Man can't believe this thread has so many views.


Honestly the reason this game can't handle 50 vs 50 battles is because the graphics are so good. The animations and particle effects are nothing short of amazing.


When a level designer who worked on Rage praises TOR design, I take his word for it. I believe my own eyes and what I've seen to date compared to TOR. Nothing comes close.


Was this supposed to be an argument? All you're really saying here is everything you've looked at besides TOR is poor. That doesn't make TOR inherently good--just better than bad.

Edited by marshalleck
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Was this supposed to be an argument? All you're really saying here is everything you've looked at besides TOR is poor. That doesn't make TOR inherently good--just better than bad.


I've seen all the latest engines. Did you not see me mention Rage? Do you even know what Id Tech 5 is?

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Man can't believe this thread has so many views.


Honestly the reason this game can't handle 50 vs 50 battles is because the graphics are so good. The animations and particle effects are nothing short of amazing.


When a level designer who worked on Rage praises TOR design, I take his word for it. I believe my own eyes and what I've seen to date compared to TOR. Nothing comes close.


Everyone, this is a prime example, (for those that don't know) of someone that doesn't have any experience in the gaming world. Little to no points of reference and zero basis for his statement.


"Because the graphics are so amazing" just screams, "I have very low standards and don't really understand what I'm talking about, but please listen, I'm right."


**EDIT** and Rage was visually superior to most everything out there, however I think the same story writers for Rage worked on TOR as well, the game overall was a complete flop and absolutely terrible to play. But it was a gorgeous game. That doesn't pay the bills.

Edited by VoXPCS
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For the love of... the graphics are not "very good". They are decent. Please just stop. The full extent? Waah? The game looks no where good enough to warrant how poor it runs. You're delusional.


This right here ^^. They say they used dx9 to reach a broader spectrum of players?

If a person can afford 60-80 dollars out of the gate plus a monthly sub of 15 dollars,

*** arent there rigs up to par like the rest of us Derp, and sorry if Im derailing this topic at all. Just agreeing with the above poster.

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Archeage uses Cryengine 3!



It looks like they're using all the graphical resources on character models, cuz the environment looks godawfully drab and lacking detail.


Then again CryEngine has always been amazing for faces and characters primarily.


For my money Unreal 3 is still my favourite engine.

Edited by Gungan
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Everyone, this is a prime example, (for those that don't know) of someone that doesn't have any experience in the gaming world. Little to no points of reference and zero basis for his statement.


"Because the graphics are so amazing" just screams, "I have very low standards and don't really understand what I'm talking about, but please listen, I'm right."


**EDIT** and Rage was visually superior to most everything out there, however I think the same story writers for Rage worked on TOR as well, the game overall was a complete flop and absolutely terrible to play. But it was a gorgeous game. That doesn't pay the bills.


Show me an MMO with better animations and particle effects. You are focused on one thing, textures and scenery. Somehow I lack knowledge by looking at the stronger points?

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The good news is Marvel Universe will be using the the Unreal Engine. Which will lay waste to DCUO and SOE's failed attempt, though that game would have soared if any other company had taken it on. Possibly even Bioware, dare I say it. It's clear this is their 1st MMO.


Read all about it here and we see what 2012 MMO graphics should look like.




This is what happens when a company has the money and the time to do what's right for both their bank account and the customer's.



hmmm what engine does dcuo use oh yeah Unreal

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