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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Community Blog Post Discussion: New Year’s PvP Update


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Nice to hear alot more is coming :D

Game is already amazing and I have not even touched much of the PvP yet. Just loving the stories, chracters,etc.. when I get to playing more PvP it looks like there will be some nice updates (:


Keep up the good work! The game is awesome and its nice to see some more PvP stuff coming!

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If I miss something from this for first reading then that will be 2v2-3v3 whatever arena brackets.


I do not mind if there would be different reward system, just the fun is what I need from it and the possibility to play easily ONLY with people I know.

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So you guys blaming the devs that more ppl created imperial toons than republic ones? lol.


No one said that, up until you did, genius. But now that you mentioned it, who else is responsible? MMO devs have a long tradition of pouring all their coolest ideas into the "evil" faction, and reserving the mundane stuff for the "good" faction. People ride horses? Yeah, okay. Give that to the alliance. Now what's cool that we can give to horde? In SWTOR, I don't want a sage because some of the hats are so foolish. And I know another person who thinks the same. Is there ANYTHING on the empire side that bad? Anyone who can't extend the list on their own is either very biased or entirely blind. Cheers.

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This is awesome news to see... I can't wait for this all to be in-game. Thanks for the dev post on this, seriously :). I saw the AMA mentioning there may be a post soon, but I wasn't expecting anything this quickly, let alone this detailed.


As far as open-world population balance I'd say using a system with scaling reward buffs for the underpopulated side (less players present comparatively = more rewards) would incentivize people to rally and at least try to attack smaller groups they can find + guerilla objectives.


with the kind of imbalance out there they would need to reward some Ferrari to incentive enough.

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That's all good stuff. Glad to hear it. Still continue to be disappointed that no one ever talks about expanding rewards beyond the unimaginative LOOT. That's okay though...no other game is doing it either. Loot is king, now... the almighty loot...
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I think a frontiers like RvR would be awesome. See old school DAoC. You could have Ilum be one, where it's sith vs republic, and tweak it a bit, and then a second planet that has 3 factions, dark, light and neutral all fighting for control of fortresses and resources.
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I've read most the comments and try to see things from both sides. The problem as I have experienced it is basic. The buffs they use to balance PvP in the warzones are NOT working. I'm only a level 36 sentinel, but I have put a great deal of time into getting as good equipment as I can. Most of my stuff is far better than the average person of equal level and I am constantly inspecting others to see how my stuff stacks up. My mods are mostly purple with a few blue and always kept up to my level. I expect to have at least a fighting chance in the warzones but am constantly and consistently proven that I have NO chance of survival against level 45+ player unless I have one on my side keeping me alive. A level 50 Sith Sorcerer started gunning for me when she realized her lightning could kill me flat out in about 2 sec no matter what I did. I watched a Sith Juggernaught walk from one end of the hut ball area to the other with the ball, with every single player on my team wailing on him, and he barely took a scratch as he strolled in for his 6th point. Then considering as most have verified that the population is very heavily Imperial, each warzone match usually has at least 3 or 4 imperial members at level 50.


All I'm saying is that the higher levels have such an incredible advantage that it takes away from the fun of the game when all you do is die and lose. Their abilities are maxed and so is their gear. So I"m all for a separate bracket of some kind unless they find a sway to properly scale players evenly. Not just damage and hp.

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Open World PvP on Ilum: The planet of Ilum currently allows for open world PvP even on a PvE server, but the mechanics and incentives of the planet are not in as intended yet. We’re working on longer term goals for the planet and for other PvP areas, but expect to see some interim adjustments in January - such as more respawn points to focus conflicts, restricting Companion Characters from the area, and revisions to rewards. Ilum will also become a major source of Valor. Valor buffs will increase and decrease based on the objectives your faction owns. These buffs increase the amount of Valor you receive per player kill. However they do not give anything in and of themselves, so players will still need to defeat other players for significant Valor rewards. Additionally, daily and weekly missions will require player kills to complete. Player kills for quests and Valor credit will have diminishing returns per player killed. So, the more players that are fighting other players, the better it is for everyone.



The requirement for player kills will really suck for healers and squishy's.

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Blizzard tried to recreate Hillsbrad on various occasions.


They failed miserably.


Open World PvP happens, you cannot design it.


It's that simple.




The initial 10+ hours alterac could be considered Open World PvP as well.

Probably THE most fun BG WoW ever had :>


Old southshore pvp T_T


to return in topics..


A step in right direction ....but if they dont manage to fix the ability lag .. pvp just RIP ..

Edited by Isgarot
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To note again: The basic requirement for open PvP are Factions with a balanced population.

SWTOR is lacking that.


Ilum with Kill quests (or in general also) will never work without any sort of Buff for the underpopulated faction.



Yeah, that worked out so well in WoW.

Go our and recruit for your faction. It isn't the dev's job to convince people to play.

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