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10 Good
  1. You have the solution there. If you bought it, and it's unbound, and "X minutes" haven't elapsed, you should be able to sell back at full price. Did you try it on first? It's bound now; you get the "used" price. Did you try and fail to sell it on the auction house for a big markup? The "X minutes" have elapsed. It's used now; you get the "used" price. If they had a confirmation panel at the time of purchase, then it might be more acceptable to resell unbound duplicates at the 10% buyback price. But no confirmation + punitive resale... that's not right.
  2. Hopefully that will work for the OP. I haven't had any luck with the protocol droid, myself. I've had a grey partially done quest "Twilek Trouble" in my quest log forever. I can't abandon it, and it counts against my 25 quest max. I put in a ticket and got a reply from the protocol droid. The problem would be resolved, it said. That was over a week ago. Nothing's changed. Nothing's ever gonna change. I've just got a character with a 24 quest max, and I have to deal with it. It's more of a nuisance than a major inconvenience. But every time I see it, I wonder how so many rough edges escaped the beta. The client seems pretty stable, and I'm grateful for that. I haven't had a crash to desktop since I started. But so many nagging little UI problems...
  3. Depends on what you're talking about. Many things for sale are obviously things you'd buy a lot of. And, yeah, maybe a guy with loads of credits might say "I'm gonna buy me one of every speeder." A diligent game designer would put a simple minimally-intrusive "You just bought one of those. Did you really intend to buy another?" message up. How hard is that? Or they could allow sell-back of unused items at full price within a certain time-frame. Because it's far more likely that multiple purchases of items like that are an error. The user will be grateful the game caught the error. And the rare times it wasn't an error, the user won't care that he/she had to click a "Yes, I did mean it" button. Are you *really* defending the current situation? Come on. Seriously, this is just sloppy design. Pointlessly sloppy design, in fact. It's a rough edge that should have been polished smooth during the beta period. Think about it this way: the situation the OP found himself in BREAKS the feeling that you're really in that world. Imagine you go to a car dealership. You go and want to check out a few cars. Every time you sit behind the wheel of one of them, they get one of those models from the back of the lot and pull it around front. You'd notice them accumulating out front. And even if you didn't, you'd sit up and scream bloody murder when the bill was $350k instead of $35k, because they said you had just bought all 10 Lexuses (including 6 of the exact same model, because you sat in the demo 6 times). There would never, ever be a question of "Didn't you notice you bought one every time you shook my hand? Says so on the sign out front." You'd simply say "BS. I'm not paying for all those cars. I'm buying one, and if you don't apologize right now, I'm not even buying that."
  4. What you're saying is that, after starting out offensively, you don't understand why people didn't read the later portions of your post carefully? Perhaps the pedantic English teacher needs a lesson in rhetoric: don't bury your major point so that it's lost. You clumsily started out with a lengthy and offensive distraction that had nothing to do with what you thought was the central point. To most readers, though, that distraction WAS your central point, and they didn't read past it. For clumsiness and poor planning, you get a D. Be less offensive next time, and people might read your whole post. And please don't indulge yourself in the hypocrisy of calling other people pretentious, after opening up on the OP with that utterly asinine reply. Just take your lumps and try to be more civil next time. There was no call the tone you took in your initial reply. Nobody gave you worse than you earned. And no, the OP's problem wasn't "entirely user error," no matter how much you envy his credits. It was partly user error, and partly poor design. He's bringing his story to the forums, and he's describing what exactly he did and what he thought should be the result. It doesn't matter how much money he did or didn't have. (And on a personal note: if you're bitter about people being rich in a virtual universe, you must be loads of fun about the same in real life).
  5. Here's the problem I have with your argument. You seem to feel that the look and feel of the Jedi Consular sux compared to the opposition. But rather than make that argument, you want an exemption if you get enough dark side points. Why not simply ask why the devs had to make the 'coolness gap' so ridiculously wide? My own problem with it is that the lightning was not something granted to newbie darksiders. It was something only the Emperor whipped out in the first trilogy. Even Vader couldn't do it. Later, the Emperor's apprentice could do it, but it was *still* a very high-level skill. On the light side, though, what happened? High level jedi could absorb the lightning with their lightsaber. And higher level jedi could throw it right back at you. It's ridiculous in huttball to see this incredible nonstop lightning storm going every which-way. One side's fx are over-the-top and fill the screen, and the other's are essentially invisible.
  6. Serious question here: Which class (& subclass?) are you talking about? I've only been playing a short time. My main focus is (or wants to be) PvP. I've been "pulled" in Huttball, but everything was so frenetic that I couldn't figure out who did it. Thx.
  7. No one said that, up until you did, genius. But now that you mentioned it, who else is responsible? MMO devs have a long tradition of pouring all their coolest ideas into the "evil" faction, and reserving the mundane stuff for the "good" faction. People ride horses? Yeah, okay. Give that to the alliance. Now what's cool that we can give to horde? In SWTOR, I don't want a sage because some of the hats are so foolish. And I know another person who thinks the same. Is there ANYTHING on the empire side that bad? Anyone who can't extend the list on their own is either very biased or entirely blind. Cheers.
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